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Pattaya woman in iPhone 7 "finders keepers" case intends to fight charges of theft


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1 hour ago, 6thST said:

What Joke.....Can't the phone company do anything to make the phone dead so its useless to the Bitch!


Yes. If the owner reports the phone as stolen to Apple, they can brick it. i.e. lock it and render it useless to anyone. Presumable before someone wipes it clean, but not sure.

With the price of iPhones, that's an expensive option, but I suppose could give some satisfaction to the owner.

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3 hours ago, pitrevie said:

Well hiring a lawyer is a positive step he should be able to explain the law to her but then again maybe not.


He'll probably just do what most lawyers in all countries do - milk her for what he can while he plays along with her.  

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38 minutes ago, LoongJohn said:

Among the Five Precepts, there is  an undertaking 'not to take that which is not freely given'. Perhaps she's never heard of it...


We aren't talking REAL Buddhism here in Thailand.  We're talking lazy Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism.  

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1 hour ago, Mickmouse1 said:

1- The phone was found in a shop.

2- The phone should have been handed to the shop keeper immediately. 

3- That woman has indeed stolen the phone as she has intent to blackmail for Ransom and that is exactly what she did.

4- She will end up losing a lot more than what she bargained for. 55555



Sadly, that level of reasonable logic doesn't work here.  

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

There are some stupid people in the world, this woman is 1 of the most stupid.

I think it is a form of evil. In Thailand, there is very little awareness of the 'right thing' to do. Thailand attracts people from outside the country who also have no concept of right and wrong. There does not exist any sign of things improving here, either. 

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The obvious procedure on finding the phone in a convenience store is to hand it in to the staff there .  This woman clearly took it for the purpose of extortion which in itself is a further crime .  My guess is that hiring a lawyer and going to court will cost her as much or more than the price of an iPhone 7 .

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Positive balance.

(Note to Thai bashers)

This woman obviously has a low moral character. 

I've had a tuk tuk driver return my phone in Bangkok, that another passenger "found" in the tuk tuk. That 'took' going back to my condo, locating me inside and running up six flights of stairs and not wanting a reward.


Whilst I used to do the same in Australia, I had another taxi driver 'friend' there that never returned a phone left in his cab. He had about six.


Different strokes for different folks.

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Oh, come on Sphere -   "She might even win the case if she gets a jury of her peers. :coffee1:"


Thailand doesn't have juries.   Can you imagine the infighting that would occur to be a jury member in this country ?   It would be a career of choice.


In fact, only around 25 countries operate a jury system and some of them only for very "serious" crimes such as murder.

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1 hour ago, Headgame said:

I will save her some legal fees notwithstanding the common sense answers provided by my fellow BM's.


Not sure about TH but there is a concept of finders - keepers. You can legally find something and keep it under specific circumstances. However you can't find something in a private establishment and keep it. A 7-Eleven store is not a public place (although open to the public). Therefore, you can't find something in a 7-Eleven and keep it. IOW, it is a case of theft.

Case closed.

You beat me to it .  You are 100% correct in your summation. Good job!

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1 hour ago, daveAustin said:

If she'd have found it on the street, it is finders keepers, not in a commercial place which the owner just frequented.


WRONG!!! The law is that she must bring it to the police because it not belongs to her. This is in the most countries the same. Some countries have a law where she can become a 10% finder's reward.

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9 minutes ago, MrMo said:

Oh, come on Sphere -   "She might even win the case if she gets a jury of her peers. :coffee1:"


Thailand doesn't have juries.   Can you imagine the infighting that would occur to be a jury member in this country ?   It would be a career of choice.


In fact, only around 25 countries operate a jury system and some of them only for very "serious" crimes such as murder.

S/he meant people as bad as this thief and was clearly joking :shock1:

Edited by evadgib
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2 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

Summarised in two words : Personality disorder.


2 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

Summarised in two words : Personality disorder.

Or five  words ,"stupid is as stupid does" .

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42 minutes ago, Mister Fixit said:


He'll probably just do what most lawyers in all countries do - milk her for what he can while he plays along with her.  

Haha; but so true .  It's termed "digesting the retainer fee"  I have seen hundreds if not thousands prime examples over the years.  

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5 hours ago, jerojero said:

What an idiot. Just give the phone back to the rightful owner. Sheesh!

Lock her up .Where is the "up to you" the Thai people claim when giving something or not giving.If the women wanted to give a reward it was up to her.

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2 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

1- The phone was found in a shop.

2- The phone should have been handed to the shop keeper immediately. 

3- That woman has indeed stolen the phone as she has intent to blackmail for Ransom and that is exactly what she did.

4- She will end up losing a lot more than what she bargained for. 55555


Maybe so but don't forget that you're in Thailand and what's obvious to western law,  is not always right in Thailand.

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17 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

Serves her right. there was a recent case in the UK where a woman found a small amount of cash in sthe street and didn't hand it over to the cops. Seen on CCTV she was reported for theft.

There was another case of a £5 note being found in a supermarket where the woman was charged after being identified by CCTV.  There was a bit of a fuss about that with many people thinking the charge was wrong.  Actually you cannot find stuff and keep it in the UK.  The laws in Thailand are a lottery but pretty clear this is a case of theft as the owner was identifiable and contacted - so it is theft and probably extortion, but then the law here is always 'up to the judge' so who knows what the end result will be.  A common issue where there is no precedent and judges from the lowest experienced to the highest are given free reign to indulge what they 'think' rather than applying any legal foundations or laws to the case.  

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2 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

1- The phone was found in a shop.

2- The phone should have been handed to the shop keeper immediately. 

3- That woman has indeed stolen the phone as she has intent to blackmail for Ransom and that is exactly what she did.

4- She will end up losing a lot more than what she bargained for. 55555


I believe the word is EXTORTION "the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats", and she did threaten to keep the phone is she wasn't paid 5,000 baht, open and shut case.


I dare say she must have left school at a very young age, not knowing the difference between right or wrong, what is mostly amusing to me is that it is a Thai, trying to extort from another Thai, how low can you stoop ?

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