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Brexit and the £

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On March 12, 2017 at 8:02 AM, teddog said:

All good news for England,Scotland out of the union,no more Barnett for them,or anything actually excepting taxation for their exports that trundle through England.

 We have been taken for mugs in England,hundreds of thousands Goan Indians signing up for Portugese passports,never to live there in Portugal,black Mozambicans,by the tens of thousands too,Somalians  given Dutch passports like confetti  never to live there, asylum seekers dumped in Germany,no one speaking German,all English speakers,   held there by border checks .  Now all these .... are on welfare,and in a way could be said are an enemy of the (UK) people.  Crime rates on the east coast are deplorable

Bigotry at its xenophobic best

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I think once article 50 is invoked you will see a rapid rise in the pound.  Just look at all the countries that are waiting to trade with the UK.  Now with Marine le Pen who is almost certain to be the French next PM she will Frexit.  Geert Wilder will certainly take the Dutch out followed by Sweden and Denmark, this will signal a very rapid end to the corrupt EU.  Merkel stands no chance of being elected for a fourth term.  With the collapse of the EU the audit of the EU. books will have to be signed off for the first time in forty years.  The final result, I feel can only be good for the UK.  We just have to sit it out, personally, I will never go back to live in the UK. for me, this is an old farts paradise.

On 8.3.2017 at 9:55 AM, colinneil said:

Gone are the days of 76 to the pound, how can you say that?

First time i came here was in 96.....44 baht to the pound, 2 years later january 98 .... 92 baht to the pound.

Pound is down now, but it will bounce back, maybe not this year , but it will happen.

No i will not be going back, never even thinking such thoughts.

when brexit completet the pound will raise up like the living standards in gb....i think 100 or more to the bhat...brexit was the wisest decision ...thank u uk ...europe is on the way to become another arab muslim crime ghetto.....look at the euro dropping by the minute as unemployment raises...

On 3/8/2017 at 9:23 AM, daveAustin said:

40. Couple that with ever-rising costs here. Gone are the days of 76 to pound. A lot will be heading home methinks.

i hope so sooner the better we need to get rid of a few baht millionaires and a likes

On 11/03/2017 at 7:08 PM, taipeir said:

Eh Britain signed up for everything in the first place what are you talking about?

Don't you know your own history?

Britain even moaned through the entire time it was in the EU looking for opt outs for this and that and it never joined the euro zone.It was also Tony Blair who opened full immigration rights to Eastern Europeans before other European countries.

Sick of you moaners see how long your precious Britain lasts most likely it'll be England and Wales within a few years. Scotland and Northern Ireland didn't sign up for getting dragged out of the EU.

How will it get better exactly?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What a load of ill informed and rude rubbish!


Nobody is getting DRAGGED out of the EU. It was put to a referendum of the people in the U.K., which includes Northern Ireland and Scotland.


That vote went in the favour of those who wished to leave. It does not matter what different areas voted for. The U.K. as a whole was consulted and that was the outcome. Northern Ireland and the generous policies in education and healthcare in Scotland, are NOT funded by their own paid taxes, but as part of the U.K. as a whole, and where are the majority of those taxpayers residing??


Damn right Britain as one of the main contributors demanded opt outs for terms and conditions it never went along with, signed up for, or agreed in the first place.This was supposed to be a trading bloc and common policies on agriculture, taxation etc to bring Europe closer together and fairer and to prevent future wars. France has been cheating non stop on agricultural and farming policies ever since.


It was NOT supposed to be the United States of Europe.


The Euro has been a disaster for everyone except Germany and if Britain wasn't so strong defending its rights within Europe, it would have been trampled underfoot by the cosy little relationship of France and Germany. The U.K. has neither the land, nor the infrastructure to continue taking in immigrants on the scale it has been. Small wonder with a country which seriously honors its commitments within the bloc, that every unskilled and economic migrant wishes to head for the UK because of its soft and accommodating policies.


Already, we are seeing the results of Angela Merkel's stupid ' open door ' policies leading to rampant extremism as a result. Now, we have Turkey, drifting towards an authoritarian dictatorship and no longer separating religious affairs from state also threatening to open the floodgates to further mass immigration into Europe if it continuously does not get its own way through blackmail and cash incentives.

1 hour ago, little mary sunshine said:

Bloomberg predicts an additional 5% devaluation......but

could possibly go to 8%.......

May be you can also at the same time ask them for what will be the three best performing shares this year


These people only make calculated guesses


I promise you this is all Crystal Ball science


Many years ago I was at a  5 planning meeting in NY, and everyone was getting very tense


I exclaimed I have the answer in my brief case


Covered with a Black Cloth I removed my large Crystal Ball, and Placed it on the Board Room Table, and exclaimed I have the machinery which of you might be competatnt to operate this, at which stage a sexy dark little secretary came in with coffee, and I said she is probably the lady who can help


My English humor did not go down with our American friends well but a month later I  was promoted to head of Corporate Global Planning, and from then on always travelled with my Crystal Ball

16 minutes ago, al007 said:

May be you can also at the same time ask them for what will be the three best performing shares this year


These people only make calculated guesses


I promise you this is all Crystal Ball science


Many years ago I was at a  5 planning meeting in NY, and everyone was getting very tense


I exclaimed I have the answer in my brief case


Covered with a Black Cloth I removed my large Crystal Ball, and Placed it on the Board Room Table, and exclaimed I have the machinery which of you might be competatnt to operate this, at which stage a sexy dark little secretary came in with coffee, and I said she is probably the lady who can help


My English humor did not go down with our American friends well but a month later I  was promoted to head of Corporate Global Planning, and from then on always travelled with my Crystal Ball

I use this model ......:smile:


On 3/8/2017 at 9:55 AM, colinneil said:

Gone are the days of 76 to the pound, how can you say that?

First time i came here was in 96.....44 baht to the pound, 2 years later january 98 .... 92 baht to the pound.

Pound is down now, but it will bounce back, maybe not this year , but it will happen.

No i will not be going back, never even thinking such thoughts.

I hope you live to see the day colin when it recovers. Governments don't give a RA as to  how this game playing effects pensioners big business is first and foremost. They are on a mission to drive the value of the pound down as are other countries with their currencies China being the worst. Its a continuous downward spiral to increase exports. We pensioners are collateral damage.  

8 minutes ago, david555 said:

I use this model ......:smile:


Brought memories back of when I looked at the best model of the Crystal Skull years ago. Beautiful, erie and bewitching. I think they have discovered 13 so far. 


I agree with those who have stated that Brexit confirmation has been factored in by the market - there might be a bit of sentiment and/or profit taking, but by and large I doubt there will be any major subsidence.


For what it's worth, I think the Scots will bottle out on an independence vote, and if current opinion polls are worth believing (not always a reliable pastime!) the SNP will be on a hiding to nothing, at least in the current climate. 


It it would be a pity to lose them, if for no other reason they gave us the definition of a gentleman: somebody who can play the bagpipes- but doesn't!


It's already been a bad year for British expats especially, seeing a 20% drop in the value of their Pensions and Incomes over the last 12 months.


not quite Only affects British Expats that have their source of income in GBP. Thankfully I am saved from that aspect of the Brexit but affected in other ways Unfortunately!

On 8.3.2017 at 9:55 AM, colinneil said:

Gone are the days of 76 to the pound, how can you say that?

First time i came here was in 96.....44 baht to the pound, 2 years later january 98 .... 92 baht to the pound.

Pound is down now, but it will bounce back, maybe not this year , but it will happen.

No i will not be going back, never even thinking such thoughts.

Pound maybe bounce back in 100Years?

On 08/03/2017 at 9:23 AM, daveAustin said:

40. Couple that with ever-rising costs here. Gone are the days of 76 to pound. A lot will be heading home methinks.

My pension is down by 20% as is every Brit's.

For now until the recovery, that I feel will surely happen, we just have to cut back.

We had three vehicles in my Thai family, so I've just sold my truck, I can use Honda Wave and wife's car when she's not using it, I've said I'll pay half insurance costs.

If I'm stuck, then there are always taxis which are relatively cheap.

I'm ordering a folding bike which will easily fit in a car/taxi boot, so I can still be mobile in town.

So Brits, for now just cut back and enjoy the simple things in life!

Despite this I'm still fully behind Theresa May.


3 hours ago, al007 said:

short term probably turbulent but 2/3 yrs probably back to in excess of 1.5 to US dollar, and of course much stronger vs thai bhat

keep on dreaming rabugento1.gif

19 hours ago, elliss said:

             Those  who can go back , ??     many have burned  their bridges , trapped  in LOS.

               GBP , has  devalued  by some 25  per cent , since  brexit vote .

               That is  only a  practice  run ,  cold ahead , minus 40 ..

I Burned my bridges spent my life in Thailand saved all my money in baht now enjoying changing it back at 45, 44, 43 who knows what next. Cheap holidays in the third world courtesy of Lidl's and Aldi for years to come. Funny how most people pooh poohed the whole idea of having money in baht now they think the pound is finished. Sheep.


Just arrived back in the UK and watching TV and reading some investment and financial newspapers quite a few analysts think the GBP is undervalued between 15% - 20% as general economic data is good. The UK is still also the 5th largest economy in the world.

The problem is the uncertainty about when Brexit will take place, due to interference from the likes of Gina Miller and the House of Lords. Both these obstacles have now been swept away so some confidence will return when Article 50 is actually triggered.

There is also more conciliatory noises coming from Europe who want to trade freely with the UK, as an example, the UK is the biggest consumer of French Champagne. The political old guard and dinosaurs like Juncker’s have been noticeably quiet recently about trade agreements.

Of course a spanner in the works happened yesterday when the ‘Dwarf from the North’ announced a second - ‘once in a lifetime’ -referendum on Scottish Independence, which caused the GBP to drop.  She is clearly is crazy as Spain, again made it very clear they would veto any application from Scotland; oil is below $50 and the same old chestnut that she wants complete full independence but wants to keep the British Pound, the Treasury quite rightly said no last time and have said no again this time.

So ‘keep calm and carry on’ things should improve.


2 hours ago, free123 said:

look at the euro dropping by the minute

only in your wet dreams. take a look at the Pound dropping vs. the €uro 30% during the last two years!


On 3/8/2017 at 9:55 AM, colinneil said:

Gone are the days of 76 to the pound, how can you say that?

First time i came here was in 96.....44 baht to the pound, 2 years later january 98 .... 92 baht to the pound.

Pound is down now, but it will bounce back, maybe not this year , but it will happen.

No i will not be going back, never even thinking such thoughts.

Optimistic but perhaps not in our lifetimes.

I have been waiting for it to bounce back from it's heady 1998 days for near 20 years, not sure I got another 20 in me!


Looking at the graph the impression is that the rate looks to level around 42B to the pound. In my opinion it could rise upto a around 45B maximum during negociations but will change depending on events. The best that can be done during this time is to watch the rate and try to transfer on the peaks.


I think there is many speculators taking advantage of the pound's transients to make a quick profit. 

3 hours ago, al007 said:

May be you can also at the same time ask them for what will be the three best performing shares this year


These people only make calculated guesses


I promise you this is all Crystal Ball science


Many years ago I was at a  5 planning meeting in NY, and everyone was getting very tense


I exclaimed I have the answer in my brief case


Covered with a Black Cloth I removed my large Crystal Ball, and Placed it on the Board Room Table, and exclaimed I have the machinery which of you might be competatnt to operate this, at which stage a sexy dark little secretary came in with coffee, and I said she is probably the lady who can help


My English humor did not go down with our American friends well but a month later I  was promoted to head of Corporate Global Planning, and from then on always travelled with my Crystal Ball

A calculated guess.....like,envy other forecaster.


After the go ahead for triggering Article 50 went through the Lords, the pound dipped to 1.21 against the dollar. The fun hasn't even started yet as negotiations have yet to begin. If the EU is more hardline than expected, the pound will react negatively.
I wonder to what extent staunch Eurosceptics in the UK factored in the possibility of harsh negotiations. If the Brexiteers were willing to sacrifice economic prosperity for more control, there are plenty of EU citizens willing to do the same and punish the UK. 


What a great investment opportunity, if one has the cash, buy low and sell high.  The pound will come back after being constrained by the EU bureaucrats; it might be 'ugly' now, but again....what a great investment opportunity....or so my feeble mind thinks.  After all, when one sovereign state has the right to champion its own trade deals it cannot be that bad.

1 hour ago, ToS2014 said:

or so my feeble mind thinks


The term feeble-minded was used from the late nineteenth century in Great Britain, Europe and the United States for disorders later referred to as illnesses or deficiencies of the mind.




This continuing fall in the pound has serious consequences, which I confess I never realised - so tied up was I about the effect on ex-pats like us.


Two nights ago I watched a documentary on Channel 4 about the effect on the NHS. Now, it's main basis was the refusal of the government to give assurances on the future status of EU NHS staff, but another factor reared its head. This was that the falling value in the pound was also contributing to EU staff not now being recruited and also (coupled with the uncertainty about being able to stay) persuading EU staff to pack up and leave. 


You can understand it. Not long ago the Euro/GBP was 1.40 and now it's nearer 1.14.  Why, for example, would, say, a Spanish nurse not consider returning to Spain given that significant change in exchange rates, together with feelings of both insecurity of employment and an underlying feeling (perhaps wrongly but nevertheless real) that the 'more vocal' Brexiteers don't want them in this country any more.


There are thousands of vacancies in nursing/clinical staff and NHS Trusts are at their wits end to recruit. They are now, once again, aiming their drives at India, Philippines etc. This to me has always raised the moral question of the UK raiding developing countries for staff which that country itself sorely needs.


It's all very depressing, but I doubt all that many of the people living in the UK have any idea of this immediate result of Brexit even before article 50 is launched. 


In myview, the refusal of Mrs May's government not to  give the employment guarantee to EU citizens currently working here, is a scandal. I don't buy all this nonsense about pensioners in Spain needing to  be  protected at the same time. It's a moral issue.


All that matters is the Harold Wilson famous line on the box, which I well  remember  "The devaluation of the  pound does not mean the pound in your pocket will be worth any less tomorrow.........What you can buy with a pound today you will be able to buy tomorrow"


Sorry to sound so fed up but I truly believe Brexit is going to be a disaster.  I'm not just  a keyboard warrior, I flew back to the UK last June purely to vote remain, then came back.



On Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 1:02 AM, teddog said:

All good news for England,Scotland out of the union,no more Barnett for them,or anything actually excepting taxation for their exports that trundle through England.

 We have been taken for mugs in England,hundreds of thousands Goan Indians signing up for Portugese passports,never to live there in Portugal,black Mozambicans,by the tens of thousands too,Somalians  given Dutch passports like confetti  never to live there, asylum seekers dumped in Germany,no one speaking German,all English speakers,   held there by border checks .  Now all these .... are on welfare,and in a way could be said are an enemy of the (UK) people.  Crime rates on the east coast are deplorable

Now thats what I call Fake news !

On 10/03/2017 at 9:08 AM, evadgib said:

It will get worse before it gets better, but it WILL get better when Britain is finally uncoupled from something they never signed up for in the first place.

I'll have something that you are smoking bro' - but I'd rather have good pounds. To all the  Brexiteers - thanks for nothing - maybe you can make up the 20% I missing out of my wallet next time I'm shopping.

14 hours ago, Thaimike370 said:

Geert Wilder will certainly take the Dutch out followed by Sweden and Denmark, this will signal a very rapid end to the corrupt EU.


Well it seems that prediction fell at the first hurdle, we'll just have to watch to see how your others tips fare.


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