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Americans oppose bathroom laws limiting transgender rights - poll


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1 hour ago, dazzz said:

you need to think sometimes . What stander says or means is that a man who wants to use womens toilets for immoral purposes just has to dress like a woman  and he`s in .
 I would not be very happy with men using the same toilets as my daughters . period


There's gotta be an easier way for a perv to show his dick to a gal. Have you seen the price of women's clothes and how hard it is to figure out the sizes?



Edited by Thakkar
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If I am allowed to go back to High School and shower with Freshman teenager girls who are 14 years old, I wouldn't need to come to Thailand.  Do you really want me to shower and ogle your 14 year old daughter?  I don't think so...  

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11 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:



Read and learn. LGBT people have existed from the dawn of the homo sapient species. I have no idea bout Neanderthals or Homo Ecrectus but you can be sure we have been around as long as non LGBT people. Why the Muslim slant? You are obviously baiting.


Baiting ?? I was simply bringing up an overlooked problem. Some people don't bother to think things through. What sounds simple may NOT be that simple. Certain people could get very violent. Call them bigots if you like, but they are out there and they are a threat.

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2 hours ago, DM07 said:

Not that old chestnut, again!
Some men have had "immoral puposses" before and went through with them, without putting on dresses! In a court of law, you would have to do a little more, than saying "but...but... I feel like a woman, your honor!" This argument has been debunked and called out for utter stupidity over and over and over and...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

 I Have no idea what you are talking about ?what utter stupidity . letting men dress up as women so they can spy on women and little girls in a mens toilet under the guise they are transgender  is utter stupidity , DEBUNKED BY WHO , you!

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12 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:



Read and learn. LGBT people have existed from the dawn of the homo sapient species. I have no idea bout Neanderthals or Homo Ecrectus but you can be sure we have been around as long as non LGBT people. Why the Muslim slant? You are obviously baiting.

yes but not getting married  , having kids and shoving it in everyones face telling them its ok , its normal . It is not normal it is unfortunate but a perverse of nature .I never seen a transgender until i was about 50 so where have they been hiding since the dawn of time .
 It is my own opinion they should be tolerated but not given special treatment . How about toilets for fat people or for people who do not want to show their parts or people who have small appendages and are shy . the list is endless . Snowflake rules

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21 minutes ago, dazzz said:

 I Have no idea what you are talking about ?what utter stupidity . letting men dress up as women so they can spy on women and little girls in a mens toilet under the guise they are transgender  is utter stupidity , DEBUNKED BY WHO , you!

You have no idea in general!

a) it is and it was forbidden, for MEN to enter a women's- restroom and "spy" on little girls!

Still it happens and it happened!

b ) to PROVE that you are transgender, you have to do more than put on a skirt!

c) there have literally been NO recorded cases of transgender- people, using their "priviledge" to spy on women...or girls ...or men for that matter!

yet literally thousands of recorded cases, where heterosexual "normal" men did this!


So take your bigotry elsewhere, please! 

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13 hours ago, Gary A said:

I wonder what muslim men would think if a man dressed like a woman came in the restroom with them. That could get quite interesting.

If the law allows it- I don't care!

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3 hours ago, captspectre said:

where were these polls taken, san francisco?, oakland,? chicago,?los angeles,? other homosexual enclaves? the real American people, (south) northeast, midwest, have made their opinions known long ago when the parasite was in the white house! the democrats will go to no end to justify their perversion!

Are those real Americans those, who burn down Planed Parenthood- clinics and kill their doctors?

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2 hours ago, 212Roger said:

If I am allowed to go back to High School and shower with Freshman teenager girls who are 14 years old, I wouldn't need to come to Thailand.  Do you really want me to shower and ogle your 14 year old daughter?  I don't think so...  


What in the the name of the mighty WWF are you on about?

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57 minutes ago, dazzz said:

yes but not getting married  , having kids and shoving it in everyones face telling them its ok , its normal . It is not normal it is unfortunate but a perverse of nature .I never seen a transgender until i was about 50 so where have they been hiding since the dawn of time .
 It is my own opinion they should be tolerated but not given special treatment . How about toilets for fat people or for people who do not want to show their parts or people who have small appendages and are shy . the list is endless . Snowflake rules


"I never seen a transgender until i was about 50 so where have they been hiding since the dawn of time ."


Transgenderism is being used by the left to further a radical anti-gender ideology. Transgenderism is a mental disorder, not a lifestyle choice.

Edited by stander
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4 hours ago, stander said:

Funniest comment, I've seen in a while: 
"This offends me as a vegan transgender hipster Native-American-Indo-Chinese hybrid alien agnostic-atheist German engineer who vapes fairtrade organic decaffeinated compressed and hydrated extra-protein soy breast milk on the regular and does Hindi Kama Sutra naked crossfit yoga 5 times per week I'm also a nonbinary trigender genderqueer male feminist and identify myself as a pastafarian pansexual genderfluid Apache helicopter dog of mega multi alpha beta gamma delta omega combo god of hyper death who's in a polygamous polyamorous relationship to the chihuahua which helped me cross the border of Mexico because it hates Donald Trump. My dog also walks me to the park and doggy styles me, if you find that weird you're an ignorant arrogant homophobic gender-assuming globaphobic  "bloodthirsty gun-loving cisgender pansexual bestial sexist racist incestuous white-previlege misogynistic biased objectified raped privileged Nazi slave owner terrorist lesbian."


We get it. Mommy and Daddy raised you in a white bread world to believe in your own mastery. Clearly diversity threatens those beliefs inculcated so carefully by Mommy and threatens to undercut your own sense of superiority. Your contempt for anything outside your white bread potty trained master race enclosure is obvious. The rest of us will enjoy human diversity. You may continue in your mono-cultural cultural-de-sac.


The quote you post is entirely off topic and a rather obvious attack on everything non-conformist by someone with little grasp of complex nouns.


Well done junior. Finish eating all that white bread before you go out to play with yourself.

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45 minutes ago, stander said:

"I never seen a transgender until i was about 50 so where have they been hiding since the dawn of time ."


Transgenderism is being used by the left to further a radical anti-gender ideology. Transgenderism is a mental disorder, not a lifestyle choice.


Referring to trans people as mentally abnormal promotes hatred and bigotry. You have no factual basis for your assertion and a expressing purely a personal bias against something you do not understand and of which you are clearly afraid.

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1 hour ago, dazzz said:

yes but not getting married  , having kids and shoving it in everyones face telling them its ok , its normal . It is not normal it is unfortunate but a perverse of nature .I never seen a transgender until i was about 50 so where have they been hiding since the dawn of time .
 It is my own opinion they should be tolerated but not given special treatment . How about toilets for fat people or for people who do not want to show their parts or people who have small appendages and are shy . the list is endless . Snowflake rules


You call LGBT people abnormal. You call me abnormal. By what authority? The fact that you never met a trans person until you were 50. That goes to your lack of awareness and social deficiencies. Nothing to do with the existence of trans people. LGBT people exist in nature. Ipso facto we are part of nature.


LGBT people do not want your pity or tolerance. We demand equal rights under the law. Allowing LGBT equal protections takes nothing away from non LGBT people or provides any special treatment. You do not have to like LGBT people. You do not have to respect LGBT people. You just have to accept LGBT people's participation in the world as normal and natural.


The use of the term snowflake has been ruled as derogatory. That you continue to insult people with this term is an indicator of your lack of value to any discussion on these issues.

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7 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Referring to trans people as mentally abnormal promotes hatred and bigotry. You have no factual basis for your assertion and a expressing purely a personal bias against something you do not understand and of which you are clearly afraid.


You are free to believe whatever you want to believe, but I believe it is a mental disorder, which is back up by science:-


(CNSNews.com) --  Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.


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this whole debate make me scratch my head.


somehow I feel that most Americans wouldn't notice if a nice Thai ladyboy used the ladies' room.


so I wonder if the reason for this debate is that some people in the US want to use the ladies' room, but they look like blokes in a dress?

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2 hours ago, Gary A said:


Baiting ?? I was simply bringing up an overlooked problem. Some people don't bother to think things through. What sounds simple may NOT be that simple. Certain people could get very violent. Call them bigots if you like, but they are out there and they are a threat.


Clear baiting indeed. Your transparently non innocuous allegation was and is an attempt to beat up hysteria. Why would you allege that Muslim people would not follow the law? Muslim people living in and citizens of western liberal democracies do not infringe the rights of LGBT people now. If they did, they would face consequences. Why would that change?


Anti-Muslim bigotry is a separate hatred to the hatred of anti-LGBT bigotry. That you are emotionally capable of holding both sets of hatreds and espousing them is nothing of which to be proud.

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3 minutes ago, stander said:

You are free to believe whatever you want to believe, but I believe it is a mental disorder, which is back up by science:-


(CNSNews.com) --  Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.



This person and his assertions have been debunked and are not accepted by the mainstream psychiatric profession. You may visit the website of the American Psychological Associations website to see their policy statements on LGBT issues http://www.apa.org/pi/lgbt/resources/policy/


You may choose to believe whom you wish but you may not claim that those in whom you put your faith are credible. That is established by objective truth achieved through knowledge. Using such discredited 'work' to diminish and marginalise LGBT people is an offense against human rights and human dignity as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


In other words, your Dr. McHugh is full of crap.

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3 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You call LGBT people abnormal. You call me abnormal. By what authority? The fact that you never met a trans person until you were 50. That goes to your lack of awareness and social deficiencies. Nothing to do with the existence of trans people. LGBT people exist in nature. Ipso facto we are part of nature.


LGBT people do not want your pity or tolerance. We demand equal rights under the law. Allowing LGBT equal protections takes nothing away from non LGBT people or provides any special treatment. You do not have to like LGBT people. You do not have to respect LGBT people. You just have to accept LGBT people's participation in the world as normal and natural.


The use of the term snowflake has been ruled as derogatory. That you continue to insult people with this term is an indicator of your lack of value to any discussion on these issues.


let's be lucid: "abnormal" is what differs form the norm. Mathematically, abnormal would refer to what is outside of "normal probabilities", i.e. outside of the fat part of the bell curve, further away from the average than the standard deviation.

So yes, transgenders are abnormal.

To me, it doesn't mean anything else than "different".

From my point of view, it's no reason to treat them differently, because society should treat all people fairly.



I am abnormal too. I have an asperger's syndrome personality. And no, I'm not in the slightest bothered to be considered abnormal, because this is what I am. Abnormal.

Among aspergers and people in psychology trade, we call normal people "normotypical".



For some people "being normal" is some kind of obsession - they will deny any difference even if it's shouting right in their face. The start for having a balanced view on this is to start to accept reality as it is.


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8 minutes ago, manarak said:

this whole debate make me scratch my head.


somehow I feel that most Americans wouldn't notice if a nice Thai ladyboy used the ladies' room.


so I wonder if the reason for this debate is that some people in the US want to use the ladies' room, but they look like blokes in a dress?


You may not wish to read articles from a magazine serving the LGBT community, but this link will explain the relationship between the Religious Right and their attempt to claim religious freedom to discriminate and the current issue of bathroom bills.


How the religious right is conspiring to put discrimination back into law.



Most non LGBT observers agree that the primary reason being touted in favor of these laws i.e. the protection of girls from male sexual predators is completely bogus as there has never been an instance of a trans woman sexually assaulting a female in the female toilets.

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4 minutes ago, manarak said:


let's be lucid: "abnormal" is what differs form the norm. Mathematically, abnormal would refer to what is outside of "normal probabilities", i.e. outside of the fat part of the bell curve, further away from the average than the standard deviation.

So yes, transgenders are abnormal.

To me, it doesn't mean anything else than "different".

From my point of view, it's no reason to treat them differently, because society should treat all people fairly.



I am abnormal too. I have an asperger's syndrome personality. And no, I'm not in the slightest bothered to be considered abnormal, because this is what I am. Abnormal.

Among aspergers and people in psychology trade, we call normal people "normotypical".



For some people "being normal" is some kind of obsession - they will deny any difference even if it's shouting right in their face. The start for having a balanced view on this is to start to accept reality as it is.



I do not agree. There is a clear attempt when using the word abnormal to mean something else apart from statistical anomaly. It is an attempt to invalidate an LGBT person's existence. It attempts to deny them access to societal and cultural mechanisms that reinforces a person's validity as a member of society e.g. dating, marriage, work place protections and other 'normal' society transactions.


Such language is used by those who do not accept LGBT people, primarily out of fear of or confusion about their own sexual orientation. People who are centred have no need to express bigotry towards LGBT people because LGBT people do not threaten their world.


I believe that conflating statistical and psychological terminology with expressions of bigotry is dangerous. I have no problem discussing abnormalities in a statistics context nor of  discussing nomotyical in a psychological context. This does not happen on this or related threads and people expressing bigotry against the LGBT community know this.

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1 minute ago, stander said:

Liberals always look to take away the rights of the majority, to give rights to the minorities, and, with bathrooms they want to take away privacy rights of the many to give special rights to the few.



Small. Mean-spirited. Narrow-minded.


Social liberalism is about tolerance and diversity. Only a selfish, miserly and ungenerous person would view transgender rights as taking something away from them.


By the way. You are no longer in the majority. Over 50% of Americans now support transgender bathroom rights.

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6 hours ago, dazzz said:

you need to think sometimes . What stander says or means is that a man who wants to use womens toilets for immoral purposes just has to dress like a woman  and he`s in .
 I would not be very happy with men using the same toilets as my daughters . period

That's a fake issue used to make transgender women boogeymen. I don't need to think about that. It's well known. 

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Even Trump himself flip flopped. As an actual conservative I must admit "bathrooms" are  a nonsense wedge issue used by the extreme right wing of the  to motivate a certain portion of the GOP  base. SAD!


“There’s a big move to create new bathrooms”  (talking about bathrooms) “First of all, I think that would be discriminatory in a certain way. It would be unbelievably expensive for businesses and for the country. Leave it the way it is … There have been very few complaints the way it is.” Donald Trump - April 2016



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Couldn´t care less. If it was up to me, they had to create another type of bathroom for this specific race.
It´s so much of understanding today. Everybody have to accept everything. What was wrong yesterday, is right today!
Wow! My mind and sense is spinning on high speed. Stop the clock from ticking!

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2 hours ago, DM07 said:

You have no idea in general!

a) it is and it was forbidden, for MEN to enter a women's- restroom and "spy" on little girls!

Still it happens and it happened!

b ) to PROVE that you are transgender, you have to do more than put on a skirt!

c) there have literally been NO recorded cases of transgender- people, using their "priviledge" to spy on women...or girls ...or men for that matter!

yet literally thousands of recorded cases, where heterosexual "normal" men did this!


So take your bigotry elsewhere, please! 

no you are wrong . You do not have to prove you are transgender to use a womans toilet . You need to read correctly , i never said transgenders use their priviliges to spy on females i said men can pretend to be transgender to spy on females and use your brain  there have been lots of recorded cases of men pretending to be women to use female toilets  including spy holes , hidden cams etc , no recorded cases because it is not law yet , do you understand , not law yet .
 I watched a documentary on it and anyone in school or college can just say they are transgender  and thats fine  but who is going to police the toilets to check all the trannies entering are real transgenders .
 Being the parent of 3 girls i know what i would do if i saw a man dressed as a woman going into the toilets my daughters were using
yet literally thousands of recorded cases, where heterosexual "normal" men did this! which is exactly my argument that you cannot see !!!!!!! these men could then put on womens clothes and do it legally . To many snowflakes

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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You call LGBT people abnormal. You call me abnormal. By what authority? The fact that you never met a trans person until you were 50. That goes to your lack of awareness and social deficiencies. Nothing to do with the existence of trans people. LGBT people exist in nature. Ipso facto we are part of nature.


LGBT people do not want your pity or tolerance. We demand equal rights under the law. Allowing LGBT equal protections takes nothing away from non LGBT people or provides any special treatment. You do not have to like LGBT people. You do not have to respect LGBT people. You just have to accept LGBT people's participation in the world as normal and natural.


The use of the term snowflake has been ruled as derogatory. That you continue to insult people with this term is an indicator of your lack of value to any discussion on these issues.

snowflake to me is not derogatry just means people who try to change the rules  to benefit a minority and do so by crying all the time . You cannot by any stretch of the imagination call  a man who dresses as a woman and has relationship with another man is normal it is not . Tolerated and not discriminated aginst yes but normal no

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