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"Every occupation has good as well as bad people" says cabbie as 70,000 baht in valuables returned to Indian tourist


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Some guy predicted after the rape case some taxi driver would find a bag of money and return it with photos and a PR stunt....


damn isn't thailand great....maybe the rapist will get a suspended sentence after getting 4 years then 2 years and now?


when is the I am so sorry and have him groveling at the victim's family feet photo shoot coming? It's good for half off the sentence...



Edited by cardinalblue
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When I first came here to live 16 years ago I met this old German guy down Soi 20 Sukhumvit. After berating a taxi driver and almost removing the taxi door from its hinges he said he'd had enough of the $hit and was heading to the Philippine. He spent some time with me shredding the system and I gave the stock Thai Visa retort at that time ie If you don't like it so much why dont you bugger off then. Now I have become that German man and I want out of here for all the same readons and more but today I think the vast majority might just agree with me. I've given it my best and I'm off as are most of my friends. It's gonna get a lot worse F Troop are tightening the screw.

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7 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

They didn't waste much time setting this one up  . . .  :sleep:

I was reading a post in yesterdays forum regarding the cabbie & rape victim in Suphanburi, they said give it a day or two and a cabbie will be on here returning valuables to deflect the news... correct it didn't take long!

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8 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Yes, every occupation does have good and bad people. In my occupation I had to provide a criminal check from home and from here. I've never committed any crimes so my criminal check came back clean. If it had been reported that I had committed a crime, I wouldn't have got the job.


This is why we do criminal checks. To lower the chances of having truly bad people in jobs. Especially jobs where you work for the public. Remind me again - what checks were done on the double rapist?


But 70,00 Baht returned - let's all forget this silly nonsense of bad taxi drivers until it happens again. 

Criminal checks in Thailand are pointless as anyone can change their name as often as they please. The rapist is on his third.

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5 hours ago, Prbkk said:

That's true but in the case of taxi drivers there is a compelling case for cynicism. In my experience the majority of drivers are ok....but we tend to remember those that are not, maybe one in ten or so. 

Back before meters , negotiating a fare for every single trip was a complete pain...but at least once it was done there was never any confusion, deceit or attempts at ripoffs. 

I used to live on Soi Nana in the old days and walk up to Suk for a taxi,pre skytrain.Thousands of taxis,1st was a check the price,2nd was check the price a bit more and usually took the 3rd.They used to line at my temporary taxi stop.Hardened my haggling skills for the rest of the day.Then one year i came in and started the haggle and he just pointed at meter.Took me a while to get used to it but more relaxed these days.

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11 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

They didn't waste much time setting this one up  . . .  :sleep:

Yep! As usual. See everything bad as real and horrible. When something good happens, doubt it and say it´s a setup for restoring the face.

If it´s that bad and you have so little trust in the country, why do you even bother to be interested?

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Over the last 6 months or so, there seems to be a number of times that people have left money in cabs.Too many to be true.Its always a substantial amount that's been left. Substantial enough, that a taxi driver who has to work all hours,to feed their families ( as they always say) would seriously think about keeping before returning. We all know the famous,repetitive lines they come out with.One is "mai mee" another is 'pom mai leu".I dont think that The Royal Toy Police are going to investigate a cabbie, if its money lost by a Ferang, if there's nothing in it for them.So even if they manage to find the driver, their cut will prevent the loser from ever seeing his money again.

This is a total fabrication.I cant remember the last time a Ferang left money in a taxi, but the last two people have been Asian People.I truly believe this is a set up situation.These wonderful stories of 'the good cabbie' is obviously a counter balance against the ones who have pulled knives on passengers, tried to rip off passengers, tried to assault women passengers, thrown people out of taxis in the middle of nowhere etc etc.And now we have a serial rapist, for gods sake,  that has been driving a taxi. That is as bad as employing a pedophile to teach kids under 10.Taxi companies dont do any checks, because its too much like hard work, and if known, they really dont care. Getting a taxi these days is a seriously dangerous occupation.There have been so many problems about dodgy meters, filthy cabs,abusive drivers and let alone the  seat belt problem.  When it starts to get serious, and Thai authorities get scared about it going viral on FB, they calm the waters by throwing in a 'heart warming, feel good story' about an honest driver. And the ridiculous thing is, that they really think we believe it.

This whole scenario, is as corny and as unbelievable as their  television comedy shows and soap opera's.

And the guy says "there are good and bad in all occupations" that's as maybe, but, the Uk seems to run taxis without too many problems, but then they are run by the police. Also the Usa seems to have minor problems because their system is monitored, controlled and regulated by the companies the drivers work for. what are they doing about weadling the bad ones out? Its funny how all these taxis have plate numbers and cab numbers If it were me, i would set up a Taxi 'spy'  police service, where the plain clothed cop is  randomly on the Que, or investigates the complaints made by customers.,or checks out the driver and his personal criminal history on a computer data base.

 But that's all too complex for them, and, it would take time and money.

So we will continue to have this, pathetic, sickening, crap thrust down our, gullible throats. Soon people will be taking bets on how much time it will be between the next offending driver and the following  return of cash by the angelic, honest, 'Joe la Taxi'

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I didn't read the OP and I think I'm getting my taxi driver stories mixed up but did the taxi driver rape the Indian man and give him 70,000 baht?  


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Is this type of falsified feel good story after a bad story really a common supported approach?  What government entities would be in on this?  It would be nice to interview the Indian man

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On 28/04/2017 at 1:47 PM, Naam said:

not much time was wasted till Thai bashing started :coffee1:

It's not Thai bashing. It is taxi driver bashing. I travel all over Asia and see many bad taxi drivers. 


But in all of my experiences Thai drivers are the lowest. Bkk so so but Pattaya are an absolute discace, and an insult to the amazing Thai people I have met.


You have to think that the first Thai person a farrang meets is usually a taxi driver from the airport. 


I love staying in Thailand as do most of the posters on this forumn. 



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24 minutes ago, Bartman1369 said:

It's not Thai bashing. It is taxi driver bashing.

perhaps you need reading glasses? read the the first dozen postings again. most of them are clearly Thai bashing, insinuating the story was made up by Thai authorities.

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I got the impression from the accurate predictions that this type of feel good story is typical and suspect by the Govt? 


The more I read Thailand news the more I am looking at making a few more bucks and just importing Thai women to me.  And I also will be taking back any suggestions to  my daughters to not ever visit Thailand without a man.

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