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Swiss man suspected of abusing 80 boys in Thailand


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4 minutes ago, djayz said:

Everybody makes mistakes and deserves a second chance but this fella is a repeat offender. Lock him up and throw the key away. 

Problem solved! 


Over 80 times the same mistake? The number is probably in the hundreds if that has been going on for almost 30 years with cases dating back to the 1980's. 


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42 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

 What does any man want with a 9 y/o???  Why was He ever

 allowed  out  of Prison in Switzerland?  Hope He gets life in

the worse Prison Thailand has!!

I agree with you in as much as a Thai jail would suit him better but I doubt if they will export him. So I expect there is a comfy jail for him in Geneva.

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1 hour ago, little mary sunshine said:

 What does any man want with a 9 y/o???  Why was He ever

 allowed  out  of Prison in Switzerland?  Hope He gets life in

the worse Prison Thailand has!!

I agree. Deport him from Swiss and let him serve his life sentence in a Thai prison.

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2 hours ago, jvs said:

Yes i agree,no more passports for convicted sex offenders.

Just sex offenders? What about other criminals?

I prefer to hope that convicts can be rehabilitated.

While these kind of sex offenders are disgusting, they often were abused themselves as kids, so I like to show some compassion, although it is very hard sometimes.

It’s rather ironic that those shouting to castrate them probably came to Thailand themselves for sex with women much younger than themselves. Self-righteous justification and all that. Look at yourself and not the faults of others.

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1 hour ago, jobsworth said:

they are all listed on a secret group on facebook.

the ngo volunteers and most of the service workers in thailand like security guards and taxi drivers have access

A secrete group on Face-book--where sex offenders are listed & only select few people can get in ...Like "service workers" & Taxi drivers" .............. yer OK....don't tell me, is the Password is  Shhhhh.

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1 hour ago, laislica said:

The man is mentally ill and should be locked away in solitary confinement for the rest of his life.

This will send a suitable message to other "Sick" perverts.

Oh no, what other mentally ill people do you believe have no human rights?



Those with depression?


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4 hours ago, optad said:

International cooperation regarding  travelling sex offenders needs sorting out. So many of this kind out there and information not openly shared .  


Why isn't there a global bulletin board for all law enforcement agencies to check regarding sex offenders? 


Photos, crime and place. Ignore the murderers and fraudsters,  just get this one going. Easily done but not existent. Still bilateral. Get multi.

If an American citizen is convicted in another country,then after his sentence in that country he is deported back to America he will be arrested upon his return at the airport and tried again in The US with the sentence ,if convicted  being much longer then it was in the original country.So do 3 years in Cambodia then 15 years or more in The US.

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2 hours ago, laislica said:

The man is mentally ill and should be locked away in solitary confinement for the rest of his life.

This will send a suitable message to other "Sick" perverts.

Saying they are sick gives them an excuse..." I am sick"

just telling them the truth, self gratifying, evil perverts

is more appropriate....

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8 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

If an American citizen is convicted in another country,then after his sentence in that country he is deported back to America he will be arrested upon his return at the airport and tried again in The US with the sentence ,if convicted  being much longer then it was in the original country.So do 3 years in Cambodia then 15 years or more in The US.

All well and good after the fact,  but it is real time information that counts in proactive policing.


We have the same laws in Aus and the AFP also advise foreign countries of travelling convicted paedophiles if known that they are outbound, but simply all this data is point to point when requested or known case by case.


Post it on a collaborative type, digital bulletin board for all those relevant authorities. Civil libertarians have talked this down as personal information post incarceration cannot be trust in all jurisdictions . Not sure this counterbalances the victims possibly spared. 

Edited by optad
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57 minutes ago, ThaiCitizen said:

Just sex offenders? What about other criminals?


I prefer to hope that convicts can be rehabilitated.


While these kind of sex offenders are disgusting, they often were abused themselves as kids, so I like to show some compassion, although it is very hard sometimes.


It’s rather ironic that those shouting to castrate them probably came to Thailand themselves for sex with women much younger than themselves. Self-righteous justification and all that. Look at yourself and not the faults of others.


Child molesters prohibited,  NO VISA any conviction, if they lie

and enter The Kingdom an automatic 10 year prison

sentence, if discovered,  THAN deported.  They would  head to a 

different Country!!

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4 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

" Most of the victims were young adolescents, but some were as young as nine years old, they said, adding that a number of the boys had been abused over the course of several years."


Take the prisoner out back and shoot him twice in the head.


Next case.

The Chinese do an excellent job of this. Not a bad idea to borrow. 

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Personally, I don't care if he was or wasn't molesting them while taking pornographic pictures. He is clearly a danger to young boys and needs to go to jail for a long time.

Given that his history has demonstrated abuse twice before. One would think that he is a serial criminal in this regard. Castrate and imprison as soon as conviction is achieved. Let the aforementioned punishment be a clear message globally to all who either have been involved previously, or contemplating same involvement in such egregious behavior.

Just like the bold warnings on the immigration landing forms for drug crimes, the same warning should be in place for pedophilia. As is known publicly this is a plague in many SEA countries. Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines being the worst.

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2 hours ago, JerryinTH said:


Over 80 times the same mistake? The number is probably in the hundreds if that has been going on for almost 30 years with cases dating back to the 1980's. 


..."but this fella is a repeat offender"

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5 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Gotta watch them Swiss ! Got it ? Swiss watch ? This is not a racial slur, just a bit of wordplay :) 

And in poor taste... there's a time & place for homour... this wasn't it!!

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7 hours ago, optad said:

International cooperation regarding  travelling sex offenders needs sorting out. So many of this kind out there and information not openly shared .  


Why isn't there a global bulletin board for all law enforcement agencies to check regarding sex offenders? 


Photos, crime and place. Ignore the murderers and fraudsters,  just get this one going. Easily done but not existent. Still bilateral. Get multi.

Name and shame!


No "saving face" for those who are criminals or corrupt! :post-4641-1156693976:

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4 hours ago, ThaiCitizen said:

Just sex offenders? What about other criminals?


I prefer to hope that convicts can be rehabilitated.


While these kind of sex offenders are disgusting, they often were abused themselves as kids, so I like to show some compassion, although it is very hard sometimes.


It’s rather ironic that those shouting to castrate them probably came to Thailand themselves for sex with women much younger than themselves. Self-righteous justification and all that. Look at yourself and not the faults of others.


Having consensual sex with someone younger than you but still an adult is something totally different from

having sex with underage children.It does not take a genius to figure that one out.

I can look at myself and assure you i am not a sex offender.You are mixing things up.

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Filth, scum, Asia has an abundance of these disgusting beasts raping and abusing children.


Something needs to be done. All paedophiles after their first offence should have their passports revoked and given lifetime bans from leaving their home countries.

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