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1 minute ago, earlinclaifornia said:

I bike 5-7 days a week between 25 and 75 K. I free weight 3 times a week and walk 5-7 days a week 5,000 -17000 steps. 

Wish I could....BUT, I hate walking, swimming, bicycles....But it's great we all can find something to stress the body a bit...Especially us old folk....Sorry, hansum old folk...:giggle:

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I get up at 3:00 a.m. five days a week. 10 minutes Yoga, 20 minutes free weights, 30 minutes elliptical cross trainer. I had to buy the stuff, there's no gym open early enough in the morning and at the end of the day, I'm too wiped out to fight for machines. I DO have more weight on the bar, this was just for the picture.

home gym.jpg

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Remember this song.............:stoner:.....We are all different, some when age accept they just must get old because their age says that, up to you as they say.....I personally enjoy pushing my barrier.......Up to you.....



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On 4/15/2017 at 7:12 AM, colinneil said:

My exercise this morning, 15 minutes lifting a 3kg dumb bell.

Wife exercising my legs.

Then exercised my right arm lifting my cup of coffee.

Sounds like me; I live in a three story row-house, so I climb the stairs several times a day. I do regular 12 ounce curls--beers, cocktails, coffee or juices. My left ankle gets as good a work-out as possible--shifting  my Harley on rides. I do ride an exercise bike an hour at a time, but not every day.



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