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'Prasong' the "slithery snake" has his car taken away


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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Did you notice that not one Thai's beeped his/her horn (lose of face) ? what's even more strange is that no one called the cops, they had to find out about it through social media.


This guy:


1) Needs to have his licence cancelled immediately, pending a psychiatrists report


2) Issued a heavy fine & keep his licence cancelled for at least a year if he's not a nutter


3) Have lots of photos taken of him and put on all media outlets so everyone can see what a pea brain he is


Lucky I wasn't behind him because I would have rammed him really hard and sped off, after all, this is Thailand, anything goes, right ?



No you wouldn't and you know you wouldn't with all the pain it would bring. Just big words on the internet.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Prasong Reuangsirikunchai - vice president of the Telecommunication Association of Thailand said he was just trying to teach slow drivers a lesson.

???????? really. After reading all the other posts I concur with all of them on how you should be treated. Yes I know some of the statements bordered on the computer crimes act that you could possibly use to cover up your crime. Well your name is out there now and once things die down no doubt you will head to the courts to "save face" Incredible. 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

He told Udomsuk police yesterday that he was trying to get slow drivers to speed up and claimed that he didn't think what he was doing was illegal.


Hey Elon we got a live one for your next rocket shot. He wants speed give it to him. 

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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Did you notice that not one Thai's beeped his/her horn (lose of face) ? what's even more strange is that no one called the cops, they had to find out about it through social media.


This guy:


1) Needs to have his licence cancelled immediately, pending a psychiatrists report


2) Issued a heavy fine & keep his licence cancelled for at least a year if he's not a nutter


3) Have lots of photos taken of him and put on all media outlets so everyone can see what a pea brain he is


Lucky I wasn't behind him because I would have rammed him really hard and sped off, after all, this is Thailand, anything goes, right ?





Keep in mind that plenty of Thais react very strongly / violently at being beeped. Some folks not prepared to take the risk.

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:



Keep in mind that plenty of Thais react very strongly / violently at being beeped. Some folks not prepared to take the risk.

If people cannot handle other's mentioning they are acting like idiots or making mistakes, this should be taught in school, but maybe teachers are afraid of a cracked-up parent losing it, because losing it is not losing face! This part of the Asian culture has to be updated. It is flawed and counter-productive. I realize that by writing this this is making them lose face, but no culture is perfect. If you know what is imperfect, you can improve it. If you don't, you cannot.


Driving too slow is a problem in Thailand? Really?

Edited by EnlightenedAtheist
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5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Did you notice that not one Thai's beeped his/her horn (lose of face) ? what's even more strange is that no one called the cops, they had to find out about it through social media.


This guy:


1) Needs to have his licence cancelled immediately, pending a psychiatrists report


2) Issued a heavy fine & keep his licence cancelled for at least a year if he's not a nutter


3) Have lots of photos taken of him and put on all media outlets so everyone can see what a pea brain he is


Lucky I wasn't behind him because I would have rammed him really hard and sped off, after all, this is Thailand, anything goes, right ?



And you called him a nutter? 

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So another guy roaring down a city street allegedly kills a cop - no consequences. Mr. Prasong loses his car and "must" appear in court. Yes, Mr. Prasong's driving deserves consequences, and so does the Red Bullsh**. driver. 

Wonder who will. 

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Has anyone here ever tried to tell an indig that they are wrong because I get the feeling from my personal experience that there is a large percentage who are too proud / stupid / arrogant to take advice or guidance from a lowly foreigner. 


After all all the education these clowns get is far superior to the education and degrees you get in the west isn't it so why should they listen to us


then when, as predicted by the "know nothing" farang, the inevitable happens and they are right in the crape, who is the first one to be approached to "lend" ( for lend read give because it will never be paid back) them money so they can pay their way out of whatever hole their arrogance has got them in, 


maybe it is is a bad patch but right now I am seriously considering embracing the colder climes as this place is grating my sensibilities.


then the lies told to try and get away with it, I heard better in primary school than some of the garbage spewed out as an excuse to cover the crass incompetence /arrogance/lack of moral fibre/ missing backbone/ lack of education/ no common sense/ failure to accept responsibility for their actions. And the biggest insult is we are supposed to believe that <deleted>


bah! I am off for a beer!

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6 hours ago, Loaded said:

People are unaware of how poor they are at driving safely.

They have never seen a good example, the hi-so's and police also are no good example at all.


I also don't drive the same as back in Europe cause it doesn't work here between all those selfish ego's.

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22 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Did you notice that not one Thai's beeped his/her horn (lose of face) ? what's even more strange is that no one called the cops, they had to find out about it through social media.


This guy:


1) Needs to have his licence cancelled immediately, pending a psychiatrists report


2) Issued a heavy fine & keep his licence cancelled for at least a year if he's not a nutter


3) Have lots of photos taken of him and put on all media outlets so everyone can see what a pea brain he is


Lucky I wasn't behind him because I would have rammed him really hard and sped off, after all, this is Thailand, anything goes, right ?



Two wrongs do not make a right.

A lot of insanity on the roads here.

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14 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

Has anyone here ever tried to tell an indig that they are wrong because I get the feeling from my personal experience that there is a large percentage who are too proud / stupid / arrogant to take advice or guidance from a lowly foreigner. 


After all all the education these clowns get is far superior to the education and degrees you get in the west isn't it so why should they listen to us


then when, as predicted by the "know nothing" farang, the inevitable happens and they are right in the crape, who is the first one to be approached to "lend" ( for lend read give because it will never be paid back) them money so they can pay their way out of whatever hole their arrogance has got them in, 


maybe it is is a bad patch but right now I am seriously considering embracing the colder climes as this place is grating my sensibilities.


then the lies told to try and get away with it, I heard better in primary school than some of the garbage spewed out as an excuse to cover the crass incompetence /arrogance/lack of moral fibre/ missing backbone/ lack of education/ no common sense/ failure to accept responsibility for their actions. And the biggest insult is we are supposed to believe that <deleted>


bah! I am off for a beer!

I dare say it has to do with the master, we as educated farangs had to be obedient back home and were constantly taught how to sit, roll over, lay down, and listen of course, here it would appear it is the masters that lack what we have been taught, so how would they know to pass on what we know, if they don't know, or try, maybe they do, but give up, because people are unwilling, example: seat belt saga, then why get frustrated, accept it for what it is, or as you say, go back to the cold climate (with respect), not having a go/dig.


I have been coming here for 12 year or so years, now living here almost a year and a half, it isn't perfect, but I find myself to be a lot more relaxed, less stressed and more free than I was back home, so you have to weigh the good up with the bad, smile, eat well, smell the fresh air, have those massages (what type), up to you, and stop trying to teach those that are unwilling to learn, otherwise it will leave a bad taste in your mouth.

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15 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I dare say it has to do with the master, we as educated farangs had to be obedient back home and were constantly taught how to sit, roll over, lay down, and listen of course, here it would appear it is the masters that lack what we have been taught, so how would they know to pass on what we know, if they don't know, or try, maybe they do, but give up, because people are unwilling, example: seat belt saga, then why get frustrated, accept it for what it is, or as you say, go back to the cold climate (with respect), not having a go/dig.


I have been coming here for 12 year or so years, now living here almost a year and a half, it isn't perfect, but I find myself to be a lot more relaxed, less stressed and more free than I was back home, so you have to weigh the good up with the bad, smile, eat well, smell the fresh air, have those massages (what type), up to you, and stop trying to teach those that are unwilling to learn, otherwise it will leave a bad taste in your mouth.

I hear what you are saying and for sure I am in no way offended however as you have been here a mere 18 months and still have that "aww shucks gee whizz" feel good factor that virtually all of us get right at the start before the layers are peeled off and the ugly truth about a high proportion of these clowns becomes apparent.


wait until your stepson takes your car and then somehow manages to get a loan against it then gets really anti when you give him a world of shit by asking for the car to be returned to you ( conversely you can shrug your shoulders and say well it was only 1 mio Baht but expect it to happen again) 

Or have visitors over who when they leave have somehow accidentally packed some of your wife's designer clothes from Milan or broken the TVF in their room. Been stitched up by honest Plod, been charged three times that which your wife pays to see a government park / rubbish tip, getting the blame and having to cough up compensation to a mindless idiot who runs into your stationary car because you are a foreigner. I could go on but frankly even if I tell you it will be hard to believe until you do believe then it may we'll be too late.


again, I am not having a go just highlighting things that could easily happen to you which takes the shine off the place very quickly.



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