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Now It's been almost 2 hours without power here in my condo in Nong Pa Khrang area .  I am not getting used to this and in this heat it can be dangerous. Today looks to be another hot day and no wind, I  have to find a place with air-con and hope the power is back when I return .  


Once a week we have a power outage in my area but normally it's back after a few minutes. 



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My data points are power out around San Sai village, out near the junction of 1001 and 121 and out off of Nimman. Seems like this one is pretty widespread.


[Edit]  Power just came back.


I lived behind Think Park in Nimmarnhemin Road for 3 1/2 years and hardly ever had a blackout. I have just moved to Lanna Village at Pa Daet and have had one almost every day. Sometimes just off then on, others for over an hour.


The other day was having a nap with my baby in the bedroom with the AC on. Noticed the AC making funny noises, then heard other noises from the lounge. Went out and things going on and off. Plugged my multimeter into an outlet and voltage was around 170volts. Sat there for awhile then went up and down. Finally came back to normal.


Contacted the real estate agents husband to get them to them to call PEA to see what problem was. He said you don't live in America any more. Strange statement as I have never lived there.


I guess I am in the "burbs" now and have to put up with it.



Invested in a portable rechargeable battery fan and lighting  unit, good for about 3 hours.

Takes away a little of the pain when it's hot, dark and sticky during an outage.


Make sure anything of value has a voltage - and especially frequency - monitor so if the power does the dreaded 'Brown Out' your expensive gear is not destroyed.

8 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

Make sure anything of value has a voltage - and especially frequency - monitor so if the power does the dreaded 'Brown Out' your expensive gear is not destroyed.

Better still have a UPS on your valuable electronic equipment, computer, smart TV, etc.


I do have a UPS in my computer room . But if I connect a small fan to it the battery will only last for 30 minutes. 


Anyway power is back now, lets hope it will last . 



There was a failure on a 230kV high tension line near Mae Moh, the power plant that supplies most of the North, that shut down the power from Lampang to Chiang Rai.  From a friend who worked on these systems he said the last time this wide spread failure was well over 10 years ago.

13 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

You need to realise you are living in a 3 rd World country.

regards Worgeordie

But like I stated I lived behind Think Park 3 1/2 years hardly a blackout in that time. Been new place just over a month and heaps blackouts. Only about 8km apart by car.

1 minute ago, Dazinoz said:

But like I stated I lived behind Think Park 3 1/2 years hardly a blackout in that time. Been new place just over a month and heaps blackouts. Only about 8km apart by car.

Its unusual to have outages when the weather is like it is now,

unless everyone switches on their A/c, while in the rainy season,

the local transformers are blowing up regularly. 

regards Worgeordie

2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Its unusual to have outages when the weather is like it is now,

unless everyone switches on their A/c, while in the rainy season,

the local transformers are blowing up regularly. 

regards Worgeordie

I worked for 10 years in the control room of a 1000MW power station in NSW, Australia, way back then the summer peaks were reaching the winter peaks due to cheap split AC units and their installation.

5 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

We're spoiled here....Frequent & inconvenient in the Philipines.....


Yeah Flipland is murder for "brown outs." When I lived there it was EVERY SINGLE DAY. Worst was one Xmas where it lasted three days!


Darn, i missed the local tragedy.  I was on the golf course from 8 am to noon.  Never noticed a thing wrong. The Joys of Golf.


I use an inverter, connected to two large batteries, connected to a battery charger, connected to the grid. Bring it on - am totally isolated.

2 hours ago, canthai55 said:

I use an inverter, connected to two large batteries, connected to a battery charger, connected to the grid. Bring it on - am totally isolated.

Technically not totally isolated if connected to the grid.

19 hours ago, balo said:

Now It's been almost 2 hours without power here in my condo in Nong Pa Khrang area .  I am not getting used to this and in this heat it can be dangerous. Today looks to be another hot day and no wind, I  have to find a place with air-con and hope the power is back when I return .  


Once a week we have a power outage in my area but normally it's back after a few minutes. 



We loser power at least once per day for a few seconds or a minute.

19 hours ago, Dazinoz said:

Better still have a UPS on your valuable electronic equipment, computer, smart TV, etc.

Yepper...  I bought a large one which can power my PC, NAS, modem, floor fan, surround sound, and 46" LED TV for 3-4 hrs with no problem.... One of my better investments as the moo ban I live in used to have frequent outages up until this year.....


Yesterday morning I was with someone at Suan Dok hospital in the heaving Orthopedic Outpatient Dept waiting to see a doctor, when the electricity went out briefly, with a large cry from everyone waiting patiently, but the staff just stood still knowingly.  Within seconds, Suan Dok hospitals back-up generators kicked in and the entire department got back to work.  Despite the rather grungy, third world look of the hospital, they have an impressive back-up generator system that I've witnessed in operation several times now.  Many (but not all of the elevators), selected lights and the computers continue to operate.  Most of the fans were kaput, however and it did get a little toasty.  Doctors pulled flashlights out of desk drawers and continued their jobs in the low light.  


I don't think the power was out for two hours, though.  Probably less than an hour.


2 hours ago, lj cm said:

Here (close to Airport Plaza) it was only out for 20 minutes. From 10:00 to 10:20.

Same in BWT Hangdong which is very unusual, usually we get the worst of it!


If you check the air quality index graph for Chiang Mai at this site http://aqicn.org/city/chiang-mai/ you'll see the pollution level got ultra high during the power outage between 10:00-12:00 it seems to have reached an amazing 803 although I presume that might be due to equipment malfunction over that time but if not it would be interesting to speculate why?


7 hours ago, Thailand said:

Same in BWT Hangdong which is very unusual, usually we get the worst of it!

Yepper...  That is the moo ban I was trying to reference although recently the outages haven't been too bad. I did read in one of the flyers that were passed around is that they were going to be replacing some of the non-insulated overhead main lines with insulated ones. Not sure if that has happened yet but I'm sure trimming all the tree tops that run directly above the power lines will help.


Power has been gone for around 10 minutes. Maybe due to the rain. Seems like at least my entire moo baan (hang dong).

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