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Taxi driver who attacked Brazilian model already double rapist


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"The airport authority chief has issued a warning to passengers to use the taxi rank for their own safety."

Sounds like Airport Authority chief are familier with this kind of behavior among  Bangkok taxi drivers.  

Why let a convicted rapist who was just released from prison serving time for multiple rapes become a taxi driver?? 

Cut of this private parts and let him rot in jail, this maniac will rape again when he have the opportunity. 

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1 hour ago, MichaelJohn said:

Just when will the authorities learn?

Taxi drivers must be licensed; repeat offenders should not be driving taxis. 

Only 3 years for rape; was he pardoned?

The powers that be keep on making the same mistakes over and over and over and over and over and over ..............

I'm guessing he got light sentences because he confessed/cooperated.  That seems to be the MO in Thailand.  But this shouldn't apply to repeat offenders.  This guy should be spending the rest of his miserable life in prison. 

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Where's everyone's least favourite member to remind everyone that punishments for breaking the law here are for everyone and they are proportionate. Has he been thrown off this site yet?


With a 3000 Baht fine, where's the deterrent? 

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....do they mention anywhere....how much time he spent in prison for each offense....???






...society should be outraged.....


...they should have thrown away the key...if not the first time...then the second time....


...and whoever allowed him to drive a taxi....with his record...... should be culpable as well.....

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The police fined the taxi company 3,000 baht,what a <deleted> joke.Why not 300,000 baht as that is what the company makes in a day.A small fine will only mean that they will again not care whom they hire as is is not worth their time to check him out and the fine will be only a pittance.

Edited by sanukjim
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A 3000 baht fine is barely a slap on the wrist.  It is not a deterrent in any way.  I would suggest something more like 500,000 baht fine for the first offense, 5,000,000 baht for a second and jail time for the owners (5 years minimum) for a third offense.

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3 hours ago, keith101 said:

bt3,000 for renting a taxi to a serial rapist seems a bit light to me . a police check would have shown his crimes against women , a bt300,000 fine would be more appropriate .

3 Million Baht fine would solve it. 3000 is no incentive to do the work of background checks

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1 hour ago, prakhonchai nick said:

Castrate him too. Unfortunately there is not a death sentence for rape./....There should be!

This is a perfectly understandable reaction but in practice would lead to huge amounts of rape victims also being murdered. 

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2 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Removal of Testicles for him and The Taxi company Boss would be appropriate.   3,000 Baht fine is an insult to the victim....but we are used to that in The Land of no Shame !

Hopefully the TWO BRICK method, maybe let the victims do the procedure

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BANGKOK: -- The Land Transport Department has fined Thana Siam Taxi Co-operative Bt3,000 for renting one of its vehicles to the man who allegedly raped a Brazilian tourist on Tuesday.


Wow!!!  The good officers at Thai DLT really know how to hit violators hard... all of a 3000 baht fine for the offending taxi company. That's one that they're going to remember for a good long time... laughing all the way....   


And people wonder why so many people and businesses here fail to follow the various laws.... Here's why in a nutshell.


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58 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

Capital punishment prevents re-offending...

Yes it does and I will be happy to be the executioner if you guarantee the following ;

1) Everybody convicted is guilty.

2) The murder rate doesn't actually increase on the grounds that one 'May as well be hung for a lamb as a sheep '.

The second point is critical and explains why so many crimes that once provoked a Capital sentence , over time no longer did.

If one was to be hung for , lets say , robbery or rape , then it made sense to remove the key witness , ie murder the victim.

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2 hours ago, MichaelJohn said:

Just when will the authorities learn?

Taxi drivers must be licensed; repeat offenders should not be driving taxis. 

Only 3 years for rape; was he pardoned?

The powers that be keep on making the same mistakes over and over and over and over and over and over ..............

the powers that be ARE the  mistake

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Even though the victim was picked up at the airport, in reality what the hell does the airport have to do with anything.  There was a crime committed and it wasn't bypassing the airport taxi queue.  How about focusing on why this 2 time loser got such light sentences; and, how the hell he was allowed to get a license to drive a taxi.  

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6 hours ago, colinneil said:

So any rapist/ murderer can get a license to drive a taxi.

Unbelievable bloody unbelievable.

No proper checks/safeguards.

All this nonsense we keep hearing about the good taxi drivers in Bangkok, and how authorities are striving to make things better.

Yet they allow scumbags like this to ply the taxi trade looking for women to rape.

Wake up you thick buggers and start regulating things better.


Think about the countries image. Looks good for the tourist figures dosnt it.



for the sheriffs here....he was locked twice for some time and will  be again for much longer time i guess...and he knew it...did that stop him...??? did the jail time twice changed his behaviour....??? even in a place where he can have legal sex in a blink of an eye he just carried on....maybe in top of locking him up they need to do some kind of therapie with him ( like it is practised in many countrys ) for the good of his future victims ( as if succesfull there will be none ) ,for society ( as they save money for locking him up over and over again ) and after all for himself to become a more responsible beeing not anymore under the force of his darker side..  and if the hard men here may suggest the removal of certain organs will do the job...u can rape somebody with an iron bar or a long knife if  ur mind is messed enough...

Edited by free123
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3 hours ago, irwinfc said:

how about sever his manhood, discard offending organ, lock him up with serial homosexual rapists, then throw away the key?

There's no need to be barbaric...

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2 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Yes it does and I will be happy to be the executioner if you guarantee the following ;

1) Everybody convicted is guilty.

2) The murder rate doesn't actually increase on the grounds that one 'May as well be hung for a lamb as a sheep '.

The second point is critical and explains why so many crimes that once provoked a Capital sentence , over time no longer did.

If one was to be hung for , lets say , robbery or rape , then it made sense to remove the key witness , ie murder the victim.

DNA testing and the whole field of forensic investigation has moved forward to a point where guilt can be established to miniscule percentile...And no witness necessary.

Mostly the suspects for these types of crimes are recidivists or have form. If you are such a believer in human goodness make the death penalty madatory for their second offence. Give them the chance of a custodial sentance and re admittance into society. But let them know that is their only chance.

research has shown that only a small percentage of society is responsible for the majority of crimes and that they continue to re offend again and again. 

Rather than create more victims why not solve the problem as source ?


I hear so much in defence of the rights of these evil perpetrators but little thought of their victims and their families. People is one thing that the World doesn't have a shortage of. We can afford to do away with serial murderers, rapists and violent offenders.

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Recidivism is a problem everywhere.  It can be reduced by psychological counseling and a supportive program for reintegration into civil society.  I'm willing to bet that not one baht is spent on that here.  Some jurisdictions in the US provide counseling and halfway houses but many times taxpayers won't pay any costs for easing the transition from inmate to citizen and recidivism is high as a result.  Society suffers when there is not enough counseling and guidance for prisoners who will rejoin society at some point.

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