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"Beg - packers" - Western Cheap Charlies who come to Thailand with no money should "begger off" say Thais on Facebook


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In a land where people say little to nothing about human trafficking, slavery, child prostitution, animal cruelty, and other horrendous crimes, they only really get upset when white people beg for cash.

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If you have been here 10 years & not seen a Farang begging, you must lead a very sheltered life.

This country has enough problems without the losers from the Western world sponging off Thais.

This is more prevalent in outer areas where they sponge off the village for meals & a bed.

Twice while drinking in an outside bar in Chiang Mai had these guys crawl up to me begging for a beer & some money.

They both overstayers by years

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This is unfortunately a trend but is not always visible they beg on FB, on streets and websites like gofundme (something like that). Sometimes its not direct begging but indirect by asking something at a massive discount because they don't have money or arguing with a street vendor for discount on cheap street food/goods.

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To summarise, if I followed the sporty dialogue above  correctly, it is ok for the indig population to steal, extort or otherwise take money off white folk without any repercussions or criticism but it is not ok for white folk to ask the indig population for money? 


That sounds fair fair to me........

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2 hours ago, Farang hunter said:

I have better idea they should sell their bodies for sex a lot of people would buy some tourist sex


3 hours ago, morocco said:

Yes I know the Thai people can do it. But I doubt many westerners can.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I knew what you meant the first time before I responded to you.

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How dare they come here without funds to stay in a five star hotel. Perhaps this can be blamed on the stupid reality TV shows tuk tuk & such? A while back I did see a farang sitting on a pedestrian bridge with a 7/11 cup. Perhaps it is the dreads that are offensive?

If the right wingers in the US congress get their way and give my Social Security to billionaires I will be on the street

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8 minutes ago, Grumpy Duck said:

If the right wingers in the US congress get their way and give my Social Security to billionaires I will be on the street

Try being optimistic .

If the US Congress takes all the money away from a Billionaire and gives it to you, you will be a billionaire

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12 hours ago, Thechook said:

" people with signs on the roadside or begging at gas stations. Here in Asia we are not used to this way "


I have never personally seen a farang begging in Thailand but I have seen countless Thai beggers and her comment,   If we are supporting beggars or people bartering they will just take our money. It is the wrong way round".  Yes we are suppose to take your money but don't touch what we already took from you.


You obviously do not go out beyond your safety net of Pattaya. There are plenty of westerner begging on Asoke skytrain station doing exactly the same like here in the west, they are also in Hong Kong doing the same thing selling photographs on the sidewalk and playing musical instrument. 


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Ekung Moopii said: "This trend is not good for tourism. I have seen evidence of it a lot recently - people with signs on the roadside or begging at gas stations. Here in Asia we are not used to this way.


Well all I can say to that comment is maybe you should learn to treat your tourist with a lot more respect then you normally do in Thailand then you might start to get quality tourist, and you talk about beggers I've seen more beggers in 20 metres on the street of Thailand than I have seen anywhere in the world besides India so don't pretend that you're not beggers you guys are the most money hungry people I've ever come across and one of the most scammers I've ever come across and you have no shame there's one law for us and one law for you guys. Reap what you sow.

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8 hours ago, impulse said:


I'm more of a "live and let live" kind of guy.  I haven't a clue how strangers got to where they are in their lives, and there but for the grace of God...

best attitude...never judge anyone if u never walked in his shoes

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Some of those backpackers are a bloody disgrace. Filthy looking, on the take with attitude.

By acting in the manner that they do, bumming around, begging for hand-outs plus freebies, they are letting other foreigners down, who pay their way, plus their own country too.

Where is their respect? Disgraceful behaviour!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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24 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Try being optimistic .

If the US Congress takes all the money away from a Billionaire and gives it to you, you will be a billionaire

There is no history In the past 100 years of the US government taking money from billionaires to give to the worker class. True, Eisenhower did tax millionaires (no billionaires at that time) something like 90% but that money went to the poor and the military industrial complex NOT us.   Oh, and before telling my Social Security is a welfare handout, I will let you know I paid over $100,000 since starting to work in the 1960's for my Social Security Insurance. 

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37 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Are you exaggerating ?

Did they really want to "kill you" ?

Can you imagine a night train from hat yai to petchaburi and 8 Thai men ages between 25-35

who want your seat and you do not want to give  it  ?


unforgettable adventure

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12 hours ago, Thechook said:

" people with signs on the roadside or begging at gas stations. Here in Asia we are not used to this way "


I have never personally seen a farang begging in Thailand but I have seen countless Thai beggers and her comment,   If we are supporting beggars or people bartering they will just take our money. It is the wrong way round".  Yes we are suppose to take your money but don't touch what we already took from you.


You obviously do not go out beyond your safety net of Pattaya. There are plenty of westerner begging on Asoke skytrain station doing exactly the same like here in the west, they are also in Hong Kong doing the same thing selling photographs on the sidewalk and playing musical instrument. 


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8 minutes ago, marqus12 said:

Can you imagine a night train from hat yai to petchaburi and 8 Thai men ages between 25-35

who want your seat and you do not want to give  it  ?


unforgettable adventure

And they wanted to kill you ?

Did they try to throw you off the train , whilst it was moving  ?

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37 minutes ago, sanemax said:

And they wanted to kill you ?

Did they try to throw you off the train , whilst it was moving  ?

In this train was also old Thai border guard on leave
He had whiskey and I have cigarettes ...


It was 16 hours long Hitchcock movie

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Pattharmon Sukasem was even more forthright: "Chase them all away - if they don't have money what are they doing here?"


Yes a honest Thai, Tourists are welcome until they have spent it all, then bugger off.. 

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6 hours ago, imagemaestro said:

Okay just throwing it in.   I have been travelling to and in Thailand for over thirty years and am yet to come across this issue.  "farangs begging".

Don't you suppose for a moment that some junior journalist made the whole thing up ?  That it is complete work of fiction ?

"Fake News" has been going on here for years before it became main stream.   "Honest poor Thai taxi driver returning wallet stuff with cash to stupid farang who left it in cab" stories have been regular suspect journalism for years.

The odd begpacker can be the genuine article. No E.T. phone home privileges. E.T. (empty handed tourist) 

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10 hours ago, Familyaffairs said:

True,  but how do a few incidents compare to  the 100,000s Thai who travel to Asian and Western countries and never leave ?

I didn't say it did.  The person I was responding to said he had never seen a farang begging for money.  You're the one who decided to up it to the next level and make a comparison to something completely unrelated.  

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10 hours ago, fruitman said:

Why does it have to be in the news anyway? Just kick them off the streets like they did with the streetvendors.

Where's the profit motive for the police in that?  If they're begging for money, it's very unlikely they'll have enough money to pay a bribe.  

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I'm sure this sit is run by a bunch lefties.

Why do you delete comments when there's nothing to them are we going to offend the Thais? I don't understand the commonest attitude that you've adopted now I know what it's like to live in North Korea.

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I'm pretty sure that they don't just turn up in Thailand with no money <deleted>, They have paid for a flight (or maybe they all walked from their home countries) They probably have a prepaid credit card and a cheap mobile phone so that they can phone home in an emergency and no doubt travel insurance, not always paid for by bank of mum and dad but maybe paid for with part time working.


The object being, travel as cheap as you can for as long as you can and see how far you can get by relying just on your wits.


I knew a couple (I used to work with the guy in the UK) He took voluntary redundancy, and decided to travel the world with his girlfriend on his payout, they paid for special flight tickets to go anywhere in the world whenever they wanted, they had travel insurance and a prepaid credit card to be used in dire emergencies only. At the time we were renting a one bed house so couldn't put them up but they were quite happy to stay in 150 baht a night flop house in Pattaya which they said was luxury compared to some of the shit holes that they stayed in in India.


And they visited some really dodgy countries along the way, but hey you do that when you're in your 20's.


So pretty sure all these smeg beg packers are doing the same.



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There a few beggars in Pattaya and Phuket was famous for the " deaf and dumb"beggars doing the rounds of restaurants. Then there was the family begging on the streets with his kids, yes, There has been a few. I don't agree with beg-packing .How can anyone sane come to Asia, or anywhere else come to that, with no money ? 

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