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Cross-dressers, gender-change cases and transvestites warned of strict UAE laws


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Cross-dressers, gender-change cases and transvestites warned of strict UAE laws




DUBAI: -- The Thai Consulate General in Dubai has warned Thais wishing to visit the United Arab Emirates that sex change, cross dressing and transvestism  are against the law.


In its website, under the title "Know before going to United Arab Emirates", the consulate said it wishes to warn Thai citizens that UAE considers sex changes and cross dressing a violation of its  laws.


If  immigration officials in the UAE were to identify any such cases,  the persons concerned would  be detained at the airport and immediately deported. 


If, however, a case were identified  later, the person could be arrested, detained at the police station and deported accordingly.


"Therefore, the consulate asks Thai tourists or those who reside in the UAE to be careful about how they dress and behave, as any behaviour considered "abnormal" could lead to arrest."


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30311269

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-04-04
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Nice to see we still have the medieval period  alive and well due to............RELIGION

If anythings "abnormal" its these religious  values

Edited by kannot
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On the other hand, they are so unapologetic about it.  Here's our policy for our country.  Don't like it?  Lump it or leave.  SJWs don't complain because they know Emiratis could give a shit if they are offended.... so they don't bother, and focus on other populations and politicians that have been sufficiently conditioned into caring... or at least pretending to.

Edited by 55Jay
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I'm a plain vanilla, heterosexual Caucasian male, so I've never had too much problem in any of the Gulf states.  They did look at me like an alien from Mars whenever I filled in "religion" box with "none".  What do you mean, you don't believe in God?  Really?  :blink:

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8 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

I'm a plain vanilla, heterosexual Caucasian male, so I've never had too much problem in any of the Gulf states.  They did look at me like an alien from Mars whenever I filled in "religion" box with "none".  What do you mean, you don't believe in God?  Really?  :blink:

Probably because they would view apostasy or atheism as beyond comprehension. I always put "Christian" just to avoid possible scrutiny.

Thai tourists go to these places? Apart from Oman, there is nothing in the region that would be of the remotest interest to Thais.

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35 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

I'm a plain vanilla, heterosexual Caucasian male, so I've never had too much problem in any of the Gulf states.  They did look at me like an alien from Mars whenever I filled in "religion" box with "none".  What do you mean, you don't believe in God?  Really?  :blink:

For fun, try marking "Jew" and watch what happens. Equally fun, are  Pagan, Druid, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Evangelical Pentecostal Christian.

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1 minute ago, jeanpierre said:

is this a crossdresser ???


Funny you mention that.

No, it's not in that man's cultural context.

That said, I wish that style of man pajama dress spread beyond the Arab world.

It looks so comfy and more efficient. One garment. To heck with pants AND a shirt. 

Nobody of course is stopping me from dressing that way, but I don't think I could pull it off. 

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12 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Probably because they would view apostasy or atheism as beyond comprehension. I always put "Christian" just to avoid possible scrutiny.

Thai tourists go to these places? Apart from Oman, there is nothing in the region that would be of the remotest interest to Thais.

Some of the younger drones looked like they were restraining their natural inquisitiveness, but wasn't the time or place to pursue such wild 'n' crazy ideas. 

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21 minutes ago, djjamie said:

Have to respect the laws of the country you visit. Glad the Thai consulate has been pro active in bring this to citizens attention.

Why don't you show us the way. Start with something easy, like traffic laws, then move up to something more, shall we say,  more taxing. 

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12 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

For fun, try marking "Jew" and watch what happens. Equally fun, are  Pagan, Druid, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Evangelical Pentecostal Christian.

If I put Mormon, they would probably say I was crazy, and deport me.  :laugh:

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This is what the UAE leaders say but is it what the people want? For example in Tunisia which is also a Muslim majority. The government rejected equal rights for women. So mass protests were held and the leaders had to give in and make laws that give women the same rights as men. Tunisia is also very tolerant of homosexuality as long as you keep it at home and not show affection in public.

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9 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

This is what the UAE leaders say but is it what the people want? For example in Tunisia which is also a Muslim majority. The government rejected equal rights for women. So mass protests were held and the leaders had to give in and make laws that give women the same rights as men. Tunisia is also very tolerant of homosexuality as long as you keep it at home and not show affection in public.

I suspect vast majority would nod and agree with the policy.  Even the ones who didn't, would nod and agree. 


The analogy with Tunisia and women's rights is a good example, but not practical in this case. 


Overall I agree.  Sexual pref and fetishes are best left in the home or designated areas.  I've been over on this side of the world long enough that when I go back to the US now, I do a double take if I see a man and a woman sucking face in public.  What's that old saying, "Jeez, get a room you two!".  

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1 hour ago, kannot said:

Nice to see we still have the medieval period  alive and well due to............RELIGION

If anythings "abnormal" its these religious  values

Only took 2 posts for the anti-religious bigots to show up.  Other Muslim countries allow such.  It's the country's aberrant/medieval culture, with religion as a convenient excuse.   Put the blame where it belongs. 

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41 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Funny you mention that.

No, it's not in that man's cultural context.

That said, I wish that style of man pajama dress spread beyond the Arab world.

It looks so comfy and more efficient. One garment. To heck with pants AND a shirt. 

Nobody of course is stopping me from dressing that way, but I don't think I could pull it off. 


Comfy? Very hot region of the world, maybe the full skirt covering of the legs is actually a lot more hot than shorts.

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14 minutes ago, Fookhaht said:

Only took 2 posts for the anti-religious bigots to show up.  Other Muslim countries allow such.  It's the country's aberrant/medieval culture, with religion as a convenient excuse.   Put the blame where it belongs. 

Happy  to bigot  something solely on "belief" ..............religion its VILE

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There was a case of transgender being refused entry at the airport there (Dubai) late last year.


There was some recent confusion over a new law, with top lines reading that sex change operations were now legal in UAE. 




Followed by another article 3 days later clarifying that that was not the case at all.


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2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Why don't you show us the way. Start with something easy, like traffic laws, then move up to something more, shall we say,  more taxing. 

I don't need to show you the way. If you visit a country and break their laws you get fined and / or arrested. Traffic laws is no different. 


Visit Australia and break the traffic laws you have to accept it even if 90km/hr in a 60 zone is legal in your home country. 

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37 minutes ago, Ceruhe said:

Ahhh the religion of peace. Nothing to add.

not much to add except:



Sexual Offences Act 1967. An Act to amend the law of England and Wales relating to homosexual acts. The Sexual Offences Act 1967 is an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom (citation 1967 c. 60). It decriminalised homosexual acts in private between two men, both of whom had to have attained the age of 21.

same same not different in Germany and other continental European states a few years later.

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Apart from if offered a highly-paid job, why on earth would anyone want to go to the UAE?


Bear in mind that a whole load of medications that you can buy over the counter in most countries will land you time in chokey there.

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