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Video: Sickening violence as security guard kicked in the face


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17 hours ago, webfact said:

The man revving his car engine called Wisanu or Tor, 28, went into the Ua-athorn housing estate in the Ratanathibet area to fetch two mates before the attack started.

I don't know why you keep calling these low-order living things "men". A man would deal with his emotions in first place, and if he really can't help having a fight he would fight alone. These animals only consume precious oxygen, food and energy that should be better employed. Lock them inside a car under the sun all they long, then make some good compost for the agriculture...

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6 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

It is a Thai thing. The Thai's fight like cowards. If you don't believe me go outside right now and hit a big Thai man in the face. He'll either run off or several other Thai men will gang up on you and beat you until your unconscious.

There is no fair fight's. In the U.K if you pick a fight with some one you are left alone to fight it out or until the police arrive. Ganging up on one person does happen but is frowned upon and gets you zero street cred.

Thai men fight like drunk women out clubbing in the UK. Stomping on their victims with high heels. Kicking and running away after each attack.

Sorry, but you must not have been in the UK for a long time.  Go out after the pubs and night clubs close and start a fight... you will be beaten and kicked by a group of people...  Again no one will likely help... and you will have to wait till the police arrive.


Do you watch any British TV documentaries about police in the UK? 


In the UK the guy will not go and get his mates and come back... they will all just pile onto you... and kicking you in the head is normal.... alcohol and drug fueled aggression and group / mob mentality takes over.  And most of the women are just as bad as the guys.



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12 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Its not a Thai thing.... it's a human thing... this sort of stuff happens all the time in Europe and America too... no one coming to help as they are too afraid to get involved.



The usual Thai apologist reply.

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Not read all the replies to this, but from the attack that took place the three cowards should be charged with attempted murder (the dirt bag kicking and stamping on the blokes face 100% along with the chair thrasher, clean shot on an unconscious victim, whats that about?) The other turd maybe serious GBH - $ hi T Bags!!

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16 hours ago, meatboy said:

yeh i bet their parents will be proud they brought into this world sons of the DEVIL,


They did not come into this world this way. They were brought up and allowed to become the satanic beasts they are today, by those very same parents!

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22 hours ago, ukrules said:

I saw this on Thai TV about 4-5 hours ago and from what I know about the law (not much) it would be a case of attempted murder in any normal country.


Just LOS .... Yes they can brutally kill with the smile on their face ...

Just speechless..

This video will be spread all over Facebook to warn people visiting LOS.

If there is no one who can defend unconscious man being treated like that then this country law is worst then joke if no one is afraid of consequences...

Looks like there is no mercy and no respect :coffee1:

Edited by gigman
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6 minutes ago, gigman said:

Just LOS .... Yes they can brutally kill with the smile on their face ...

Just speechless..

This video will be spread all over Facebook to warn people visiting LOS.

If there is no one who can defend unconscious man being treated like that then this country law is worst then joke if no one is afraid of consequences...

Looks like there is no mercy and no respect :coffee1:


Even if they go to prison for 50 years each it won't change a single thing. This kind of thing happens every day.


This time it was caught on camera, that's the only difference.

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3 hours ago, DiscoDan said:

They should make an example of people like this by giving them the maximum penalty available for this offence.

No.! they earned a revenge of breaking their legs and hands that they never can use it again... Those people do not care about jail....term

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22 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Horrible! This type of carry-on happens often, the mindset still very much in the animal kingdom among male groups. They will likely get a slap on the wrist and a small fine - maybe no apology if relations of a somebody. Steal a toffee bar from 7 or try to sue someone of a wrongdoing thus defaming them, then lookout. I would happily see the death penalty for this sort of REAL crime.


No, in this case, you are wrong. They will receive serious jail time here due to the fact it is well recorded on video.  


He was kicked, hit or stomped in the head a total of 30 times in the video. At least 20 of those were after he appeared unconscious. There is no doubt this is attempted murder. Half way through that attack he could already have been dead as far as his attackers knew.

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19 hours ago, catman20 said:

theirs something wrong when people who continue to beat someone when there clearly no threat to you when there out cold. lucky he is still alive.


Lucky he is still alive? I'm amazed he is.

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This is why I always avoid fighting with thais. Even if someone is throwing shit at me, trying to start something, I usually just keep my mouth shut.

Suddenly one aggressor becomes three, five or even ten. And on top of that, there is always the likelihood of knives, bats, sticks, rocks, e.t.c.

Edited by ricku
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20 hours ago, catman20 said:

theirs something wrong when people who continue to beat someone when there clearly no threat to you when there out cold. 

Its suppressed rage inherent to thainess. Books can be written about it nothing will change. Every thai FEMALE i know has warned me about thai males behaviour, especially young and drunk. Remember that many thai male adults have the attitude and brain capacity of a western 10-12 year old. 

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58 minutes ago, tropo said:

Lucky he is still alive? I'm amazed he is.

Alive yes. But probably shitting his pants literally for rest of his life. So many kicks in the head: maniacs! Criminals! Scum!

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It is not enough that wide publicity be given to this attrocity,  At least the same level of publicity needs to be given to the arrest and trial of these three morons for attempted murder and to their eventual jail sentence.   Only then will we all be in a position to judge the effectiveness or otherwise of the Thai Justice system.


How many times have we read about horrifiic crimes and murders like this one but never been allowed to find out the eventual outcome?  This needs to change, along with appropriate sentences being given for serious crimes like this.


Probably none of us  know the security man ourselves but surely all our thoughts go out to him and his family with heartfelt wishes for a full recovery and full compensation from the spoilt brats responsible for his injuries and loss of income.

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On 14/03/2017 at 10:33 AM, Wilsonandson said:

Reminds me of the Hua Hin elderly couple and son beating. People just walk on by or stand back and watch. No one steps in to help.

The story of the good Samaritan is obviously not told in Thai schools. I wonder if there is a Buddhist story that is similar to that told to children?

Why is the culture of this country to turn the other head? Ignore the crys for help of the injured or victims of crime. Who teaches this culture? Don't get involved, don't help, not my problem.

Is it karma? The victim deserves it as they must have done something wrong in the past. Anyone know?

Not all Thais are like this and do come to the aid of those being attacked or those injured but for the many years I have been here I haven't seen that happen very often.

I guess this is not just Thailand either but an Asian culture thing. Oh well, survival of the fitest or should I say the one with the biggest gang.

Perhaps you should revisit the Good Samaritan. He didn't join in the senseless violence, he helped the injured afterwards.

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9 hours ago, brling said:

The usual Thai apologist reply.

The usual Thai bashing reply.


Come on... I am not defending what those kids did.  But you would be very naïve to think this sort of thing is only happening in Thailand.  Look at your local news or crime reports from the nearest city to where you come from in farang land. 



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Thug in security guard attack goes to police - says sorry for going over the top



Picture: Thairath


BANGKOK: -- The ringleader of a group of three men caught on CCTV mercilessly kicking a security guard in the head has given himself up to Ratanathibet, Nonthaburi police.


Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/973656-thug-in-security-guard-attack-goes-to-police-says-sorry-for-going-over-the-top/


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21 hours ago, weri said:

This cowardly attack is just sickening, why keep on kicking in the head after the guy is already down and out?? This should be prosecuted a pre meditated murder attempt and the culprit should be locked up for life or death sentence, that's the only way to stop those idiots :(


You know that's not gonna happen here.

Drugs and theft is taken more serious than murder or attempted murder.

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Its suppressed rage inherent to thainess. Books can be written about it nothing will change. Every thai FEMALE i know has warned me about thai males behaviour, especially young and drunk. Remember that many thai male adults have the attitude and brain capacity of a western 10-12 year old. 

Every Thai female you know has warned you? LOL. I see the same aggressive behaviour in Thai females. In many cases they are scarier than the guys.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect
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On 3/14/2017 at 7:33 AM, Wilsonandson said:

Reminds me of the Hua Hin elderly couple and son beating. People just walk on by or stand back and watch. No one steps in to help.

The story of the good Samaritan is obviously not told in Thai schools. I wonder if there is a Buddhist story that is similar to that told to children?

Why is the culture of this country to turn the other head? Ignore the crys for help of the injured or victims of crime. Who teaches this culture? Don't get involved, don't help, not my problem.

Is it karma? The victim deserves it as they must have done something wrong in the past. Anyone know?

Not all Thais are like this and do come to the aid of those being attacked or those injured but for the many years I have been here I haven't seen that happen very often.

I guess this is not just Thailand either but an Asian culture thing. Oh well, survival of the fitest or should I say the one with the biggest gang.


So if you were walking down the street alone and saw three thugs beating up someone like that, you would try to stop them?  Just asking....I would wait til the thugs had left then do whatever I could for the poor guy, but sorry I am not going to play Mr. Hero and get my head kicked in as well.  Whether, here, Cameroon, or my hometown, I think most people would think the same as me.   I think your comment is a bit silly.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:



Thug in security guard attack goes to police - says sorry for going over the top



Picture: Thairath


BANGKOK: -- The ringleader of a group of three men caught on CCTV mercilessly kicking a security guard in the head has given himself up to Ratanathibet, Nonthaburi police.


Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/973656-thug-in-security-guard-attack-goes-to-police-says-sorry-for-going-over-the-top/


Thai the fuckface to a chair naked and give the security guard a variety of tools to shut him up forever....in a very slow and very painful way.  Make it last a few days.



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