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In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick


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In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick

By Lawrence Hurley and Andrew Chung


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FILE PHOTO - U.S. Supreme Court nominee judge Neil Gorsuch is sworn in to testify at his Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S. on March 20, 2017. REUTERS/James Lawler Duggan/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican-led Senate on Friday gave Donald Trump the biggest triumph of his young presidency, confirming his Supreme Court nominee over stout Democratic opposition and restoring a conservative majority on the highest U.S. judicial body.


The Senate, which last year refused to consider Democratic former President Barack Obama's nominee to the court, voted 54-45 to approve Republican Trump's pick, Colorado-based federal appeals court judge Neil Gorsuch, to the lifetime job. Three Democrats joined the Republicans in voting for Gorsuch.


Gorsuch's confirmation ends the longest Supreme Court vacancy since 1862 during the American Civil War, with the court down a justice for almost 14 months since long-serving conservative Justice Antonin Scalia died on Feb. 13, 2016.


"Judge Gorsuch's confirmation process was one of the most transparent and accessible in history, and his judicial temperament, exceptional intellect, unparalleled integrity and record of independence makes him the perfect choice to serve on the nation's highest court," Trump said in a statement.

"He's going to make an incredible addition to the court," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor.


Illustrating the importance of the moment, Vice President Mike Pence served as the Senate's presiding officer during the vote to confirm Gorsuch, who also worked in Republican former President George W. Bush's Justice Department and is the son of the first woman to head the Environmental Protection Agency.


Republicans, possessing a 52-48 Senate majority, on Thursday overcame a ferocious Democratic effort to block a confirmation vote, resorting to a rule change known as the "nuclear option."


"Today, for the first time in history, the theft of a Supreme Court seat has been completed, profoundly damaging the integrity of the court," said Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley, referring to Republicans casting aside Obama's nominee Merrick Garland, who would have tilted the court to the left for the first time in decades.


Merkley this week delivered a 15-1/2-hour Senate speech against Gorsuch.


The Senate's approval of Gorsuch reinstates the nine-seat court's 5-4 conservative majority, fulfilling an important Trump campaign promise.


Gorsuch, 49, was the youngest Supreme Court nominee since Republican President George H.W. Bush in 1991 picked Clarence Thomas, who was 43 at the time. Gorsuch could be expected to serve for decades, while Trump could make further appointments to the high court to make it even more solidly conservative because three of the eight justices are 78 or older.


Three Democratic senators up for re-election in 2018 in states won by Trump last year - Indiana's Joe Donnelly, West Virginia's Joe Manchin and North Dakota's Heidi Heitkamp - voted for Gorsuch. Republican Senator Johnny Isakson missed the vote while recovering from back surgery.


Gorsuch's confirmation gave a boost to Trump, showing he can get important agenda items through a Congress controlled by his fellow Republicans after the House of Representatives last month failed to pass healthcare overhaul legislation. Trump is planning major tax cut legislation as well.




Senate Republicans resorted to extraordinary steps to overcome Democratic opposition to Gorsuch, including changing long-standing Senate rules to prohibit the use of a procedural blockade called a filibuster for Supreme Court nominees. The rule change was dubbed the "nuclear option" because it was considered an extreme break from Senate tradition.


Democrats accused Gorsuch of being so conservative as to be outside the judicial mainstream, favoring corporate interests over ordinary Americans in legal opinions, and displaying insufficient independence from Trump.


Gorsuch joins fellow conservatives Thomas, John Roberts, Samuel Alito and Anthony Kennedy on a court that also includes liberal justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.


Trump has recorded accomplishments since taking office on Jan. 20, including a variety of unilateral executive actions such as moving to undo Obama's climate change regulations.


But he has encountered trouble with other major initiatives. Courts blocked his executive action to stop people from several Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. His administration also has faced questions about any role the president's associates may have played in alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump.


The rule change could make it easier for Trump to win confirmation of Supreme Court nominees as long as Republicans control the Senate, with Democrats left powerless to resist even if he gets a chance to replace the court's senior liberal, 84-year-old Ginsburg, or the court's swing vote, 80-year-old Kennedy, with more conservative replacements.


A conservative-majority court is more likely to support gun rights, abortion regulations, an expansive view of religious liberty and Republican-backed voting restrictions, while opposing curbs on political spending. The court also is likely to tackle transgender rights and union funding in coming years.


Among the groups congratulating Gorsuch on his confirmation were the U.S. Chamber of Commerce business lobbying group, the National Rifle Association gun rights group and anti-abortion activists.


Gorsuch will be sworn in on Monday in two different ceremonies, one at the court and one at the White House. He can then prepare for the court's next round of oral arguments, starting on April 17. The court's current term ends in June.


Gorsuch will participate in the justices' private April 13 conference to consider taking new cases. There are appeals pending on expanding gun rights to include carrying concealed firearms in public, state voting restrictions that critics say are aimed at reducing minority turnout, and allowing business owners to object on religious grounds to providing gay couples certain services.


On April 19, the court will hear a case in which a church contends Missouri violated the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of religious freedom by denying it funds for a playground project due to a state ban on aid to religious organizations. Gorsuch has ruled in favor of expansive religious rights during his decade as a judge.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-08
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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

"He's going to make an incredible addition to the court," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor.

Incredible for the Gun Lobby and big business. Incredibly bad for Abortion, Gay and Transgender people, civil liberties and workers rights.

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Another right wing-nut Christian zealot who will put his subjective superstitious beliefs and (un)holy book before The Constitution, which he takes an oath to uphold...thus treading on personal liberties, rights and freedom. The death of that moron Antonin Scalia was a liberating day for America, women's rights and individual freedoms. The outrageous and awful appointment of this freak-a-zoid has undone all that and is a major setback for America, Americans and freedoms so cherished. Pretty much like almost every other Trump appointee. :bah:

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Trump is now 1 Supreme Court Judge away from a super-majority and then can issue almost ANY executive order he desires...(ie, any time he's in a slump or investigations are closing in on him, all eyes will be on 'breaking news')

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2 minutes ago, sujoop said:

Trump is now 1 Supreme Court Judge away from a super-majority and then can issue almost ANY executive order he desires...(ie, any time he's in a slump or investigations are closing in on him, all eyes will be on 'breaking news')

no he can't. even the conservative judges will not sanction each and every rubbish executive order.

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Congratulations to President Trump and soon to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court (SC) Gorsuch whose credentials are impeccable, on a historic confirmation by US Senate Republicans for making it happen. The denial and outright obstruction of all the bleeding heart liberal left wing fanatics called Democrats led by that idiot Schumer couldn’t prevent three of his own coming to their senses and doing the right thing for the future of the country to ensure the SC will hear and decide cases based on the Constitutional rule of law. This will for now, ensure middle ground at the SC from tipping anymore to the left, and ensure that Personal Liberties to free speech, right to bear arms, and right to religious beliefs especially Christianity which is under assault are maintained. It should also ensure that lower federal court justices are reprimanded to stay out of the business of legislating laws(responsibility of Congress) from the bench and stay out of National Security matters which is the responsibility of the President. Great day for most Americans who still believe in a Constitutional Republic and a conservative way of life, liberty, and religious pursuit of happiness. God Bless America, God Bless President Trump and God Bless Conservatives!! :smile::smile:

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5 hours ago, Naam said:

no he can't. even the conservative judges will not sanction each and every rubbish executive order.

Mostly the conservative justices on the SC will not cause Trump any problems.  There is hardly any daylight between Trump's and the Court's views on taxation, the rights of corporations, policing, restrictions on voting rights especially of minorities, and most other right-wing issues.


Occasionally, when the President appears to threaten the institutional power of the Court itself, the justices may take a stand against the White House, such as when the Court voted 9-0 to subpoena Nixon's White House tapes.  Other than that, Trump has nothing to worry about from this right-wing Court.

Edited by CaptHaddock
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12 hours ago, rooster59 said:

In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick

What a headline. Shouldn't it be


"In an important but what should be routine job for senior politicians, Trump and the Senate manage to turn it in to a cake and arse party."


Instead of conceding and calling it 1-1 with Garland and then a bi-partisan effort to recommend to the President, McConnell was so desperate to strut his stuff that one of the major check and balance systems in the Senate has now been removed. Absolute idiots the lot of them.

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1 hour ago, PaceArrow said:

Congratulations to President Trump and soon to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court (SC) Gorsuch whose credentials are impeccable, on a historic confirmation by US Senate Republicans for making it happen. The denial and outright obstruction of all the bleeding heart liberal left wing fanatics called Democrats led by that idiot Schumer couldn’t prevent three of his own coming to their senses and doing the right thing for the future of the country to ensure the SC will hear and decide cases based on the Constitutional rule of law. This will for now, ensure middle ground at the SC from tipping anymore to the left, and ensure that Personal Liberties to free speech, right to bear arms, and right to religious beliefs especially Christianity which is under assault are maintained. It should also ensure that lower federal court justices are reprimanded to stay out of the business of legislating laws(responsibility of Congress) from the bench and stay out of National Security matters which is the responsibility of the President. Great day for most Americans who still believe in a Constitutional Republic and a conservative way of life, liberty, and religious pursuit of happiness. God Bless America, God Bless President Trump and God Bless Conservatives!! :smile::smile:

Troll :post-4641-1156693976:

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2 hours ago, PaceArrow said:

Congratulations to President Trump and soon to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court (SC) Gorsuch whose credentials are impeccable, on a historic confirmation by US Senate Republicans for making it happen. The denial and outright obstruction of all the bleeding heart liberal left wing fanatics called Democrats led by that idiot Schumer couldn’t prevent three of his own coming to their senses and doing the right thing for the future of the country to ensure the SC will hear and decide cases based on the Constitutional rule of law. This will for now, ensure middle ground at the SC from tipping anymore to the left, and ensure that Personal Liberties to free speech, right to bear arms, and right to religious beliefs especially Christianity which is under assault are maintained. It should also ensure that lower federal court justices are reprimanded to stay out of the business of legislating laws(responsibility of Congress) from the bench and stay out of National Security matters which is the responsibility of the President. Great day for most Americans who still believe in a Constitutional Republic and a conservative way of life, liberty, and religious pursuit of happiness. God Bless America, God Bless President Trump and God Bless Conservatives!! :smile::smile:

Sounds great! Would also be great if the gun-luvvin, bible-belt states also pulled their own weight as well:




Oh, hang on a sec, Red states ARE pulling a LOT of weight:


Corrected: 'National Security matters which is the responsibility of the President' (wag-the-dog Trump)

Ah bless.... Anyways congrats, hope all this 'winning' isn't tiring  y'all  :-)

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1 hour ago, PaceArrow said:

The denial and outright obstruction of all the bleeding heart liberal left wing fanatics called Democrats led by that idiot Schumer couldn’t prevent three of his own coming to their senses and doing the right thing for the future of the country to ensure the SC will hear and decide cases based on the Constitutional rule of law

And what are your views on what was absolutely the bleeding heart conservative right wing when they filibustered 79 attempts to get Judges nominated to the Circuit? Lets not try and have your cake and eat it. American politics is truly frakked and both parties in your Government are an absolute disgrace. They do NOTHING for the American people or nation and your blind support for any side shows how far down the toilet the USA is right now. The only thing propping it up is the super heavy military. Without that America would slide into obscurity in the next 10 years.

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2 hours ago, PaceArrow said:

Congratulations to President Trump and soon to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court (SC) Gorsuch whose credentials are impeccable, on a historic confirmation by US Senate Republicans for making it happen. The denial and outright obstruction of all the bleeding heart liberal left wing fanatics called Democrats led by that idiot Schumer couldn’t prevent three of his own coming to their senses and doing the right thing for the future of the country to ensure the SC will hear and decide cases based on the Constitutional rule of law. This will for now, ensure middle ground at the SC from tipping anymore to the left, and ensure that Personal Liberties to free speech, right to bear arms, and right to religious beliefs especially Christianity which is under assault are maintained. It should also ensure that lower federal court justices are reprimanded to stay out of the business of legislating laws(responsibility of Congress) from the bench and stay out of National Security matters which is the responsibility of the President. Great day for most Americans who still believe in a Constitutional Republic and a conservative way of life, liberty, and religious pursuit of happiness. God Bless America, God Bless President Trump and God Bless Conservatives!! :smile::smile:

And great for employers, too.  Gorsuch ruled in favor of an employer firing a trucker who faced a choice between freezing to death or leaving his post. He chose the latter and Gorsuch ruled the employer had the right to do so. Fortunately, he was repeatedly in the minority in both his court and higher courts. The employer lost no thanks to Gorsuch.  Thank you Donald Trump, friend to the working man and woman except truckers who don't count.

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14 hours ago, PaceArrow said:

Congratulations to President Trump and soon to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court (SC) Gorsuch whose credentials are impeccable, on a historic confirmation by US Senate Republicans for making it happen. The denial and outright obstruction of all the bleeding heart liberal left wing fanatics called Democrats led by that idiot Schumer couldn’t prevent three of his own coming to their senses and doing the right thing for the future of the country to ensure the SC will hear and decide cases based on the Constitutional rule of law. This will for now, ensure middle ground at the SC from tipping anymore to the left, and ensure that Personal Liberties to free speech, right to bear arms, and right to religious beliefs especially Christianity which is under assault are maintained. It should also ensure that lower federal court justices are reprimanded to stay out of the business of legislating laws(responsibility of Congress) from the bench and stay out of National Security matters which is the responsibility of the President. Great day for most Americans who still believe in a Constitutional Republic and a conservative way of life, liberty, and religious pursuit of happiness. God Bless America, God Bless President Trump and God Bless Conservatives!! :smile::smile:

That would be great if only the right-wing moral group would stop trying to impose their beliefs onto others.  "The never ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way" is for all Americans.



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18 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Sorry to say, Ruth Bader Ginzburg will probably vacate her seat in not-too-distant future.  Hang in there Ruth.  We love you.  Stay healthy.

It's possible but word is she's trying hard to stay. Kennedy may leave before her.

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18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's possible but word is she's trying hard to stay. Kennedy may leave before her.

Either way, Gorsuch's nomination, though fraught with OTT challenges will be nothing in comparison to the show when whoever associate next vacates the SC, voluntarily or otherwise. The next nominee will truly be the centerpiece of the ultimate battle between conservatives and liberals since that nomination will likely seal the tilt of the SC for generations to come. Gorsuch's nomination was just an appetizer.

Edited by NanLaew
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16 hours ago, PaceArrow said:

Congratulations to President Trump and soon to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court (SC) Gorsuch whose credentials are impeccable, on a historic confirmation by US Senate Republicans for making it happen. The denial and outright obstruction of all the bleeding heart liberal left wing fanatics called Democrats led by that idiot Schumer couldn’t prevent three of his own coming to their senses and doing the right thing for the future of the country to ensure the SC will hear and decide cases based on the Constitutional rule of law. This will for now, ensure middle ground at the SC from tipping anymore to the left, and ensure that Personal Liberties to free speech, right to bear arms, and right to religious beliefs especially Christianity which is under assault are maintained. It should also ensure that lower federal court justices are reprimanded to stay out of the business of legislating laws(responsibility of Congress) from the bench and stay out of National Security matters which is the responsibility of the President. Great day for most Americans who still believe in a Constitutional Republic and a conservative way of life, liberty, and religious pursuit of happiness. God Bless America, God Bless President Trump and God Bless Conservatives!! :smile::smile:

Such nonsense. SI remember when the Supreme Court pretty much invalidated the voting rights act. Justice Scalia's justification for it was that for political reason the legislature was unable to amend the act, therefore the courts had to step in.

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