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If you could have met someone famous, who?

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When I was a teenager in Odessa TX Elvis

played for our school dances every couple

weeks or so (B4 he was famous) I was also

stationed at Ft Hood army base at same time

as Elvis, saw him all the time around base and

in the snack bar, he would always smile and

say hello if you said hello to him, nice guy.


Also went to school with Roy Orbison (Odessa Hi)


In my early 20's (early 1960's) I started and owned an

after hours joint in Phoenix AZ (7thSt / Camelback RD)

that was open Fri / Sat from 1am to 4 am. Righteous

Bros (Bobby Hatfield / Bill Medley) were in town for

a show they came to my After Hours club and sat in,

both were nice guys ( they were just gettin started

and had their new single out "Little Latin Lupe Lu"

They also invited me to a party at a home in Laurel

Canyon CA, which I went to .... The Beach Boys also

came and sat in at After Hours when they were in

town ...


I was head bartender at "J.D.'s in Phoenix(Tempe)

AZ where Waylon Jennings got his start. Played

poker with Waylon couple nights a week (mostly Fri)

after work (2 / 3 am)


Growin' up my Dad was a photographer for AP

Got to go to many places with him and was

always meetin' some hollywood stars at the

party / function

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i would have loved to have met terry wogan ,he has entertained me for many hours on his radio show and i think we could have had a good discussion about pretty much any subject i could have come up with

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met George and Ringo at Ringo's birthday party at a club in L.A.  George was a very funny guy, he walked into the Gents and said "do you have to have long hair to piss in here"

i was seated next to John at a restaurant one night in Malibu, this was his "lost weekend" period and he was staying with Harry Nelson up the beach

Rod Stewart was interested In one of our homes, and would show up drunk to look at the house at odd hours, why not.   one time he came over with Brit she was a sight. loved the blondes. 

anyways  many many more good stories.

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Dick Dal;e King of the Surf Guitar. I met him in Cafifornia  and he gave me free tickets to 2 of his concerts. He did a three and a half hour concert with a 20 minute break and got through 133 numbers playing all the instruments of his 11 piece band at the time. The most amazing thing was watching him play a tune on  his bass player's guitar with a pair of drum sticks. Very few people know Jimi Hendrix use to visit him for lessons. That is why the chords Hendrix played are so hard without practice, because Dale play's guitar with the strings in the reverse order or upside down. Dale's chords of the early 1960's run through run through a lot Hendrix's play. Thus that is how Hendrix aquired the white rock sound. If you watch him on YouTube you'll see he is the supreme master of the stratocaster.

Edited by William C F Pierce
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I was next in line after Ricky Martin while presenting my company's gifts for Phuket's Vachira hospital after the Tsunami.  I didn't knew it was him, until the hospital director said so.

I have had good time with one of the world famous actress while in Honduras.

Met lots of other folks, who have been famous in my country.

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I'd like to meet the new King.  Wish him good luck. Tell him I'm batting for him. 

Pretty cool King.... Fighter Pilot. The Greatest King ever picked him.


So yeah...Rama X.

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i would have loved to have met terry wogan ,he has entertained me for many hours on his radio show and i think we could have had a good discussion about pretty much any subject i could have come up with

Yes I liked Terry Wogan too. He also presented the Eurovision song contest every year. Such a witty character our Tel. This talk of Eurovision reminds me of a Father Ted episode about the contest. So funny it was.
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This thread has taken a seriously closeted gay vibe.  Rob Halford, Ricky Martin and Freddie Mercury?  I didn't see this coming.  I met Maria Carey once.  She pulled up next to me in a black Benz and started a chat.  I asked her to pull over so we could continue.  She said she was late to meet someone but invited me to follow her back to her friends house, which I did, where she was very gracious and sweet and jotted down a little note for me.  This was back in the Tommy Motolla days and she looked great.  Thanks MC XOXO!




Screen Shot 2017-04-29 at 10.39.23 PM.png

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My favorite famous encounter was Isaac Hayes.  I was at a NYC secret the Burger Joint in the Parker Meridien Hotel and as I was walking in he was walking out.  I identified him immediately and as we started to pass each other I said loud enough for him to hear "You're a bad muther ..."  and he cut me of with "Shut yo mouth!" and we had a laugh kept on walkin.  Too bad he's gone now.



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I would like to share a drink or 3 with Prof Brian Cox.....,
and before anyone starts in with any salacious 'in you endo' backwash..., my motivation for meeting this man is that..., by all accounts he's a very enthusiastic and cluey bloke...., something that seems to be in all too short supply..., in this age of inward looking "Trumpeters" ! 

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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I lived in the Wood river Valley;  Sun Valley, Ketchum and Hailey, Idaho, USA for seven years and met several famous people.  Tom Hanks was an interesting guy as was Richard Dreyfuss.  Met Arnold Schwarzenneger a couple of times  but didn't get to talk to him much.  Clint Eastwood was an interesting guy.  Bruce Willis owned a house and a nightclub in Hailey, just down the Vally from Ketchum/Sun Valley.  Saw him all the time.  I was the driver for the author of 'Angela's Ashes (can't remember his name offhand) at a 'Writers Conference'.  Very interesting guy to talk to.  I think Hanks and Dreyfus were the most interesting people.  Very smart but down to earth.  Arnold not so much.  This is not to say I was the social and/or financial equal to any of these people.  

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20 hours ago, Brayka said:

Like to meet,

Tina Tuner, for her dynamism ( aw her 8 times in concerts)

David Bowie ( rip) 

alreddy met the great Eddy Merckx, we sat on the same  plane. Nice humble man



That makes a round dozen famous people I have never heard of , who the flying duck is Eddy Merckx ?  Look look spell check has never heard of him either !

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