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Pattaya woman in iPhone 7 "finders keepers" case intends to fight charges of theft


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For those who didnt get the "Dear Boss" comment.

When Jack the Ripper was at work in the 19th century, killing East End prostitutes, he  evaded capture and perplexed the White Chapel Police, Fred Aberline was the inspector in charge of the case.

There was an organization called the White Chapel News Agency, who one day received a letter from The person Calling himself Jack The Ripper.It was titled "From Hell"

It was supposedly written in the blood of the last victim. And it was Started "Dear Boss"

It went on along the  lines.

Dear Boss

I am down on Whores and wont stop ripping until i am buckled.I tried writing this ln the lady's blood but kept clotting in the nib.Next time, i will cut the lady's ears off, just for jolly.And i wont stop my little games.

They are saying i am a doctor now

Yours truly Jack the Ripper

The letter is still on Display, in Madame Tussaud's wax works in London. There is a letter from Scotland Yard, asking people if they recognise the hand writing could to go to Scotland Yard.

This is of course nearly 150 years ago now and he was never caught.

I am not trying to give a history lesson,but i thought maybe the younger member's might find it interesting.

I am sure that a more faithful  copy of the letter can be found on Google

Ref "from Hell, Jack the Ripper.


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4 minutes ago, Basil B said:

does Thailand have trials with a jury?

No. they dont, it is either one judge or a panel, of judges, three normally,  that decides the defendants fate. They wouldnt have a jury that could discuss a case with family or outsiders. The judges have been accused of being corrupt, If you consider some of the weak sentences given to the HI So kids who have killed people in thepast in their cars, while being drunk and drugged, having no licences. It seems that being HI So and being from a rich family, makes the Judge your best friend.

Also jury's are not allowed over here, because then it would be them that decides the defendants guilt and that might make the judge lose face, and that must never happen.

With one judge, a rich kid knows his/her punishment before its given. Laughable isnt it?

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On 4/11/2017 at 8:01 AM, Maejo Man said:

She "found" the phone on the counter, and the natural thing for any honest person to do was to hand it back to the staff of the 7-11, but there again it is Pattaya and the baht rules supreme!

Not only Pattaya...the baht is worshiped countrywide


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1 hour ago, Basil B said:

does Thailand have trials with a jury?

you've missed the irony/sarcasm of the post.

It doesn't matter or not whether Thailand has trial with jury. She'd win a jury trial (if it ever happened) because all the jurors would think the same as she.

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On 11/04/2017 at 11:52 AM, richard_smith237 said:

I hate using example such as this to make sweeping comments, especially political ones... 


But... its seems this thief has taken a leaf out of the politicians book... heck, pretty much everyones book here... 


... Do something which is clearly morally reprehensible, get caught for it... fight it with complete indignation... like a 5 year old..

That is about as far as the education system goes here and it takes 15 years to teach up to a a 5 year old's standards

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On 4/11/2017 at 8:19 AM, rkidlad said:

Trying to get into her mindset is a scary place. If I had to guess, once she found the phone she thought it was hers by 'finders keepers' rights. She thought it'd be a win-win situation. Contact owner and get 5,000 baht. Or, if the owner (hopefully) refuses to pay, she gets to keep the iPhone. They're the bad people not her. 


She should have just given the phone to the Seven staff, but she chose to go off on a mission to make money. Now she will be losing money and face. I'm not sure which one is more important to her. Sad thing is no matter what the outcome she will have it in her head that she was right. Try explaining it to her and she will put her fingers in her ears and sing, and then inevitably turn aggressive/violent. Any other action than admitting she's wrong. 

She never had a face to lose...Low Life!


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On 4/11/2017 at 0:19 PM, jesimps said:

I was wondering how many posts it would take before a "But but it happens in my country" merchant piped up. There always has to be one pillock who reckons two wrongs make a right. It took 43 posts before his message of encouragement to this thieving piece of filth.



The fact that it happens elsewhere is not meant to diminish its odour. Perhaps you failed to read, in your haste, my comment "...obviously of low moral character. . "

My "point" was to this Thai basher and others who seem to think nothing bad or similar happens outside Thailand, and that acts of charity and honesty are missing here.


Sorry you missed my point. I can only say, it takes a pillock to point a finger at another one. Pillock yourself. Perhaps you should learn to read things in context slowly, and absorb their meaning without your arrogant, indignant cap on.

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On 4/11/2017 at 8:35 PM, brling said:

A "positive balance", from a Thai apologist, that thinks this is a Thai bashing thread.

QUOTE: Mr Ozark ID 40

". . .. I think it is a form of evil. In Thailand, there is very little awareness of the 'right thing' to do.. . . " Thai bashing generalisation of the first order. Wakey wakey." 

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1 hour ago, Maggusoil said:

The fact that it happens elsewhere is not meant to diminish its odour. Perhaps you failed to read, in your haste, my comment "...obviously of low moral character. . "

My "point" was to this Thai basher and others who seem to think nothing bad or similar happens outside Thailand, and that acts of charity and honesty are missing here.


Sorry you missed my point. I can only say, it takes a pillock to point a finger at another one. Pillock yourself. Perhaps you should learn to read things in context slowly, and absorb their meaning without your arrogant, indignant cap on.

of course things bad happen outside Thailand, every country in the world has criminals that want to steal your stuff, but most of this thread is commenting on the fact that this woman refuses to recognise that she in fact "A Thief" and she did in fact steal the phone from the store and likely saw the lady leave it on the counter but refused to go after her to draw her attention to the fact.

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On April 11, 2017 at 6:32 AM, pitrevie said:

Well hiring a lawyer is a positive step he should be able to explain the law to her but then again maybe not.

You're funny!  Thailand has laws?.. I thought the law was satanist! You know "do as thou wilt". Because even lawyers have a hard time understanding the laws here. A normal person (which Thai's aren't) would have just given the phone back to its rightful owner because that's the right thing to do and if you happen to be offered a reward, then u accept or decline. Why this has become a case to begin with clearly proves that Thailand as a whole is lawless in addition to them having a <deleted> mental problem. Really, who needs a court or a lawyer? In America this bitch would be in jail if she kept the phone and she was tracked with it. 





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