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Road rules to be strictly enforced


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This story should have been posted on April 1st,Thai's are without doubt the worlds worst drivers,a lot of it due to pure idiocy,i have lost count of the number of times i have gone to turn left out of my soi,to be confronted by a motorsai,often driven by people far too young to have a licence,turning the corner on my side of the road and having to swerve to avoid me,it just seems they never consider the possibility something maybe coming the other way,as for this story,no people in the back of pick up what a laugh.

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The vast majority of fatalities happen with motorbikes, I've read 75%. The junta need to focus and prioritize. Road deaths are not something that can be solved with a crackdown over SongKran or New Year. What is needed is a really aggressive and continuous campaign against motorcyclists who have no licenses, who are under age, who speed, who put loud exhausts on their bikes (this means they are idiots), more than 2 on a bike, no helmets etc. No fines at all, instant impounding of the bike, and let the police auction off the bikes and keep the money.

They should have permanent checkpoints outside each school, and every infringement by school kids should be punished by impounding the bike.


Start with the young and then after 10 years you will have a cadre of drivers of motorbikes who actually drive responsibly and well.


After this dream up similar schemes for car drivers especially drinkers and speeders.

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5 hours ago, fforest1 said:

How about banning all motorbikes in Thailand..That would really reduce

road deaths...If banning all motorbikes saves lives they should be banned


Ban all cars and trucks too... that would reduce the road toll dramatically whilst boosting the breeding of buffalo at the same time!!!



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5 hours ago, Nigeone said:

Oh my word a copy and paste message from last year , and the year before and the year before .........etc .. They need to have all the police and Army in for a refresher course then as clearly they've forgotten the laws as they sure don't carry them out in the other 50 plus weeks when even more get killed weekly ! And aim for zero ! That's more than wishful thinking And I thing they will do well to keep them at last years levels ! Good luck anyway with the efforts . I sincerely want them to succeed but feel they really don't know how too !! 


There is no discipline , what are they talking about? surely they could lower the speed limit on highways to 80 k for Songkran.

Surely they could introduce speed cameras and heavy fines for speeding and drunk driving.

3 strikes you out in NZ you loose your vehicle if your caught drunk.

You get 3 drink drive convictions and license gone for life.

Everyone in NZ is fearful of the speed cameras as they are everywhere, especially the hidden ones, cops can stand behind trees with hand held ones as well as unmarked cars on the highways monitoring driving all the time.

The government should take note and end this countries bad reputation for being the 2nd most deadly place to drive in the world.


NZ has been lowering the speed limits during public holidays and Xmas for a few years now which has shown a significant reduction in the Rd toll alone.


Thailand RD speed limits are way to high and completely unpoliced, then add in that Thais do not know the Rd rules, they have not got a clue about giving way at roundabouts , the only rd. rule here is me first, get out of my way or I will smash into you!


If you don't make that you turn quick enough buddy im going to drive right through you and kill you and all my passengers.

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6 hours ago, fforest1 said:

How about banning all motorbikes in Thailand..That would really reduce

road deaths...If banning all motorbikes saves lives they should be banned



Ban the >=4 wheel vehicles that keep on hitting the motorcycles. You are treating the effect not the cause. Put everyone on motorbikes and they'd be few accidents.



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6 hours ago, fforest1 said:

How about banning all motorbikes in Thailand..That would really reduce

road deaths...If banning all motorbikes saves lives they should be banned


a little late for april fools joking! do you not know that 80% plus of the thai's especially in he northeast and other areas use the motor bike for all their traveling, shopping, taking the kids to school, etc uless you are trolling, you shold know better, notice i did not put bangkok or cm in the post! 

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22 minutes ago, Keesters said:


Ban the >=4 wheel vehicles that keep on hitting the motorcycles. You are treating the effect not the cause. Put everyone on motorbikes and they'd be few accidents.



You jest, of course. All too often difficult to miss them, especially when they elect to drive as though the road were a slalom - among other wonderful demonstrations of driving stupidity.

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3 hours ago, starky said:

Happened to me coming back from Buriram at least you had cones. Crested a hill doin @120 and a cop literally jumps into the middle of the road 30 metres away... Thank someone for ABS to do this day still not sure how I didn't clean him up. Must have had great amulets 

Unless you were on a motorway, you were speeding.  I would doubt that it was a motorway with a police check point.


Checkpoints, no matter how many, will do nothing to curb traffic offences.  There should be moving patrols on all major routes, preferably in unmarked cars.  Checkpoints can only check paperwork and we all know there's an easy way around that.

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Seems to me i've heard this song before !


Whatever happens we will never know the true figures for road deaths as the numbers will all be cooked to suit their lies.  This Nation is already number one for road deaths on the Planet but it's the only number one slot they don't want, so the figures are deliberately distorted .

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I am surprised to see that not keeping a safe distance doesn't account for any or more accidents [emoji50]

How could they possibly enforce that while watching TV by the side of the road?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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5 hours ago, r136dg said:

So why not have roving patrols out actually looking for moving violations. I can't travel 1 kilometer without seeing a dozen or more, some capable of making my wife into a widow.

You are absolutely right, check points will not stop accidents, I said once before on a similar topic that not once in my 11 years here have I ever seen a police vehicle of any description apprehend anyone for a moving violation! and yet any body driving just a couple of miles would see constant loony driving and unstable vehicles.....Why Why Why ????

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Just now, johnnytuc said:

You are absolutely right, check points will not stop accidents, I said once before on a similar topic that not once in my 11 years here have I ever seen a police vehicle of any description apprehend anyone for a moving violation! and yet any body driving just a couple of miles would see constant loony driving and unstable vehicles.....Why Why Why ????

Wife says they can only put police in cruisers in order to escort VIPs. 

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9 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Great news finger crossed lets hope those 7 deadly days turns into 7 accident free days


drive safe and leave the drink at home please.

And I have just seen the first pig of the year flying past my window.



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57 minutes ago, Mak25 said:

I am surprised to see that not keeping a safe distance doesn't account for any or more accidents ?

I'm not surprised. The reason that it doesn't feature in the list of accidents by cause, is probably blissful ignorance that it is a causative factor. I notice that sudden overtaking is listed as a cause but no mention of overtaking without signalling or double overtaking.

The list doesn't even mention dangerous driving but that's probably for reason that all driving here is inherently dangerous.

I suspect that anyone killed using a zebra crossing is excluded from the statistics on the grounds that  they wouldn't be so stupid as to expect anyone to stop so they must have been a suicide.  

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8 hours ago, fforest1 said:

How about banning all motorbikes in Thailand..That would really reduce

road deaths...If banning all motorbikes saves lives they should be banned


How about some statistics or sources indicating motorbikes are the reason for all of the road carnage?
By your logic ALL vehicles should be banned... force the Thais back to kwai and buggy days.

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