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Thaivisa exclusive: Missing Thai girl is “protecting US teacher rapist”


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36 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

He had to leave the US first so they also slipped up.

There is no exit processing for immigration -- so the only one checking documents would be the ticket counter / document check person working for the airline.... and I doubt they are trained....  more just looking to see if you have a passport and an appropriate visa for the length of stay... if the picture looks close enough that is all that is necessary.

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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

If this story about using another mans passport is true.

How did it not get picked up when he entered Thailand????

Immigration takes a while checking passports and photos, so it shows the immigration officer not doing his job.

Let's hear it for the Yanks! Hey, Thailand we done ya'll good. We done bin sent a critter yonder wid de fake passport ya'll and ya'll nivver spotted it. Hee haw! We knew all along ya'll. We KNOWED the passport was fake.


Look, man, if the USA issued a genuine passport even though most/all of the details were fake, how can Thailand be to blame? Are you suggesting that Thailand's system should be so smart as to override the US system? You're living in la la land if you think that.

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Not surprised. I did say on the other relevant thread on the 'missing woman' that something there didn't add up. Now it seems more info is coming out and someone, maybe he woman or both of them are 'playing games' as it were. Surely they must realise how it will end. I feel for the woman's family.

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1 minute ago, thurien said:

a lot of bull again by the print media  - just to lure readers?!

Next time Jamjit who lives in Sweden or her sister Nittaya Polseepim try to OP more BS drama on TV or any other social media maybe moderators would be so kind to ban this two girls permanently.


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14 minutes ago, todlad said:

Let's hear it for the Yanks! Hey, Thailand we done ya'll good. We done bin sent a critter yonder wid de fake passport ya'll and ya'll nivver spotted it. Hee haw! We knew all along ya'll. We KNOWED the passport was fake.


Look, man, if the USA issued a genuine passport even though most/all of the details were fake, how can Thailand be to blame? Are you suggesting that Thailand's system should be so smart as to override the US system? You're living in la la land if you think that.

And your American southern is deplorable! 

Back on track. Can anyone post more pics of the both of these losers? They are probably in Thailand because he may not want to risk another immigration officer spotting  his fake passport and I would hope all borders have been notified of his fake name. It would be very easy to catch him exiting Thailand now.  She would most likely be the one getting food, water and accommodation now and I think more pictures of her should be posted and shared everywhere including TVF.  I would be extremely cautious if seeing either of these two anywhere around. Be careful how you act if you see them and contact authorities if you see them right away. Does anyone know the best number to call to contact the police about the sightings of these two creeps?  They look easy to spot. Does he or she have any tattoos?  Maybe we can find him. 

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4 hours ago, Get Real said:

He described his ex. wife as an intelligent woman!???


2 children from different marriages

Nobody know how many relationship before and between.
Running away with a criminal and rapist and protecting him, if true.
Going to Cambodia with new boyfreind and calling ex. husband for money.

Yeah, right! Sounds like the most clever and smart woman on the planet!

It also sounds like the ex BF has gone to a lot of trouble to find all of this out, maybe he stalks her.

He has done a lot of good anyway, hope the pervert is caught soon.

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49 minutes ago, todlad said:

Let's hear it for the Yanks! Hey, Thailand we done ya'll good. We done bin sent a critter yonder wid de fake passport ya'll and ya'll nivver spotted it. Hee haw! We knew all along ya'll. We KNOWED the passport was fake.


Look, man, if the USA issued a genuine passport even though most/all of the details were fake, how can Thailand be to blame? Are you suggesting that Thailand's system should be so smart as to override the US system? You're living in la la land if you think that.


You sir cannot even get a southern American drawl right, so it is yourself living in la-la land.

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2 hours ago, simon43 said:


Bailed?? Surely such a serious charge would warrant being kept in custody?


I never really understand the bail system.  Maybe 2 people commit the same crime.  One has money to post bail and is a 'free man'.  The other doesn't have money to post bail and is incarcerated....


Let me explain it to you in simple terms.... the justice system works on the basis that you are "innocent until proven guilty".  Of course there are many people here that would prefer a system that you are "guilty until proven innocent" -- until they themselves are on the other end of it.


The system of bail (called by different things in different countries) is an bond that an individual has to put up as security to encourage them to show up when their case is before a judge.  The US system differs slightly -- usually higher bail and private bondsmen to put up the balance of the bail (loan).  Other countries set it lower and there is no system of bondsmen to put up bonds.  The US has private bounty hunters that are hired to collect you so the person putting up the balance can get their money back if you run....  Other countries have no private contractors and it is only up to the police to arrest you for running out on your bond.  


A judge has to balance many different factors when setting bail, but understand he also has to balance your right to freedom UNTIL you are proven guilty.... you cannot be given back time after the fact...  The judge has to balance things like previous record (i.e. likely to re-offend IF guilty), ties to community (likelihood on jumping bail), danger to general community etc.  It is a judgement call (judge) and it can in hindsight be wrong.... But, until you are found guilty of a crime -- you are presumed innocent -- and innocent people should not be incarcerated carelessly.

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15 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

It also sounds like the ex BF has gone to a lot of trouble to find all of this out, maybe he stalks her.

He has done a lot of good anyway, hope the pervert is caught soon.

Birds of a feather flock together, now that the partners in crime is revealed what is the punishment in Thailand harboring a convicted fugitive?

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1 minute ago, bander said:

Birds of a feather flock together, now that the partners in crime is revealed what is the punishment in Thailand harboring a convicted fugitive?

He has been charged, but not convicted.  He is also not guilty of a crime yet in Thailand.  So right now she is only POTENTIALLY guilty of harbouring someone that is wanted by immigration for administrative (not criminal offenses) and for questioning.

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44 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

And your American southern is deplorable! 

Back on track. Can anyone post more pics of the both of these losers? They are probably in Thailand because he may not want to risk another immigration officer spotting  his fake passport and I would hope all borders have been notified of his fake name. It would be very easy to catch him exiting Thailand now.  She would most likely be the one getting food, water and accommodation now and I think more pictures of her should be posted and shared everywhere including TVF.  I would be extremely cautious if seeing either of these two anywhere around. Be careful how you act if you see them and contact authorities if you see them right away. Does anyone know the best number to call to contact the police about the sightings of these two creeps?  They look easy to spot. Does he or she have any tattoos?  Maybe we can find him. 

That wan't meant to be Southern US, it was more parody and irony.


However, your call for action and support is laudable.

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6 hours ago, petesc55 said:


It doesn't sound like she has very serious criminal connections if she has to get on the phone and beg her husband for money to support her travels with her deadbeat BF.

(As well as borrow or con money out of whoever they can)




Two kids with different partners, and she's on the lam with a  broke pervert. 

(Who skipped out on a $50000 bond some family member will probably lose a home over)


I'm glad my life is boring.


well this guy received a passport on his friends name....???.in the usa every bs is possible i guess....every crook on bail can just receive a pp on any other persons name...what a thirld world country is this...??? would not be possible in the civilised world  ( except africa i guess )...crooks and cowboys suckers and loosers ....with a joe like trump as their leader...good night civilisation ...

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15 minutes ago, free123 said:

well this guy received a passport on his friends name....???.in the usa every bs is possible i guess....every crook on bail can just receive a pp on any other persons name...what a thirld world country is this...??? would not be possible in the civilised world  ( except africa i guess )...crooks and cowboys suckers and loosers ....with a joe like trump as their leader...good night civilisation ...

??? I think he got his friends passport with a little conniving like the article stated. Look at the post above, the pics are very similar and even you would let him through at immigration. Every crook on bail does NOT get a passport with another persons name in the USA. This news story has nothing to do with Trump. Your rant is completely ignorant. 

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

Just as well and by the grace of god no kids were harmed by this pedophile YET,

what credentials has this guy presented to the school to show that he's qualified

to teach youngsters? None, I bet... that school should be severely reprimanded

and all the other foreign teachers working there should be looked at immediately....


The vetting needs to get better but not only for teachers, there should also be more vetting of all people entering Thailand as the problem isn't only with males and teachers as there are many retire living in Thailand and the surrounding countries just because its easy for them to pray on children here! Yes, there are many retire-predators who comes here to teach just so that they will be close to the pray but the amount of younger and also female predators are on the rise in the world too.

I have personally been involved in some way with helping 4 schools and a kindergarten solving problems (before and/or after the foreigners got thrown out) with a total of 7 male foreigner teachers here in Thailand; 2 Americans. 2 Brits, 2 Cameroonians (with degrees from US) and a South African. All of them had proper vetted Ba teacher degrees and the Brits also had PCC and 3 of them had even received full Thai teachers licenses from KruSapha. 1 of the Brits and the South African were 55+ and officially retired in their home countries.

The Americans (in their late 20's) got thrown out because they came drunk to school and other misbehavior but no sexual abuse. (secondary school)

The Brit in his 30's got thrown out for sexual harassment of one of the female staff. (college)

The 55+ Brit was collected by the RTP and deported out of Thailand for "touching the children the wrong way". (primary school)

The Cameroonians (in their late 20's) was thrown out of school, arrested and later deported for drinking and sleeping with students (16-19 years old) . (secondary school)

The 55+ South African was "taken care of" for child abuse in a kindergarten(!!!) and he went back to South Africa by "his own free will". It's a private kindergarten and many of the parents are what they call "HiSo" so it was all hushed up and "no" RTP involvement... just "some people who took care of him" leaving him in the hospital for over a month before he went home.


And then we have what we can read in the news:


But as I already wrote, this is a problem that is not just isolated to Thailand and male teachers:


Ghana has a rising problem with prostitution and child abuse especially among young boys. But it's not much talk about this like it's about child abuse in Thailand and men going to Thailand to have sex with Thai girls as it's mostly middle aged or over middle aged women from Europe and North America who goes to Ghana to have sex with "young African men".

In 2014 it's believed that 1/3 of all teacher-student sexual misconducts in US the teachers were female. if comparing that to 3.5% of all those convicted of sex crimes in US were females and that female teachers only stood for about 4% of the teacher-student sexual misconducts in the 00's, then you can see a clear trend that even female predators that are going for teacher jobs to find their pray are on the rise!


I also have a personal example involving Thais only:

A Thai friend of my died from cancer. His wife remarried about 3 years later, she was then 39 and her new husband 18. They got married the day after he graduated from M.6... she had been his math teacher sins M.1!


So in reality there in not only a need of better vetting systems of all personnel working in educational institutions all over the world but also of all those who retire as expats!




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6 hours ago, Somtamnication said:


Well it's unbeleivable she has to do it and that it has not yet been done when he entered Thailand. I would like to see how he and friend on passport looks alike

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So she leaves her two kids in other peoples care, practically abandoning her children. Nice lady. Her South African ex seems to be no mug though. 

Also, why the hell can someone charged with raping a 5 year old child get released after paying money? What kind of system allows you to pay bail for such crimes? The US courts seem to only punish people unless they pay them money. 

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46 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

??? I think he got his friends passport with a little conniving like the article stated. Look at the post above, the pics are very similar and even you would let him through at immigration. Every crook on bail does NOT get a passport with another persons name in the USA. This news story has nothing to do with Trump. Your rant is completely ignorant. 

I think the only conning the friend is doing is with the press and the police.  I do not hand my passport to anyone except authorized immigration officials.  I can see no valid reason why any "friend" would ask me for my passport -- and I am going to be extremely suspicious of any friend asking for it.... even more so someone just charged with a serious crime.   The friend was more than likely complicit with his friends evasion from justice.

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10 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

I think the only conning the friend is doing is with the press and the police.  I do not hand my passport to anyone except authorized immigration officials.  I can see no valid reason why any "friend" would ask me for my passport -- and I am going to be extremely suspicious of any friend asking for it.... even more so someone just charged with a serious crime.   The friend was more than likely complicit with his friends evasion from justice.

From the OP:

"He entered Thailand on a passport in the name of a friend after conniving with that person and their relatives to escape justice in the US. "

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Darron was and still is in love with this girl Nuang. Just looking at his Facebook he's deleted all pictures of her from his life. He's best friends with her sister who posted the message of her sister's danger. It looks like they are both jealous that this man Jackson Hall has taken away their beloved. I doubt they are scared for her danger, they just want Nueng back to run the family business again and make up with Darron.

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