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Red Bull heir's latest deadline to appear expires today


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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

So when he doesn't turn up today, will we finally see a warrant for his arrest issued AND served? If past proceedings are anything to go by, probably not.

All this horrible dog now has to do is stay out of Thailand until the statute of limitations runs out in a few months and he will prove how useless and corrupt the Thai Judicial system is when you have money. Utterly disgraceful.

Issued yes served? I have me doubts. Have they contacted Interpol yet or like the Tourist police did they get a busy signal. I am surprised they keep this revolving joke going what an embarrassment to all involved. 

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Public prosecutors had postponed the decision on whether to indict Vorayuth from March 30 to today because his lawyer claimed that Vorayuth – living a lavish lifestyle overseas according to foreign news reports – was pre-occupied in England.

Was pre-occupied in England now there is a new excuse for people who want to avoid the law. Catch you later alligator. 

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While this guy has been swanning around the world for 4 1/2 years after such a serious crime the BBC south-east Asian correspondent Jonathan Head ( as well as 2 innocent victims of property fraud the BBC were trying to report on) are all being held against their will in Thailand with their passports taken away by the authorities. In Jonathan Head's case this was just for doing his job ! In the case of the two guys that were victims of property fraud they were just trying to recover their property.

My god what a screwed up and utter disgrace the so-called " Thailand judicial system " is.:bah:

Edited by midas
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They should revoke his passport(s), add his name to no-fly lists, and request that Interpol issue a Red Notice on him, to insure he doesn't depart the U.K. before he can be extradited.


IMO, he'd be better off returning and going through the motions of the Thai "legal" system - the worm will eventually turn on someone who will be made an example of - and he can also do a runner in the future if things ever look dicey for him.




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1 hour ago, fxe1200 said:

He does not need an excuse. He is scheduled for Sotschi, for the upcoming Formula one race on Sunday.

Maybe many people should ask the Red Bull F1 Team about their opinion about the whole incident, especially in regard to the safe driving campaign of F1. Bombard Sebastian Vettels FB page with it and create a shitstorm for the Red Bull Company in Austria and his Austrian Owner. That will at least stop him from appearing in public in Europe and make him a paria for other wealthy people. And what about the coke charges, are they already forgotten?

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5 hours ago, CharlieK said:

I'm surprised the Thai government haven't asked the UK to extradite him. Not sure who is trying to save face but IMO face has been lost by the Thai government. They talk a big talk but in the end its business as usual. 

Maybe they can save some face by locking up a couple more destitute villagers for picking a few wild mushrooms for dinner. Or better still, find a Cambodian - any Cambodian - and accuse him of the first most recent unsolved crime they can think of.

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Maybe many people should ask the Red Bull F1 Team


Eventually this might get some global traction resulting in extremely bad press, maybe a boycott, maybe protests at RB events, maybe shaming/pressure on RB-sponsored celebrities, then the brand will take a financial hit and something would need to be done. Assume the Boss family would just sell their stake and move quietly on.

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27 minutes ago, hanuman2543 said:

Maybe many people should ask the Red Bull F1 Team about their opinion about the whole incident, especially in regard to the safe driving campaign of F1. Bombard Sebastian Vettels FB page with it and create a shitstorm for the Red Bull Company in Austria and his Austrian Owner. That will at least stop him from appearing in public in Europe and make him a paria for other wealthy people. And what about the coke charges, are they already forgotten?

I think Sebastian Vettel drives for Ferrari now.

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Freezing the family assets would do it....but nobody here would have the balls for that one !      Likewise; the issue of an International arrest warrant and allow Interpol to bring him back in chains......not likely either in this moraly corrupt country. 

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5 hours ago, pentap said:

The scum bag is a partner in the Red Bull company .

He's not going to appear. He knows all the tricks far to well in avoiding having to appear. He can hop around the globe, avoiding being taken into custody and still receive millions from the Red Bull company.

The Thai government should simply block all Red Bulls trading in Thailand as well as, seize his finances, properties etc.

I'm British and disgusted the British Government did not extradite him!
T. I. B! (this is Britain)

Five years of wasting time and yet still no outcome.

Have the authorities given thought to the victims family.

I doubt it. T. I. T !

Britain cannot send him back without a warrant.  And the Thai authorities have not issued one.

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Yes we could if enough people made a complaint of he is a danger to other road uses. from his actions and his failure to accept court proceedings he is. But the question is what driving license is he using here as a Thai license means nothing here (not worth the paper its written on) and not accepted and an international has limited time

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

Maybe many people should ask the Red Bull F1 Team


Eventually this might get some global traction resulting in extremely bad press, maybe a boycott, maybe protests at RB events, maybe shaming/pressure on RB-sponsored celebrities, then the brand will take a financial hit and something would need to be done. Assume the Boss family would just sell their stake and move quietly on.

The rest of the world simply doesn't care about what goes on in Thailand. It is already famous as a cesspit of corruption, prostitution and unelected governments, as well as a centre of accusations of child and forced labour. And what action does the rest of the world take? Zero. So why should it now care about a rich boy tearaway. What happens in Thailand is of absolutely no concern to the world. The country can stew in its own juice as far as other countries are concerned. Those countries also know that Thailand doesn't give a rat's fart about what anyone else thinks, because they claim that foreigners don't understand Thailand.

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45 minutes ago, Mickmouse1 said:

Do not blame the guy but those allowing him to evade justice. If they want to prosecute him they would have done and issue an International arrest warrant or put him on Interpol red flag?

You are right. He did everything he could to avoid going to prison. Like every criminal would.


The culprits are those who allowed him to proceed successfully (while getting unusually rich)


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3 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:
4 hours ago, seancbk said:

Which general public?    The general public in Thailand?    If they boycotted it the effect on the Redbull sales would hardly be noticed. 

And why should anyone outside of Thailand give a toss about a Thai policemen getting run over in an accident?  

I would do anything and everything in my power to stay out of prison.   

What the family should have done is pay a few hundred million to the Policeman's family then perhaps people would be a bit more willing to stop going on about it.



Sean you are missing the point by the proverbial mile. Nobody , anywhere , should get a get out of jail free card simply because they have wealth and influence.

It happens worldwide of course , to varying degrees , and probably always will , that is no reason to accept it.

Ordinary people have little power other than to express our scorn and disgust , it is the right and proper thing for this to continue.

No I get it, people think that he should spend a long time in a shitty prison.  

You probably have a bit more dislike for the guy just because he's rich.  

If he was just some motorbike taxi bloke that had hit the cop, you'd all be saying oh it was just an unfortunate accident, the cop was in the way or something.  You'd certainly not be making crazy statement that we should all boycott motorbike taxis.

First of all the outcome has nothing to do with us or our opinion.  

Secondly, nobody outside Bangkok cares.

I see it as a rather unfortunate accident.   He didn't go out looking for someone to run down did he.    

People paying to get out of trouble happens all the time, at all levels of society.    If you get caught doing something you don't just say "oh dear off to prison I'll go", instead you hire the best lawyer you can and try to get off, you appeal if need be, and you keep appealing at all costs until there is no way to avoid the prison time.   

Only an idiot wouldn't do anything and everything in their power to stay out of prison.


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1 hour ago, Rc2702 said:

Surprised you took so long to work that out. Never saw anyone volunteer so much info in posts ever. His writing style crops up a few other places too.


And where would that be eh?  This is the only forum I use and unless we are friends on Facebook there is no other place online I write.

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Manufacturer Ferrari Italy should have taken the dealership away from this coward family years ago. Cavallino Motors. A disgrace for this noble brand. And an opportunity now for the military government to step up the plate and get this Hi-So boy arrested. Wishful thinking I suppose and Thailand in fact keeps being the same. $$ rule.

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16 minutes ago, seancbk said:

No I get it, people think that he should spend a long time in a shitty prison.  

You probably have a bit more dislike for the guy just because he's rich.  

If he was just some motorbike taxi bloke that had hit the cop, you'd all be saying oh it was just an unfortunate accident, the cop was in the way or something.  You'd certainly not be making crazy statement that we should all boycott motorbike taxis.

First of all the outcome has nothing to do with us or our opinion.  

Secondly, nobody outside Bangkok cares.

I see it as a rather unfortunate accident.   He didn't go out looking for someone to run down did he.    

People paying to get out of trouble happens all the time, at all levels of society.    If you get caught doing something you don't just say "oh dear off to prison I'll go", instead you hire the best lawyer you can and try to get off, you appeal if need be, and you keep appealing at all costs until there is no way to avoid the prison time.   

Only an idiot wouldn't do anything and everything in their power to stay out of prison.


Ahum, intoxicated speeding with cocaine and booze. Trying to sell the fairy tale the security guard drove, trying to bribe the 1st cop xoming to the 'family'house. Trying to pay off the widow few days after the funeral. Playing hide and seek for years protected by his educators. I would never dare to compare it with some motorcycle bloke. It is abuse of power and money in a country which needs to reform.

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6 hours ago, djayz said:

The whole thing is just a farce. Everybody knows he's never going to see the inside of a prison cell. 

Maybe if the general public boycotted a certain brand that might eventually persuade the parents to cut off the gravy train - without which he probably wouldn't survive too long. 


I will never buy red bull again, 

this hole thing is a joke



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Even though Red Bull is to my taste buds, better than any of the others, if I thought that switching to another brand would help, I would consider it.

But it won't. The family are minted and their global business makes the local market almost insignificant.

You can only hope that public anger will force the issue to come to court at some point. Also probably futile, but some hope is better than none.

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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

So when he doesn't turn up today, will we finally see a warrant for his arrest issued AND served? If past proceedings are anything to go by, probably not.

All this horrible dog now has to do is stay out of Thailand until the statute of limitations runs out in a few months and he will prove how useless and corrupt the Thai Judicial system is when you have money. Utterly disgraceful.

I don't know about Thailand but in the US and I believe most countries there is no statute of limitations for murder, manslaughter or other serious felonies. And in some jurisdictions the statute of limitations stops when a person flees to avoid prosecution. 

But even in the US crimes for human beings are treated differently for the wealthy or politically connected. 

In fact I recall a <deleted>*~_ng wealthy brat in TX got off on a Felony DUI causing multiple deaths using a "poor me I am wealthy & over privileged defense" in sentencing. Found guilty and did not serve one day. 

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This saga has for all to see, shamed his family.


He has dragged his elders through a muddy and painful lowering of their status. He can if he wishes go at least part way to saving his family from the ridicule of others by returning to Thailand and facing the charges against him.


His actions are sadly not just his own, he is a mere puppet to those who control him. Thankfully he will be judged. If not in the courts, then in public opinion, if he cares not then those who control him (his elders) are degraded. Last but by no means least if he has a religion then he will suffer after his passing.


I think that he perhaps does feel the pain that he has inflicted on his victim, his keepers, his surname. Thankfully in this life or the next he will be brought to account.


I pity the man who stands not for his integrity, for without the man is not a man.


Let us remember he has been judged of nothing as yet

Edited by thaimelody
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