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Thailand zoo forces orangutans to fight in boxing gloves and wear bikinis


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You people realise they don't actually fight hit each other its all an act staged.  I have been there and seen the show. And for those that complain about elephants giving rides as long as they are not abused /hit  forcced to work in high heat or continuosly walking giving rides I don't think a 5 ton elephant really is concerned with carrying a 180 pound (80 kilo ) guy on his back.  They used to carry trees to lumber mills and have been used in past to caary soldiers and fight thru out hisotry in Asia/India

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

at least they have bikinis on. no need for a crack down on them doing it nude.

Bikinis! Any minute now our favourite naked ape is going to announce that if they get raped they will have asked for it.

Edited by Krataiboy
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6 hours ago, Eligius said:

In so many ways, one sees that Thailand is a good 50 years behind the rest of the civilised world (and that is being generous!).


Thailand, the land of Buddhism - whose founder would not even ride on a horse after he became Awakened, still less abuse, humiliate and/ or murder animals ...


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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Utterly disgraceful. I shudder to think what the result would be if someone tried this in London or New York.

I expect better and more civiilsed behaviour from a class of 5 year olds.

The result my friend was a box office hit when Clint Eastwood made a movie with an orang o tang

but I guess that was ecceptable because he was such a big star??

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When I was a kid I cried when I went to the zoo because I thought my parents were going to put me in a cage too...yes I know, maybe they were:smile:...I wonder if animals feel the same? If they aren't shot as 'game', poached, they are shut in a cage while more and more of their habitat is destroyed. Sad.

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3 hours ago, Tony125 said:

You people realise they don't actually fight hit each other its all an act staged.  I have been there and seen the show. And for those that complain about elephants giving rides as long as they are not abused /hit  forcced to work in high heat or continuosly walking giving rides I don't think a 5 ton elephant really is concerned with carrying a 180 pound (80 kilo ) guy on his back.  They used to carry trees to lumber mills and have been used in past to caary soldiers and fight thru out hisotry in Asia/India

Try looking up how they 'tame' those elephants to accept us humans on their backs...

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17 hours ago, siam2007 said:



FARANG can not understand "Thai culture"   {~_~}

If the "Thai culture" excuse is being wheeled out again as a defense for this practice, then it speaks volumes about how low Thai culture has sunk rather than foreigners inability to understand it, doesn't it?

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14 hours ago, payttayasquirt said:

Big deal, it gives them something to do. It's not like they are going to get hurt.

Beats sitting in a cage with zero stimulation

It is a big deal. 


It's exploitative and cruel. 


Putting any animal in a cage is also wrong. 


Neither should happen, nor is one better than the other. 

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7 minutes ago, robertthebruce said:



Fox Hunting in the UK is still Practiced......


same  same for me, but worse....


Fois Grae in France 


Bull Fighting in Spain


sad list is endless.....



Humanity's capacity for cruelty is limitless.

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

Gold stars for all of you. Your virtue signalling has been noted.

Now lets hurry up and by some sweaters for our lapdogs.

It's a sad world where condemning exploitation, casual cruelty and indifference to the suffering of any species is viewed as being overly virtuous. 

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7 hours ago, Rhys said:

Put the owner / creator of this exploitation in the ring with the activists... 



great idea !


Just make sure the Thai visitors of that spectacle are being charged just 20 Baht as these are "their" apes, and the foreigners will pay a very affordable 400 Baht,

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