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White House asks Congress to probe Trump's accusation of Obama wiretap


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On 3/6/2017 at 4:29 PM, DM07 said:

He is just making up 5h1t, as he goes along.

Just to distract from all 5h1t under shoes of those, he put into office and from all the lunacy, that is now called "the American presedency"!

I really, seriously ask myself, how any of his supporters can still go "Yup...that's my guy!"

Maybe b/c they are more like him than different. And they all claim to love America. lol Doesn't seem like it to me; especially the Republican Congress. 

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On 3/6/2017 at 4:34 PM, Jingthing said:

People -- this is SERIOUS.

Definitely the biggest political crisis in modern American history.

Makes Nixon's Watergate seem like child's play.

trump isn't going to be easy to remove but he MUST be removed!

There is ZERO hope he will magically become SANE. 

Americans must face up to this mistake and get cracking to make America OK again by removing the clown demagogue in the oval office. 




I totally agree Jingthing. I've been stating this for .... seems like an eternity... awhile. I'm not sure who's listening. I'd suggest viewing Rachel Maddo (MSNBC) and on youtube. She is a smart and courageous fact buff. Just the facts; just the facts. But as we know facts w/ out action are insignificant. If Republican Bannon/Putin/Trump continue history will be written according to them. They must be gotten rid of.

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On 3/6/2017 at 5:41 PM, darksidedog said:

What an absolute whacko. Rarely, if ever, have I heard such utter twaddle. And this is your evidence? Of a Coup D'Etat? Seriously? It's Laughable.

When Trump is impeached, it will not hand the Presidency to Obama, or even to the Democrats. It goes to the  Republican V.P. No one can change that. Not even Obama with a magic hat.

Additionally Obama has served two terms. That's it, finished. Can't come back.

Sorry, but this post sums up everything that is wrong with the mindset in Donalds fanatical supporters, who believe every story about the terrible Democrats, regardless of how crazy.

Focus on the issues of the day, which are numerous and stop looking for a conspiracy in every cupboard.

We've got an idiot at the helm already, not going to help if the crew go crazy too.


Republicans and Trump defenders will never understand Joe Friday.

Just the facts....jpg

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On 3/6/2017 at 6:55 PM, nuakmuaynina said:

He's clutching at straws becuae he cannot understand why he is so unpopular... It is everyone else fault but his own... 


what a clown!Sad!

I believe he is close to the most hated individual in the world. 

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1 minute ago, selftaopath said:

I believe he is close to the most hated individual in the world. 

That's probably true.

He is the most famous person in the history of the world and most people do hate him. 

That's not saying he's the most evil person in the world but he is the most powerful toxic person in the world.

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Schiff: Trump's wiretap claim will soon be debunked


"The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said Friday he’s seen no evidence to support President Donald Trump’s claim that Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, and expects it will soon be debunked."


"Schiff’s remarks come a day after he and other senior lawmakers met withFBI Director James Comey to discuss sensitive intelligence issues behind closed doors."


But the California congressman indicated that he expected administration officials to publicly debunk Trump’s wiretapping claims

in an open hearing scheduled for March 20."




Edited by iReason
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You know things are REALLY BAD when even the Good General of this parish would be a better candidate than this ridiculous buffoon - and even Hitler had a plan - all Herr Dumbf has is his own planet sized ego and a Twitter account. I can't see him lasting until Christmas but the 'Deep State' (thank God for them) will let him dig a planet sized hole first just so the whole world and it's dog knows there was NO ALTERNATIVE  - would like to see him languishing for the rest of his days personally in some federal penitentiary but will settle for out of office.

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On 3/6/2017 at 7:16 PM, Jingthing said:

Yes he imagines he's doing us a big favor by acting as president and I do mean acting as in acting badly. He could resign and do us a real favor. Much as I oppose Pence's ideology at least need could bring back a measure of sanity and normalcy to the country and foreign policy as well.

Trump will resign when Putin tells him to resign.... not before. Trump is only interested in the money.

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On 3/6/2017 at 9:02 PM, Jingthing said:

I agree Jingthing.  Are Republican Trump defenders rational?  IMO they are not , but largely fear mongers and White supremacists. They care little about America/democracy but only their narrow minded, self serving initiates. 

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On 3/7/2017 at 2:35 PM, rijb said:

Not for lack of trying.


grounds for impeachment cover allegations of misconduct peculiar to officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming, and refusal to obey a lawful order. - - Google

He should have been impeached a/b 10 minutes after he lied taking the oath to uphold The U.S. Constitution. 

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On 3/7/2017 at 9:10 PM, Jingthing said:

Not to me. There are likely multiple reasons and most likely we'll never know as it's quite clear now he never intended to ever show them.


Yea just another of his numerous/continuous lies.

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On 3/7/2017 at 10:15 PM, Srikcir said:

Not always. There may be limited review by certain congressional committees. But Republicans currently control all such committees.


See Rule 19


However, if there is reasonable cause to suspect Trump has committed a federal offense that justifies review of his tax returns, the Department of Justice can access his tax returns directly from the IRS (subject of course to any lawsuit brought by Trump to prevent disclosure). But Republicans hold the Secretary of the Justice Department. It would then require Secretary Session to be nonpartisan in finding the truth about Trump's financial complicities.

Ah yes the great overthrow of the American government. Soon Comrad Putin, Bannon, and Trump will make The U.S. a Russia "look alike."  

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On 3/8/2017 at 6:49 AM, Srikcir said:

That is an unnecessary request!


If Trump has evidence that Obama committed a criminal offense, he need only request the US Department of Justice to investigate it. And provide the DOJ with his evidence. Albeit Session might have to recuse himself once again.


But on the other hand should Trump's allegations prove to be wrong, he himself may have committed a federal crime by making a seriously false accusation against POTUS Obama! Trump is not protected by freedom of speech given his position as the highest ranking law enforcer in the US and he has been very adamant that he has unequivocal believable evidence to prove his accusation.

Can we hear it! LOCK HIM UP...... LOCK HIM UP.....


Oh and btw world you've been spelling hereby wrongly. According to "the smartest man in the world" (Trump - just ask him) it's spelled hear by.

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I'm sorry, but what a bunch of loser and liars.






Spicer: Trump didn't mean wiretapping when he tweeted about wiretapping

The White House on Monday walked back a key point of President Donald Trump's unsubstantiated allegation that President Barack Obama wiretapped his phones in Trump Tower during the 2016 election.

Namely, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump wasn't referring to wiretapping when he tweeted about wiretapping.




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Painful to watch Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway try to pivot, defend and deflect the original "tweets". IMO, whatever they're being paid it's not enough. They should be paid a "per lie" bonus, if only to make up for their complete loss of soul.

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I'm sorry, but what a bunch of loser and liars.







Well, "wire tapping" was in quotes in the tweet. So we all know that makes it not really wire tapping.


White House Moderates Wiretapping Allegations, Urges Further Investigation



I called this right away that the fraudulent POTUS will just walk away from these remarks. It has had the desired disruption affect in the news and is no longer of use. He left a turd and walked away as if it is now someone else's problem. Typical behavior from the "waste of space" POTUS.



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