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Americans oppose bathroom laws limiting transgender rights - poll


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13 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Hilarious! You really don't understand prioritisation do you! As I say America lost respect over the last 45 years and has now become embarrassing. You talk about letting metal patients run the asylum? Have you had an irony bypass??

That's funny we've been getting plenty of praise people all around the world especially as of late. Perhaps try stepping outside of your echo chambers and little bubble? Just a thought.

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49 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Why do we need the respect of cucked countries? 

If in part we're losing respect from countries because we oppose letting the mental patients run the asylum, in this case letting trendgender people use any bathroom they want willy-nilly then there's something wrong with your countries, not ours.


You quite literally let the mental patient the asylum: his name is Donald Trump!

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36 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Lol your 'alt-right', 'fringe-right' and 'far-right' categorizing of such terms and concerns are getting extremely tiresome. Im surprised you didn't throw in something about the KKK or Nazis in there so kudos to you for that. 

You people are highly uniformed or more correctly stated ill-informed. There are people all across the political spectrum that use those terms and folk across the political spectrum who are against such policies, though I would say most of that lies in the center to center-right.

I don't fear trans people. I don't have a problem with them, I do have a problem with a tiny fraction of people demonizing everyone else for not playing along with their delusions.

I spend a lot of time in Thailand for crying out loud. That's quite a place for someone to frequent who 'hates' trannies. 

Back to the drawing board pal.


Your fatigue is your own business. I have no interest in this. You are posting on a topic that literally reports that a majority of Americans oppose bathroom bills and you make the absurd claims that I am speaking from an ill-informed place and that "most" who agree with these bills are from the political center.


Just on the basis of logic, your post is nonsensical and entirely inconsistent with the OP.


Your words identify where you sit on the political continuum and it is nowhere near the center. The absurd neologisms of the Alt Right that you throw around reinforce this. Pretty simple concept really. You use these words, then people define you. If you wish to identify with the KKK and neo-nazis then that is again your business. Cucked is absolutely a term employed by the Alt Right.


I have no idea what your reference to visiting Thailand has to do with the issue. If you are offering this as some kind of 'but I have black friends' kind of defense, then you are clearly mansplaining to someone who lives here and has done so for several decades.


If you are so ignorant to keep using the word tranny after all these threads and all the information about transgender people, then you have zero business in defining anyone or telling someone what to do. Pal.

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40 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

How am I making threats? Are you that ill-informed that you don't even understand the term 'push-back'? Wow.. I'm speechless.


Clearly you are not speechless since you continue posting. The term push back is eminently understandable. Your retreat to the false refuge of 'ill-informed' is as specious as your use of Alt Right neologisms and vain attempt to claim center ground.


Your words define you.

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There is a scenario you have to go really bad so being a man i go to man bathroom now it is full so go to female bathroom full also well go to the it bathroom and it is mt so there is that option if the both gender bathroom are full i decide i will feel like I am perhaps a female today and be a male tomorrow.

But for now i would be a IT who would argue with me???? LGBT have rights they say so use  it to your advantage.

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1 minute ago, mettech said:

There is a scenario you have to go really bad so being a man i go to man bathroom now it is full so go to female bathroom full also well go to the it bathroom and it is mt so there is that option if the both gender bathroom are full i decide i will feel like I am perhaps a female today and be a male tomorrow.

But for now i would be a IT who would argue with me???? LGBT have rights they say so use  it to your advantage.

It's not about that.

It's about actual transgender people having the right to use the facilities that make the most sense to them based on their gender I.D. combined what they judge is the least confronting to the public. For example, obviously a transgender man that presents as a man would be much better off using the men's facilities rather than the gender of his birth, female. 

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1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

Lol your 'alt-right', 'fringe-right' and 'far-right' categorizing of such terms and concerns are getting extremely tiresome. Im surprised you didn't throw in something about the KKK or Nazis in there so kudos to you for that. 

You people are highly uniformed or more correctly stated ill-informed. There are people all across the political spectrum that use those terms and folk across the political spectrum who are against such policies, though I would say most of that lies in the center to center-right.

I don't fear trans people. I don't have a problem with them, I do have a problem with a tiny fraction of people demonizing everyone else for not playing along with their delusions.

I spend a lot of time in Thailand for crying out loud. That's quite a place for someone to frequent who 'hates' trannies. 

Back to the drawing board pal.

Dude, please.

We're not stupid, so suggest you OWN IT rather than playacting that you didn't do it.

When you combine the alt-right marker word CUCK in the context that you did with trump worship, you indicate without any doubt, that you are advancing the rhetoric of the ALT RIGHT political movement.

If you don't want to telegraph that, then don't use the term CUCK in the context that you did. Simple, really.

Again, we're not stupid here.




On the other hand, the ALT RIGHT movement is so disgusting and so against decent American values that I would understand not wanting to be associated with it. It is indeed very similar to be associated with ALT RIGHT as it would be to be associated with the KKK, Nazis, etc.  


Not saying of course that all trump supporters are alt-right identified but for people that do support trump they are supporting a so called president that has as his top adviser BANNON, an important iconic leader of the alt-right movement. 

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5 minutes ago, mettech said:

There is a scenario you have to go really bad so being a man i go to man bathroom now it is full so go to female bathroom full also well go to the it bathroom and it is mt so there is that option if the both gender bathroom are full i decide i will feel like I am perhaps a female today and be a male tomorrow.

But for now i would be a IT who would argue with me???? LGBT have rights they say so use  it to your advantage.


These bathroom bills do more than attempt to police bathroom use. The NC HB2 lists those persons and groups that are protected from discrimination. LGBT people are not included. Under this law, LGBT people lose workplace protections and lose other benefits endowed on other minority groups.


The response at a legal, national level under Obama's DOJ was to argue the applicability of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act apply to LGBT people. This is sufficient. Equal protection. That is all that is wanted.


Making this about peeing, sexual assault or genitalia plays into the hands of those who are promoting these laws - the Religious Right who want legal protection to discriminate against LGBT people.

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1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

That's funny we've been getting plenty of praise people all around the world especially as of late. Perhaps try stepping outside of your echo chambers and little bubble? Just a thought.

Where from Russia? Saudi?

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7 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Where from Russia? Saudi?

A lot of Indians, the fed up populations of Canada, Germany, Sweden, Vietnamese friends, plenty of folks from Eastern Europe and the list goes on. Like I said, take a step outside of your bubble once in a while, you might just learn something that you aren't hearing in your echo chambers.

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2 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

A lot of Indians, the fed up populations of Canada, Germany, Sweden, Vietnamese friends, plenty of folks from Eastern Europe and the list goes on. Like I said, take a step outside of your bubble once in a while, you might just learn something that you aren't hearing in your echo chambers.


Yeah...ahm...I am German and I can tell you: Germany is NOT praising the USA and the crazy new administration!

At all!

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10 minutes ago, DM07 said:


Yeah...ahm...I am German and I can tell you: Germany is NOT praising the USA and the crazy new administration!

At all!

He's right that far right wing white nationalist / supremacist, anti-immigrant extremist FACTIONS in Europe are allied with trump. 

Often explicitly so as in France and the Netherlands.

Generally not the leaders though, except in some cases like Poland where they have a similar authoritarian white nationalist leader already installed. 

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

You quite literally let the mental patient the asylum: his name is Donald Trump!

Hmm, something tells me you have no idea why Trump won.

Trump is a reflection of most, not all, of the values that his constituency holds. You're essentially calling half of the voting population mental patients. 

Don't act like the tiny minority of transgender/trendgenders even compares to the amount of people who voted for and support Donald J Trump.

Seeing that the transgendered are in fact at some level mentally ill(we should help them not give in to their delusions), this is quite literally a case of the mental patients running the asylum!!

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1 minute ago, Rigby40 said:

Hmm, something tells me you have no idea why Trump won.

Trump is a reflection of most, not all, of the values that his constituency holds. You're essentially calling half of the voting population mental patients. 

Don't act like the tiny minority of transgender/trendgenders even compares to the amount of people who voted for and support Donald J Trump.

Seeing that the transgendered are in fact at some level mentally ill(we should help them not give in to their delusions), this is quite literally a case of the mental patients running the asylum!!

You got one thing correct. Transgender Americans are a small minority group. So what? Minorities aren't supposed to have civil rights? 

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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Your fatigue is your own business. I have no interest in this. You are posting on a topic that literally reports that a majority of Americans oppose bathroom bills and you make the absurd claims that I am speaking from an ill-informed place and that "most" who agree with these bills are from the political center.


Just on the basis of logic, your post is nonsensical and entirely inconsistent with the OP.


Your words identify where you sit on the political continuum and it is nowhere near the center. The absurd neologisms of the Alt Right that you throw around reinforce this. Pretty simple concept really. You use these words, then people define you. If you wish to identify with the KKK and neo-nazis then that is again your business. Cucked is absolutely a term employed by the Alt Right.


I have no idea what your reference to visiting Thailand has to do with the issue. If you are offering this as some kind of 'but I have black friends' kind of defense, then you are clearly mansplaining to someone who lives here and has done so for several decades.


If you are so ignorant to keep using the word tranny after all these threads and all the information about transgender people, then you have zero business in defining anyone or telling someone what to do. Pal.

Go back and read what I wrote so you can understand better why I was calling you ill informed because you missed it the first pass.

You can say I identify as this or that, it's no matter to me as nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. I don't identify with the alt-right, nothing against them really but they hold some values that I don't. 

And the words you use don't necessarily identify where you sit politically, that's complete and utter BS. Conservatives borrow from leftist terminology ALL THE TIME to make their points. Well, i guess you know better, they're really closeted liberals :cheesy:

About my being in Thailand, you accused me of hating or being afraid of trannies. Why would I spend so much time here if I did hate them or feared them? Wouldn't i be better off spending my time elsewhere? 

Mansplaining? Lol You guys are truly becoming a parody of yourselves :)

I'll use whatever words I want. Don't like it? Too bad, go suck on a lemmon.

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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You got one thing correct. Transgender Americans are a small minority group. So what? Minorities aren't supposed to have civil rights? 

They already have the right to use the bathroom. Nobody is telling them they can't use the bathroom and you know it. This is a matter of extra special privileges.

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6 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

They already have the right to use the bathroom. Nobody is telling them they can't use the bathroom and you know it. This is a matter of extra special privileges.

So you want a transgender man with a full on beard dressed like a manly lumberjack to be forced under law to use the women's toilets? Bizarre! I think this right wing movement is PERVERTED. Obsession with other people's entirely rational choices about which gender toilet to use. Have something better to worry about than oppressing American minority groups? 


I find this right wing obsession with opposing the freedom of other Americans to make the most rational choices for themselves based on their gender I.D. combined with public presentation to be odious, mean, and hateful. Extra special hate. Caring about something that hurts nobody except the victims of their BIGOTRY. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Dude, please.

We're not stupid, so suggest you OWN IT rather than playacting that you didn't do it.

When you combine the alt-right marker word CUCK in the context that you did with trump worship, you indicate without any doubt, that you are advancing the rhetoric of the ALT RIGHT political movement.

If you don't want to telegraph that, then don't use the term CUCK in the context that you did. Simple, really.

Again, we're not stupid here.




On the other hand, the ALT RIGHT movement is so disgusting and so against decent American values that I would understand not wanting to be associated with it. It is indeed very similar to be associated with ALT RIGHT as it would be to be associated with the KKK, Nazis, etc.  


Not saying of course that all trump supporters are alt-right identified but for people that do support trump they are supporting a so called president that has as his top adviser BANNON, an important iconic leader of the alt-right movement. 

Read my last post to Tawan Dok.. that should help clear some stuff up for you.

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2 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Read my last post to Tawan Dok.. that should help clear some stuff up for you.

It does not. I don't believe you. The way you used CUCK is the big reveal. That's pure alt right. 

Of course you are free to use it and others are free to get where you're coming from using it.


Next ... 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

So you want a transgender man to be forced under law to use the women's toilets?

Here's the way I see it. If they are 'passing' then nobody can tell and they won't get kicked out so I could care less. On the other hand I understand the concerns many people have with a man in a dress walking into the ladies room.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It does not. I don't believe you. The way you used CUCK is the big reveal. That's pure alt right. 

Of course you are free to use it and others are free to get where you're coming from using it.


Next ... 

Haha ok bud, I can't force you to believe me, believe what you want.

It just seems kinda stupid that someone would try to hide it posting anonymously on the internet.

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6 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Here's the way I see it. If they are 'passing' then nobody can tell and they won't get kicked out so I could care less. On the other hand I understand the concerns many people have with a man in a dress walking into the ladies room.

A shred of compassion you show. Surprise surprise. It's the transgender people that are in a difficult position here if they don't pass and of course many don't. They may cause some kind of public reaction whatever choice they make. So it should be up to them to make these choices for themselves. The individuals need to balance these concerns for themselves, perhaps every time. Will my choice disturb other people or will my choice result in being violent assaulted by bigots?  Not a matter for the law what choice they make. 

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1 minute ago, Rigby40 said:

Haha ok bud, I can't force you to believe me, believe what you want.

It just seems kinda stupid that someone would try to hide it posting anonymously on the internet.

Not to me. Associating with the alt-right is shameful. 

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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

A shred of compassion you show. Surprise surprise. It's the transgender people that are in a difficult position here if they don't pass and of course many don't. They may cause some kind of public reaction whatever choice they make. So it should be up to them to make these choices for themselves. The individuals need to balance these concerns for themselves, perhaps every time. Will my choice disturb other people or will my choice result in being violent assaulted by bigots?  Not a matter for the law what choice they make. 

Again, mental patients running the asylum. Its less of an issue for a man in a dress to go into the mens restroom than for a man in a dress to go into the ladies room.

Never change for the world they tell each other all the while DEMANDING the world change for them. Funny that.

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Such bigoted rhetoric. 

This isn't about a man in a dress.

It's about transgender women and also transgender men and their civil rights in public society. 

If you don't see the difference between those two, then any kind of further discussion is impossible. 

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, it is.

It's similar to being associated with the KKK and Nazis.

Most people would care not to be thought of in that way.

Up to you if you don't. 

And most people with the exception of your average looney bin liberal understand what a real kkk member or Nazi stands for and believes in.

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1 minute ago, Rigby40 said:

And most people with the exception of your average looney bin liberal understand what a real kkk member or Nazi stands for and believes in.

I have no idea what you're trying to say with that post but it was certainly inflammatory. 

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Such bigoted rhetoric. 

This isn't about a man in a dress.

It's about transgender women and also transgender men and their civil rights in public society. 

If you don't see the difference between those two, then any kind of further discussion is impossible. 

When laws are put into place not allowing them to use ANY bathrooms, come complain to us. In fact I will be there with you demanding that they be given their basic human rights back.

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