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Can Pattaya really ‘drain the swamp’?


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Can Pattaya really ‘drain the swamp’?
By The Nation


Corruption and the foreign crime gangs it fosters stand in the way of turning the seaside city into a family destination


BANGKOK: -- At a Bangkok celebration 10 years ago over Thaksin Shinawatra’s purchase-in-exile of Manchester City Football Club, with singer Mai Charoenpura, then in a sexy phase of her career, entertaining, the beer-fuelled chant went up “Pattaya here I come!” The revellers wanted to keep on partying, and the city of beaches and bars to the east must have seemed like the obvious destination.


The anecdote isn’t meant to cast aspersions on either of the people mentioned here or on the celebrants, but merely illustrates how everyone in Thailand regards Pattaya. And that’s how it’s been seen around the world ever since American GIs fighting in Vietnam were first sent there for R&R. It is famous for its beaches, bars and most of all its prostitution. Sex is easily purchased, and far more cheaply than a football team. 


It’s a place that most Thais would rather not exist, at least not in this state of affairs, but, perhaps in acknowledgement of how much Pattaya contributes to national tourism revenues, they’re willing to turn a blind eye. It is, after all, primarily a destination for foreigners, and if Thais in Bangkok fancy a beach holiday, there are alternative locales along the same coast. 


Unfortunately, the situation in Pattaya has grown steadily worse. The number of foreign tourists has risen so dramatically and urban development is so fast-paced that foreign investment, often disguised, has skyrocketed. Alien criminal gangs have seized control of properties, businesses and much of the service industry. English and Russian gang members compete for profits, as do to a lesser extent criminals from Japan, some African countries and the Middle East. Needless to say, if they want to stay in business, they all have to share their earnings with Thai overlords. But there is plenty of money to go around.


That’s why it came as a surprise last month when government and police officials suddenly announced they would rid Pattaya of its sex industry (or that it didn’t exist at all). Lately we’ve seen campaigners dressed in smiling fish costumes. Seeking to “re-brand” the city as a family-friendly seaside resort, Pattaya Governor Pakkaratorn Teiancha led journalists along notorious Walking Street, gesturing at lurid bar facades and insisting that prostitution was “not allowed” there. 


The reporters might have smirked, knowing this whole charade was spurred by a pair of embarrassing recent stories in the British tabloid press. “World’s sex capital”, one of them dubbed Pattaya, reviving an old theme most memorably captured in a 2005 Time magazine headline, “The Gomorrah of Tomorrah”.


Well, “tomorrah” is today, and if the Thai authorities are genuinely concerned about immorality in Pattaya, here’s a brief “to-do” list. 

It starts with subduing the corruption that enables local businesspeople – and, far more worryingly, foreign organised-crime gangs – to break the law with impunity in terms of prostitution, money laundering, employment limitations, illicit drug sales, closing times, noise levels and much else. The foreign “mafias” that have laid siege to every major Thai beach resort should be shut down and expelled, no matter how much money that unplugs from the local economy. 


Next, sincere soul-searching is in order if policymakers believe they can control morality while lacking the political courage to put the brakes on this immense revenue generator. The changes needed in that city will hamper or close a wide swath of its businesses. 


On the other hand, how about just getting serious and accept that prostitution is here to stay? Rather than parading around in fish costumes, let “Fun City” have its fun, but be civilised about it: Decriminalise the flesh trade, register the sex workers, and give them the healthcare, protection and social security they are due.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/opinion/today_editorial/30310604

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-03-29
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The corruption here starts from within, at the top within, that is the only way other nationalities corrupt activities can exist so freely!! Remove the plank from your own eye before you try to remove the speck of sawdust from someone elses eye!!

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On the surface maybe for the appeasement of the public, not that the

public cares that much, only the government for some inexplicable reasons

has decided to become holier that thou and while they have no problem with

rampant vices elsewhere in the country, they decided to zero on Pattaya and by

doing so are killing the very cash cow of this country.... 

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" far more worryingly, foreign organised-crime gangs"


Obviously there are NO Thai organised crime gangs and it's all those pesky foreigners!  very 'worrying'.  It would hurt Thai hearts to think any Thais are involved with prostitution (which does NOT exist in Pattaya and THAT is official) and so it doesn't happen.  

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" Unfortunately, the situation in Pattaya has grown steadily worse. The number of foreign tourists has risen so dramatically and urban development is so fast-paced that foreign investment, often disguised, has skyrocketed. "

 Isn't this what government would want? "Oh, we have too much growth. We're tired of winning". Lots of condos being built, but lots of new condos standing empty. Development doesn't seem to be all that rational. And my informal survey doesn't see tourist numbers all that much

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And the craziness that is Thailand continues. I do not see any way that the sex industry in Pattaya is going to be closed down and any one who thinks it can be is naiive.

Rather than fretting over a couple of newspaper reports, the Thais would be far better served by addressing the other issues like drugs, theft, violence, scams and overcharging which also give a bad name and are to some degree, fixable.

The sex industry does need attention and to be properly regulated, but unlike the other issues, it simply is not possible to stamp it out.

Edited by darksidedog
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14 minutes ago, Deli said:

Just keep good things as they are...

Agree 100%. Pattaya is unique, there're so many quiet family-type places to visit for those who want that sort of thing. Nowhere else in the world is anywhere quite like Pattaya. It's an endangered species. Why is it that when the military take power anywhere in the world, fun is the first thing they try to stop. Can't understand it myself, they'll be cutting off the supply of a lot of brown envelopes.

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i watched an interview of the general who ran the 2006 coup. his main reason for the coup was corruption. of course it seems like little changed after that coup, or the next one as far as i can tell. corruption is more than just a way to rake in cash it seems. it is an important part of the system. it is so ingrained  into thailand and many other countries. the most reliable human trait is greed.  doubt there will be any changes in corruption in my lifetime.

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

And the craziness that is Thailand continues. I do not see any way that the sex industry in Pattaya is going to be closed down and any one who thinks it can be is naiive.

Rather than fretting over a couple of newspaper reports, the Thais would be far better served by addressing the other issues like drugs, theft, violence, scams and overcharging which also give a bad name and are to some degree, fixable.

The sex industry does need attention and to be properly regulated, but unlike the other issues, it simply is not possible to stamp it out.

This is not about to close the sexindustry in Pattaya, just move it from Beachroad and Walkingstreet.  Big buisness want this area for shopingmalls, hotels, restaurants etc for more rich tourists.

John and Mohamed from Europe can continue look for ladies in Third road area and Soi Boawkau.



Edited by DanielS
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When they address the jetski scams then we know they are a little bit serious.  If they curtail the police licence fee for taxis etc and investigate how low level Pattaya police can afford Porche's  then they may be really serious.  Suggest no one holds their breath waiting for it to happen.



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49 minutes ago, DanielS said:

This is not about to close the sexindustry in Pattaya, just move it from Beachroad and Walkingstreet.  Big buisness want this area for shopingmalls, hotels, restaurants etc for more rich tourists.

John and Mohamed from Europe can continue look for ladies in Third road area and Soi Boawkau.



Yea tear down walking street to build another shopping mall..

Now there is a hell-of-a good idea..Tear down a Pattayas #1 world

famous tourist attraction to build some thing so rare and unique  

as a shopping mall....Thailand/Pattaya hardly has any shopping malls..

Great idea...

Edited by fforest1
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Whether you or I like it- Walking Street will be changed and the sex industry relocated to a quieter less in you face location.  There are big time investors with huge amounts of money-mostly Thai that want to bring this money to Pattaya and they see Walking Street as the prime location. However, their target audience of Chinese; mid to upper class Thais and other Asian tourists will not come to Walking Street as it is now.  The Government kills 2 birds with one stone by bringing in the kind of tourists that do not need or want the sex industry and gentrifying Pattaya to keep it out of the Western news.


I would suspect that at some point they will redo Soi 6 and the whole Beach Road to keep the ladies and would be ladies a discrete distance from the family tourists. 


The real money is not in the sex industry as before but bringing in large numbers of Asian tourists. The Thai government could care less about the Western single tourist and will be just as happy if they go to another country . It's all about the money. Thais are not stupid. They've been milking Westerners for decades-  but the money is now elsewhere.


Edited by Thaidream
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         if i want to i can get cheap thrills  in isaan more easier than pattaya,       thai woman are not hard to bargain with when the cash is splashed.    

         so the problem is not really with pattaya  as far as prostitution goes it lies with the thai attitude and that in my view will never ever ever change.


       i do fear that beautifull places like hau hin will now see an influx of the human waste from pattaya now ,      it actually makes the hairs stand  on the back of my neck thinking about it. 


     looking at flights from manchester to bkk  for only £330 return.      bloody hell its cheaper for them to come here than to go to blackpool .   i fear we are stck with these wasters ,losers & creeps.






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When you opt for massive tourism you get the good, the bad and the ugly. the way you control it is to get rid of the bad and control what brings in the ugly. In the next 5 years watch the face of tourism in Pattaya radically change.

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They will never 'drain the swamp' because they dont want to.There are too many different classes of people into too many things on too many different levels.Too any controllable options, that give the controllers inordinate amounts of money.

Bars, girls,massage parlours, drugs, money for the right visa, money for not having to have a visa, Pick pockets, Gold grabbers,ladyboy thieves, back handers, shake downs , corrupt officials, bent lawyers, The only people i ever saw doing a great job of work, were the Artists in Art street, next to Mikes shopping mall.I had some Jack Vetriano's copied there. great girl artist.

 Nope! this swamp is, unfortunately,depending upon your opinion, not for draining. All the bad boys and scum would descend upon Phuket and in time would destroy that place as well.

As for Thais being offended when they come here, obvious!, dont come here,! there must be other places with beaches for you and your offended family to go?

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17 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Whether you or I like it- Walking Street will be changed and the sex industry relocated to a quieter less in you face location.  There are big time investors with huge amounts of money-mostly Thai that want to bring this money to Pattaya and they see Walking Street as the prime location. However, their target audience of Chinese; mid to upper class Thais and other Asian tourists will not come to Walking Street as it is now.  The Government kills 2 birds with one stone by bringing in the kind of tourists that do not need or want the sex industry and gentrifying Pattaya to keep it out of the Western news.


I would suspect that at some point they will redo Soi 6 and the whole Beach Road to keep the ladies and would be ladies a discrete distance from the family tourists. 


The real money is not in the sex industry as before but bringing in large numbers of Asian tourists. The Thai government could care less about the Western single tourist and will be just as happy if they go to another country . It's all about the money. Thais are not stupid. They've been milking Westerners for decades-  but the money is now elsewhere.


You got to be kidding that the Chinese and Asian tourist will not go

to Walking Street....Walking Street is loaded to the gills Chinese and Asian tourist...There are so many Chinese and Asian tourist on Walking Street

every night that it is hard to even walk...

And why would the upper class Thais care about Pattaya at all? They

have loads of other beach cities in Thailand to visit that are family



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You are missing my point- the Chinese and other Asians go to Walking street now to see the 'show'. they don't spend any money at all because they are not interested in what is offered in Walking Street.  The reason the authorities and government want to change it is so they will be interested.

As far as Thais go- they have been coming to Pattaya before you and I.  They will come in increased numbers in the future as the middle class grows . Thais do not come for the things on Walking Street. They come for food and shopping.

As I have always said- follow the money- there is no money to be made keeping Pattaya the way it is. It's a number game- there are billions of Chinese and Asians plus Thais that will pour into Pattaya under the right circumstances. Utapao airport is and will continue to bring in Charter flights from China and other Asian destinations.

Western tourists are in decline and contribute to the poor image of Pattaya. Anyone with a good business sense changes directions to keep the money flowing.

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

On the surface maybe for the appeasement of the public, not that the

public cares that much, only the government for some inexplicable reasons

has decided to become holier that thou and while they have no problem with

rampant vices elsewhere in the country, they decided to zero on Pattaya and by

doing so are killing the very cash cow of this country.... 

The military government has more than enough guns to shoot themselves in the foot. 

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