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Why don’t Thai People Follow the Rules?


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2 minutes ago, chrissables said:

Not at all. I think many rules to be put in the bin, as already stated i am talking laws.

I agree there's plenty of laws that should be put in the bin. Specially laws that are completely victimless, like that im not allowed to ingest cannabis.. 


Hell, taking 15 items to the 10 item counter has bigger victims than taking drugs in your own home and not bothering anyone.

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I think the OP had it wrong when he talked about "rules". To my mind, his issue  that he has observed is a lack of consideration for others and mindfulness. Rules: I don't follow them when they make no sense. Entire blocks are needlessly painted "no parking". I make an assessment and park my motorbike where it is safe and unobtrusive to others. 


I like the Thai people, but I have not noticed Thai persons holding the door for others, or opening grandma's door and helping her out of the Toyota Hilux. Thais in need borrow from me readily, but never see fit to repay. They litter with impunity, at everyone's cost. It's the rare Thai driver who will stop willingly to let someone cross the road. The smallest garden snake, when discovered in the garden, is instantly decapitated, with no thought given to its place in the larger scheme of things. My Thai friends don't help me learn Thai, even when I beg them to correct my speech,  in what I regard as a misguided effort to not shame me. It is unhelpful, and I see evidence every day of this lack of helpfulness where others are concerned. This behaviour mystifies me. 

Interesting observations, but to claim all Thais behave like this is, of course, not accurate. Generalisations could be, and are, made about all nationalities.


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2 hours ago, finnman said:

...just to try to make people to understand...

Why do the western people not follow the rules (Schengen, Dublin etc.)?

Here you see nice legs 30 cm out of your legal spot. In western world there are cities full of asylum hairy legs, but you complain about loosing a couple minutes in supermarkets...

I complain? Think you need glasses.

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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

I don't Chris, I can assure you of that, common sense is more important than any rules. I just make sure I do not do anything to the detriment of ordinary people.

Hence my comment stating "especially victimless crimes" :)

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6 hours ago, chrissables said:

You will notice i used the word rules, not laws. :)


Having said that, too many laws are there to control. Sometimes people should question them.

Okay if we are talking rules like the OP example about express lanes....it is because in the west there is something instilled in most of us from an early age. It is called common courtesy. This is why we wait our turn in line, yield to elderly people crossing the street, avoid playing loud music that disturbs others etc. 


In Thailand civic mindedness and common courtesy seem to be a foreign concept.

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We live in a society. For this to function well we need to be considerate to others. Lets say for example that we live in a small village where everybody knows everyone's first name, and say hello to everyone when we meet them. Do you think that everyone in this small village would screw everybody else over to get a little head start or to get things done faster, disregarding everybody else in this village? No? This is what society is. Its not about being sheep and always following rules. Its about consideration for others. You don't know it now and don't see it. But a society that follows these small rules, functions and runs a lot smoother.

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6 hours ago, BrainLife said:

The whole "mai pen rai" thing is just a way for Thais to not loose face and avoid confrontation. It does make THEIR life a lot easier being selfish anywhere with strangers, whether it is in the supermarket, traffic/driving, standing in line, you name it. ME FIRST, so I can afterwards be lazy all day again and do as little as possible.


Of course this does NOT go for all Thais, I and we all know that.

This permeates throughout North, South & SE Asia..........same old shi'ite, different countries - we accept  it or it drives us bonkers.......our choices.

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8 hours ago, scorecard said:


Plus never read anything, never listen. Try teaching a class of bachelor degree students:


- Did you read the case study handout? No, but I think it's about xxxxx.


- What did I say in the last 3 minutes? I don't know, why are you so serious professor?


- Previous class, well explained several time plus hand out; next class is final exam, don't be late. Several students 30 - 45 minutes late. Why are you late this was all explained last class and you got a handout. Ohh I didn't know. 

Young Thai adults are just like the  Eloi people  in H.G. Wells' novel-The Time Machine. The film version depicted young adults in the far future completely oblivious to history, to the world around themselves and no curiosity to learn anything.

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9 hours ago, scorecard said:


Plus never read anything, never listen. Try teaching a class of bachelor degree students:


- Did you read the case study handout? No, but I think it's about xxxxx.


- What did I say in the last 3 minutes? I don't know, why are you so serious professor?


- Previous class, well explained several time plus hand out; next class is final exam, don't be late. Several students 30 - 45 minutes late. Why are you late this was all explained last class and you got a handout. Ohh I didn't know. 

Don't worry, Daddy will get them a job

9 hours ago, scorecard said:


Plus never read anything, never listen. Try teaching a class of bachelor degree students:


- Did you read the case study handout? No, but I think it's about xxxxx.


- What did I say in the last 3 minutes? I don't know, why are you so serious professor?


- Previous class, well explained several time plus hand out; next class is final exam, don't be late. Several students 30 - 45 minutes late. Why are you late this was all explained last class and you got a handout. Ohh I didn't know. 


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That happens everywhere I'm sure. I'm in America and people do it all the time. I follow the rules but a lot of people do not, Thai, American, who ever. There are good and bad people in all countries.

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9 hours ago, chrissables said:

Why do people from the west follow every stupid rule like lemmings? Especially victimless rules.

Good point. Too many bureaucrats with nothing to do except make up more rules.

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7 hours ago, hobz said:

Some rules are less inportant for sure. But parking at the red/white sections create really dangerous situations sometimes. It's pretty common for that red/white to be put near entries/exits.

When some <deleted> parks there it blocks the view for cars wanting to pull out onto the road. 

The point is that if there's rules in place, there's usually a good reason. And if your peanut brain does not comprehend the reason it's better and safer to just follow the rule and hope it was put in for a good reason.

If you have more than 10 items, why cant you just go to the other cashiers? The other cashiers have a longer queue, as you put it, so what? 


I think Thailand has to be careful.


You are right about supermarket queues. It isn't a big deal.


Other things are more important.  Such as .... uhm , where do I begin?

The police (or someone) painted red and white stripes all the way down our soi. Two weeks later someone turned their house into a coffee shop and painted the red and white stripes black (allowing customers to park outside).


I traveled in a mini van recently and every time he got stuck behind someone he turned on a blue and red flashing light to get past.


Recently, I saw a car with red headlights!!!


I live on Thong Lor and  now the police have set up "witches hats" connected with string to stop people turning right into Soi ChaM Chan. So now they drive 50 - 100 metres on the wrong side of the road, in order to be able to turn right.


I could go on and on.


All these small things should be addressed  now before it gets completely out of hand .

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As a good citizen I always tried by not crossing anyone's rights and if everyone do the same, our society becomes like heaven. But in Thailand no one cares or even have no idea about people's rights thats why this country is to far to be even compared to some civilized countries.

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6 hours ago, maximillian said:

Those who don't follow supermarket rules are the same that don't follow traffic rules.

The same care"less" egos who don't care about other peoples lives.

btw, my Thai wife gets more anoyed about those not following the rules than I do.

Luckily, idiots are a minority, but not a small minority it seems.

Not sure the rules abusers are a minority in Thailand and I haven't seen too many deaths from not following supermarket rules, have you?

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9 hours ago, Notadoctor said:

"how do you get 200 Canadians to get out of a swimming pool?"

You stand at the edge of the pool and shout..."OK - everyone get out of the pool!"


The OP is a classic example of expat confirmation bias.


Visitors who spend any amount of time in a foreign country inevitably feel the need to pass comment on their host society;.

For some sadly this proves to be an exercise beyond their intellect so they grasp certain memes, myth and misunderstandings and then with the help of lashings of confirmation bias put together what is actually nothing more than a racially biased misperception of the world around them.


having grabbed hold of a selection of misconceptions it isn't hard to find examples to back up the false premises......of course what the OP should be saying is what makes peopoe ignore rules - this sort of the behaviour occurs al over the world.

The other question might be - why do expats, visitors or travellers suddenly become so anally retentive about rules and regs in foreign countries?

It is  inevitable  that  visitors  or  expats will  make  comparative  comment on  what are issues  to themselves  in any  host  country. And  quite possibly many of those  issues  are  also  common  to the  unexpressed  thinking of  the  people of that  host  country. 

There is  nothing  wrong in  the thinking of  what seems  unacceptable but to  express  it as a criticism in a  culture/society that is  not your own is unlikely  to  get genuine appreciation even if  agreed  with.

It  could  be argued conversely that  many Western countries have laws/regulations/conventions that could  be justifiably criticized  but are culturally/socially accepted.

There is  some  validity to the  saying " When in Rome  do as..".

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4 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

I complain? Think you need glasses.

I have glasses.

People are moaning about tescolotuscashierisnotrespectingmewhiteman. And, at the same time Europe and the Western civilization is collapsing, because of the people with or without glasses respecting eu. I think you know my point.

If you answer, do it inThai language, please.


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2 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

Yes, and lack of empathy as well. My experience is that most Thai just don't give a damn about anyone outside of their immediate circle of family and friends.

Why not to be one of them insiders?

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53 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Not sure the rules abusers are a minority in Thailand and I haven't seen too many deaths from not following supermarket rules, have you?

So your wife is more anoyed, sorry annoyed,... about what?

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1 hour ago, Foozool said:

As a good citizen I always tried by not crossing anyone's rights and if everyone do the same, our society becomes like heaven. But in Thailand no one cares or even have no idea about people's rights thats why this country is to far to be even compared to some civilized countries.

Like in Germany, Sweden and the other European countries where the Citizens do not have rights any more. Civilized!

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2 hours ago, petedk said:


I think Thailand has to be careful.


You are right about supermarket queues. It isn't a big deal.


Other things are more important.  Such as .... uhm , where do I begin?

The police (or someone) painted red and white stripes all the way down our soi. Two weeks later someone turned their house into a coffee shop and painted the red and white stripes black (allowing customers to park outside).


I traveled in a mini van recently and every time he got stuck behind someone he turned on a blue and red flashing light to get past.


Recently, I saw a car with red headlights!!!


I live on Thong Lor and  now the police have set up "witches hats" connected with string to stop people turning right into Soi ChaM Chan. So now they drive 50 - 100 metres on the wrong side of the road, in order to be able to turn right.


I could go on and on.


All these small things should be addressed  now before it gets completely out of hand .

Yeah you're right! It gotta stop before it goes completely out of hand! Otherwise thailand might have a road death toll higher than almost any other country... Oh wait.. 

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30 minutes ago, finnman said:

Like in Germany, Sweden and the other European countries where the Citizens do not have rights any more. Civilized!

Give an example from sweden please, i need a good laugh :)

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44 minutes ago, finnman said:

So your wife is more anoyed, sorry annoyed,... about what?

My wife is not Thai and i  not particularly annoyed about anything; what gave you that idea--have you mixed posts?

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17 minutes ago, finnman said:

google kista, husby, rosengord, märsta, uppsala, malmö. Poliisipäälliikö Springare. LOL?

Yes, there's crime there. What has that to do with citizens rights?


Are you saying that there's too many rules and laws in sweden and because of this there's areas with crimes and this has somehow taken away citizens rights? 

Are you high on some sort of mix of crack and meth? Or just drunk on leo or chang?

Edited by hobz
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1 hour ago, finnman said:

I have glasses.

People are moaning about tescolotuscashierisnotrespectingmewhiteman. And, at the same time Europe and the Western civilization is collapsing, because of the people with or without glasses respecting eu. I think you know my point.

If you answer, do it inThai language, please.


it is an English forum and you accuse me of things the OP did, read again

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