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Why don’t Thai People Follow the Rules?


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Why dont Thai people follow the rules.


Why are so many westerners so anally retentive about rules.


For me, its part of the attraction of Thailand, its not the nanny state.


Thai people have a certain sense of Karma and dont need "endless rules to live life"


Someone uses the wrong line at the supermarket, so what. Later that same day someone will insist I get served before them because I only have a tube of toothpaste.


Have you ever been in a queue  in Thailand were people leave their shoes in the queue and go and sit down, the coolest concept in the world. One day a rule Nazi will come along and shut it down because they left the queue, and thats against the rules.

Edited by Peterw42
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4 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Why dont Thai people follow the rules.


Why are so many westerners so anally retentive about rules.


For me, its part of the attraction of Thailand, its not the nanny state.


Thai people have a certain sense of Karma and dont need "endless rules to live life"


Someone uses the wrong line at the supermarket, so what. Later that same day someone will insist I get served before them because I only have a tube of toothpaste.

Some rules are less inportant for sure. But parking at the red/white sections create really dangerous situations sometimes. It's pretty common for that red/white to be put near entries/exits.

When some <deleted> parks there it blocks the view for cars wanting to pull out onto the road. 

The point is that if there's rules in place, there's usually a good reason. And if your peanut brain does not comprehend the reason it's better and safer to just follow the rule and hope it was put in for a good reason.

If you have more than 10 items, why cant you just go to the other cashiers? The other cashiers have a longer queue, as you put it, so what? 

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      Now pay attention here !!  


Most Thai's follow the rules.  They stop at red lights.  They drive on the correct side of the road.    They do not drive there motorbikes on the sidewalk.  And they are very polite and helpful.  


   As for the rest ,  well  ?????


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35 minutes ago, hobz said:

Some rules are less inportant for sure. But parking at the red/white sections create really dangerous situations sometimes. It's pretty common for that red/white to be put near entries/exits.

When some <deleted> parks there it blocks the view for cars wanting to pull out onto the road. 

The point is that if there's rules in place, there's usually a good reason. And if your peanut brain does not comprehend the reason it's better and safer to just follow the rule and hope it was put in for a good reason.

If you have more than 10 items, why cant you just go to the other cashiers? The other cashiers have a longer queue, as you put it, so what? 

Peanut brain says the sheep!

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We all get bad-tempered about different things.


e.g. I'm used to (and always watch out for) 'ghost' scooter drivers, and so they don't annoy me - whereas its obvious from this forum that they annoy the hell out of others!


On the other hand I do get bad-tempered with queue jumpers - even though logically 'ghost' drivers can be dangerous, whereas queue jumpers obviously aren't dangerous - just extremely annoying.


Somebody who had lived here many years once told me that Thais are incredibly tolerant, and also incredibly inconsiderate - and they were right!  Edit - In my experience.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Definitely deals with part of the culture...to correct someone deals with having that person "lose face", so you do not say anything. I have seen it with employees who are afraid to tell their manager/ boss (who is older than them) about a problem (maintenance, lack of detail, or a co-worker problem) because of the "superior" being older.  If a culture cannot make constructive suggestions to their boss, how can progress be made?

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Oh look - it's Sunday, time for shameless promotion of inspire blog - should we say, gross generalization for the sake of some third rate journalism.


My local Big C is quite proactive at stopping the locals from using trolleys in the basket only, and there's nothing from stopping you from pointing out their mistake, it's just education.

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3 hours ago, DavoTheGun said:

Just Thai Culture! get over it!

Maybe this should be the major "real" reason for wanting to leave Thailand--people don't follow the rules. However, I think their not following traffic rules may be more important than supermarket rules. 

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I was going to suggest you buy her a Rules Of The Road book for her birthday or Christmas but on second thought I think your wasting your time and money. Some of the answers bordered on a wild wild west lifestyle that is cute funny but if we move beyond this point you make to actual high speed driving competing with other drivers for road space the game then takes on a different dimension. Fasten your seat belt always. 

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2 hours ago, hansnl said:

Rules, sir are made to let a community function.

Now then, most people from the west understand that.

But of course there are always renegades.

Then are you suggesting that the whole of Thailand and the Thai people are renegades ????

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3 hours ago, DavoTheGun said:

Just Thai Culture! get over it!

sorry but that doesn't cut it, as already mentioned early in a few replies on this topic - enforcement of rules is severely lacking, expand this out to road safety and the abysmal record (probably worst in the world) that Thailand enjoys and it is easy to see why.


I cannot think of one instance were rules are properly enforced in Thailand except perhaps at Airports were there is serious international pressure applied and heavy penalties if they don't comply, immigration and visa's  etc could be another one, the rest of the country is a free for all.


What do people think would have happened had the checkout girl in the OP refused to serve the person with the huge shopping cart.



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3 hours ago, DavoTheGun said:

Just Thai Culture! get over it!

culture no it is called stupid no proper up bringing and no parents watching and teaching their children properly, it all goes back to no or lack of education.


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2 hours ago, VIBE said:

They do follow the rules, but its the ones that they choose follow that are ludicrous.  


Such as the no selling of alcohol between certain times of the day.  That one is followed yet a rule like stopping when the traffic light turns red is optional.  Or have you every applied for a Non-O visa?  The rules on the documentation is insane.  Example,  map needed to place of residence.  Simple sketch done on the computer with streets named and buildings, all neat and clean looking.  Rejected as it was not done by hand!  So then I scribble down my attempted to draw a map that a kindergarten teacher would have rejected, and its fine!  


Basically any time they have a book or procedure where it gives them to power, they will follow each and every rule.  Other rules which are there to be considerate to others....are optional.  I got honked at for stopping at a crosswalk one time to allow an elderly couple cross.  Sometimes the behaviour of others makes me quite sad.

I know what you mean your have a tough time to find that mental crosswalk to cross over and embrace the "culture" that exists here. You cannot do a mental strip of how you were raised and taught in the west to obey the rules thus you are from time to time at odds with yourself and your Thai wife or partner. I think the gentleman with the Thai wife who stated that "we are not parking here all day only to eat" explains it best. Yes there are many little "quirky" things here but love conquers all. For the sake of disclosure I have a Thai g/f and experience quirky daily. As we have no car it never shifts down into differing opinions on driving but they are quirky according to my western thinking. 

Edited by elgordo38
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2 hours ago, chrissables said:

Why do people from the west follow every stupid rule like lemmings? Especially victimless rules.

I don't Chris, I can assure you of that, common sense is more important than any rules. I just make sure I do not do anything to the detriment of ordinary people.

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7 minutes ago, smedly said:

sorry but that doesn't cut it, as already mentioned early in a few replies on this topic - enforcement of rules is severely lacking, expand this out to road safety and the abysmal record (probably worst in the world) that Thailand enjoys and it is easy to see why.


I cannot think of one instance were rules are properly enforced in Thailand except perhaps at Airports were there is serious international pressure applied and heavy penalties if they don't comply, immigration and visa's  etc could be another one, the rest of the country is a free for all.


What do people think would have happened had the checkout girl in the OP refused to serve the person with the huge shopping cart.



It happens occasionally.  At a 7/11 checkout counter a Thai shoved his items in front of mine, and the cashier ignored him and dealt with me first :smile:.

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2 hours ago, hansnl said:

Rules, sir are made to let a community function.

Now then, most people from the west understand that.

But of course there are always renegades.

If you want to obey everybodys rules, you may as well not bother getting up in the morning.

I will obey rules if I agree with them, otherwise????

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