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"Beg - packers" - Western Cheap Charlies who come to Thailand with no money should "begger off" say Thais on Facebook


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5 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

maybe Thais could start begging in the west

or is that called International Aid?

In the UK it's called "foreign aid" same thing though, keeps the gravy train rolling for the government cronies to cream off, and Thailand gets a share too from the big hearted UK tax payers!

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4 hours ago, morocco said:

Hmmm... Wonder how you life would be living on the average wage of a Thai.

Hmmm, is that a excuse you make for Thai people, if I was Thai I would be insulted. The wage they make is relative to Thailand, it is not my fault that their leaders are the one's that have the foot on their necks. You think like some Thais in general which just re-enforced what I and others are saying here. Just because we have it compare to the average Thai does that mean we should be targeted? 

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6 hours ago, USPatriot said:

They are losers at home and think it will work in thailand. Hahahahah no money no food no ride now go back to where you cane from get a job and then go on vacation

At the wages and benefits paid today working is for suckers. 

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

i have no problem giving some money to unfortunate people who are genuinely broke. I would not consider giving any to someone wanting holiday funds.

Good comment how do you tell if they are genuine and unfortunate. 

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Well, i think that this is going to be an awfully confusing time now for the Thai street rats, snatchers,and muggers. Because now they wont know who has money and who doesn't.I suppose they could always ask the intended prey.

" ecu us mithter, you have stang?or you beg packer?"

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2 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Well, i think that this is going to be an awfully confusing time now for the Thai street rats, snatchers,and muggers. Because now they wont know who has money and who doesn't.I suppose they could always ask the intended prey.

" ecu us mithter, you have stang?or you beg packer?"


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Okay just throwing it in.   I have been travelling to and in Thailand for over thirty years and am yet to come across this issue.  "farangs begging".

Don't you suppose for a moment that some junior journalist made the whole thing up ?  That it is complete work of fiction ?

"Fake News" has been going on here for years before it became main stream.   "Honest poor Thai taxi driver returning wallet stuff with cash to stupid farang who left it in cab" stories have been regular suspect journalism for years.

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3 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

When I was 12 I drove a fork lift and stocked shelves at a beverage center for $1.25 an hour.  When I was 18 I got an American Express and bought a new car and started building a credit history and by 25 I had purchased a home that 10 years later I sold for double what I paid for it.  I retired at 45 after 23 years of public service.  I never begged for or borrowed a nickel that did not come from a bank.  I never begged for food either and I took a hot shower every day.  Yeah, I was young once.  I still am.  But I was never a drain on society or a public nuisance. 

Thanks for giving me your life detail, but in spite of all your success, what you missed and let me remind you!  We talked in "GENERAL"  do you understand what that means even for a guy that retired at 45?  Although you gave me a specific example of yourself, this conversation and everyone here poster are talking in general, in general, in general, if you read my post and instead of being so defensive, you would have noticed thereafter that although I though about it I didn't have the guts to do it. And whether you support the decision for someone doing it, I DIDN'T,  I started to work at the age of 13, picking fruit in the valley of Calif, in the summer, wore my two older brother hand me downs and got bully by the Irish each day walking to school to take my lunch money. So I could eat, rain or shine I took the long route miles longer to get there. Spend half my high school, in reform school, did 2 years in State Prison,

I like you work my whole life, purchased a number of homes and invested in apartment buildings and the stock market, from ground level, with Microsoft, Google, etc.. and today live debt free.

I don't endorse what the article is stating and don't endorse the begging but I give them credit for having the balls to just leave and go to another country without any money.  I have enough of it but I can tell you even with money when I decided to live here it scared the hell out of me, until I was told I was a handsome man.

Today in spite of working in the system and making my required contribution, they tell me what I get is a ENTITLEMENT.

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I am only an East end boy who had the chance of an education. I practiced my profession, and i worked very bloody hard.For 35 years i worked in the UK and abroad. This is the reason i have been able to stay here for 17 years and have a pretty good standard of living. I have also worked over here, and Taught in a private school for 3 years. I was also in the bar game for 5 years, having 2 bars in Patts. So when i see these back packers who think they can bum, and ponce their way around a country on other people generosity, and think that every thing is easy when you smile,  it just makes me a little angry.

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5 hours ago, samsensam said:


the reporter cant even include a relevant photo, or can't be bothered to do their job professionally.


thai visa please post professional, well researched stories rather than low quality journalistic click bait, it will improve the quality of the site

The still is taken from the video that the story refers to. The report is a faithful translation of the video and subsequent comments. It is not click bait  but is Thaivisa bringing the non Thai speaking community a view of what is being said on issues in Thailand. Put away your pith helmet. 

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6 minutes ago, imagemaestro said:

Okay just throwing it in.   I have been travelling to and in Thailand for over thirty years and am yet to come across this issue.  "farangs begging".

Don't you suppose for a moment that some junior journalist made the whole thing up ?  That it is complete work of fiction ?

"Fake News" has been going on here for years before it became main stream.   "Honest poor Thai taxi driver returning wallet stuff with cash to stupid farang who left it in cab" stories have been regular suspect journalism for years.

Or it could be that your experience is just so limited. 

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5 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

maybe Thais could start begging in the west

or is that called International Aid?

No it is bribery by Western governments...


Remember the USA threatening to pull the plug on aid to countries who do not vote as they say at the UN. (and that was a long time before most Americans had heard of Trump).

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Begging and bartering are totally different things just like busking is not begging.  As long as no coercion, harassment or psychological guilt manipulation is used, I as a thai feel no need to be alarmed or judgmental.  You give at your own choice.  I have been approached in every country I have visited whether it be the white South African young lady asking for bus fare in Cape Town or the middle aged-women asking for gas money at a gas station in Bicester UK etc.  I look and judge each situation individually.  I was suspicious of the young South African but gave her 100 Rand just to give her the benefit of the doubt because it was late in the night and not a big deal.   The gas station request was more obvious a sham so I said no.     I would usually gladly help out someone in true need or tight on cash but nowadays there seems to be so many scammers then actual people in need so much so that I have become cynical to the point of just waving everyone off and not really feeling good about it either.

Edited by smileydude
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Apart from the begging topic I think Thailand could only benefit from opening up to short term workers / work and travel etc.
Just some thoughts, they would bring experience here and gain some as well, pay taxes and spend most of their money here.
No one would take away jobs from Thais as it would be limited to certain jobs, salary and period of time.
Good examples are Australia and New Zealand

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I do agree I have not seen many Farang  Beggers but i have seen lots of Thais begging going through rubbish bins I can see this from my Thai Wifes Resturant and standing right under sign asking for staff But as usual you get no applicants because Begging and starving is so much fun. Plus who likes to work anyway Just ask the Thais this question

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5 hours ago, morocco said:

I have seen a few farang hitch hiking. It's embarrassing to see. Another case of ignorance towards the culture of the country they are visiting. 

I have hitchhiked myself in Thailand many times (around 50 times between 2013 and 2016) and see nothing wrong with it. Granted, the first case was because being dropped off at the wrong spot by a Thai friend, I was waiting for bus there were none! Always positively received by those who stop (you could imply negatively received by those who did not stop).


But I speak Thai and know my way around. If someone comes here without local knowledge and without money, that's strange.

Edited by ChristianPFC
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3 minutes ago, CLW said:

Apart from the begging topic I think Thailand could only benefit from opening up to short term workers / work and travel etc.
Just some thoughts, they would bring experience here and gain some as well, pay taxes and spend most of their money here.
No one would take away jobs from Thais as it would be limited to certain jobs, salary and period of time.
Good examples are Australia and New Zealand

Do you really think the Thais care if you took there jobs away You would be doing them a great favour so they dont have to work. That is why there is 1 million Cambodians Laotion and Burmese workers in Thailand Doing the jobs the Thais dont want to do

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5 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

I do agree I have not seen many Farang  Beggers but i have seen lots of Thais begging going through rubbish bins I can see this from my Thai Wifes Resturant and standing right under sign asking for staff But as usual you get no applicants because Begging and starving is so much fun. Plus who likes to work anyway Just ask the Thais this question

People won't work for peanuts these days . 

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6 hours ago, samsensam said:


the reporter cant even include a relevant photo, or can't be bothered to do their job professionally.


thai visa please post professional, well researched stories rather than low quality journalistic click bait, it will improve the quality of the site

Yes, most of the report is quoting peoples FB posts .

Such lazy journalism

Sit at home reading Facebook , then write a report on a post

So tedious to read ,knowing it will be pointless replying to what those people have wrote 

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Hmmm, is that a excuse you make for Thai people, if I was Thai I would be insulted. The wage they make is relative to Thailand, it is not my fault that their leaders are the one's that have the foot on their necks. You think like some Thais in general which just re-enforced what I and others are saying here. Just because we have it compare to the average Thai does that mean we should be targeted? 

Yes I know the Thai people can do it. But I doubt many westerners can.

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Thais are just stingy, especially toward foreigners and it is OK to take advantage of  foreigners 
but try the other way round... it's a crime !!!
One time they wanted to kill me because me and my Thai gf was travel by train who was free for Thais
and they thought I was going for free too.

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Geez...Talk about media sensationalism...once again.
There have ALWAYS been a percent of the foreigners coming to Thailand and doing it on the Cheap, Cheap.
I once met a guy back in 1993 that claimed he had 600 US dollars for 6 months of stay in Thailand and enjoyed walking everywhere with his back pack that included a small pup tent.
He claimed he walked to Chiang Mai and it took him 23 days of leisurely walking telling me the cost of the bus was too expensive so he decided to walk.
Coming back to Bangkok he said was lucky and met people delivering  fruit to Ayuttaya in a pick up truck and they gave him a ride in the back of the truck with the fruit.
Some people will do it the hard and cheap way and call it an adventure of a life time.

As long as he didn't beg or steal good luck to him. But not for me.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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