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His Majesty strips fugitive Phra Dhammachayo of patriarch rank


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9 hours ago, hobobo said:

I bet he is so upset now that he will turn himself in :sad:

Don't think your sentence is complete. More appropriately: "I bet he is so upset now that he will turn himself in to a shape-shifting lizard, or perhaps a water monitor"......now hold on a minute, wasn't one of those creatures seen being helpfully freed by the cops in a local klong? :whistling:

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Don't think your sentence is complete. More appropriately: "I bet he is so upset now that he will turn himself in to a shape-shifting lizard, or perhaps a water monitor"......now hold on a minute, wasn't one of those creatures seen being helpfully freed by the cops in a local klong? :whistling:

I hope your talking about the abbot!
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3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

So what happens now that he is a mere mortal??


He always was a mere mortal. Nothing has changed, merely a demotion in rank. His followers will be unchanged in their misplaced affections for this individual.

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3 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

The author is a bona fide academic and has no reason to sensationalise or distort.

The only other sources on this topic are misinformation and prejudice - which everyone on this thread has fallen for.




So you believe all bona-fide academics are perfect and none have any bias.


How quaint.

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2 hours ago, dcnx said:

Not gonna hold my breath.


At the end of the day, the real dirty work still rests in the hands of superstitious boys with very little problem solving skills.


And let's also not forget, this monk has super powers and can not only walk on water, but can make himself invisible.


And he can fly.

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3 hours ago, scorecard said:

Well given your past clear display of your 'colours', I'm not surprised at the gist of your opportune post.

Common sense is indeed multi-coloured, but kindly stick to arguing the point. What is your refutation of the points in Taylor's article? I have yet to see any, only a crusade to stick it to the monks - desperate and prejudicial, as are all crusades.

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Common sense is indeed multi-coloured, but kindly stick to arguing the point. What is your refutation of the points in Taylor's article? I have yet to see any, only a crusade to stick it to the monks - desperate and prejudicial, as are all crusades.

I think the answers to your questions are on the linked article. There's a comment section at the bottom of the page that will be interesting to you.

As for me, a simple case of using a temple to launder stolen cash. It's nothing new, this time though we've got the boys in green running the show. They're big on anti-corruption. So, they caught the monk with his hand in the till. Simple.
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12 hours ago, JAG said:

Stripping this fellow of his (Royal granted) clerical rank is as pointed out a royal perogative. Going after him for alleged criminal activity is also justified, even if, as so often here I am sceptical about the motives for tackling "high end criminals"; but going after the owner of Khlong Luang Market because she has allowed protestors to gather there rather smacks of something else.

Give it to us then 'JAG': multiple choice question: do you think the owner of Khlong Luan market did that: a) because he is a good and generous human being living according to the real principles of Buddhism; b.  because he has become a dedicated follower of the deviant Dhammakaya cult; c) because he has a fixation on the safron colour the 'monks' wear; d) because he loves money a lot and the presence of that 'temple' next to his market brings him a lot of it; e) because he is yet another alien, who wants to stay close to the golden UFO in case of evacuation.

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12 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Yes, you are correct. This monk has had three Royally bestowed monastic titles conferred upon him over the years:


Phrasudharmayanathera in 1991


Phrarajbhavanavisudh in 1996


Phrathepyanmahamuni in 2011

according to the Royal Gazette.



'mtls2005': Thank you for sharing the intel, let's be 'resilient': maybe in 1991 and 1996 it had not, yet, become, erm, very clear what that Dhammajayo was really doing, but, that by 2011 the 'un-holy smell' had not spread around enough to irritate the sensitive nostrils of some members of His late Majesty's entourage...!? It would be interesting to know the names of those who were behind the recommendation which was presented to His late Majesty for undersigning. I guess the late Supreme Patriarch was not among them... It could shed a new light on some of the 'high ones' who are staunch supporters of this personal cult, and probably protecting it till today... Anyway, His Majesty's decision is, IMHO, a laudable one. Let's hope it will be the signal for the NCPO, Government, Military, Police, etc. to MOVE, at last, and in a decisive way! 

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18 hours ago, davehowden said:

Good news indeed.


Yes, really "good news"........... for the General.


Like the assassination of Trotsky was good news for Stalin and that of Ernst Rohm good news for Hitler.




Edited by Enoon
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18 hours ago, MorristheRunt said:

Interesting move by the new king, and hopefully the first of many.


Despite a lot of reservations, maybe he could really shake this country up, and leave a fitting legacy for generations to come.


Get to work on the green shirts next hopefully.


unable  to  comment

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19 hours ago, KKr said:

The Royal Intervention displays the Wisdom of the Royal Dynasty.
Long Live the King.

The above post should be removed.

ThaiVisa Forum Rules:

" By law, the Thai Royal Family are above politics. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. "


Good for the goose, as they say.

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2 hours ago, Centrum said:

The above post should be removed.

ThaiVisa Forum Rules:

" By law, the Thai Royal Family are above politics. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. "


Good for the goose, as they say.

Well,  take it up with the moderators but bear in mind that the TV rules also state in effect - the moderators decision is final and as they have allowed it to remain you are in conflict with the rules, good for the goose etc. 


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Who bets for the next patriarch being Luang Pu Buddha Isara?

Oh god no.  Lets all pray

If Buddha Isara does make it to the top of the religious establishment those of us here who do believe in Almighty God, and practice that belief, whether it is through The Bible or The Koran, are likely going to be doing rather a lot of praying!
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Stripping this fellow of his (Royal granted) clerical rank is as pointed out a royal perogative. Going after him for alleged criminal activity is also justified, even if, as so often here I am sceptical about the motives for tackling "high end criminals"; but going after the owner of Khlong Luang Market because she has allowed protestors to gather there rather smacks of something else.

Give it to us then 'JAG': multiple choice question: do you think the owner of Khlong Luan market did that: a) because he is a good and generous human being living according to the real principles of Buddhism; b.  because he has become a dedicated follower of the deviant Dhammakaya cult; c) because he has a fixation on the safron colour the 'monks' wear; d) because he loves money a lot and the presence of that 'temple' next to his market brings him a lot of it; e) because he is yet another alien, who wants to stay close to the golden UFO in case of evacuation.

I don't know, and anyway your "multiple choice question" rather confines the answer to endorsing one of a number of answers which fit your assumptions - but then that's often the point with " multiple choice questions" isn't it.

I'm more interested in why the DSI (an agency of the government) feel it necessary to "punish" someone (she by the way) who shows some sympathy for the sect and it's followers.
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19 hours ago, MorristheRunt said:

My money is on Luang, mad monk, put your money in the sack, Suthep

"Sonthi Limthongkul" has given money to measure Wat Oh at least 10 million baht will be considered "Buddhist freedom" to receive the "Throne"?



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4 hours ago, Centrum said:

The above post should be removed.

ThaiVisa Forum Rules:

" By law, the Thai Royal Family are above politics. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family. "


Good for the goose, as they say.

If it were to be found that the "above post" is not in line with Forum Rules, which it is not, being an objective observation in a duly Respectful and Sincere manner, then I do not mind deletion or suspension of the account.

Edited by KKr
putting a comma in the right position.
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4 hours ago, JAG said:


If Buddha Isara does make it to the top of the religious establishment those of us here who do believe in Almighty God, and practice that belief, whether it is through The Bible or The Koran, are likely going to be doing rather a lot of praying!


which  like ALL prayers  will remain unanswered, yet the faithful never wonder why:w00t:

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