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Driver under meth influence crashes bus into truck


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19 hours ago, Philthyphil said:


Rubbish. Far more Thais are drug tested than Farang.

IN amata Nakhon the cops set up road side drug testing everyday.

I (farang) am waved through everytime. They really don't care about us. Most of the drug testing in Pattaya also targets the Thai pubs and Thai customers.

The road side piss tests only seem to target males, which is a bit unfair.

You sound paranoid. 

i agree happened already 3 times to me in Chiangmay on the road to doi saket like 2 times per week

al thai stopped and controlled me an old farang on a chopper just waved by

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17 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

But it LOOKS good, that's what counts, Pretty paint job and gigantic wing mirrors is the priority so that the company gains face.

Don't know where you hail from, Sir, but did you ever check on buses in your own neck of the woods?

You would have been surprised, rather unpleasantly that is.

Quite simple, if you want to make a bus stronger, the weight becomes a problem.

It is all about economics.

And after kissing a truck, looks it did the job, because even the driver survived the crash.

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20 hours ago, doremifasol said:

........ and how many more on drugs are out there?


It takes half a brain to make a drug test mandatory

for all taxi/coach drivers no exceptions made. 

We, the customers, are sick and tired of having to

keep up with these lunatic junkies. 

We simply can not tolerate this any longer.

The Big Bosses have yet to set a zero tolerance policy

for taxi/coach drivers driving under the influence. 

They have yet to greatly increase the number of random breath tests

in the streets including motorcycle taxi. 

They have yet to set high penalties for violators. 






The problem is that these guys are forced to work ungodly hours, he would have fell asleep even sooner without the drug. Log books and strict enforcement against the owners of these rigs in a good start, then yes of course, drug and alcohol testing. The companies want more money at any cost to others, they may wake up when the cost is theirs to pay. This would be Hi-So's fining Hi-So's so I doubt that anytime soon.

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20 hours ago, onemorechang said:

Straight to jail 5 years minimum.

no if or buts. :bah::bah::bah:


Get the big sticks out for passenger service vehicle offenders.


I think your having an O'Reilly moment. Sorry I take that back your making complete sense. 

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37 minutes ago, hansnl said:

Don't know where you hail from, Sir, but did you ever check on buses in your own neck of the woods?

You would have been surprised, rather unpleasantly that is.

Quite simple, if you want to make a bus stronger, the weight becomes a problem.

It is all about economics.

And after kissing a truck, looks it did the job, because even the driver survived the crash.

Sure looks like an accordion in the front end but as you say it did its job everybody survived. 

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3 hours ago, fish monger said:

Why are these bastards not tested just before they begin their shifts...? Mandatory urine tests, right before they get on the bus, under supervision...!


And then a couple of noses on the toilet? Nope. 

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So who pays for the damaged bus? Insurance but do they pay if the driver was on meth. I wouldn't thing they would. The driver won't pay has has no money.

So the owners of the bus have to eat it. You think the owners of these busses would have some sort of drug test for the drivers to protect their investments.


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On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 7:36 AM, doremifasol said:

........ and how many more on drugs are out there?


It takes half a brain to make a drug test mandatory

for all taxi/coach drivers no exceptions made. 

We, the customers, are sick and tired of having to

keep up with these lunatic junkies. 

We simply can not tolerate this any longer.

The Big Bosses have yet to set a zero tolerance policy

for taxi/coach drivers driving under the influence. 

They have yet to greatly increase the number of random breath tests

in the streets including motorcycle taxi. 

They have yet to set high penalties for violators. 






Problem is that if you test taxi/coach/ min bus drivers for drugs and then take out the ones that show positive then you would effectively close down the public transport business in Thailand.  Take it a stage further and test the commercial truck drivers and you cause chaos.


It has been said so many times before but this is Thailand and that is the way things are.  Nothing will change because there is no incentive to change them.  Embrace Thailand warts and all or move on.

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6 hours ago, fish monger said:

Why are these bastards not tested just before they begin their shifts...? Mandatory urine tests, right before they get on the bus, under supervision...!

A bit hard when the drivers are sleeping in the bus outside the hotel waiting for the Chinese tour in the morning (this happens at the hotel next to me all the time)

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Problem is that if you test taxi/coach/ min bus drivers for drugs and then take out the ones that show positive then you would effectively close down the public transport business in Thailand.  Take it a stage further and test the commercial truck drivers and you cause chaos.


It has been said so many times before but this is Thailand and that is the way things are.  Nothing will change because there is no incentive to change them.  Embrace Thailand warts and all or move on.

What a sad depressing attitude where lives are concerned

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