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SURVEY: Should Street Food Vendors Be Banned?


SURVEY: Do you think street food vendors should be banned?  

244 members have voted

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Regional press is declaring that this is a ploy by big corporations like CP to get rid of most of yhe competion so people are forced to eat all the shit processed crap they produce. Knowing full well a Thai wont travel too far to eat and there is a 7-11 every <deleted> 20 metres

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This is a tough call. Every time I have to go to the U.S. Embassy, it is a BITCH getting through all the street vendors. I LOVE the atmosphere they add to Sukhumvit as well as the all night bars where I've seen the sun come up a few times.

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1 minute ago, DUNROAMIN said:

Should not be allowed to obstruct footpaths, and forcing the public to walk on the road. Not good in Soi's in Major cities especially Bangkok.

It doesn't take a great deal of sense to move around street vendors and the like - without getting run over.


But perhaps I'm jaded as there are so few footpaths where I live - and so am used to taking care before venturing into any road.

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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

It doesn't take a great deal of sense to move around street vendors and the like - without getting run over.


But perhaps I'm jaded as there are so few footpaths where I live - and so am used to taking care before venturing into any road.

Yes but its so much easier to whinge about it then to keep your head up and eyes open. ;)

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Didn't vote due to no option for keeping them (incl in public places) but controlling them and standard of quality. The junta need to be careful not to turn Thailand into meh. Need to realise that swathes of people actually come for this type of thing... general anything goes disheveledness.

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25 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Didn't vote due to no option for keeping them (incl in public places) but controlling them and standard of quality. The junta need to be careful not to turn Thailand into meh. Need to realise that swathes of people actually come for this type of thing... general anything goes disheveledness.

More importantly, many Thais enjoy picking up street food - and won't be happy if forced to go to a 'food area'.

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In my view they are:- dirty!
Cause restriction to peoples right of way!
Food products are inadequately stored!
Foods are prepared in inappropriate places!
Create pollution and mess!
Make the streets look disgusting and uninviting!

Another pointer is the amount of restriction they also help to create in terms of the roads and sois, especially narrow sois

What if a building was on fire or some form emergency was taking place and an emergency vehicle was needed to access the scene but was unable to reach its destination?

Get rid!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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4 hours ago, Saladin said:

This was a lousy survey as there were not enough choices such as, "No, they should not be banned but should be policed to ensure that they conform to regulations".

Yes, as long as the police don't start holding their grubby paws out for thick brown envelopes.

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2 hours ago, samsensam said:


i think you're missing the point here; are you talking about legal or illegal street vendors ?


i think illegal ones should be removed, but legal ones should not.

The legal ones should be removed if they are causing obstructions to pedestrians.

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4 hours ago, Roadman said:

As a person who actually spends a lot of times walking (granted that will be a surprise to most that think like thais) not only around the streets of Bangkok but also other cities in Isaan I would like to see them gone. Admittedly I no longer bang my head on the little peoples sun covers like 15 to 20 years ago but more the foot path stalls are a pain as you are up and down off the foot path and at the mercy of the street traffic. Put them into areas that dont impede foot and vehicle traffic. Personally I fail to see the need for them as even in the smallest village there are foot courts or the village granny selling anything you could want.

u should leave thailand as soon as possible u do not belong here

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They should be better regulated and not banned.  Why don't they zone it and regulate properly?  Collect the fees from these vendors.  Then use those money to create more jobs like hire more health inspectors and workers to monitor the zoning.  Give them clear rules and guidelines.  Violators will be restricted to sell. 

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This poll is useless because it does not offer sufficient options.  It is really only offering...

a:  leave them alone, or...

b:  ban them all.


What we need is, allow them to continue, but some cleanup and restrictions are needed.


I would allow the true street food vendors (those with a mobile cart) to continue, with restrictions, including hygiene.  However, those that run what are essentially restaurants, with tables and chairs, be severely restricted to specific designated locations, and with restrictions, especially hygiene.


All popup/mobile bars should be banned outright.


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16 hours ago, Grumpy Duck said:

Street food vendors do not bother me nearly as much as the f*#<€ng Indians walking around ASOK selling watches that are likely stolen or broken 

The watches are neither stolen nor broken.  They are knock-offs.  


Just wave the guys off and go on your way.  That's what I do.  They don't bother anyone who is not interested.

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No, why should food vendors be banned, this is Thailand, it isn't England or USA Australia or the Western world , this is tradition and the only way some people can earn a living, they dont get concessions like we do in the real world they have to make do, their government does nothing for them, so all you narrow minded people saying they should get off the pavements and such like, get a life and at least try to help these vendors who at the end of their lives have no pensions like we do, they have a responsibility to look after their family, their government doesnt, so dont slag someone who gets up in the middle of the night and has to prepare some food to sell to look after himself and his family and all the dependents, I have nothing but admiration for the Thais, they dont moan about it, they just get on with it, it is true to say that Thailand is the land of smiles, well it has been in the cases that i have seen witnessed and experienced in the short time that i have been here.  so all you narrow minded people get a life, and help someone who is less fortunate than your self. end of. 

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12 minutes ago, dcnx said:

Zone them. Zone them all.

For sure keep them of the main sidewalks. Still should be places for them and if they are good enough people will go to them.

Didn't vote because my option isn't there.


Edited by overherebc
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The obvious solution is to allow venders but with certain restrictions and a degree of oversight. Unfortunately this would require competent and honest local officials and police. Like so much else , until this is achieved , or even truly contemplated , any action is a waste of time.

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19 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

All, most (which means almost all) and none. Stupid survey questions. How about this : Do you agree-Yes/No. Yes. Leave it as it is. No. Get rid of the lot.

Problem with yes/no for the only allowed answer follows,

Are you still beating your wife?

It leaves you with no other choice than admitting guilt past or present. ?

Many survery questions are designed to provide the answers that fit the questioner's own opinion.

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Just now, overherebc said:

Problem with yes/no for the only allowed answer follows,

Are you still beating your wife?

It leaves you with no other choice than admitting guilt past or present. ?

Many survery questions are designed to provide the answers that fit the questioner's own opinion.

Rubbish. Do you want them to stay or go? It's not a trick or loaded question as is "Are you still beating your wife?"  which is a very, very old loaded question. Do you want them to stay or go is a clear yes/no, question/answer. If you want more clarity add more possible responses..

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1 hour ago, dinsdale said:

Rubbish. Do you want them to stay or go? It's not a trick or loaded question as is "Are you still beating your wife?"  which is a very, very old loaded question. Do you want them to stay or go is a clear yes/no, question/answer. If you want more clarity add more possible responses..

You obviously didn't get the idea that's what I meant. Check my previous post.

There should have been the option for 'they should stay but after studies have been made as to where'. For many people they are a source of cheap good food and are not only for tourists. Don't wipe it out with a stroke of the pen. Obviously many factors are involved, read into that what you want, but yes, there is need for them or they would never have existed in the first place.

So, I would have ticked yes if the question Do you think they should stay but be allowed to operate in areas where they are needed  but don't cause problems for others or are a tourist attraction had been a choice.

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