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More sickening violence as 10 men attack handicapped guard in Bang Saen


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Some 20 years ago I arrived in Thailand and one of the main reasons I came was because it was relatively safe with crime minimal - walking down the street at midnight was not a crazy thing to do

The arrival of more money has perpetuated greed and with it crime and violence as the have nots can't cope with the haves and because of emotional immaturity the result is danger on the roads and on the streets

Thailand is now a very sick society and the government doesn't seem that interested in trying to reverse this trend as the TV has daily adverts encouraging more to buy new cars or buy the latest I phone - as I said very sick

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18 minutes ago, fdch said:

as much as i apriciate our lovely thai ladies

it is just another example that they are not able to raise children and giving them a form of decent normal attitude

giving birth is simple but than!!!

They are extremely protective of thier sons who can do no wrong.  If I chastise our son for doing wrong my wife becomes like a wild bear protecting it's cub.  I am definately not permitted to discipline our son.

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1 minute ago, Thechook said:

They are extremely protective of thier sons who can do no wrong.  If I chastise our son for doing wrong my wife becomes like a wild bear protecting it's cub.  I am definately not permitted to discipline our son.

same over here 22 and 24 sleep all day  and go UNIVERSITY( level stupid school in europe) may be 2 hours per day and never before 3 in the afternoon

but good boys drinking only a little whiskey and not violent , so we should count our blessings

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4 hours ago, Emster23 said:

How long does it take to check if these are sons of police officers? In reference to killing of handicapped bread seller. What became of that?

oh..... not to worry , thailand has many handicapped bread sellers .............

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31 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Tottally insane sickening violence its attempt to kill him with kicks to his head while on the ground.

time for the police to man up and treat this for what it was .... attempted murder . by doing nothing the police become part of the "skinny boy beat down gang" . 

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1 minute ago, mikiea said:

time for the police to man up and treat this for what it was .... attempted murder . by doing nothing the police become part of the "skinny boy beat down gang" . 

Usually strong kicks and punches to the head of a person laying already on the ground can be regarded as an attempt to murder.They be arrested soon probably today.

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Thainess or Thaisicknes as it should be called... I refuse to call them men... a bunch of scum 

ganging up mob-handed to kick and punch a single person to the point of causing serious harm.

Brave person the one who runs in while the guy is on the floor and kicks him in the head !!

I hope the police catch all the scum put them up against a wall and dish out some instant Karma.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

The footage is now being shared across social media in an effort to track down the cowardly men who attacked the guard.

But for the grace of social media this story would die on the vine. Of course with the governments new block the media bill they want to stop news like this from becoming public and ruining tourism. Sometimes I think tourism is the religion of the land ahead of all else. 

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6 hours ago, LennyW said:

So now they are sharing the video across social media sites to try and find the culprits, on another case they are looking to prosecute people who post videos of wrongdoings, <deleted> what is it to be?????

When you find out let us know. Its a convoluted system here. Your damned if you do and damned if you don't. The government is trying to put the social media genie back in the bottle but its to late. They are trying the next best thing to control it. 

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An off topic post and video attempting to hijack the topic have been removed, this is the Pattaya forum and we are discussing an attack on a handicapped guard in Bang Saen. 

It has nothing to do with Canada or Toronto

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I do agree with others here about this diabolical gang attack. However, I do question the owner's reason for employing a handicapped man as a guard. Surely there must have someone else for that job who might have least had the chance to run. Employ a handicapped man by all means but give him a job that is not going to make his life even more difficult. Very sad indeed.

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9 hours ago, onemorechang said:

What a bunch of nasty animals.


and as  such they should  be  put down, no ifs  buts or anything else, society doesnt need  people like this in ANY country

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8 hours ago, LennyW said:

So now they are sharing the video across social media sites to try and find the culprits, on another case they are looking to prosecute people who post videos of wrongdoings, <deleted> what is it to be?????


Interesting point. Some Thai friends on FB shared this and encouraged the thugs to surrender quickly to the police. Some of those sharing and advising are not the sort of people I'd advise to cross. It seems many Thais are sick of this behavior, sick of the lack of police effective efficiency or even interest, and sick of some avoiding punishment because of who their parents are.


The last thing any country needs are vigilantes but it seems the lack of police response and follow through is finally warring thin with some.

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23 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

I left England to get away from behaviours like this. But now it seems I am living in a home from home.

A little boy once wrote, "England is a big piece of wind swept rock with some skinheads roaming about in steel tipped boots".

You love Thailand warts and all, that's why you are staying.

I love Thailand because the restuarants and coffee shops look reasonably clean. From time to time you get to meet nice people, I speak conversational Thai so I enjoy talking to them.

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4 hours ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

Good points. 



Or in Vietnam or in Europe,... I am sure stray dogs do.


In some countries, there are public toilets. I notice that in some countries that have no public toilets, public urination is very frequent. (Now, it is true that one could relieve oneself in better places: vacant lots, for instance. We are assuming that the urinator was not drunk (or the guard, for that matter). We do not know how tactful the guard was. We do not know how the boss is either. We do not know much about the individuals and their past. We do not know much about this story. Usually, stories are much more complicated than what they appear.

Who cares about the presence of toilets or the other rubbish you have proffered.  The only complication in this story is that a group of imbecilic morons took it in turns to systematically beat one disabled man to within an inch of his life.  GUTLESS WONDERS I would say.


But given what you have written it appears you're another do-gooder who offers up excuses for the criminal behaviour of a number of low lives.  What is it, poor Johnny had a terrible childhood, as did his cohorts so that gives them an out for what they perpetrated.  I have never condoned an eye for any eye but in this case I would certainly make an exception.   :wai:

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Since these punks have the urge to show how tough they are, the judge ought to sentence each one to military duty and put them on the front lines down south.  I can just see these cowards up against a determined enemy.  They would all turn and run like scared little girls!

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11 hours ago, colinneil said:

What the hell is wrong with men like this?

They can only be brave when they behave like a pack of wild animals.

Disabled due to polio, and attacked for doing his job, disgusting absolutely disgusting.

Come on B.I.B. get up off your ar..s and do your job, without waiting for a bribe.

business as usual welcome to the world

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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:

Who cares about the presence of toilets or the other rubbish you have proffered.  The only complication in this story is that a group of imbecilic morons took it in turns to systematically beat one disabled man to within an inch of his life.  GUTLESS WONDERS I would say.


But given what you have written it appears you're another do-gooder who offers up excuses for the criminal behaviour of a number of low lives.  What is it, poor Johnny had a terrible childhood, as did his cohorts so that gives them an out for what they perpetrated.  I have never condoned an eye for any eye but in this case I would certainly make an exception.   :wai:

a clear statement nothing to add

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