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The week that was in Thailand news: We demand the right to kill ourselves


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The week that was in Thailand news: We demand the right to kill ourselves




Every nation on earth has something you shouldn’t mess with.

Growing up in England they once had a sit-com that had a storyline of a government minister’s outrage on behalf of what he perceived as an angry public when the dastardly Europeans tried to rule on what should go into a British sausage.

Such outrage ultimately led to Brexit!

In the States you would mess with the flag at your peril. Burning one may get you lynched while incinerating the Union Jack would only lead the British public to think you were vaguely quirky.

Germans have their law. It binds them together and makes them who they are. They obey it to the letter - so not to do would make them as un-German as disliking lederhosen. Jeremy Clarkson asked one recently on his new motoring show what they would do if they had their driving license taken away.

Mindful that residents of some nations would simply find some way around the inconvenience he knew what response was likely and got it: “Herr Clarkson, I vud not drive”.

“But WHY not?”

“I vud be unable to”.

In Thailand while the tourist manuals talk about not pointing your feet or ruffling an adult Thai’s hair, the thing they really care most about is their freedom. The freedom to do as they bloody well please.

Someone might have told their esteemed leader this salient fact as dear old Uncle Big Too became a social pariah with a swift stroke of his legislative pen stopping the Thais travelling in the back of pick-ups.

No matter that it has been law since before the year dot.com, “we have got used to not obeying the law” screamed not just the poor but the car owning middle classes who wanted to attack their leader vicariously by siding with the downtrodden.

No matter that here, at last, was a concrete measure sure to save lives as Songkran approaches.

No…the Thais are effectively demanding the right to continue killing themselves.

So bugger off and leave us and our freedom alone! How I admire them (and how I will stay away from them at Songkran…)

It is slowly dawning on the general in the last three years that the people, strangely enough, don’t behave like the recruits he was used to bossing around prior to his emergence into the post-coup world.

But rather than burst more blood vessels he backtracked and said the “new” law would be implemented only after the holidays.

Basically saying, go off and have a good time and if you live we’ll start fining you after the “seven deadly days” are over.

Of course what will happen is that more compromise will come. You only have to be in Thailand five minutes to know that changes to the Thai law only come after absurd decisions, backtracking, the setting up of committees…..then compromise.

The final stage is ignoring it.

The furor <deleted> dominated the news this week but many on Thaivisa forum didn’t quite get it. Of course, they might have been Germans, but one who did understand was the poster of my forum comment of the week, “naboo”, who spoke of farangs laughing at Thais for being stupid as rather rich:

“They struggle for years, get the smart (cab) option. Then with the stroke of a pen Uncle Too makes their investment worthless and they become easy pickings for the police, day in day out”.

Meanwhile, mindful of the fact that he had put his big Thai clod-hopper in it, said uncle tied to ingratiate himself with the public by seemingly defending taxi drivers’ rights to ignore us when we need a cab to get home in the rain.

“The public must understand drivers who refuse fares” he pontificated. Yes, sir, funny but after 35 years of grappling with Thai I do just about understand “mai pai, rot tit”.

Maybe, you could tell me why you “not go” yet….that I’m struggling with.

Not too far away from government house a pipe bomb went off. We were told that it wasn’t terrorism and the only “injuries” were a couple of cleaners who had “ringing in their ears”.

Someone should have checked that it was indeed the device left in a Ratchadamnoen trash can and not the haranguing of the leaders that caused the ringing.

Bombs in Bangkok are thankfully few and down the years the authorities have had some luck in saving the capital from would be terror plots. Several decades ago a wrong ‘un with a large truck packed with enough explosive to reduce not just the Israeli embassy but half the Lumpini Park area to rubble, got stopped in nearby Chitlom.

Stopped not by the counter terrorism bods but by a motorcycle taxi driver furious that the truck had caused 50 baht’s worth of damage in a minor scrape. Fuzz came and the would-be bomber fled leaving the mystified cops with an unclaimed truck.

They parked in at Lumpini nick and it was several days before someone thought to look in the back.

One who was certainly not demanding the right to die was the army conscript in detention in Surat who was brutally beaten to death by at least ten others for getting up late.

Disgusting of course, but equally unpleasant was the sight of seven of the assailants as they showed their butts rather than their faces while “graap-ing” the grieving mum in an effort at apology.

How I remember the time when my Loei lovely did that to me on our village wedding day, though in her case it was not apology but thanks as the in-laws scooped up the dowry!

Happy days, though those are on hold slightly as – like 35 million others – the missus has gone home for the Songkran hols. Posters on Thaivisa enjoyed the increasingly influential “midweek rant” that called the authorities efforts to end the carnage a “Songkran scapegoat” ranting that a year round coordinated approach is what is needed to save lives.

Good luck with that – most Thais of my acquaintance wouldn’t dream of planning for anything more than the next meal.

News from London was that Red Bull “Boss” was in town, probably buying a couple of Premiership clubs for the weekend before jetting off to mow down a copper or two before tea. AP reported that he would not say whether he would appear in Bangkok on April 27th to answer charges. Hey – why should he care when the prosecutors certainly couldn’t give a monkeys.

Khaosod used the lovely word “scofflaw” which had me thinking that could be worth 257 points between two triples in a game of Scrabble. It crossed my mind after seeing that two Thais and their English friend had qualified to represent the kingdom in a world ranking event in Kenya later this year.

Great to see that the Thais are not only embracing their foreign friends but taking English to darkest Africa as well!

Further good news continued to flow from the lips of the constabulary this week as it was announced that Khao San Road – a place I always referred to as “the jungle” in my early days – is now a Happy Zone.

Like Walking Street in Pattaya, crime is now a thing of the past. I wonder where is next.

I know, how about “Wat Dhammakaya Happy Zone” that should sort out any trouble there. Except for the fact that those ensconced within are probably quite alright Jack as it is.

Everyone seems to have gone home as the public wonder where the next saber rattling will emerge, the pick-up debacle notwithstanding.

Still, the police had a nice little junket in Khao San though I do wish Thaivisa translators would not refer to them as “top brass”. I have no quibble with “top” but “brass” is a British term meaning money and I really feel that associating the force with acquiring money must be defamatory.

Though, down in Ao Nang the local chief was quick to act when a police volunteer stepped out of line and was caught taking bribes on CCTVThe chief amusingly said that the cop was not in fact one of their own while the keyboard curmudgeons of the forum suggested, as a quick investigation was mounted, that too many toes had obviously been stepped on.

The thing is chief, a rozzer is a rozzer and no matter how you dress him up he will always be a rozzer.

Now I have got that off my self-righteous chest it’s time for this week’s Rooster awards.

And what better place to start than the Queen of the Eastern Seaboard herself where my award for “Services to Tourism” goes to the Pattaya council. The bright sparks at the town hall have recommended that not only will beach umbrellas be removed on Wednesdays and Thursdays but that people running services on the beach will no longer be able to serve any food at all.

This is fantastic. In absolutely no time there will not be any beer swilling, BBQ prawn massacring tourists in singlets left at all and the likes of Cheap Charlie Rooster can return to Pattaya in glory, put down our threadbare beach towels and pretend we are in a cut-price Bali.

The place will be deliciously empty and, when the authorities have come up with a similar strategy to warn off Mr and Mrs Woo, it will be paradise on earth again as it probably was during the Jurassic, the very same period from which the local authority appear to hail.

While the “Please Ring Me First If You Ever Think of Popping Over” award goes to the wannabe hoodlum in Samui who thought it was his Buddha-given right to demand that a Vietnamese girl drop everything including her draws for him.

She refused and the alleged man, son of some local “person of influence” got a bit of a kicking before being arrested. Jail time please – we could all do without him popping over from his island haven for a while.

Finally, it looked earlier in the week, before Prayut and his pick-ups, that the annual military draft was going to completely dominate the news. Not that the Thai press are remotely interested in the full blooded Thai males who might get selected.

No…once again they are obsessed with the lady boys who turn up in droves and dresses to tell reporters they have come over all queer with the excitement of it all.

Before they are rejected, despite usually still having a smallish portion of meat and two veg.

Forget draft dodgers – this is a decidedly dodgy draft.  





-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-04-09
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Good stuff again Rooster. Very amusing "and" informative.

People criticize the Thais for much, but if something goes down politically they don't like, instead of complaining endlessly like people do in the West, they grab some guns,

get on the street, kill a few people, get a military coup, change a few laws and get regime change. You know what they say. A change is as good as a holiday.


The next turkey to head the country eventually lets his God complex go to his head until he does too much shit and then. . . ?. . . there is a familiar thing about all this



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what is still missed is that the poor who bought pickups don/t even own them yet but need them dearly.if the rule will be implemented there will be a glut of used pickups that nobody wants anymore,  how about a restriction to 60km/h  when people sit behind?

i know nothing is ever enforced but it sucks that the bibs can just milk you at whim.i have a pickup and i am sure i would be targeted every time. 

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I hope little changes here as I left the west to get away from the do gooders that love to make laws. Seatbelt laws in the west are a huge money maker for government, if they were concerned about your health they would have banned cigarettes years ago, not just tax the hell out of them, taking full advantage of peoples addiction. I know Thailand operates with a less than fair system as does the west, but I am much happier here despite some dangers, inconveniences, injustices etc.

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Construction crews with six to 10 people in the back of a 6 wheeler.. Pickups with Grand parents, and several off spring totaling up to ten or more (usually only 4 to 6 for they were able to get 6 or 7 in the cab)...glad I live in the country where the police never venture. I hardly ever see a helmet worn unless we drive into town... and even then the cops go home at 17:00 so off with the helmets from my observations..


If they really do want to stop the mayhem on the roads they need to start informative commercials on driving ...start simple like how to stay in your own <deleted> lane and how to make a turn into a side road instead of a 45 degree cut across while veering into the on coming traffic..


Speed limits are stupidly set on many roads and few observe them anyway. Then you get the car doing 160k in an 80k zone hitting a motorcycle doing 30k and then wiping out anyone else in the vicinity..  Much of this could be taken care of with just the slightest amount of education... The real trick and cost would come with making roads that were wide enough to be safe.   . 

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1 hour ago, Grubster said:

I hope little changes here as I left the west to get away from the do gooders that love to make laws. Seatbelt laws in the west are a huge money maker for government, if they were concerned about your health they would have banned cigarettes years ago, not just tax the hell out of them, taking full advantage of peoples addiction. I know Thailand operates with a less than fair system as does the west, but I am much happier here despite some dangers, inconveniences, injustices etc.

Absolutely correct! Same as the Oil Corporations trying to buy out the copyrights for the production of cars that run on water, electricity, in fact any cars that do not use OIL!

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No…the Thais are effectively demanding the right to continue killing themselves.



No, they are not saying that at all. People die in car accidents in England every day. They are not demanding the right to kill themselves either. Millions of people are transported this way everyday with the vast majority living. 

The thais have just rejected a nanny state law, which like all nanny state laws inconvenience the majority, to protect a minute minority.


Good luck with that – most Thais of my acquaintance wouldn’t dream of planning for anything more than the next meal.


You only have one acquaintance?  Have you mentioned this to the owner of the Nation who you work for? Maybe you need to find another acquaintance. 



If they really do want to stop the mayhem on the roads they need to start informative commecials on driving...


They do. Have been for years. Maybe you have missed them. Maybe you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Maybe you need to find another acquaintance. I will post a few for you. With English subtitles. I assume from your weekly anti Thai rant that you haven't bothered to learn the language.






Dont let any facts get in the way of your anti Thai rant. Maybe a bit research before making these assertions wouldn't go astray.


No…once again they are obsessed with the lady boys who turn up in droves and dresses to tell reporters they have come over all queer with the excitement of it all.

Before they are rejected, despite usually still having a smallish portion of meat and two veg.


Childish comments regarding gays and genital size. Yawn.

Despite this anti thaimsentiment you harbor I see you live in Thailand and have actually paid a dowry to marry a Thai women.

From Loei.

I hope you understand how the sin sod system works and didn't pay too much.


You dish it out, but can you take it?





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If thai people want to endanger their own lives so be it... but other people should not be allowed to endanger yours.


Place the responsibility on the truck owner by saying by allowing people in the back you are endangering someone elses life here is your ticket... also if someone does get hurt in the back of the truck the  owner will take full responsibility for any injury!

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'News from London was that Red Bull “Boss” was in town, probably buying a couple of Premiership clubs for the weekend before jetting off to mow down a copper or two before tea.' For which he would be well advised to return to LoS. I doubt the man-in-the-street elsewhere would be anything like so accommodating, never mind the police.


'... crime is now a thing of the past.' And the past is always behind you.


'... the police had a nice little junket in Khao San though I do wish Thaivisa translators would not refer to them as “top brass”. I have no quibble with “top” but “brass” is a British term meaning money ...' Only if you're from Yorkshire.

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8 hours ago, 727Sky said:

Construction crews with six to 10 people in the back of a 6 wheeler.. Pickups with Grand parents, and several off spring totaling up to ten or more (usually only 4 to 6 for they were able to get 6 or 7 in the cab)...glad I live in the country where the police never venture. I hardly ever see a helmet worn unless we drive into town... and even then the cops go home at 17:00 so off with the helmets from my observations..


If they really do want to stop the mayhem on the roads they need to start informative commercials on driving ...start simple like how to stay in your own <deleted> lane and how to make a turn into a side road instead of a 45 degree cut across while veering into the on coming traffic..


Speed limits are stupidly set on many roads and few observe them anyway. Then you get the car doing 160k in an 80k zone hitting a motorcycle doing 30k and then wiping out anyone else in the vicinity..  Much of this could be taken care of with just the slightest amount of education... The real trick and cost would come with making roads that were wide enough to be safe.   . 

'The real trick and cost would come with making roads that were wide enough to be safe.' You don't think they're wide enough already? What do you suppose even wider roads would achieve? Add two lanes, and three lines of vehicles would use them.

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7 hours ago, Philthyphil said:

No…the Thais are effectively demanding the right to continue killing themselves.



No, they are not saying that at all. People die in car accidents in England every day. They are not demanding the right to kill themselves either. Millions of people are transported this way everyday with the vast majority living. 

The thais have just rejected a nanny state law, which like all nanny state laws inconvenience the majority, to protect a minute minority.


Good luck with that – most Thais of my acquaintance wouldn’t dream of planning for anything more than the next meal.


You only have one acquaintance?  Have you mentioned this to the owner of the Nation who you work for? Maybe you need to find another acquaintance. 



If they really do want to stop the mayhem on the roads they need to start informative commecials on driving...


They do. Have been for years. Maybe you have missed them. Maybe you don't have a clue what you are talking about. Maybe you need to find another acquaintance. I will post a few for you. With English subtitles. I assume from your weekly anti Thai rant that you haven't bothered to learn the language.






Dont let any facts get in the way of your anti Thai rant. Maybe a bit research before making these assertions wouldn't go astray.


No…once again they are obsessed with the lady boys who turn up in droves and dresses to tell reporters they have come over all queer with the excitement of it all.

Before they are rejected, despite usually still having a smallish portion of meat and two veg.


Childish comments regarding gays and genital size. Yawn.

Despite this anti thaimsentiment you harbor I see you live in Thailand and have actually paid a dowry to marry a Thai women.

From Loei.

I hope you understand how the sin sod system works and didn't pay too much.


You dish it out, but can you take it?





'The thais have just rejected a nanny state law, which like all nanny state laws inconvenience the majority, to protect a minute minority.' You're a bigger fool than your comments suggest. The Thais are asking for exactly what the article's ironic tone suggests - the right to kill themselves.


I, for one, couldn't give a toss if they manage to kill just themselves through their ignorance and gross stupidity. But that isn't usually the case. They all too often manage to take a few innocent bystanders with them. You might view that as an acceptable trade off for their freedom to do what ever they like - unless, and until, you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time ...

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Well, on we Go !!! ... You know, what I think, ...I think that if you POMS do not like the way that WE do things in Thailand !!! … Well then you know what you can do !!! ... like why did you come here in the first Place ??? … Like most of us came here because it was a different way of Living !!! … So well !!! Ride on in the back of Pickups !!! …   Everybody  (Though well I do have to admit that it is only the poor that really Die in them) ... But it is their Choice, and well some of the More conservative Thai People, Like my sister In law) would agree with you .., like I live with them and I HAVE ASKED THEM !!! ... well it is a New issue so I am only just “Starting to ask them”


So why did you come to Thailand ? ..Because it was an Easier Life than at home (Though more ways of losing your money, but less chance of getting Divorced or Sued ??? Right ??? … With What you had left ??? … ) ….  and then you also could break a lot of the rules that you would have had to obey at home also !!! ... Well then just Get used to it !!! (<deleted> ??? Am I allowed to say this Fellas ???) 


I think that if People … Expats that do not like the Thai People !!! … Well No further discussion, this is not just a Divorce free fun park, (Give or take a couple of Flat screen TV’s)  organized (At a Cost of course) just for your selves all you Losers !!! ...  If you do not like Thai People !!!  … Well then just Go back Home to where ever you came from !!!


Like we got rid of a lot of 10 Pound Poms  some years ago in Australia !!! "Noort therrr Riiite Plaaaacce" .... Well I bet that most of them are REALLY sorry that they left !!! ….   (Well Luckily Jimmie Barns, and well most of AC/DC decided to stay !!! …  Like God Bless the Totally F’n mental bastards from Glasgow !!!)


… So !!! …. Gooo siting in the back of Pickups !!!


Down with the Nanny States, Including probably about the Greatest of them all !!! Australia !!!


And Hail, great to be Living in a Place where you can Make your OWN decisions !!! And live your lives !!! And Live by the results of them !!! …       … And Not F’n Blame ANY ONE except your self !!! (Oh F’n ? can I say this also …(Har Har) )


Like for god sake !!! That IS why just about we all came her in the first Place !!! … Not to get a Condo down the river, miss the usual EU and UK vetting, being out of the way, and get a job as a Writer and call ourselves ... Writers !!! ???


Mark Smith. ...


 I have not though up a suitable Nick name or a HHH handle yet ... maybe "<deleted>" if you will understand me. And have a sense of Humor …. But well ….  ...NOT a “Writer” !!! … Right. Yes I know my place … and would actually be an <deleted> than a So Called “Expat Writer” and I have read them !!! ad enough to fill the toilet up a few times, ..like with more than a bit of Old good, Red wine !!!

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Last Sonkram, or waist the one before ... a Pickup, one of our Pickups from our part of the Village .. had a drunken driver, and well with all of the People ... and the great big water cans in the back, ... he did a bad turn around the traffic island, over the back of Ayutthaya, by the Golden Mountain and the Bird Lake if any of you know it ... ... He raced after the foe, to throw water on them, ... but then crashed off the road in to a Hollow ... Like I reckon that he was so pissed that he did not even know where he was driving !!! … And he Killed 6 ? or was it, Maybe 8, of the people in the back ???


I do not know what happened to him, but well he was not very popular around here, or his family for a year or two now ... so what was the problam ??? People in the back of a Pickup ??? or just a TOTALY PISSED and Like Almost Comatose Driver ??? ... just going for it !!! …


Yes lets Pick up road safety in Thailand, and well yes they have been also ... when I first came here and up country, in about 1990 the Asia highway was only 2 Lanes, like one each way, and if I could have a cent for every person killed while trying to overtake !!! …  I WOULD be a Millionaire and I rode on that rode a Motorbike back then and I saw it. … 


But now the Roads are ALL MUCH better and well Like it or not you Pom over lords ... the Thais are driving a LOT better !!! Like they all have seen people Killed now !!! … And they do not want any more … Well unless they are totally pissed out at Songklan, and yon have your own Pickup !!!


Like they do not sell Piss in the licensed Road side Stops anymore !!! Before they did you could just pick up  six pck, slot it right on between the front seats !!! But not thy DON’T and well even as a Drunker ..this is VERY GOOD !!!! ..


Now that do not sell Alcohol at any Licensed road side stops (I think, well not around here anyway) and they have Breathalyses also, whic thay DO USE !!! ...


Do you remember when the Minni bussed hit the sceen, and became Popular !!! …  Like a Million Mini busses with real ballsy drivers, with new minni busses !!! … Initially the Road Carnage was horrific !!! (I think ?) But well, Mini bus drivers are still fast !!! …  But well they know what they are doing now, and they must have ??? Far Less accidents !!! ..


So any way ... "<Deleted's>" Post just about up now ...


The thing that killed the fun seekers n the back f the Pickup killing a lot of the Young men from our Village !!! … Was a YERY DRUNK DRIVER ... Not because they were in the back of the Pickup.


Mark Smith (Still searching for a nick name that will not b deleted ???) ... 



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Well not even at the end of The Rorer’s Argument .... but well I am just falling back ... I cannot say much more, I am only a NEW BOY .... but well, ... what the Thais say about it around here .... like what my Wife,  God bless her Total Matriarch’s, Dictators Stance could Imply ... but well …  "It is just another way that the Cops, can get more money out of the ordinary People" ...


… And I say ...The Military, beware !!! … You govern on Consensus with the Poor People’s Government has worked WELL so far ….  !!! BUT, Do not Push you luck ? … Or well, let the Cops do it for you .. for their own enrichment, and we will all know this.


(The argument about the back of Pickups law is the Most important one that I have seen, for ordinary “Thai” people that I have seen since I have been on your site. Hence maybe to many comments from me, ..but it is IMPORTAT)


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Yes it was funny when that Bomb truck, ... accidentally hit Motor cycle taxi, about on the extension of Sukhuvit, near the UK, and Israeli embassy, …. and broke his Mirror … (A Bit nervous fellows ??? Or well Arabs cannot drive anyway ??? …  I will join you in your Royal Britannia, UK racism any way Roosterr coock a doodle do ….) The Motor cycle driver, who would not accept what they thought were Fake US Bills for payment, ..like they only had Hundreds !!! ???


   So the ??? Iranians ??? ran away ..and left their truck bomb there !!! ...


It was towed down in to the Central Department store’s Car park, just to get it out of the way … and left there for a while ... and then eventually it was towed back, and left outside the Limpini Police station !!!


  Until the police noticed the bad smell of the Decomposing body of the Murdered driver inside the back of it !!! …  and cut the locks off ad found the just F’n Huge Fertilizer Bomb inside !!! ... and the Dead driver.


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We all enjoy ridiculing and directing sarcasm especially at things we don't like but what are the solutions?

To do as others do is not always the solution since culture differences don't always allow it.

So are we destined to our fate because of the short sightedness of others especially our leaders our do we start thinking for ourselves?

The next generation is always mankind's hope but looking at the failing of 5 out 6 O net subjects its not lookin bright but one has to have hope for studies have shown that hopelessness is what keeps people in poverty.

With poverty all your energy is directed towards just surviving and staying healthy.

Those who are able to lift themselves out of poverty were those who had hope.  Hope of a better life motivated themselves to achieve it.

Once you are able to make a decent living do you have the luxury like many in the westernized world to start thinking about social responsibility and democracy.  

Even though less then 12% of Thailand's population is below the poverty line we still have a far way to go before equity is reached.  Right now the government has to start addressing this inequity and income disparity before even starting to preach about democracy and the rule of law.


Edited by smileydude
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10 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

'The real trick and cost would come with making roads that were wide enough to be safe.' You don't think they're wide enough already? What do you suppose even wider roads would achieve? Add two lanes, and three lines of vehicles would use them.

Four lane divided highways with on and off ramps would be a great start, it would take a massive effort akin to that of the USA in the fifties and sixties. Very few accidents on these roads there.  Two or four lanes with cross traffic are still very dangerous there.

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17 hours ago, Mark Alexander Smith said:

Well, on we Go !!! ... You know, what I think, ...I think that if you POMS do not like the way that WE do things in Thailand !!! … Well then you know what you can do !!! ... like why did you come here in the first Place ??? … Like most of us came here because it was a different way of Living !!! … So well !!! Ride on in the back of Pickups !!! …   Everybody  (Though well I do have to admit that it is only the poor that really Die in them) ... But it is their Choice, and well some of the More conservative Thai People, Like my sister In law) would agree with you .., like I live with them and I HAVE ASKED THEM !!! ... well it is a New issue so I am only just “Starting to ask them”


So why did you come to Thailand ? ..Because it was an Easier Life than at home (Though more ways of losing your money, but less chance of getting Divorced or Sued ??? Right ??? … With What you had left ??? … ) ….  and then you also could break a lot of the rules that you would have had to obey at home also !!! ... Well then just Get used to it !!! (<deleted> ??? Am I allowed to say this Fellas ???) 


I think that if People … Expats that do not like the Thai People !!! … Well No further discussion, this is not just a Divorce free fun park, (Give or take a couple of Flat screen TV’s)  organized (At a Cost of course) just for your selves all you Losers !!! ...  If you do not like Thai People !!!  … Well then just Go back Home to where ever you came from !!!


Like we got rid of a lot of 10 Pound Poms  some years ago in Australia !!! "Noort therrr Riiite Plaaaacce" .... Well I bet that most of them are REALLY sorry that they left !!! ….   (Well Luckily Jimmie Barns, and well most of AC/DC decided to stay !!! …  Like God Bless the Totally F’n mental bastards from Glasgow !!!)


… So !!! …. Gooo siting in the back of Pickups !!!


Down with the Nanny States, Including probably about the Greatest of them all !!! Australia !!!


And Hail, great to be Living in a Place where you can Make your OWN decisions !!! And live your lives !!! And Live by the results of them !!! …       … And Not F’n Blame ANY ONE except your self !!! (Oh F’n ? can I say this also …(Har Har) )


Like for god sake !!! That IS why just about we all came her in the first Place !!! … Not to get a Condo down the river, miss the usual EU and UK vetting, being out of the way, and get a job as a Writer and call ourselves ... Writers !!! ???


Mark Smith. ...


 I have not though up a suitable Nick name or a HHH handle yet ... maybe "<deleted>" if you will understand me. And have a sense of Humor …. But well ….  ...NOT a “Writer” !!! … Right. Yes I know my place … and would actually be an <deleted> than a So Called “Expat Writer” and I have read them !!! ad enough to fill the toilet up a few times, ..like with more than a bit of Old good, Red wine !!!

Apart from finding your post a bit difficult to understand (obviously not a native English speaker - or a poorly educated one) as a Newbie, I think you should be made  aware that most people on here have had the "Well then just Go back Home to where ever you came from !!!" rhetoric pushed down their throats often enough, thank you.

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On ‎10‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 0:19 PM, sambum said:

Apart from finding your post a bit difficult to understand (obviously not a native English speaker - or a poorly educated one) as a Newbie, I think you should be made  aware that most people on here have had the "Well then just Go back Home to where ever you came from !!!" rhetoric pushed down their throats often enough, thank you.

I would say it is a post by a 'reasonably educated' native English speaker but probably written on a phone or while drunk

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14 minutes ago, TheLobster said:

I would say it is a post by a 'reasonably educated' native English speaker but probably written on a phone or while drunk

Not an unreasonable assumption! But I can usually understand drunks - maybe I need a few beers and I'll try to read it again!

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On 2017-04-09 at 7:16 PM, Mark Alexander Smith said:

Well, on we Go !!! ... You know, what I think, ...I think that if you POMS do not like the way that WE do things in Thailand !!! … Well then you know what you can do !!! ... like why did you come here in the first Place ??? … Like most of us came here because it was a different way of Living !!! … So well !!! Ride on in the back of Pickups !!! …   Everybody  (Though well I do have to admit that it is only the poor that really Die in them) ... But it is their Choice, and well some of the More conservative Thai People, Like my sister In law) would agree with you .., like I live with them and I HAVE ASKED THEM !!! ... well it is a New issue so I am only just “Starting to ask them”


So why did you come to Thailand ? ..Because it was an Easier Life than at home (Though more ways of losing your money, but less chance of getting Divorced or Sued ??? Right ??? … With What you had left ??? … ) ….  and then you also could break a lot of the rules that you would have had to obey at home also !!! ... Well then just Get used to it !!! (<deleted> ??? Am I allowed to say this Fellas ???) 


I think that if People … Expats that do not like the Thai People !!! … Well No further discussion, this is not just a Divorce free fun park, (Give or take a couple of Flat screen TV’s)  organized (At a Cost of course) just for your selves all you Losers !!! ...  If you do not like Thai People !!!  … Well then just Go back Home to where ever you came from !!!


Like we got rid of a lot of 10 Pound Poms  some years ago in Australia !!! "Noort therrr Riiite Plaaaacce" .... Well I bet that most of them are REALLY sorry that they left !!! ….   (Well Luckily Jimmie Barns, and well most of AC/DC decided to stay !!! …  Like God Bless the Totally F’n mental bastards from Glasgow !!!)


… So !!! …. Gooo siting in the back of Pickups !!!


Down with the Nanny States, Including probably about the Greatest of them all !!! Australia !!!


And Hail, great to be Living in a Place where you can Make your OWN decisions !!! And live your lives !!! And Live by the results of them !!! …       … And Not F’n Blame ANY ONE except your self !!! (Oh F’n ? can I say this also …(Har Har) )


Like for god sake !!! That IS why just about we all came her in the first Place !!! … Not to get a Condo down the river, miss the usual EU and UK vetting, being out of the way, and get a job as a Writer and call ourselves ... Writers !!! ???


Mark Smith. ...


 I have not though up a suitable Nick name or a HHH handle yet ... maybe "<deleted>" if you will understand me. And have a sense of Humor …. But well ….  ...NOT a “Writer” !!! … Right. Yes I know my place … and would actually be an <deleted> than a So Called “Expat Writer” and I have read them !!! ad enough to fill the toilet up a few times, ..like with more than a bit of Old good, Red wine !!!

Pls have a cup of coffe ( or a Diazepam ) and cool down a bit. This isn´t good for Your ticker :coffee1:

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