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Transport Ministry to propose 7-7-7 Songkran safety measure


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Transport Ministry to propose 7-7-7 Songkran safety measure




BANGKOK, 3April 2017 (NNT) – The Ministry of Transport is set to propose that Cabinet implement a 7-7-7 safety measure for the Songkran holidays targeting 7 days before, during, and after the holidays. 

The Minister of Transport, Arkhom Termpittayapaisith has revealed the Ministry of Transport has ordered its affiliated agency such as the Department of Highways, and the Department of Rural Roads to ensure good condition of roads and traffic facilities to accommodate the traffic during the Songkran holidays. 

He said this will be the first year that the Ministry will campaign for motorists to put their headlights on even during daytime which helps reduce the accident by 30% according to research. 

The Ministry of Transport will be executing the 7-7-7 measure which calls for the improvement of roads and facilities in the 7 days before the festival, mobilizing officials on site for 24 hours to maintain safety during the 7 days of the festival, and to ensure the general public travels back safely during 7 days after the festival. 

The measure will be proposed to the Cabinet for approval on 4th April 2017.

-- nnt 2017-04-03
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5 minutes ago, webfact said:

He said this will be the first year that the Ministry will campaign for motorists to put their headlights on even during daytime which helps reduce the accident by 30% according to research

Not if you are drunk as a skunk. If the Ministry think that this will reduce road deaths over Songkran by 30 percent they are delusional. It will be the same as each year. You need to change a cultural mindset first (will take years if they start now) then police the roads properly. I actually had to look at the date of the article to check it wasn't on the 1st of April

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Not if you are drunk as a skunk. If the Ministry think that this will reduce road deaths over Songkran by 30 percent they are delusional. It will be the same as each year. You need to change a cultural mindset first (will take years if they start now) then police the roads properly. I actually had to look at the date of the article to check it wasn't on the 1st of April

Also hard to see the headlights when the minivan is driving 10 cm from your rear bumper.

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These idiots will do anything other than what needs to be done. Rhetorical questions: Why don't they just look at the methods of other countries with good safety records and copy them? Why don't they bring in strong deterrents on top of enforcing the present laws?


The present govt is all powerful, has no opposition and has Article 44 at it's disposal, why isn't it doing anything about the roads?


It's as though the place was being run by five year old children.




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"...calls for the improvement of roads and facilities in the 7 days before the festival, mobilizing officials on site for 24 hours to maintain safety during the 7 days of the festival, and to ensure the general public travels back safely during 7 days after the festival. "


If they haven't been able to accomplish this for the past 7 decades, what makes him think that it will be accomplished within 7 days?


By the end of Songkran, we will all have another laugh at the annual failure to change anything to achieve something that remotely resembles safety. Well, not all. Those who are killed and maimed, and their families, won't be doing much laughing.

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7 days during which roadside tents must be erected and electricity connected.

7 days of  drinking coffee/alcohol and watching TV/ Facebook whilst in the shade.

7 days to wind down this very important 'waste of time' operation and offer congratulations for a job well done.

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13 minutes ago, jesimps said:

These idiots will do anything other than what needs to be done. Rhetorical questions: Why don't they just look at the methods of other countries with good safety records and copy them? Why don't they bring in strong deterrents on top of enforcing the present laws?


The present govt is all powerful, has no opposition and has Article 44 at it's disposal, why isn't it doing anything about the roads?


It's as though the place was being run by five year old children.




Stop insulting five year old children.

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New ‘7-7-7 plan proposed to improved safety during Songkran
By The Nation 


BANGKOK: -- The Transport Ministry will propose a “7-7-7 plan” to the Cabinet on Tuesday to maintain safety before, during, and after the Songkran holiday.


Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith said the measure calls for improvement of roads and facilities in the seven days before the festival, mobilising officials on site for 24 hours each day during the seven days of festival, and to ensuring the public travels back safely during the seven days after the festival.


He said this year, for the first time, motorists will be asked to put their headlights on, even during daytime, to help reduce road accidents by 30 per cent, according to research.


He said the Ministry of Transport has ordered its affiliated agencies such as the Department of Highways, and the Department of Rural Roads to ensure good road conditions and traffic facilities to assist traffic during the Songkran holidays.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30311119

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-04-03
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So 7 days before the event they hope to change a situation that is the result of decades of government inactivity or incompetence? ...and at a time when fatalities are actually BELOW the daily average........ it would seem to me that in a country that doesn't even gather a full set of road safety statistics one's time would be better spent actually taking the advice of the various road safety organisations in and around Thailand rather than relying on their own "made-up" dictums.


Road safety in Thailand is appalling - and contrary to popular belief, it is not down to a racist view of Thai people as idiots or even just bad driving - the entire road transport system is the product of decades of ignorance and inappropriate development by successive Thai governments who think they know best and so can ignore the world science experts on the subject.

when someone dies on the roads in Thailand it is not those involved who are to blame, they a forced into a system that the governments have condoned for far too long - rather than listen to experts and spend money to save money (and lives) they have chosen the easy way out and created a laissez  faire situation that kills tens of thousands on innocent Thai citizens every year. 


The death toll is worse that any war - yet they seem to think it is acceptable.....even allowing some people in high places to get away with deaths of others as otherwise they'd have to admit it isn't "just one of those unfortunate things" but it is actually successive government that are to blame.

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1 hour ago, Sphere said:

No fancy dress photo-op this year? 



What? No mouthmasks, sunglasses, long sleeves?? And they will be in full sun all days in those long black trousers? Yeahhh rrright!


Oh one has a speaker to yell to motorists to turn on the lights, where's the finebook for if the lights are broken??


And where is the namebadge of these guys?? And the radio?


Man even our securityguards look more professional than these grandpa's.

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Quite often I have a beer at a bar on a major junction on 3rd rd & witness the traffic police breathalysing drivers because who have to stop for the lights, most locals know this happens & take short cuts anyway, however I notice that most traffic turning left do NOT follow the road signs which clearly states "when turning left waiting light" its a joke as most bikers turn left then cross the traffic and turn left again, it may as well be a roundabout & if it was no doubt there will be some who turn right creating havoc. Most of the bikers do not wear helmets anyway & five on a bike is nothing unusual, so as for having headlights on most bikes come on automatically & need to.

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