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Midweek rant: It’s a dog’s life – time for humans to fight back!


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Midweek rant: It’s a dog’s life – time for humans to fight back!


BANGKOK: -- In Thailand you could be forgiven for thinking that dogs have all the rights.


The mangy mutts seem to rule the sois annoying anyone walking or on a bicycle.


They lounge outside 7/11s for the air-con taking a chunk out of customers on a regular basis.


They present a significant health hazard for rabies and other infections.


Children are mauled and disfigured. Our cities and towns are filthy and dangerous.


They enjoy the protection of the law and the protection of misguided animal lovers and religious do-gooders. So much so that if any human fights back they are named and shamed on social media and threatened with jail by the police.


Beat someone up, drive like a lunatic or steal – but you won’t face the kind of penalties likely for being unkind to a rabid mongrel. Just ask the man who took a knife to a vicious dog that attacked his son in Bangkok last year – two years jail.


It’s incredible.


Then this week comes the ultimate – and a sure sign of an even worse future for Thailand and it’s dog problem. Not just decrepit flea ridden dogs – but killer breeds designed by dog engineers to kill and maim.


A poor man out doing nothing but trapping a few rats to eat is mauled to death by three Rottweiler dogs. His clothes are ripped from him and he is left almost unrecognizable.


The completely irresponsible dog owner buys his way out of trouble for a paltry sum and the dogs remain in their cages.


While the family of the dead man have to pick up the pieces.


Dog apologists crawl out from every available woodwork – they are both Thai and western. They all seem to have a Rottweiler or a pit bull who is gentle and licks babies affectionately.


It’s sickening.


The dogs are in charge in society and the humans have to suck it up.


How has it come to this disgraceful state of affairs?


Dog lovers are in denial and at the root cause of the danger for the rest of us. They mistreat their animals then then claim they know best.


Why do you need to keep a dog – isn’t it just a form of slavery. Does it make you feel all masterful?


Buddhist attitudes need adjustment. Dogs should not be above the law, allowed to hurt our children and kill our friends and family. People should not hide behind the religion – many just go along with it because they are worried about looking bad.


Try looking at your kid with twenty stitches across their face or on their deathbed from rabies.


Do you think that looks bad?


So what needs to be done to claim back our towns and villages from canine catastrophe?


Step One: Round up dogs that do not have an owner. Put them to death and incinerate the remains.


Step Two: Round up the people who claim to own a dog. Make them pay a serious license fee. Warn them that any infractions will result in their dog being taken away. And possibly euthanized.


And make it known that sanctions exist not just for permitting their dogs to bit or maul people. Serious sanctions should exists for animals that bark and annoy neighbors.


No dog should be out on public streets without a lead. If they are report the owners and have the animal taken away. Dogs should only be exercised where there is no possibility of them being in contact with people.


Don’t assume other people like dogs – many hate them with a vengeance and feel threatened. We don’t even want your uncontrolled beasts nuzzling our genitals. It’s repulsive.


Dog owners like the Rottweiler owner in Bung Karn must be jailed. They were his dogs – just doing what comes naturally if they are chained in cages all day. Some caring dog lover.


Jail on manslaughter charges – five to ten years will start to make people think.


The public should be allowed to clear up their neighborhoods and be encouraged to do so. Do away with the namby-pamby laws that protect dogs. Dogs in the street – fair game.


Encourage people to round up soi dogs. Put some incentives in place – bounty hunters for dogs. That’ll soon end the problem.


I’ll donate money and volunteer my services in a heartbeat. It shouldn’t take long if we work together to combat the menace.


If people want to be responsible with dogs – and that includes picking up their revolting waste that sullies every city in the country – then regulate them.


Control them with an iron fist and keep them away from the rest of us who want to live in peace, and cleanliness and safety from attack.


Start thinking about the rights of people again.


And put dogs and their owners squarely in their place.

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-03-08


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I really agree with this rant! It's so true on every level. If you love dogs and feel the need to have one, take responsibility!!!! Why should the public have to be so afraid of the street mongrels!

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Disagree with some of your sentiments there. I am a dog lover but definitely not in denial. Total lack of responsibility by many dog owners. And the do-gooders feeding strays need to be severely fined and made responsible if any of the dogs they feed attack or bite people.


That fellow up country needs locking up and his dogs put down. 


What's your stand on pigeons? :wink:

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the government should start eradicating the soi dogs.  Poison them and clean up the streets so it is safe for kids and the elderly to walk around.


They are vermin,  they are a pest,  and they need eradicating .......

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Many many moons ago while out for a strol, a pack of large soi dogs attacked me. The first got its nuts burst by my size 12 foot. The second dog thought better and attacked me from behind. One dead dog later the third had its doubts and tried to attack with a brazen I kill you look. Blam another dead pooch.

Thank fully before the days of cctv in the streets and no where near where I lived.

I do not like soi dogs of any kind. I would pay for all owner less dogs to be put down....deep into a very deep mass grave. I say deep so that kids dont dig up the rotting carcasses and feat on them.

Yes I am one to say kill the bl@@dy lot of them.

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I have walked through packs of dogs, stepped over tens of dogs in 711 doors and have never been attacked. They smell fear and attack only those they know fear them. The only time I was nearly attacked by an animal in Thailand was by a monkey at a temple. I made the mistake of making eye contact with a dominant male and he came for me. Fortunately he stopped his charge when I lowered my eyes. The sollution is for individuals to sponsor muting of stray dogs, because if you wait for government you will never see the end of stray dogs. If every foreigner sponsors the muting of 1 dog a year (less than B 2000) we will have very few strays left after 5 years. Every major town have organisations that are involved in stray dog care, get involved (even if only with money) instead of shouting from the sideline, which will change nothing. 

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4 hours ago, GarryP said:

Disagree with some of your sentiments there. I am a dog lover but definitely not in denial. Total lack of responsibility by many dog owners. And the do-gooders feeding strays need to be severely fined and made responsible if any of the dogs they feed attack or bite people.


That fellow up country needs locking up and his dogs put down. 


What's your stand on pigeons? :wink:

Pigeons? Their English is appalling.


Three hours of politeness training, and a course in phrasal verbs at the very least.

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24 minutes ago, Inepto Cracy said:

Many many moons ago while out for a strol, a pack of large soi dogs attacked me. The first got its nuts burst by my size 12 foot. The second dog thought better and attacked me from behind. One dead dog later the third had its doubts and tried to attack with a brazen I kill you look. Blam another dead pooch.

Thank fully before the days of cctv in the streets and no where near where I lived.

I do not like soi dogs of any kind. I would pay for all owner less dogs to be put down....deep into a very deep mass grave. I say deep so that kids dont dig up the rotting carcasses and feat on them.

Yes I am one to say kill the bl@@dy lot of them.

Hey. Seagal. How did you kill them? You bit them to death? Or what ?

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People who like dogs are ok, it's dog lovers I can't stand. The ones who have dog photos all over facebook. Those who call themseves "Mummy" and "Daddy" to their canines. The ones who smile as the animals are snapping at you ankles when you ride past on your bicycle. The ones that let their dogs bark for hours.

But the worse ones are those that make out that you're a dog hater if you say one word of criticism against the pesky things.

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45 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

I have walked through packs of dogs, stepped over tens of dogs in 711 doors and have never been attacked. They smell fear and attack only those they know fear them. The only time I was nearly attacked by an animal in Thailand was by a monkey at a temple. I made the mistake of making eye contact with a dominant male and he came for me. Fortunately he stopped his charge when I lowered my eyes. The sollution is for individuals to sponsor muting of stray dogs, because if you wait for government you will never see the end of stray dogs. If every foreigner sponsors the muting of 1 dog a year (less than B 2000) we will have very few strays left after 5 years. Every major town have organisations that are involved in stray dog care, get involved (even if only with money) instead of shouting from the sideline, which will change nothing. 

Imagine your  8 or 10 year old daughter going for an ice cream at 7-11?


She won't have the Clint Eastwood eye you have.


One snapped at me next to a community swimming pool once in Pattaya....all I did was walk by...and they let him lay in front of the bar!


Needless to say they had a tough time selling snacks & drinks there & just couldn't figure out why?


Barmaids/"waitresses" constantly on Farcebook, leaving empty/finished food plates all over = a bazillion flies, evil dog at the bar.


Yes they went out of business.

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55 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

I have walked through packs of dogs, stepped over tens of dogs in 711 doors and have never been attacked. They smell fear and attack only those they know fear them. The only time I was nearly attacked by an animal in Thailand was by a monkey at a temple. I made the mistake of making eye contact with a dominant male and he came for me. Fortunately he stopped his charge when I lowered my eyes. The sollution is for individuals to sponsor muting of stray dogs, because if you wait for government you will never see the end of stray dogs. If every foreigner sponsors the muting of 1 dog a year (less than B 2000) we will have very few strays left after 5 years. Every major town have organisations that are involved in stray dog care, get involved (even if only with money) instead of shouting from the sideline, which will change nothing. 

At least it will keep them quiet.

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6 hours ago, inzman said:

I really agree with this rant! It's so true on every level. If you love dogs and feel the need to have one, take responsibility!!!! Why should the public have to be so afraid of the street mongrels!

The mangy mutts seem to rule the sois annoying anyone walking or on a bicycle.


They lounge outside 7/11s for the air-con taking a chunk out of customers on a regular basis.


They present a significant health hazard for rabies and other infections.


Children are mauled and disfigured. Our cities and towns are filthy and dangerous.


They enjoy the protection of the law and the protection of misguided animal lovers and religious do-gooders. So much so that if any human fights back they are named and shamed on social media and threatened with jail by the police.


Beat someone up, drive like a lunatic or steal – but you won’t face the kind of penalties likely for being unkind to a rabid mongrel. Just ask the man who took a knife to a vicious dog that attacked his son in Bangkok last year – two years jail.


It’s incredible.


Then this week comes the ultimate – and a sure sign of an even worse future for Thailand and it’s dog problem. Not just decrepit flea ridden dogs – but killer breeds designed by dog engineers to kill and maim.


A poor man out doing nothing but trapping a few rats to eat is mauled to death by three Rottweiler dogs. His clothes are ripped from him and he is left almost unrecognizable.


The completely irresponsible dog owner buys his way out of trouble for a paltry sum and the dogs remain in their cages.


While the family of the dead man have to pick up the pieces.


Dog apologists crawl out from every available woodwork – they are both Thai and western. They all seem to have a Rottweiler or a pit bull who is gentle and licks babies affectionately.


It’s sickening.


The dogs are in charge in society and the humans have to suck it up.


How has it come to this disgraceful state of affairs?


Dog lovers are in denial and at the root cause of the danger for the rest of us. They mistreat their animals then then claim they know best.


Why do you need to keep a dog – isn’t it just a form of slavery. Does it make you feel all masterful?


Buddhist attitudes need adjustment. Dogs should not be above the law, allowed to hurt our children and kill our friends and family. People should not hide behind the religion – many just go along with it because they are worried about looking bad.


Try looking at your kid with twenty stitches across their face or on their deathbed from rabies.


Do you think that looks bad?


So what needs to be done to claim back our towns and villages from canine catastrophe?


Step One: Round up dogs that do not have an owner. Put them to death and incinerate the remains.


Step Two: Round up the people who claim to own a dog. Make them pay a serious license fee. Warn them that any infractions will result in their dog being taken away. And possibly euthanized.


And make it known that sanctions exist not just for permitting their dogs to bit or maul people. Serious sanctions should exists for animals that bark and annoy neighbors.


No dog should be out on public streets without a lead. If they are report the owners and have the animal taken away. Dogs should only be exercised where there is no possibility of them being in contact with people.


Don’t assume other people like dogs – many hate them with a vengeance and feel threatened. We don’t even want your uncontrolled beasts nuzzling our genitals. It’s repulsive.


Dog owners like the Rottweiler owner in Bung Karn must be jailed. They were his dogs – just doing what comes naturally if they are chained in cages all day. Some caring dog lover.


Jail on manslaughter charges – five to ten years will start to make people think.


The public should be allowed to clear up their neighborhoods and be encouraged to do so. Do away with the namby-pamby laws that protect dogs. Dogs in the street – fair game.


Encourage people to round up soi dogs. Put some incentives in place – bounty hunters for dogs. That’ll soon end the problem.


I’ll donate money and volunteer my services in a heartbeat. It shouldn’t take long if we work together to combat the menace.


If people want to be responsible with dogs – and that includes picking up their revolting waste that sullies every city in the country – then regulate them.


Control them with an iron fist and keep them away from the rest of us who want to live in peace, and cleanliness and safety from attack.


Start thinking about the rights of people again.


And put dogs and their owners squarely in their place.


What's your problem ?

Go and see a psychiatric , it's urgent !

You are a sickening person who's full of hate .

People like you make me aggressive .

Go to hell !!

Edited by pumpuy
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1 hour ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

Every major town have organisations that are involved in stray dog care, get involved (even if only with money) instead of shouting from the sideline, which will change nothing. 

Give me a .22 rifle & I'll shoot from the sideline.


I like animals same as my 11 year old daughter, but there comes a time when a culling is appropriate.


That time was about 50 years ago in Thailand.


How many soi dogs do you see on the streets of London or Munich or New York?


I'm in Florida right now & not a soi dog in sight.


My 84 year old Aunt has 3 dogs, two of which I'd shoot & bury without blinking an eye.


The third mutt is cool though. She doesn't bark unless it's imprtant & she keeps the varmints (squirrels, rats, moles, cats, possums etc at bay).


I like cats too, but even better, I like a dog that will hunt.

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1 hour ago, Mook23 said:

Hey. Seagal. How did you kill them? You bit them to death? Or what ?

Not sure about Seagul, but I often wear work boots in Thailand. Flip-flops/Roman sandals ain't worth a hoot.


Never managed to kill one, but I HAVE caught at least 5 or 6 in a full-on charge at me right in their throat.


I gave them a punt like the game winning shot at the Super Bowl or World Cup.


I get as aggressive w/ them as they get at me.....And all I'm doing is walking by!


All in a day's work in Thailand.

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Some Thai people also fear soi dogs but they will never think about killing them. They belong to the Thai life, same the monkeys, the snakes and the pigeons.

Only strangers complain about soi dogs and snakes and pigeons... Strange, isn't it?


If someone wants better car drivers on better roads, less noise after 10PM, no need to extend your permission of stay every year, no 10 times higher prices in national parks and no soi dogs, that someone should stay in his home country.


Who chooses to live in Thailand should not only take the sun, the cheap prices and the nice life but also accept the dark side of the host country.


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3 minutes ago, Jedsada3 said:

Some Thai people also fear soi dogs but they will never think about killing them. They belong to the Thai life, same the monkeys, the snakes and the pigeons.

Only strangers complain about soi dogs and snakes and pigeons... Strange, isn't it?


If someone wants better car drivers on better roads, less noise after 10PM, no need to extend your permission of stay every year, no 10 times higher prices in national parks and no soi dogs, that someone should stay in his home country.


Who chooses to live in Thailand should not only take the sun, the cheap prices and the nice life but also accept the dark side of the host country.


Why should any country have a "Dark Side"? 


Please, if you can fix things somewhere else, then, please do so.


It's called being a consultant = somebody who looks from the outside at what's happening.


I tried doing it for a couple years in Thailand. It went over like a Led Zepplin, just not as good as the band.



What you are saying, is the equivalent of me saying that 4,000+ shootings last year in Chicago...Who cares? It's just the way it is, so we should never address that issue.


Get rid of the mangy mutts!

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14 minutes ago, pumpuy said:











I really can hardly believe what I read here .... What are all you dog haters doing in Thailand ? In a country where people believe in the teachings of Buddha , to respect all life ...

I can just tell all of  you that it definitely is better for you to leave this contry , you do NOT fit here . Better go back where you come from and spread your hate over there .

Just one of the the soi dogs is worth more than all of you .


So adopt the next 100 soi dogs you see.




If you and folks with such bleeding hearts as you claim to have, would do that, then us folks who think there are too many mangy, stray, aggressive mutts would have nothing to complain about.

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Just now, jaywalker said:


So adopt the next 100 soi dogs you see.




If you and folks with such bleeding hearts as you claim to have, would do that, then us folks who think there are too many mangy, stray, aggressive mutts would have nothing to complain about.

Here in our property we take care for 14 dogs in the moment , some of them partly injured ... We take care , feed and provide medical care for the dogs outside as well , do not know how many , may be about 30 to 40 .

All of them are our friends , they are happy to see us as we are happy to see them in good health and condition .

The problems are always caused by the people , not by the dogs , they are gentle by nature .

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I totally agree with this rant…though to be honest possibly all it needs is either a dog license fee for every dog or compulsory desexing.

If it is on your land, in your house or you are feeding it you must have a licence, 1000THB for every dog.

If it is yours and your are not a breeder and it is not desexed a further 1000THB.

If it does not belong to anyone then the government has the right to remove it, it is a stray.

Sadly none of these suggestions will be considered, as the Thai local authorities are generally comatose, unless there is a buck in it for them!

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2 hours ago, pumpuy said:

Thais believe in the teachings of Buddah, BUT DO NOT LIVE WITH THOSE BELIEFS. 











I really can hardly believe what I read here .... What are all you dog haters doing in Thailand ? In a country where people believe in the teachings of Buddha , to respect all life ...

I can just tell all of  you that it definitely is better for you to leave this contry , you do NOT fit here . Better go back where you come from and spread your hate over there .

Just one of the the soi dogs is worth more than all of you .


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