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Video: Overloaded pick up - Thais ask how did the police miss that one!


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Just now, louse1953 said:

A mate of mine suggested making them 10 years ago.I said as soon as we sold our1st one another factory would open across the road and undercut us.Then the Chinese would start importing them and who can bet them.At least we would have sold one.

I have seen a few homemade trallors around but very rare,too hard to reverse maybe.

They have enough of a challenge driving forwards

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It comes down to the same thing every time. An utter and complete disregard for public and traffic safety on the part of the toy police, and the toy government. They just do not care. The little guy is not important. Protecting him or her is just not on their list of priorities. Never has been. Hope someday it will be. But, not with Little P. He cares not, one iota for the common man. They are just not on his radar. 

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3 hours ago, BBJ said:

It is no bigger than a truck or coach.  As for the police, to much for them to think about!



'No bigger' - but much less stable. Track & wheelbase much less, - even a good crosswind would blow it a over t.

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What the hell is the problem??? The pick up didn't overturn. So everything is ok. No accident, nobody injured. Road safety? What is that? Invented by foreigners.........Thailand is moving 4.0 and is a hub of safety rules. You don't believe? Damned........

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The hidden danger (quite literally) with these all too common overhanging loads, is that the view of the vehicle's rear lights is often completely obscured.


But no one seems to care about that a long as there is a red flag on the back. -  Which won't light up when the brakes are applied!

Edited by Moonlover
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5 hours ago, canopy said:

It's not clear to me from the photo there is anything illegal about it. If the cargo doesn't extend past the front bumper, past the sides, and is less than 5 meters total height then no problems there. Cargo can extend past the back with no length limit as long as a red flag is attached for loads extending over 1 meter which it has.


Think you could well be correct, although I'm certainly not up to speed on the height limitations - and provided it was securely fastened it could be legal. 

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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Could have been worse,some of these pick ups have the springs of a ten ton truck,

so regularly  grossly overloaded, upgrade to the suspension,the brakes ,maybe not.

regards worgeordie

But sometimes they forget to upgrade the tires. It happened in front of me that a tire of an overloaded pickup burst and it was impossible for the driver to keep control of the car. So it tumbled over the 3 lane highway and distributed tons of fruits over the road while flipping on the side. Luckly no one was hurt but what could happen if this was taking place close to a school?

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

It comes down to the same thing every time. An utter and complete disregard for public and traffic safety on the part of the toy police, and the toy government. They just do not care. The little guy is not important. Protecting him or her is just not on their list of priorities. Never has been. Hope someday it will be. But, not with Little P. He cares not, one iota for the common man. They are just not on his radar. 

Most governments don't give a jot about their people. They just appear to in order to give the little ones peace of mind and keep the reddies rolling in.

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6 hours ago, sungod said:

Guess you have not watched the video eh? Nor read any posts above.


Some posters just jump at the chance to try and belittle others without getting the facts right first, unfortunate trait of this forum.



Yes your last statement is right. From time to time I can ere on that jump the gun side for which I am sorry but its human nature I guess. Then there are the out and out SB throwers. 

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8 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Seems to most posters here are really way out of their realm of reality here. 

 Canopy post 17 is the only one post that sees the reality. The truck is not overloaded. It is all done with in the rules and regulations. No weigh just bulk and stored legally as cargo.  

 Just goes to show how people respond when they are ignorant about a situation and make rash ill informed posts to bash Thai's


Yep. Same "Old Gang" posting one liners to poke fun and bash Thais. Clearly the Rattan did not exceed the weight. Stuff is light. It wasn't even close to hitting road signs (As was said). The load was stable (Unlike what was reported). Guy is doing like anyone would to maximize his delivery. I see Hilux trucks carrying bales of hay that are far more heavier with custom bed holders. I personally actually appreciate the effort it takes to load it all. Foreigners are such whinging complainers. They think  trucks should carry a small box or a mountain bike and that's the limit.... :smile:

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Yep. Same "Old Gang" posting one liners to poke fun and bash Thais. Clearly the Rattan did not exceed the weight. Stuff is light. It wasn't even close to hitting road signs (As was said). The load was stable (Unlike what was reported). Guy is doing like anyone would to maximize his delivery. I see Hilux trucks carrying bales of hay that are far more heavier with custom bed holders. I personally actually appreciate the effort it takes to load it all. Foreigners are such whinging complainers. They think  trucks should carry a small box or a mountain bike and that's the limit.... :smile:

So you think there is no traffic regulation for how far the load can protrude behind the truck?
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37 minutes ago, KMartinHandyman said:

So you think there is no traffic regulation for how far the load can protrude behind the truck?

Maybe there is but still we are in a different country and foreigners seem to struggle with ideas that do not fit with what they are conditioned to from their home country so they immediately condemn it. Odd behavior 

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42 minutes ago, JAFO said:

Maybe there is but still we are in a different country and foreigners seem to struggle with ideas that do not fit with what they are conditioned to from their home country so they immediately condemn it. Odd behavior 

yes its  odd isnt  it  that u can see absolutely no problem with a vehicle being loaded like this, i find that  mind  boggling, lets  just take a small example..crosswind, what could possibly  go wrong????

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8 minutes ago, kannot said:

yes its  odd isnt  it  that u can see absolutely no problem with a vehicle being loaded like this, i find that  mind  boggling, lets  just take a small example..crosswind, what could possibly  go wrong????

Well I have driven commercial trucks part time (Class A US requirements) on and off for years. I'd have to do the math on the surface area x weight x wheelbase to determine if the risk is considerate. Let me just say, while I think the load appears a bit excessive, I cant condemn the guy. In the news you seldom see these trucks wrecking or creating issues and I see them all the time when driving. Would I load one up that much.....likely not but I have no issue with what this guy did. 

Edited by JAFO
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51 minutes ago, JAFO said:

Well I have driven commercial trucks part time (Class A US requirements) on and off for years. I'd have to do the math on the surface area x weight x wheelbase to determine if the risk is considerate. Let me just say, while I think the load appears a bit excessive, I cant condemn the guy. In the news you seldom see these trucks wrecking or creating issues and I see them all the time when driving. Would I load one up that much.....likely not but I have no issue with what this guy did. 

I would say excessive, but overloaded as the headline say's - maybe not. 

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11 hours ago, PatOngo said:

After living here for more than 25 years I look at it and think...third world backwater!

I have to admire anyone that could spend 25 years of their life in a "third world backwater". The horror.

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1 hour ago, wvavin said:

Money can even make a person temporary blind!

And in many cases, smart, intelligent and even beautiful - just have a look at the hi-so / fashion / movie magazines. 

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A few months ago about 50 meters (max) past a police check-point, a drunk tuk-tuk driver made it past the police, sped up, drove up and over the sidewalk, and totally submerged his vehicle in the moat. Right past the police stop!!!!


The crap they allow through their stops is unbelievable. Meanwhile, they will risk life and limb to stop someone on a motobike so they can try to ticket them.

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11 hours ago, JAFO said:

Well I have driven commercial trucks part time (Class A US requirements) on and off for years. I'd have to do the math on the surface area x weight x wheelbase to determine if the risk is considerate. Let me just say, while I think the load appears a bit excessive, I cant condemn the guy. In the news you seldom see these trucks wrecking or creating issues and I see them all the time when driving. Would I load one up that much.....likely not but I have no issue with what this guy did. 


OK, but does the driver have enough view of the vehicles in front and on either side?


The driver obviously had no rear view at all in terms of the standard rear view mirror,


Is there adequate rear view or even any rear view by using the side mirrors?


Not OK!  

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On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 7:19 AM, kannot said:

The stupidity of the law here says he must cover the entire load which he more or less has done.......out of  sight out of  mind.

Ive watched Police drive round a  4  foot by 2  foot  metal cage  in the  middle  of the road which obviosuly  fell off something and yet they failed to stop to remove it and all the potential accidents it  may have caused............did the driver of the filming  vehicle have both hands on the wheel?

Fine the driver for 200 baht for causing public disturbance and distress.


Lock the poster of the clip in prison for 10 years for defamation, driving without due negligence, using of electronics while driving causing danger to users of the road.

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