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Pattaya woman in iPhone 7 "finders keepers" case intends to fight charges of theft


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8 hours ago, jerojero said:

What an idiot. Just give the phone back to the rightful owner. Sheesh!

A childish idiot.  So easy to imagine a six year old in a schoolyard behaving the exact same way.


But she's not six years old.  Give the phone back to its rightful owner and lock this one up for a few days.  Then fine the lawyer the full amount of whatever fees he charged for helping to waste the court's time.



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I am sorry but this is the face of some parts of Thailand now Pattaya the place I used to love the girls are desperate for money they are resorting to theft... Everything is now a rip off land of smiles yes long ago..

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1 minute ago, cadle1 said:

I am sorry but this is the face of some parts of Thailand now Pattaya the place I used to love the girls are desperate for money they are resorting to theft... Everything is now a rip off land of smiles yes long ago..

This kind of thing seems like it became common with the rise of yaba. 

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9 hours ago, jerojero said:

What an idiot. Just give the phone back to the rightful owner. Sheesh!

I totally agree, another Thai trying to get money from somebody else.  Any honest people or with a conscience for that matter would return the phone, no questions asked.  I know I would and I would be happy to find the rightful owner.  But we are talking about a Thai lady here, mind you there are still some honest people in this country, thank God/Buddha.   

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8 hours ago, pitrevie said:

Well hiring a lawyer is a positive step he should be able to explain the law to her but then again maybe not.

And I hope that if she does, and loses her case she would have to pay her lawyer a minimum of 5,000 Bahts, that would look good on her.

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If I were foolish enough to pay the exorbitant price for an Apple phone, I would certainly be happy to get it back for 5,000 baht regardless of who had the phone.

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I guess She contacted the owner about reward because i phone 7 only opens with figerprint touch of the Real Owner.

The fingerprint protection is an option you can use if you want , as is a number code password.
If you want to open the phone by just pressing the home button you can do that also.
You have 3 options.
As the finders sister contacted the owner I would assume that the phone was already unlocked or had no password/ fingerprint protection enabled .
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10 hours ago, pitrevie said:

Well hiring a lawyer is a positive step he should be able to explain the law to her but then again maybe not.

No.  Her lawyer will take instructions from her.   If she says fight, he will.fight. Only if she asks him for advice will she be possibly told the truth.  And it depends how honest or unscrupulous he is as well as her.

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I hate using example such as this to make sweeping comments, especially political ones... 


But... its seems this thief has taken a leaf out of the politicians book... heck, pretty much everyones book here... 


... Do something which is clearly morally reprehensible, get caught for it... fight it with complete indignation... like a 5 year old... 

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iPhone was probably locked, but it displays the owner name and contact number so you can get in touch, also if its charged then its traceable by "find my phone"


I bought 02 iPhones 6+ on Ebay in the UK back in May 2016, both were up for sale as "spare parts only" as the sellers claim they had forgot their passwords, both were stolen!


I contacted 01 owner in North Yorkshire who drove down to Manchester same day an collected it, telling me he knew who stole it as he had used the  "find my phone" function and been to the guys hows, but Police weren't interested. He insisted on giving me 20 pounds reward even though I didn't want it.


Other guy was in Southern Ireland and when he got back to me, I shipped the phone to him after he paid the shipping costs in advance.


Contacted Ebay online and I told them the phones were stolen, who then deleted the Adverts....thus making it impossible to contact them again about the issue for a refund as there customer services is entirely dependent on referencing the adds via their portal...total F*****!


Then went to PayPal to refund me for allowing the sale of stolen property and spent 4 months arguing with them.


First seller fail to contest the case so I got a refund relatively quick, the other case went beyond their own 'statute of limitations' so they denied my claim!....So I went to complaints and threaten them via various social media consumer rights groups, they change their mind and settled.


Morel of the story...sometimes being a good Samaritan is hard work

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9 hours ago, Maggusoil said:

Positive balance.

(Note to Thai bashers)

This woman obviously has a low moral character. 

I've had a tuk tuk driver return my phone in Bangkok, that another passenger "found" in the tuk tuk. That 'took' going back to my condo, locating me inside and running up six flights of stairs and not wanting a reward.


Whilst I used to do the same in Australia, I had another taxi driver 'friend' there that never returned a phone left in his cab. He had about six.


Different strokes for different folks.

A "positive balance", from a Thai apologist, that thinks this is a Thai bashing thread.

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