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Thaivisa becomes part of the Nation Media Group


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5 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Privacy Policy for Thaivisa.com

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the difference is:


In the past, despite what the current policy apparently allows, what was posted on ThaiVisa pretty much stayed within ThaiVisa in its various forms -- the web forum boards, emailed newsletters to members, sometimes social media, perhaps.


But now, apparently, we have ThaiVisa or The Nation unilaterally picking up selected member posts out of the Thaivisa web forums and re-publishing  them in a mass circulation print newspaper without any specific warning being given or explicit permission being granted by the authors.


If that's the way the future here is going to be, members should at least be given the option to blanket opt out of having their posts potentially re-published in The Nation.  Unless something like that is granted, I would expect you'll see A LOT of members here being much less participatory in their postings and in the forums at large.  And that would not be good for the broader TVF enterprise.


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24 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the difference is:


In the past, despite what the current policy apparently allows, what was posted on ThaiVisa pretty much stayed within ThaiVisa in its various forms -- the web forum boards, emailed newsletters to members, sometimes social media, perhaps.


But now, apparently, we have ThaiVisa or The Nation unilaterally picking up selected member posts out of the Thaivisa web forums and re-publishing  them in a mass circulation print newspaper without any specific warning being given or explicit permission being granted by the authors.


If that's the way the future here is going to be, members should at least be given the option to blanket opt out of having their posts potentially re-published in The Nation.  Unless something like that is granted, I would expect you'll see A LOT of members here being much less participatory in their postings and in the forums at large.  And that would not be good for the broader TVF enterprise.


I suggest you re-read the forum rules as they are clear and do cover what you have referenced.

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I am one from abroad but I just followed the comments here. I just come regularly to Thailand also for business but I do not hate Thailand nor the people at all. I respect the people in the countries I am visiting, I guess more than many Thai people respect each other. Proper criticism can be helpful if read by the right people but I think too few Thai politicans read the articles here. Of course it would mean they can read english in the first place and understand the meaning of it! I hope we do not get too many cartoons here!

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I've noticed a reduction in engagement in this forum across the board. There is a movement towards other forums. I presume that I'm not allowed to mention any here. 


But I have noticed the members from a few yrs ago that are now on the other forums bc they keep use the same user name. 


I think tv.com has gone down big time. 

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1 hour ago, tukkytuktuk said:

Makes no difference. It's your IP address they can share.

Only an Internet Service Provider (ISP) knows the real name and home address that corresponds to an IP address.

They have to know, in order to send a bill for monthly Internet usage. However, they keep that information private and do not disclose IP addresses—or names and addresses of customers—to just anyone asking for it. However, they would disclose that information under subpoena to law enforcement agencies.

You could use a proxy server. But it's not 100% effective as sometimes the server goes offline without you knowing.

Now you would have to post some shocking stuff to get special attention of the government cyber crime division.

you can use a VPN and would be notified if it went offline. any of the good ones do. 

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17 minutes ago, ghworker2010 said:

I've noticed a reduction in engagement in this forum across the board. There is a movement towards other forums. I presume that I'm not allowed to mention any here. 


But I have noticed the members from a few yrs ago that are now on the other forums bc they keep use the same user name. 


I think tv.com has gone down big time. 


Interesting post, would you please share what your actual observations are in regard to  'gone down big time'. Not questioning what you say, just curious.


I scan and post on other sites but not with same username, seems to me they are all pretty similar overall, and I'm guessing migrating to other sites is a fairly natural 'process'


Look forward to your comments.

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the difference is:


In the past, despite what the current policy apparently allows, what was posted on ThaiVisa pretty much stayed within ThaiVisa in its various forms -- the web forum boards, emailed newsletters to members, sometimes social media, perhaps.


But now, apparently, we have ThaiVisa or The Nation unilaterally picking up selected member posts out of the Thaivisa web forums and re-publishing  them in a mass circulation print newspaper without any specific warning being given or explicit permission being granted by the authors.


If that's the way the future here is going to be, members should at least be given the option to blanket opt out of having their posts potentially re-published in The Nation.  Unless something like that is granted, I would expect you'll see A LOT of members here being much less participatory in their postings and in the forums at large.  And that would not be good for the broader TVF enterprise.



58 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

I suggest you re-read the forum rules as they are clear and do cover what you have referenced.

Yeah - I am pretty sure you granted ThaiVisa and anyone they want total permission to whore out everything they have on you as they see fit. Be careful moving forward. Nothing much you can do about the past. 

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1 hour ago, CharlieH said:

I suggest you re-read the forum rules as they are clear and do cover what you have referenced.

Depends on what you mean by "cover what I have referenced."


If you mean do the current rules provide any opt-out option, as I suggested above, that would enable a member to prevent their content from being sent to/used by non-Thai Visa sites such as The Nation, I don't see any such provision.


If you mean does the current language give ThaiVisa the right to do pretty much whatever it wants with any material posted to ThaiVisa, including sharing/giving it with "partners" for reproduction by those partners, and members having no recourse to limit that, then yes, that's what the current policy appears to say.


That's exactly the part I find objectionable -- the unlimited ability to share the forum's information/content with whatever 3rd party entities ThaiVisa may choose to designate as "partners."  Who are the next TVF "partners" going to be, the Thai Govt. PRD, the RTP, TAT, ???



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23 minutes ago, wxpwzrd said:


Yeah - I am pretty sure you granted ThaiVisa and anyone they want total permission to whore out everything they have on you as they see fit. Be careful moving forward. Nothing much you can do about the past. 

The point I made above was, at least in the past, I'm unaware that ThaiVisa had any actual practice that, to use your term, "whore[d] out" our forum content submissions to third-parties for reproduction by those third parties in their own venues. The policy allowed it, but it wasn't done in actual practice, AFAIK.


But that's exactly what the current forum admin now appears to be doing with The Nation and the reproduction of ThaiVisa forum posts with the posting member's forum ID on the opinion pages of The Nation. I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong, but that seems a pretty major departure from past practice.


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4 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

The point I made above was, at least in the past, I'm unaware that ThaiVisa had any actual practice that, to use your term, "whore[d] out" our forum content submissions to third-parties for reproduction by those third parties in their own venues. The policy allowed it, but it wasn't done in actual practice, AFAIK.


But that's exactly what the current forum admin now appears to be doing with The Nation and the reproduction of ThaiVisa forum posts with the posting member's forum ID on the opinion pages of The Nation. I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong, but that seems a pretty major departure from past practice.


But it is nevertheless stated in the forum rules that you agreed to when joining ThaiVisa..

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this is not the first time they have joined forces, and i have always thought that it was the beginning of the end for thaivisa which used to be an excellent agregator of sources for thailand news. 

after the first partnership, banagkok post sources were disallowed, and then there was a gradual lessening of the news sources that were quoted. Eventually partnerships with groups like coconuts and pattaya inspire became the norm, and the balance of news sources for stories seemed to be radically deceased.

I stopped using thaivisa for a news source on current day thailand a number of years back.

this (re) merger with the nation just means thai news on the site will have a radically narrowed perspective.  

my interest in thaivisa has waned over the last 3-5 years, but now, i only check occasionally where once thaivisa was always in the background to keep me entertained at work while i was waiting for things to process or render or compile. 

now i have an ebook, because there is very little variety of perspective either in sourced content or in poster demographic.

its essentially become a tabloid version of itself, pandering to clickbait and lowest common denominator users.

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this is not the first time they have joined forces, and i have always thought that it was the beginning of the end for thaivisa which used to be an excellent agregator of sources for thailand news. 

after the first partnership, banagkok post sources were disallowed, and then there was a gradual lessening of the news sources that were quoted. Eventually partnerships with groups like coconuts and pattaya inspire became the norm, and the balance of news sources for stories seemed to be radically deceased.

I stopped using thaivisa for a news source on current day thailand a number of years back.

this (re) merger with the nation just means thai news on the site will have a radically narrowed perspective.  

my interest in thaivisa has waned over the last 3-5 years, but now, i only check occasionally where once thaivisa was always in the background to keep me entertained at work while i was waiting for things to process or render or compile. 

now i have an ebook, because there is very little variety of perspective either in sourced content or in poster demographic.

its essentially become a tabloid version of itself, pandering to clickbait and lowest common denominator users.

What are you talking about?
Whether the news story comes from Khaosod English or Thai PBS English or the Nation, it's the same news just a different journalist report.

Thaivisa Thailand News Forum isn't about publishing every article from a variety of media sources. It's about members being given the chance to discuss and debate issues in the headlines. A past time that has interested people since the advent of daily newspaper's.

What makes Thaivisa unique is that you can get fairly accurate updates on major news events such as:-

New Laws
Current news events
Etc ...
In English. Not from Nation newspaper journalists but from the members, eye witnesses, someone's research, someone's rumour, etc..
This gives you IMO makes Thai visa the most up-to-date news accurate English news in the world. To get better news you need to be fluent in Thai.

I know all the latest news before my Thai wife. Thai visa is power in your pocket. The best Thailand News on your smart phone.
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2 hours ago, CharlieH said:

I suggest you re-read the forum rules as they are clear and do cover what you have referenced.


Is there another point? When many of us joined TV (I mean say a decade ago or more) there were ( correct me if I'm wrong) no connections to mainstream newspapers, therefore the rules we signed up to seemed to be meaning a much smaller 'local forum' scenario.


What I've read on this thread in the last hour sort of frightens me, and I'll probably in the future read and not contribute other than 'any suggestions where I can buy Heinz ketchup?'.



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1 hour ago, CharlieH said:

But it is nevertheless stated in the forum rules that you agreed to when joining ThaiVisa..

It's not about what the policy does or doesn't allow.


It's about how the admin of the TVF chooses to exercise the discretion given it under that policy.


I never had a problem in the past with the way that discretion was being used. But I do have a major problem with the current use of that discretion as regards third-party "partners."


And what's even more objectionable is that TFV apparently has begun this practice of unilaterally giving posters' forum content to The Nation for use on its Opinion pages without even informing forum members that this was going to begin happening, or what if any guidelines would be used in selecting such content.


Bottom line: I won't post/continue posting as long as that kind of current 3rd party permitted use of TFV content remains in place.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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49 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

What are you talking about?
Whether the news story comes from Khaosod English or Thai PBS English or the Nation, it's the same news just a different journalist report.

Thaivisa Thailand News Forum isn't about publishing every article from a variety of media sources. It's about members being given the chance to discuss and debate issues in the headlines. A past time that has interested people since the advent of daily newspaper's.

What makes Thaivisa unique is that you can get fairly accurate updates on major news events such as:-

New Laws
Current news events
Etc ...
In English. Not from Nation newspaper journalists but from the members, eye witnesses, someone's research, someone's rumour, etc..
This gives you IMO makes Thai visa the most up-to-date news accurate English news in the world. To get better news you need to be fluent in Thai.

I know all the latest news before my Thai wife. Thai visa is power in your pocket. The best Thailand News on your smart phone.


when i first started using thaivisa in around 2007, it was an excellent source of news. it is no longer. it would seem you were not around for that.


and different papers report different perspectives and promote different biases. i much preferred when there was a variety of sources to base my opinions on.  

you apparently do not.

but i am impressed you are more clued up than your wife ... sorry, your Thai wife.


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Are you looking for a great way to interact with other expats and get answers to specific questions about life in Thailand, the Thai Visa Forum is a great place to do so.
This massive forum has hundreds of thousands of posts, some of which have had over three-hundred-thousand responses. Posts are separated into different forums on topics such as Visa & Immigration, News, Travel, Education, Business, and more. It’s also an easy-to-navigate site with few pictures, which makes it easier to access from a mobile phone.
Membership to this forum is free and is necessary if you’d like to post questions or your own answers. But if you’re just looking to scroll through to see what other people are saying, you won’t need to become a member. Thai Visa Forum has thousands of members, probably more than any other site for expats in Thailand.



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I assume this means The Nation will eventually control TVN. 

I'm very new so I'm sure my opinion is worth zero here, but I've seen many mergers and partnerships take place and the dominant "partner" always gains dictatorship and the followers of the smaller entity lose.





All american I know, but it's my only point of reference.

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One would think increased filtering/censorship would have to influence the TVF media team to tone it down, and by extension, result in fewer virtual food fights between TVF members with polar opposite social/ political world views.   If there's any truth to the casual observation of increased mod activity the past month, it wouldn't be unreasonable to think it was intentional in the run up to inking this deal.


At any rate, both camps stand behind their convictions and respective world views, or so they say.  The notion of having them published in an additional, broader venue, ought to be a dream come true.  Not a nightmare that sends them running for the hills of anonymity and self-censorship.


Socially and politically liberal members and other free spirits may be confronted with the uncomfortable reminder that Thailand is sooo not an exotic bubble of edgy, social progressiveness in the midst of religious, cultural and often heavy-handed political conservatism in this part of the world. 

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On 15/03/2017 at 6:20 PM, NCC1701A said:

Gee whiz...


Does this mean The Nation gets to see everyone's email, account info and IP address here on TV?


Where will the servers be located now? :shock1:






Not if you use a VPN and throwaway unlinked account they won't. TV's servers are already off shore.

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On 15/03/2017 at 8:08 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Wow.... didn't even know about that...previously.


I'm not sure I'd want some of things I might say freely here, in our relatively un-XXXXXXXXial environment, to be published in a semi-mass circulation newspaper that presumably is read by the Thai BIB and others. Especially without me even knowing about it or giving any consent to the re-publication of my comments.


They've been doing that with the Phuket Gazette for years now.

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12 hours ago, dageurreotype said:

They've been doing that with the Phuket Gazette for years now.

It is interesting that Phuket Gazette did not incorporate The Nation into its logo, and they are listed as a link resource on The Nation's homepage, same as ThaiVisa is now.   Does that suggest the terms of Phuket G's deal with The Nation are different to that of ThaiVisa?  Did Phuket G. refuse to sell out all the way?


On the other hand, ThaiVisa has already incorporated The Nation into its logo.  That was fast.  My take-away there is this relationship benefits ThaiVisa far more than it does The Nation.  


Be interesting to see what happens next.


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7 hours ago, thesetat2013 said:

I forsee TV having more censorship. More biased news. If they partner with the Nation. Then surely the news will be reported with a one sided opinion. The Nation is not known for their investigative and unbiased news.


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On 3/16/2017 at 5:52 PM, lv426 said:

Let's hope ThaiVisa will now stop using "farang" in headings and use "foreigner" or a nationality instead. It's always looked amateur and classless.

I like being a classless farang.......:stoner:

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