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"Beg - packers" - Western Cheap Charlies who come to Thailand with no money should "begger off" say Thais on Facebook


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17 hours ago, impulse said:


I knew a guy in my youth that traveled all over the USA, cleaning toilets at gas stations to make a few bucks, then down the road to the next gas station.  Most of them turned him down, and he didn't have a set fee- he just asked them to pay what they thought was fair.  But he did such a good job that some paid him pretty good coin- especially for the 1970's.  He camped out of his ragged out pickup truck, and claimed he had the best summer of his life cleaning toilets.

Was his Name? Donald?

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I have seen quite a few farang begging in Silom over the years...sometimes they play musical instruments like a guitar.  I have seen a significant reduction in the number of Cambodian women with babies who were begging.

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I was in BKK at a Pizza Inn and a guy walked in dressed ok. Sat down at my table and asked me for money... Said he was partying and lost his wallet. Wanted a few hundred baht. I offered him a free meal. He left!

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In ten years of living here I've never seen a farang begging or hitch hiking. I've seen many thousands of farang (myself included) spending millions of baht here supporting  wives and stepchildren, running businesses giving employment to locals and contributing to the economy in general.


I have though, seen thousands of Thais begging. Maybe the facebookers were a little confused.


Cue the Thai-bashing policemen.





You've seen THOUSANDS of Thais begging??? I have seen many beggars in my time, but if I'd count them I'd probably get to 40 (I might see the same beggar every day for 2 years, but that's still only 1 beggar).


Anyway, you seem to miss the point that real beggars generally beg to eat (survive), whereas these beg-packers come here with no money and the intent to beg to fund an efffing HOLIDAY! :angry:


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On 4/28/2017 at 7:53 AM, darksidedog said:

i have no problem giving some money to unfortunate people who are genuinely broke. I would not consider giving any to someone wanting holiday funds.


Assuming it's someone you've just encountered, how do you discern the veracity of the genuinely broke as apart from someone who's just good at conning people?

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No countries like beg packers.


When the Berlin wall came down and the Eastern block was opened up, Italy became flooded with Polish and Eastern European cheap bag packers. They would bring their own food instead of using restaurants and picnic in fields and besides river banks rather then visit Italy`s tourist attractions. Eventually the Italian Tourist Board banned these people and insisted that tourists booked up their visits using tour operators.


There are also westerners visiting or staying in Thailand on shoestring budgets, begging or working jobs illegally that are certainly or no benefits to the country that overstay their welcome. I agree with most of the Thais in the video.

Edited by cyberfarang
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On 2017-04-28 at 6:47 AM, chrisandsu said:

Not very Buddhist of the Thais is it ? To be honest though most of these twatpackers come from a highly privalidged home life back home and then they get to pretend to be poor and destitute for a year until their inlightment . 

There is Buddhism and then there is something called "Thai-Buddhism".


It is so easy now a days for anyone who has a passport and few bucks to travel to faraway places.

The trouble begins when the option to travel is taken as the means to 'get-away' from the ghosts of ones past. No shortage of 'lost souls' out on the dusty trail.


Glad I did my travels in the 80's and 90's when the road was so less traveled.

Edited by HaleySabai
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What about the thing in the Uk years ago, mainly England, London. We were inundated with Aussie lads coming the London and jumping behind the bars of most of the Earls court pubs. What exactly did we do to move them on?Nothing.No work permits, visa, length of stay. We were pretty liberal with these guys. But in Thailand, its always the big NO!.

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I saw the couple begging with pics opposite Zen in BKK a couple of weeks ago. They were not desperate and probably had both money and visa cards. I have however seen, in the old days a wreck of a farang begging on the over pass near the ambassador hotel. In India white beggars, usually french morphine addicts were very common common in Manali HP and Goa in the early 70s.

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