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British PM May calls for early election on June 8

Jonathan Fairfield

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That is true but I think many of the traditional Tory voters may not bother this time.  A large amount were Remainers (especially in the south) and they may well feel reluctant to rubber stamp May's approach to Brexit.
May will win because there is no viable opposition and she knows that.  If there were then she wouldn't risk an election now.

I'm on the fence whether May will achieve the majority win she's seeking, the turnout will be questionable seeing as there's local elections first on 4th May, then the June 8th GE one.

The Tories are still unpopular in many northern parts of England & even with Brexit on the Horizon many just want the Government to focus on achieving the best deal possible with the EU, and it's clear from the offset succeeding will be very tough.

The electorate can be a fickle bunch, but also frustrated at calling an election when our politicians should be united as a country for Brexit not political party infighting which is May's justification for calling the snap GE.

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A message to all Remainers:   Forget party loyalties and vote Liberal Democrat.   With Tim as leader we can change the direction that the UK is being taken by the hardliners in the Toffs Party.   We can tell Mrs Mayhem that she is wrong and that she should be careful what she wishes for.  By voting Liberal Democrat and giving Saint Theresa a bloody nose, maybe she will go back to her walking holidays and leave the real politics to the brilliant leader that Tim is,

I will vote tactically. Anything to stop the Tories getting a majority. Article 50 is not irrevocable!
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12 minutes ago, Orac said:


Seems an odd tactic by Labour to vote for an election rather than just abstain - without that 67% of MPs backing an election then TM to need hold a no-confidence vote in her leadership and 'lose' which would be a more entertaining spectacle.

Labour have no choice but to vote for a dissolution. There is no rationale for abstention. At least I cannot come up with one. Which is not the same thing but never mind......

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17 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I will vote tactically. Anything to stop the Tories getting a majority. Article 50 is not irrevocable!


3 minutes ago, BigKahuna said:

Yes your 1 vote is so strategic.

Strategic tactical voting by individuals can make a difference. Sometimes.

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2 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Yes that is broadly my analysis also, some attempt has to be made to go beyond the mud slinging and ask why now? That is the question of the day (Well yesterday).  Despite her repeatedly denying she would call an election, she saw that the simple and simplistic in/out Brexit was never going to happen, and as things came unstuck the the blame would fall on the Tories in 2020, who else can the voters blame?  Forget Corbyn's vomit inducing duplicity on Brexit, I expect he will be long gone after the likely significant loss of seats to come. Ukip are disappearing from view with their Xenophobic filth. May is obviously a nasty piece of work, but stupid she is not.

Why is she " obviously a nasty piece of work"?

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Yes that is broadly my analysis also, some attempt has to be made to go beyond the mud slinging and ask why now? That is the question of the day (Well yesterday).  Despite her repeatedly denying she would call an election, she saw that the simple and simplistic in/out Brexit was never going to happen, and as things came unstuck the the blame would fall on the Tories in 2020, who else can the voters blame?  Forget Corbyn's vomit inducing duplicity on Brexit, I expect he will be long gone after the likely significant loss of seats to come. Ukip are disappearing from view with their Xenophobic filth. May is obviously a nasty piece of work, but stupid she is not.

May an obvious nasty piece of work, any evidence to support that statement?

There's no simple in/out Brexit (albeit could have if the EU weren't so hell bent on making the UK an example) as it's completely unknown territory, but a vitally important one to get right strategically.

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54 minutes ago, BigKahuna said:

Yes your 1 vote is so strategic.

Or you could just not bother at all.  Democracy does work very well but it's all there is to make  your voice heard.  I will also vote strategically as I always do even though the choice is very limited.

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10 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Somebody should put a website together suggesting tactical voting in each constituency

They probably will but if you think that anybody serious is prepared to reverse Brexit at the cost of having a Jeremy Corbyn led government, well bring on the white coats!

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11 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Somebody should put a website together suggesting tactical voting in each constituency


Guide claims tactical voting might be only way to stop Tory landslide


Those who don’t want to see Theresa May back in no.10 may have to resort to using tactics to prevent it, according to this spreadsheet (to see it click here) .

The guide was put together by Twitter user Becky S (@chickabiddybex) and argues how voters, with the other parties languishing far behind, would need to use tactics to keep the Tory party from government



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22 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Well I hope it will shut up the whinging, unpatriotic europhiles that do not support the majority of the UK. It would seem you never did national service or served your country.

  "It would seem you never did national service or served your country."


You have made comments similar to that many times before.


You seem to be saying that only those who have served in the armed forces are entitled to an opinion, let alone a vote!

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18 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Somebody should put a website together suggesting tactical voting in each constituency

IMHO appropriate tactical voting in individual marginals would entail voting against the extremist candidates in both Labour and  Conservative Party constituencies.

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7 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

You're a mine of information! Thanks!


13 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

They probably will but if you think that anybody serious is prepared to reverse Brexit at the cost of having a Jeremy Corbyn led government, well bring on the white coats!

Absolutely, but a Lib Dem / Tory coalition with the Tories being forced into a referendum on the final deal might work?

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11 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

They probably will but if you think that anybody serious is prepared to reverse Brexit at the cost of having a Jeremy Corbyn led government, well bring on the white coats!

I don't think anyone seriously expects a "swing" to labour.  The strategic voting would be best served towards the other parties.  I also think that the vast majority of people accept that Brexit must go ahead, it is what is negotiated that people want a voice in.  Labour are dead in the water but who will those labour voters turn to now?

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48 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Or you could just not bother at all.  Democracy does work very well but it's all there is to make  your voice heard.  I will also vote strategically as I always do even though the choice is very limited.

Letting millions of morons vote works well? Dont think so

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8 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

  "It would seem you never did national service or served your country."


You have made comments similar to that many times before.


You seem to be saying that only those who have served in the armed forces are entitled to an opinion, let alone a vote!

Those that took the king's shilling don't seem to give a damn about those who gave the shillings to the king!


Many have been able to retire relatively early and supported by the tax payer.


No problem with that but I expect my opinions to be treated with respect ?

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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I don't think anyone seriously expects a "swing" to labour.  The strategic voting would be best served towards the other parties.  I also think that the vast majority of people accept that Brexit must go ahead, it is what is negotiated that people want a voice in.  Labour are dead in the water but who will those labour voters turn to now?

My fear is that an increased majority would give TM a perceived mandate to crash out of the EU with all that would incur. Surely nobody believes the Con Party has the best interests of the majority at heart. I don't.

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1 minute ago, BigKahuna said:

Easy. Have a logic and IQ test and the top 50% gets to vote.

That would certainly have saved the U.S. from having to tolerate the bouffant buffoon presently occupying The White House.

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2 minutes ago, BigKahuna said:

Easy. Have a logic and IQ test and the top 50% gets to vote.

Might work, certainly would mean that the Remainers would have won hands down. :smile:


Maybe we could then cull the 50% who didn't make the grade.  I am certainly beginning to like your logic   DUH!

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