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SURVEY: Should Street Food Vendors Be Banned?


SURVEY: Do you think street food vendors should be banned?  

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There's a couple who operate on the corner at the end of my soi on the pavement. They completely block the path and the only way past them is to walk into the road.


Not much of an issue in fine weather.


The problem is that the road they have chosen to perch themselves on floods on a regular basis when it rains.


To cross the road and avoid the filthy water that floods it is possible  to walk up a distance on the pavement and cross at a higher point.


Unfortunately this is impossible when these two occupy the pavement.


I really loath them at those times.


Lot of tongue biting goes on.

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we own a condo and a food vendor has arrived selling greasy bbq chicken , it smokes so bad, we cant hang our laundry or sit on our balcony ,in the evening they pour the grease down the drains,then go home ,..the city shows up to fine him,for not paying his mnthy dues,and using propane,but like the cockroaches ..they are here too stay.

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6 minutes ago, mok199 said:

we own a condo and a food vendor has arrived selling greasy bbq chicken , it smokes so bad, we cant hang our laundry or sit on our balcony ,in the evening they pour the grease down the drains,then go home ,..the city shows up to fine him,for not paying his mnthy dues,and using propane,but like the cockroaches ..they are here too stay.

And there lies the basic problem.

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I believe in entrepreneurship that allows the little guy to establish a business and a way to earn a living with the least interference from the government or other entities. 

That entrepreneurial spirit has had a regulatory stake driven through it's heart in the West.  Hell, have you kid open a lemonade stand in the US today and see what happens.

The food vendors and other small business need to be unfettered.  However, governments tend to use their power to destroy the ability of lowest class of citizens to make an honest living.  This imperative to start regulating these micro-business will end up having a profoundly negative effect on the Thai economy and society.  But in this system of patronage and status, those controlling the show really don't give a damn.  These people don't care if they destroy lower and lower middle class citizens.  And they are in the process of doing exactly that.  
Power!  What good is it if you can't wield it with abandon.  

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12 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

I've never had any problem with street food as far as health issues are concerned. If you don't think the food is prepared or kept properly, move on to another vendor or go eat in some supposedly hygienic restaurant. 


One of the nice thing about food vendors is that they can be found in so many places. Herding them into certain areas would defeat their convenient availability. Over-regulation by government is something being opposed in most countries. Enforcement is rarely consistent, leads to more corruption and benefits no one.  If someone is not providing good food, they'll lose business. Customer feedback will be more effective than hiring people to go around pretending to inspect every vendor. 



Absolutely. Never got sick from one of them. Choice and convenience make them very welcome in my life.

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I think it should be banned entirely.   Then if anyone wants to sell street food, the vendor should be licensed, checked for hygiene, food storage and other aspects related to public health and safety.   


Blocking any public access, whether it is roads, walkways, driveways or any place where it causes public congestion should not be permitted.   



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 few months ago, street vendors along huay kwang were all cleared up n the pavements were kinda nice to walk along. The retail shops n good food were stilk there. 


I m here now n the street vendors r slowly n surely back again on the pavements. 


The police are just right infront of the street everyday n night catching motorcyclist with no helmets on.


Surely someone is taking money n bribes allowing this to happen. 


So i see all this government clearing up the streets n returning the pavement as BS and a way to collect more money n bribes from these street vendors.


Thats all. BS

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When a country is competing for tourist dollars it really isn't a very good idea to eliminate one of the things those tourist find attractive.  Removing the food vendors would turn Bankok into just another Asian city; a city without a part of the rich texture that made it one of the most desirable places to visit.  

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On Sun Apr 23 2017 at 10:23 AM, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Not banned completely but the plan to reorganize them into dedicated areas or zones might actually be a good idea, imo.


Also having the food vendors conform to some kind of cleanliness/hygiene standards can only be a good thing too. 

Mate you wouldn't catch me for dead eating of one of those things absolutely filthy and not very hygiene Yak.

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19 hours ago, terrybuckley40 said:

No, why should food vendors be banned, this is Thailand, it isn't England or USA Australia or the Western world , this is tradition and the only way some people can earn a living, they dont get concessions like we do in the real world they have to make do, their government does nothing for them, so all you narrow minded people saying they should get off the pavements and such like, get a life and at least try to help these vendors who at the end of their lives have no pensions like we do, they have a responsibility to look after their family, their government doesnt, so dont slag someone who gets up in the middle of the night and has to prepare some food to sell to look after himself and his family and all the dependents, I have nothing but admiration for the Thais, they dont moan about it, they just get on with it, it is true to say that Thailand is the land of smiles, well it has been in the cases that i have seen witnessed and experienced in the short time that i have been here.  so all you narrow minded people get a life, and help someone who is less fortunate than your self. end of. 

Pal where there is a end there's always a beginning maybe they will get better opportunities in life instead of having a million vendors selling the same thing.

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I don't eat street food anymore because the bacteria count is too high for my stomach, and they are non- hygienic, plus getting sick made me a true believer some  are not very clean. Maybe the situation has changed from when I used to go, but I do not want to take the chance anymore even thought the food tastes delicious. If I were on a small or low budget then the situation would be different and I would eat there regardless of the hygiene, but thankfully I am not.   

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