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Harold and Nat - it's all over as former sex queen moves to reignite adult film career with boob job


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On 3/7/2017 at 3:15 PM, whatawonderfulday said:

If she is that vain regarding her looks she should have spent the money ( Harolds ? ) on her face first,  hardly a stunner in my view.

That is my opinion too. Not attractive at all. Was she always a girl?

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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

That is my opinion too. Not attractive at all. Was she always a girl?

Well you never know in Thailand.  That is the problem with encouraging people, a bit like immigrants.  You encourage and help one and before you know it you have 2 million knocking on the door asking for acceptance.

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9 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

The problems always come when sex and love can not be separated emotionally.
As you wrote, it`s only a business translation.
A personal fitness trainer against money.
Sex is healthy.
But when sensations-one-sidedly or reciprocally-arise for each other, it becomes problematic.
If the meeting is based on this agreement: sex against money, then it makes no sense to come up afterwards with a love story.


Amateur psychology!


All you are saying is sex fosters attachment in both genders.

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22 hours ago, Ramen087 said:
  • Could it be that Harold wasn't really as wealthy as the honorable Ms. Kesarin had been led to believe?
  • Could it be that prior to the union as husband and wife an ironclad prenuptial  agreement was signed?
  • Could it be that it's Harold who wants an upgrade for the next great love of his life?

That would require most of the folk here to get off their Thai Bashing horse and admit that Farangs aren't wonderful, superior, mannered and all around good being as these folks think themselves to be. In their moo bans in Rural villages most of our Thai bashing audience are cream of the crop. Unfortunately they are there because they couldn't make it where they came from and came here to be superior to those Thais. This is easy to see from some of the comments that mimic tinglish that their wife's, gf, trans lovers speak to them. But this is TV so arm chair detectives, relationship experts and people in the know are abundant.

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15 hours ago, giddyup said:

If the spelling was intentional your explanation might be feasible, but......

Yes the spelling was intentional. However the good news for you, is that if you wish to pull anyone's English to bits,I' m that person,it will be very easy for you. 

In addition you can rest assured, that I will not be so pathetic to spend my time on doing likewise to others. As I'm not sure if it's against forum rules, but it's certainly poor netiquette.

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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Yes the spelling was intentional. However the good news for you, is that if you wish to pull anyone's English to bits,I' m that person,it will be very easy for you. 

In addition you can rest assured, that I will not be so pathetic to spend my time on doing likewise to others. As I'm not sure if it's against forum rules, but it's certainly poor netiquette.

People in glass houses....

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11 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

A prostitute and her friend having coffee together in a cafe.

Prostitute says; I`m suing a hospital. Friend; why? Prostitute; I went in for a routine ingrowing toe nail operation and by mistake they shaved off my public hair. Friend; so why are you suing them? Prostitute; for taking the roof off my workshop.


The moral of this story is; that prostitute equals materialism. Their bodies are their workshop and their minds are materialist wealth and possessions. Another example; a man hires a beautiful young escort to spend a night with him. Both lying naked in bed the man holds her tightly. Her skin feels like velvet and she smells nice, for the man this is seventh heaven .  Although only short time the man may actually feel some genuine affection for her but for her the brief relationship means nothing it`s only a business translation or she`s just on the job only in a different context to how the guy perceives being on the job. 


The problems are that many men believe having sex, intimacy and affection are a team. A woman lets me make love to her so she must really like me because she`s giving the ultimate a woman can give, her body. This is a myth because women can erase intimacy and affection from sex, especially those working in the sex industry as they are experts at faking it and I don`t just mean orgasms. In fact it`s like selling the soul to the devil, get thrills and excitement short time and then suffer for the rest of externality.  The question is; in the end do they feel it was worth it?



Always rwo sides to a story. As Sharron Stone said, women can fake an orgasm but men can fake a whole relationship.

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11 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

A prostitute and her friend having coffee together in a cafe.

Prostitute says; I`m suing a hospital. Friend; why? Prostitute; I went in for a routine ingrowing toe nail operation and by mistake they shaved off my public hair. Friend; so why are you suing them? Prostitute; for taking the roof off my workshop.


The moral of this story is; that prostitute equals materialism. Their bodies are their workshop and their minds are materialist wealth and possessions. Another example; a man hires a beautiful young escort to spend a night with him. Both lying naked in bed the man holds her tightly. Her skin feels like velvet and she smells nice, for the man this is seventh heaven .  Although only short time the man may actually feel some genuine affection for her but for her the brief relationship means nothing it`s only a business translation or she`s just on the job only in a different context to how the guy perceives being on the job. 


The problems are that many men believe having sex, intimacy and affection are a team. A woman lets me make love to her so she must really like me because she`s giving the ultimate a woman can give, her body. This is a myth because women can erase intimacy and affection from sex, especially those working in the sex industry as they are experts at faking it and I don`t just mean orgasms. In fact it`s like selling the soul to the devil, get thrills and excitement short time and then suffer for the rest of externality.  The question is; in the end do they feel it was worth it?



Problem is many guys here have attracted GF's with money (not a problem if you stay smart). However as they are constantly with the girl they begin to believe the girl likes them and not the money / lifestyle. Then at some point the girl finds a way to separate the money from the guy and we get stories here again how bad Thai girls are. 


This while there are many good Thai girls that would not do that, but they would not be with a guy like that in the first place for money. Point being if there is no physical attraction from the girls side and no mental one too then luring her in with money only means you rented her. 


A ladyfriend of mine had a foreign guy trying to impress her with his wealth always going on about it and asking her what she wanted. She was not interested at all because there was no physical / mental attraction. But I am sure there would have been girls thinking it would be easy to get money from a guy like that. Especially the girls without education / chances and so on. If your putting yourself out like that .. its no wonder you get a gold digger.


I have no problem with prostitutes but have long ago decided that its not what I like maybe in 20 years when its harder to get normal girls that are young and beautiful i might find it worth it. That is one of the joys of going here when your young.. your options and chances are far better as the over 60 crowd. I came here when i was 32. 

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10 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

The porn star maybe a hoe but she`s certainly not cheap and for what I am seeing around the country is that the land of cheap hoes is not so cheap any more.

Thailand is like any other country: A man gets the woman he deserves. If he can't get a good woman he only needs to look in a mirror to know why.

"Thailand is like any other country: A man gets the woman he deserves. If he can't get a good woman he only needs to look in a mirror to know why."


The common error, and what women probably like least, is for men to think women should think like them, like what they like, etc.  IMO they also don't like guys who try to be younger than they are.


It's a very immature statement, which you really should have ditched when you were 20.  It probably had validity then.


So just to clarify: what someone looks like, and the ageing process, is a matter of just desserts?  Just interested to know, so I can walk around shaking my head in disbelief for the rest of the afternoon.


1.For many women past the first bloom of youth, looks are not so important, so long as the guy is clean, and relatively healthy.

2.Women generally do not like drinkers.

3.Women generally like commitment, and attention.

4. A guy has to be there.


The typical bargirl/farang type of relationship is fraught with difficulties for no greater reason than there are 2 troubled personalities involved.



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5 hours ago, robblok said:

Problem is many guys here have attracted GF's with money (not a problem if you stay smart). However as they are constantly with the girl they begin to believe the girl likes them and not the money / lifestyle. Then at some point the girl finds a way to separate the money from the guy and we get stories here again how bad Thai girls are. 


This while there are many good Thai girls that would not do that, but they would not be with a guy like that in the first place for money. Point being if there is no physical attraction from the girls side and no mental one too then luring her in with money only means you rented her. 


A ladyfriend of mine had a foreign guy trying to impress her with his wealth always going on about it and asking her what she wanted. She was not interested at all because there was no physical / mental attraction. But I am sure there would have been girls thinking it would be easy to get money from a guy like that. Especially the girls without education / chances and so on. If your putting yourself out like that .. its no wonder you get a gold digger.


I have no problem with prostitutes but have long ago decided that its not what I like maybe in 20 years when its harder to get normal girls that are young and beautiful i might find it worth it. That is one of the joys of going here when your young.. your options and chances are far better as the over 60 crowd. I came here when i was 32. 


From memory, I think you are 40ish.  That's not young!  Don't fall in to the Peter Pan trap.


Good posting.

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1 minute ago, mommysboy said:


From memory, I think you are 40ish.  That's not young!  Don't fall in to the Peter Pan trap.


Good posting.

I was young when I came here.. 43 now.. not young anymore.  But I am not looking for 20 year old girls. 

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She's obviously got a high sex drive. An old man just couldn't keep up. Time to trade in the model T ford and get a new V8 mustang. I bet she's begging for some attention. I'd like to help but my missus needs me 24/7 to polish her pipes and oil her engine.

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23 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

She's obviously got a high sex drive. An old man just couldn't keep up. Time to trade in the model T ford and get a new V8 mustang. I bet she's begging for some attention. I'd like to help but my missus needs me 24/7 to polish her pipes and oil her engine.


Most women in the porn industry treat sex as a job, nothing more. So your comments are nothing more than a pubescent boys fantasies.

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2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

She's obviously got a high sex drive. An old man just couldn't keep up. Time to trade in the model T ford and get a new V8 mustang. I bet she's begging for some attention. I'd like to help but my missus needs me 24/7 to polish her pipes and oil her engine.



  The Mustang V 8 must be you. Congratulations, dude. You're the man all girls are dreaming about. 


   It must be difficult to have such a tiny one. ( Timespan) 

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11 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Thx for the update.
Duration of the video over an hour.
1 hour of lard.
I can not belief, that someone has looked the complete video.
Sorry Nat, so it will not work like that, with your second pornstar career.

did you see the whipped cream scene at 24:00 minutes?



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26 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


What are you on about?

Fapped and thanked.


Do not get me wrong.
I'm a fan and I'm in contact with her via Facebook.
A question that concerns me; does she really need a breast lifting?:laugh:

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

I can not belief, that someone has looked the complete video.


450k views on Youtube in a few days . She is earning good money on clicks . 



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Reminds me of a song by the Beautiful South


Close your legs, open your mind 
Leave those compliments well behind 
Dig a little deeper into yourself 
And you may find 

Come over here just sit right down 
Needn't comb your hair, needn't pout or frown 
I hear you've turned our young men 
Into dribbling clowns 

36D so what (D) so what 
Is that all that you've got? 
36D so what (D) so what 
Is that all that you've got? 

Make their day and go ahead 
Remove your clothes lie on their bed 
Just a last gasp chance or an outside bet 
To the easily led 

And before you do just what you do 
Here' one thought for you to chew 
The men who run the business that you sell 
They screw you too 

36D so what (D) so what 
Is that all that you've got? 
36D so what (D) so what 
Is that all that you've got? 

You're just another 365 night stand 
But you're so handy, you're so handy 
You cheapen and you nasty every woman in this land 
But you're so handy, you're so handy 

Your picture's hanging pretty on the squaddies' walls 
You're Steven's, Andy's, you're Ian's, you're Paul's 
Your body's through of fondly in the rugby mauls 
But you want more 

36D so what (D) so what 
Is that all that you've got? 

36D so what (D) so what 
Is that all that you've got? 

36D so what (D) so what 
Is that all that you've got? 

36D so what (D) so what 
Is that all that you've got? 
He was trying to save his job 
He was, he was trying to save his job.

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