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Which banks will let a foreigner open a bank account

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I opened an account at Bangkok Bank in Pattaya when I was here on either a tourist visa or visa exempt entry ... although it was many years ago. Choose a branch (of any of the major banks) where it's likely they would have many farang customers. Act (i.e., pretend to be) polite so that the person you're dealing with won't assume you're a pain in the derriere. 

Edited by Suradit69
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i have heard most major banks will offer accounts   but some only on a Sunday others  only on odd weekdays  some on even    but i suspect all of them have refused many times because they dont know how to or maybe too near lunch time   do the rounds to beat the above  combinations  and good luck

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Its a matter of going from bank to bank until you find one, even branches of the same bank may or may not. Its not a bad idea to have a copy of the page from their website, if they have one, that says you can.

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Larger branches a better chance. But most will not open an account on a tourist visa anymore. Hell, took me 5 attempts to open an account on a 12 month extension this winter. They all asked for yellow book or work permit.

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This all changed about 2 years ago - mainly due to the USA international requirements on declaring overseas bank accounts. Have a lot more forms to sign now and have to keep track of you in case the Yanks come calling with questions. So they do not want these Farangs any more as too much trouble. It is not the only country which has made opening (or keeping open) bank accounts harder recently.

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22 minutes ago, rickudon said:

This all changed about 2 years ago - mainly due to the USA international requirements on declaring overseas bank accounts. Have a lot more forms to sign now and have to keep track of you in case the Yanks come calling with questions. So they do not want these Farangs any more as too much trouble. It is not the only country which has made opening (or keeping open) bank accounts harder recently.

whilst a agree with the reasoning in your post   your terminology ie yanks   is on a par with

 ferrang derogatory  slang

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

All the branches of all the banks in Thailand make up their own rules, you are better approaching different banks and asking them, also better to take your wife or girlfriend with you when you ask.

Amazing,immigration is asking for a bankbook with 4-800.000 baht,but banks don,t let you open a bank account,what a failed state

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16 minutes ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

Amazing,immigration is asking for a bankbook with 4-800.000 baht,but banks don,t let you open a bank account,what a failed state

Yes, I have to agree with you on this point, Thailands banks take a lot of money from you and give you very little in return, and IMO, their mentality is very similar to that of the Thai government, but I still prefer Thailand to the UK.

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I think you are being a little thin skinned to be upset about being referred to as a 'Yank'.Your own song writers, have made songs about your country and its people and the song 'The yanks are coming' is typical.Why, back in the UK we use a long automatic screw driver called a 'yankee'.I guess, i had better inform the makers of the tool, that is so widely used, that you are offended by it.

I visited the States for some twenty years, and lived and worked in both Georgia, and South Dakota, and, i was often referred to as 'the Limey' but i always took it in good stead.

We had many Americans use one of our two bars inPatts, and never once did i hear any angry voices, complaining about the term.Most of them took it as a term of endearment.

Now, i can understand the term 'Septic' not being liked, but that's rhyming slang, my offended friend, and you had better get used to it.So stop being such a wuss, and go and read 'A Connecticut Yankee, in the court of King Arthur', by Samuel Clements, or Mark Twain to you. And for your information, Yankee was the term used for the British, by the Huron, and Mohawk Indians, because they were unable to say the word 'English' we were called 'The Yengees'

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3 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


I think you are being a little thin skinned to be upset about being referred to as a 'Yank'.Your own song writers, have made songs about your country and its people and the song 'The yanks are coming' is typical.Why, back in the UK we use a long automatic screw driver called a 'yankee'.I guess, i had better inform the makers of the tool, that is so widely used, that you are offended by it.

I visited the States for some twenty years, and lived and worked in both Georgia, and South Dakota, and, i was often referred to as 'the Limey' but i always took it in good stead.

We had many Americans use one of our two bars inPatts, and never once did i hear any angry voices, complaining about the term.Most of them took it as a term of endearment.

Now, i can understand the term 'Septic' not being liked, but that's rhyming slang, my offended friend, and you had better get used to it.So stop being such a wuss, and go and read 'A Connecticut Yankee, in the court of King Arthur', by Samuel Clements, or Mark Twain to you. And for your information, Yankee was the term used for the British, by the Huron, and Mohawk Indians, because they were unable to say the word 'English' we were called 'The Yengees'

Don't tell me I am English

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The question should be:   on what days will which branches of what banks allow me to open an account with which type of visa?  TIT, it's a moving target, and people here on TV will give you anecdotal answers based on personal rejections they've experienced.  But if you persist a little, and just keep trying different bank branches until one says Yes, you'll succeed.  Don't let any of the staff at any of them tell you "not allowed" or "against law", etc. - just smile and move on, and don't let anyone here tell you they don't do it anymore unless you have a work permit, and don't let the moaners here lecture you on U.S. reporting reqts, etc. (yes, the reqts do certainly exist and yes, the banks may have some extra paperpwork, and yes, they're probably a PIA, but they still open accounts for Americans).


If you're American and do open an account and have $10K or more on deposit in it at any time, then you need to bone up on FBAR.  If more than $50K then FATCA as well.  (Nasty penalties for failure to comply.)


Edited by hawker9000
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On 3/18/2017 at 10:50 PM, soistalker said:

Which banks will let a foreigner on a tourist visa open up a bank account? What is required to open a new account?



you should let people know what area of thailand you will be looking to open an account.  that will help get you the best quality answers.  bangkok ?  pattaya ? phuket ? chiang mai ? etc...  in bangkok, i went to two banks and opened accts without a problem (both banks) on a tourist visa.  this was feb 2016.  if you need info on bangkok, let me know.

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Yes, what used to happen and happens now are different. 8 years ago i opened a bank account at first attempt on a visa exemption just by having a girlfriend with an ID card - no problem. I wanted a new account last October, at a different bank - result - took 5 attempts, even though i now had 12 month visa extension, marriage certificate, wife's blue book and my Thai driving licence. And even then it took 10 minutes of chatting up the bank teller and telling her WHY i didn't have a yellow book as proof of address. She decided to accept my driving licence (after i had pointed out it did have my address on it).


So all i can say is best of luck .....  You may find Immigration will help if it is to deposit funds for your extension.

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11 minutes ago, kangaloowest said:


 on a par with ferrang derogatory slang ??


What are you carrying on about  ??


 ferrang derogatory slang, if you said anything like that to me you'd be given short rift 

short like yourself maybe

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1 hour ago, kangaloowest said:

Ever find yourself getting in strife when you go to a bar ??.
Talking like I couldn't imagine you wouldn't -  ferrang derogatory slang eh ??

never go to bars    certainly not the strife bars you seem to know and even enjoy

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