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"Beg - packers" - Western Cheap Charlies who come to Thailand with no money should "begger off" say Thais on Facebook


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57 minutes ago, digibum said:


And yet when someone suggests that Thai immigration have some sort of financial criteria for visas . . . people freak the F out.  

This is the extra catch you get from free visa's. 


But how hard is it to kick them off the streets? Selling pictures on the elevated walkingbridges is done for a year or so now..i've seen that russian boy many months ago doing it.

If the Police just let them do there will be more of them every week.


Why does it have to be in the news anyway? Just kick them off the streets like they did with the streetvendors.

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Welcolming comment regarding tourists that have chosen to come to Thailand and have spent a considerable amount to get there:
"Chase them all away - if they don't have money what are they doing here?"
A comment suggesting that Thailand isn't safe:
"....I honestly fear for their safety".
And a sensible comment:
"In the end, whatever they get they will spend here, won't they?"

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If you are going to beg, do so in your own country.  When you have enough money then you can go on vacation like a normal human.  You are not poor, you are not a family in need, you are trying to leech a good time from an honorable country who have real poor people to take care of.  It's rude and selfish.

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1 hour ago, digibum said:


You need to look harder.  There was the German guy who used to sit outside the FamilyMart on Soi 22.  Heard he made it down to Pattaya.  Sad as some said he had a serious mental illness which is why he was homeless.  


Have also seen farangs on Sukhumvit begging for money plenty of times.  


And of course, the worst type of beggar is the English teacher buddy who always seems to be a little short with the bill or asks if you can spot his bar tab until Friday and then he doesn't answer his phone for a month.  :-)


True,  but how do a few incidents compare to  the 100,000s Thai who travel to Asian and Western countries and never leave ?

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3 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

Not very Buddhist of the Thais is it ? To be honest though most of these twatpackers come from a highly privalidged home life back home and then they get to pretend to be poor and destitute for a year until their inlightment . 

If I see them I will make it a point to be prepared and when they put their hand or cup out I will put some dog Shxt in it.I am prepared for them to throw it back and they try they will not be prepared for my reaction.


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6 minutes ago, Familyaffairs said:

True,  but how do a few incidents compare to  the 100,000s Thai who travel to Asian and Western countries and never leave ?

They never leave because that would mean that they would have to get a job and be responsibly for their lives.If they are young then they have no way of getting on the dole  from national insurance as they have no work issues so let mama send a bit to keep them going until they can get a phony teaching job in one of the phony international schools. Hey it ain't bad for the sick and lazy.

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2 hours ago, impulse said:


I knew a guy in my youth that traveled all over the USA, cleaning toilets at gas stations to make a few bucks, then down the road to the next gas station.  Most of them turned him down, and he didn't have a set fee- he just asked them to pay what they thought was fair.  But he did such a good job that some paid him pretty good coin- especially for the 1970's.  He camped out of his ragged out pickup truck, and claimed he had the best summer of his life cleaning toilets.

Some sort of sicko weirdo if you want my honest opinion. We do indeed live in strange uncertain times, that must hark back from the 1970's.

Edited by SpeakeasyThai
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Just too many comments here that sounds like the Thais are wrong.

Here they are for once completely right! Why would someone travel without having money for food, stay and all other things they need? After that try to call it a trend??

Just send the pack home. Better jail for a bit before in the believe of illigal working so they can feel the heat. No compassion for such people.

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What next? Clumps of Euro girls selling themselves in the bars around Sukumvit road alongside the locals? 

The Russian girls are selling their asses in Pattaya.

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If they do some kind of "work" let's say playing music or selling some stuff I give some money to foreigners and Thais.
I hate people just having a sign "I need money" and doing nothing.

Re Hitchhiking, I've done that in Malaysia. Mostly with Chinese-Malay as I could talk to them better with English. Nice experience. Even my Malaysian friends suggested that to me and do it regularly for travelling.

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2 hours ago, Ulic said:

I doubt Thais are giving any money and if Farangs are well, up to them. The girl is

right, it will all be spent in Thailand.


Actually, whenever I've seen a Beg Packer in CM,

it's more likely he gets money from the Thai, than from Farang.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

I have seen evidence of it a lot recently - people with signs on the roadside or begging at gas stations. Here in Asia we are not used to this way



I see Thais begging all the time. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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6 hours ago, Thechook said:

" people with signs on the roadside or begging at gas stations. Here in Asia we are not used to this way "


I have never personally seen a farang begging in Thailand but I have seen countless Thai beggers and her comment,   If we are supporting beggars or people bartering they will just take our money. It is the wrong way round".  Yes we are suppose to take your money but don't touch what we already took from you.


I have seen a few in  the last 18 years they don't concern me one way or the other and you only give money if you want. The only one that p@#&ed me off was a young English guy on Samui a few years back. His half thai baby needed an eye operation and he wanted to ask people for money and a fundraiser. I told him to go to England and work for a couple of months to get some money he didn't like that idea. He said it sounded like too much hassle. All he got from me was a mouth full.

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1 hour ago, Joebuzz said:

BS Saan, 50 years ago this hippie was making 10 grand a month selling pot.

I first became aware of Chiang Mai from friends who stayed here many years ago, and they not only came for sightseeing.


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56 minutes ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

Some sort of sicko weirdo if you want my honest opinion. We do indeed live in strange uncertain times, that must hark back from the 1970's.


Cleaning toilets is honest work.  The guy found a niche and parlayed it into a means of funding a trip he'll never forget.  He worked when he wanted, when he wanted, and pointed his pickup wherever he wanted. 


I'm not sure how you'd call that sick.

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While Taka Hiro wrote: "We need tourists' money for the benefit of our economy. If we are supporting beggars or people bartering they will just take our money. It is the wrong way round".


LOL hell yeah, what a shock for thai people.


For decades, they only know how to shake our money. Now something new for the thais haha. Let them come here, a lot of them "Beg Packers" =)) Let them sweat BegPackers ; )



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3 hours ago, impulse said:


I knew a guy in my youth that traveled all over the USA, cleaning toilets at gas stations to make a few bucks, then down the road to the next gas station.  Most of them turned him down, and he didn't have a set fee- he just asked them to pay what they thought was fair.  But he did such a good job that some paid him pretty good coin- especially for the 1970's.  He camped out of his ragged out pickup truck, and claimed he had the best summer of his life cleaning toilets.

IMHO that's quite enterprising. Doing a fairly unpleasant job and leaving it up to the owner what to pay. However, he was presumably operating as an American within the USA.

I think the Thais are justified in being unhappy about beg-packing. How did they get into the country in the first place without funds? Aren't they taking income away from the home-grown variety?

If you can't pay your way in any country, you shouldn't be there.

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