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How do you Beat the Heat?


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How do you Beat the Heat?

Orlando Barton




I know it doesn’t help to talk about it, but damn it’s hot! The word “gradual” never gets used by Thai meteorologists now does it? One day it’s nice and breezy. The next day, WHAM! Hotter than the devil’s backside. Now we’re staring down the barrel of Songkran and suffering the first round of “the dog days of summer”.


It’s the time of year when the long sleeve shirts get tucked away in the back of the closet, the flip-flops come out and we find ourselves digging for that tube of sunscreen purchased last year. When I start changing sides of the street to walk in the shade, I know its summertime.


Everyone has their own solution for beating the heat. Some folks break into what I’d call a Mediterranean pattern of living. They start the day early in the morning before the sun has a chance to heat everything up. By early afternoon going outside is nearly unbearable, so they hole-up in a dark bedroom, turn on the air con full blast and have a nice cozy “siesta” for a few hours until the sun is sinking in the West. Then they rise again when things cool down and continue their lives until the wee hours. It is an effective strategy this time of year if your lifestyle allows such a change.


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/beat-heat/


-- © Copyright Inspire Pattaya 2017-04-23
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It seems that anyone who lives in the tropics needs to find ways to keep cool. Trying to acclimate yourself is only a partial fix at best; note the locals fanning themselves in the sweltering weather. I rely on cold drinks with plenty of ice, sea breezes, swimming, and a/c.  I know the locations of all local a/c bars, restaurants, stores, and I have a/c in my home and car. 





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1 hour ago, ttl said:

Take a 15 minute cold shower every 10 minutes(if you can find some COLD water

dear ttl

ever tried our reservoir at Nikhom Kham Soi . any chance to swim there. I am very new at Nikhom.


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As srange as it may seem, I can't survive the heat without a wet "Refreshing Cool Towel" from 7/11. They are 27 baht, sold in the open fridge section, and are icy cold. Great wrapped around the neck to cool you down. They are cotton, and I hand wash and reuse them, and keep a few on hand in the fridge, saturated in water and in a plastic bag. Definitely cools the body down... 

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4 hours ago, ttl said:

Take a 15 minute cold shower every 10 minutes(if you can find some COLD water


Where do you live that hasn't got cold water?

I have my water heater on all year round otherwise the water is too cold to shower, even in the height of summer.


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3 hours ago, owenm said:

As srange as it may seem, I can't survive the heat without a wet "Refreshing Cool Towel" from 7/11. They are 27 baht, sold in the open fridge section, and are icy cold. Great wrapped around the neck to cool you down. They are cotton, and I hand wash and reuse them, and keep a few on hand in the fridge, saturated in water and in a plastic bag. Definitely cools the body down... 

Good choice. You could also add a few drops of Sandalwood essential oil to the moist towel.


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adapting to heat  is not for all but taking it easy helps the western guru tempo does not help at all

but the comment start early then sun ful blast then stop is good 

farmers do it here and work on late afternoon


drinking lemon water juice helps a lot 


fizzy drinks do not  .


a siësta works a treat  and refreshes you  this being done in all asian countries  and in spain

italy where it is hot to






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20 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


So you're advising people to adopt a diet of eating ma-ma noodles, oil and sugar?

Don't forget the MSG........


I head into the spare bedroom for 2 -3 hours, put the AC on and play with my computer and TV remote.

Edited by jacko45k
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