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Two dead, seven injured after multi-vehicle collision at Kanchanaburi intersection


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2 hours ago, dictater said:

Bangkok driver causing mayhem in Kanchanaburi. I saw an accident near to this site last year that ended with 12 people dead. I was just behind the pick up that caused it, Bangkok registration, who flew through the unsigned intersection while I was thinking, how can they see around that corner. They couldn't, collided with a farm truck which totaled the pick up and turned over wiping out another car in the process. I was stopped maybe 50 meters away watching.  Thousands of Bangkok residents come to Kanchanaburi every weekend and turn the roads into a nightmare. Local driving customs may not be 'right' but generally are somewhat safe, put the big faced, red plated, arrogant Bangkokians into the mix and that's when lives get taken. 

Boy oh boy did you hit that one spot on! Seems every time I drive on Highway 11 or AH-1 the craziest SOB's are always with Bangkok plates, just like let out of a cage wild animals behind the wheel.

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"A further seven victims with injuries including a 75 year old Frenchman were taken to hospital, Thairath reported."


What can I believe from this message?

Yesterday in a Dutch newspaper they wrote:  "a75 year old Dutch guy was killed in the accident!!"

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It may sound insensitive, but anyone that goes through an intersection, or pulls into traffic without slowing down and looking first, deserves to die.  It's the same as Russian roulette.  Take your chance, and hope you are not a vegetable the rest of your life.

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Every roundabout I've come to in Thailand has the motorists ON the roundabout giving way to those entering it..my guess is the drivers entering the junction do it at such a speed to make others going round pause for them...'tactical bullying' one might class this as..?

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I like your TV idea. Maybe Mr. Prayuth would step aside every Friday night and give up his time slot for a more valuable traffic TV programming. Then there is the problem of getting to the masses to tune in. Its tough to overcome a know it all attitude. 

Agree with that.
Anyone recently seen this clip on TV about speeding on motorcycle.
Where a dog walks on the street following an accident...
I tried to search it on YouTube but couldn't find it.
This is a good start and they should air more of these clips
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Agree with that.
Anyone recently seen this clip on TV about speeding on motorcycle.
Where a dog walks on the street following an accident...
I tried to search it on YouTube but couldn't find it.
This is a good start and they should air more of these clips

I've seen it a few times, I tried a search but came up with this, not the one you were after but along the same lines !

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I've seen it a few times, I tried a search but came up with this, not the one you were after but along the same lines !

Yes, similar to the recent one and from the same organisation.
Also there's another one, featuring Thai celebrities and sponsored by Honda, about wearing helmets.
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1 hour ago, Redline said:

It may sound insensitive, but anyone that goes through an intersection, or pulls into traffic without slowing down and looking first, deserves to die.  It's the same as Russian roulette.  Take your chance, and hope you are not a vegetable the rest of your life.

Not insensitive at all, plain (but lacking)  common sense, simple as that.

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6 hours ago, Briggsy said:

It has been discussed many times. Thai drivers have not reached the stage of development in terms of maturity, self-discipline and cognitive skills where they can deal with roundabouts correctly on a regular basis. Occasionally they may get it right by luck. Roundabouts are currently beyond them.


Easier than roundabouts, even unmarked junctions challenge around 80% of drivers.


Expect more mayhem and drive defensively.

Its worse, the people who put the road markings on the road havent a clue either, seen many plainly wrong road markings

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5 hours ago, seajae said:

the problem is those that simply try to drive through them at the same speed they are doing instead of slowing down and giving way, it becomes a matter of face for many as they refuse to let anyone else cause them to stop. These drivers do not stop at stop signs and give way to all other vehicles, they do not give way to cars on their right, they do not give way when coming out of private driveways/houses, they even ignore traffic lights, the thought of stopping for others is simply not a part of their thinking. In most cases they have no idea who has right of way at any intersection, they usually just drive out slowly till they are blocking the road forcing other cars etc to stop for them when they should give way, arrogance and lack of respect for anyone else plus having no idea of the road rules is the cause, the fact that the police do not get out on the roads or try to control it doesnt help. Lets be honest, we all know that most thai drivers would never pass a driving test in any western country, one thai lady in Australia has failed it around 10 times so far and she had been driving 20 odd years in Thailand, says it all.

So basically what you are saying is they don't have a bloody clue how to drive and shouldn't be let loose on anything apart from a donkey! Yep - I agree!

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9 hours ago, selftaopath said:

There's an intersection in our village, but typically no one stops. Most - if not all - just buzz through it. I have stopped using this intersection. I really can not understand the mentality of just blindly going through an intersection. 


When I was growing up, we took drivers education classes. They showed us these horrendous films, of semi trucks crashing into cars, and literally obliterating them, and everything inside. Also, they showed very graphic images of head on collisions. Even as a young kid, it left a lasting impression, and I realized driving was no joking matter. Especially when you have your friends, or loved ones in the car with you. I am constantly astonished at the kinds of chances people take here, with their entire family in the car with them. Why? What is the logic? What is the reason? Why take those risks? Often, when someone cuts onto the highway in front of me, as I am doing 100kpm or more on the highway, I look in my rearview mirror, and there is nobody behind me for quite some distance. Which means, had they paused, and waited 2 or 3 seconds, there would have been zero risk to them, their family, or me and my family. What can one even say? All of this matters even more when driving a motorbike, where there is no protection. 


The only way to survive here on the road, is to be patient, have eyes in the back of your head, drive with caution, and always, and I mean always watch out of the other guy. Chances are, he does not have much driving skill, nor patience, nor reason, nor common sense. You cannot be too careful on the road here. Especially considering that the toy police offer no traffic safety, nor enforcement of the law. 



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1 hour ago, kannot said:

Its worse, the people who put the road markings on the road havent a clue either, seen many plainly wrong road markings

It's for decoration... same as the lane markings ( solid do not overtake ones esp)... all meant to make the banana republic look garish

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11 hours ago, kentrot said:

I haven't seen the intersection. But reading that it is a SIX way intersection, a traffic-circle or ROUNDABOUT  might help.


They installed a new one at Jomtien 2nd Rd. & Wat Boon Rd.

But so far no one seems to understand that you give way to traffic in the circle.

Buses and cement trucks just barge through . Might is Right so to speak. But at least they have to slow down.

Image result for traffic circle rules


You are dead right, and that is why there are so few in Thailand, because the local drivers can't use them properly.

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Having semi mastered  actually  getting a  vehicle moving  and  gradually  increasing  speed in  straight  line most  Thais  seem to  be so involved in that  accomplishment they  are incapable  of  comprehending the  fact they  are  not alone ! Creeping  along  at  30 km/p/h in the  middle of the  road or 130 km/p/hr, passing  on  blind  corners  on either side or on the  no passing  sections which are sometimes  appropriately   marked, or   parking on the  road  just short or just past an area enabling totally off road  parking.. they  are  alone out there. Until something   hits  them !  And  oh !  Then the drama  begins!

Am I   too  cynical ?

 Having been rear ended  recently  by a very very drunken Highway  Patrol  Occifer I feel  justified !

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

Two dead, seven injured after multi-vehicle collision at Kanchanaburi intersection



Picture: Thai News Agency


KANCHANABURI: -- Two drivers were killed and seven others were injured as four cars and a motorcycle collided at an intersection without traffic lights in Kanchanaburi yesterday morning.


The accident happened around 7am at a six way intersection in Tha Makaa district, reported Thai News Agency.


Tha Makaa police and medics who rushed to the scene found a black pick-up with Bangkok plates on its side in the middle of the intersection. Dead was its female driver Jaree Phailorm, 34.


In a klong by the side of the road they found a car with Kanchanaburi plates. Inside was its driver 28 year old Rachen Phuphakdeephan who was also dead.


Two other cars were also involved plus a motorcycle. A further seven victims with injuries including a 75 year old Frenchman were taken to hospital, Thairath reported.


Witnesses told police that the black pick-up and a car were following each other. A car came out onto the intersection and collided with the pick-up. Another car following took evasive action but hit a motorcycle and ended up in the klong.


Police are investigating.


Source: Thai News Agency / ThaiRath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-03-24


and no seat belts of course

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19 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Most roundabouts in Thailand that I've seen, traffic on the roundabout gives way to that coming onto it.
The reverse of roundabouts worldwide, where traffic on the roundabout has priority.

Yes, we have 3 of these in Udon Thani which often resemble a jousting match!


According to the Land Traffic Act circa 1979, that little know document read only by bored falangs who want to score points on TV (:smile:) motorists should  'give way' to other vehicles already on the roundabout. Hmmm.


However, Thailand is not the only country that has this problem. I've lived and driven in a number of countries, mainly in Asia, where roundabouts are just as chaotic.

Edited by Moonlover
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On 3/25/2017 at 8:10 AM, robin hood said:

The roads would be much safer if the laws where enforced, but do the police know the laws, from what I have seen the police are no better than Joe public on the roads.

Absolutely right .  Why would a policeman know how to drive correctly , one day a clueless civi. the next a BiB and still with no clues. A few weeks ago on entering the roundabout in Chiang rai , a policeman on his motor bike stopped halfway round to let the traffic on , I was behind and blew my hooter not realizing the cop was likely too scared to pull across the car entering on his left.   

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On 3/24/2017 at 11:36 AM, Happyman58 said:

Oh they understand the rules alright But the thing that is lacking is patience  And they unfortuantly  dont have any Its me me first and i dont care as long as i get there first. And when the keystone cops are around who cares. They are probly trying to beat the traffic themselves

I don't know about this. I have found Thai drivers very polite and patient. I have always been surprised by the amount of vehicles who "indicate" on the left to let you know its "safe" to pass. Never in Australia and we used to have that as a regular driving feature when I was young. A long time ago!!!!!!                    More patient than in Australia for example or the Philippines or Indonesia. There are just a few morons. Enough morons who are not patient, and make the thing a killing ground.

This is a good indication of where driving common sense, community services announcements on tv for example would be a good thing to have. I thought about this a lot when I was there.

Edited by Maggusoil
to make more sense
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On 3/24/2017 at 8:11 AM, kentrot said:

I haven't seen the intersection. But reading that it is a SIX way intersection, a traffic-circle or ROUNDABOUT  might help.


They installed a new one at Jomtien 2nd Rd. & Wat Boon Rd.

But so far no one seems to understand that you give way to traffic in the circle.

Buses and cement trucks just barge through . Might is Right so to speak. But at least they have to slow down.

Image result for traffic circle rules


Roundabouts are the most safe intersections. The problem here is that thais don't know how to drive.

Pattaya should need 100-eds of roundabouts instead of all dangerous U-turns. 

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On 3/24/2017 at 11:32 AM, hotchilli said:

Most roundabouts in Thailand that I've seen, traffic on the roundabout gives way to that coming onto it.
The reverse of roundabouts worldwide, where traffic on the roundabout has priority.

By George in a roundabout way your right!!

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11 hours ago, Maggusoil said:

I don't know about this. I have found Thai drivers very polite and patient. I have always been surprised by the amount of vehicles who "indicate" on the left to let you know its "safe" to pass. Never in Australia and we used to have that as a regular driving feature when I was young. A long time ago!!!!!!                    More patient than in Australia for example or the Philippines or Indonesia. There are just a few morons. Enough morons who are not patient, and make the thing a killing ground.

This is a good indication of where driving common sense, community services announcements on tv for example would be a good thing to have. I thought about this a lot when I was there.

Correct Sir You dont know about this, in fact you have never uttered a truer word

A few morons you say 55555555555

These few morons certainly get around dont they

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