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"Possessed man" has locals scurrying for lottery tickets in north-central Thailand


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"Possessed man" has locals scurrying for lottery tickets in north-central Thailand



Picture: Daily News


PHETCHABUN: -- A man who locals believed was possessed with the spirit of a tree stump has caused a stampede for lottery numbers.


Following a number of lottery wins associated with a five meter "Takhian" tree at the temple of Wat Thep Nimit Khiriwong in Wang Pong district of Phetchabun there has been a steady stream of people kowtowing and wai-ing in the hope of getting rich, reported Daily News.


Many Thais believe that the spirit of "Jao Mae Mai Phrae" resides in the stump.


Yesterday while people were praying and shining a torch on the stump a man suddenly became possessed with the spirit, reported Daily News.


He started speaking in tongues and intoned in Thai: "Goo mai day gin khao haa wan laew" (I have not eaten for 15 days).


The spirit, speaking through the man, then begged the people present to stop shining the torch as the spirit didn't like the brightness.


Then came the number. The man screamed out "528" before passing out.


That was enough to cause a virtual stampede towards the lottery ticket vendors for those hopeful of getting rich in the next draw.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-05-01
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1 hour ago, webfact said:

A man who locals believed was possessed with the spirit of a tree stump has caused a stampede for lottery numbers.

I need a new lap top, this one's just been sprayed with coffee.

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Don,t be so sceptical guys,I visited this man last year and he gave me a set of "lucky" numbers and guess what they matched those on my credit card.......am I the lucky one :cheesy:

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Yesterday while people were praying and shining a torch on the stump a man suddenly became possessed with the spirit, reported Daily News.


He started speaking in tongues and intoned in Thai: "Goo mai day gin khao haa wan laew" (I have not eaten for 15 days).


The spirit, speaking through the man, then begged the people present to stop shining the torch as the spirit didn't like the brightness.


Then came the number. The man screamed out "528" before passing out.

That is pure comedy gold.


Bet he's had a drink or two over the past 15 hours.

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24 minutes ago, ezzra said:

It doesn't take much to get the locals scurrying around for the voodoo

stuff and all the superstitious ghosts and demons... 

Just a guy who's had one too many in this case.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Then came the number. The man screamed out "528" before passing out.

And presumably his brother/sister/son/daughter had a field day flogging tickets.


As someone on TV has said many times: you couldn't make this up.

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

If I tried to tell my family back home about this, they would think that I was crazy or lying, or both. Truly amazing.

Ha ha yeah, while they're on their way to church!

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19 minutes ago, Essaybloke said:

Ha ha yeah, while they're on their way to church!

No, not really.


Being possessed by spirits of a dead tree and handing out lottery numbers is hardly part of mainstream faith here.


Or any major faith.




It's just nonsense.



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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Then came the number. The man screamed out "528" before passing out.

No, the tree-trunk-man barked out another number before that: 15 (I have not eaten for 15 days).

he should be uprooted for confusing the north-central public who were stumped for not winning.

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39 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

No, not really.


Being possessed by spirits of a dead tree and handing out lottery numbers is hardly part of mainstream faith here.


Or any major faith.




It's just nonsense.



"It's (all) just nonsense."

My point exactly.

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2 minutes ago, Essaybloke said:

"It's (all) just nonsense."

My point exactly.

Faith is one thing


This story is not linked to faith


Therefore comparing it to peoples religious beliefs is not appropriate


That was my point


{My views on religion can be summed up in one word...atheist. However this story is not about faith}.

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2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Faith is one thing


This story is not linked to faith


Therefore comparing it to peoples religious beliefs is not appropriate


That was my point


{My views on religion can be summed up in one word...atheist. However this story is not about faith}.

'Faith' is precisely what it is. This 'faith' in animism is no more or less ridiculous (I am being very polite here) than any other religious 'faith'. I am using the word 'faith' here as in 'trusting in the truth or validity of something for which there is no good evidence'.  Try telling these Thais about talking snakes and they'd probably laugh right back at you.

(OK, bad example, they probably wouldn't).

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Then came the number. The man screamed out "528" before passing out.

That was enough to cause a virtual stampede towards the lottery ticket vendors for those hopeful of getting rich in the next draw.


Does anyone else think the "possessed man" and ticket seller were in cahoots... or is it just my suspicious mind?

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4 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Then came the number. The man screamed out "528" before passing out.

That was enough to cause a virtual stampede towards the lottery ticket vendors for those hopeful of getting rich in the next draw.


Does anyone else think the "possessed man" and ticket seller were in cahoots... or is it just my suspicious mind?

Great business model. I dips me lid to the pair of them, ha ha!


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21 minutes ago, Essaybloke said:

'Faith' is precisely what it is. This 'faith' in animism is no more or less ridiculous (I am being very polite here) than any other religious 'faith'. I am using the word 'faith' here as in 'trusting in the truth or validity of something for which there is no good evidence'.  Try telling these Thais about talking snakes and they'd probably laugh right back at you.

(OK, bad example, they probably wouldn't).

I laugh at people who talk about snakes, that isn't part of the christian faith I was raised in as a child.


Faith is as much about how you live your life and the moral dictates you take from it.


This story and talking snakes do not involve the discipline that a faith imposes on you. {Not that all faiths don't have their hypocrites mind}.


Faith is one thing, belief in trees giving you lottery numbers and talking animals are another.

Edited by Bluespunk
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9 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Then came the number. The man screamed out "528" before passing out.

That was enough to cause a virtual stampede towards the lottery ticket vendors for those hopeful of getting rich in the next draw.


Does anyone else think the "possessed man" and ticket seller were in cahoots... or is it just my suspicious mind?

Alcohol would be my bet, but it does reek of ''scam'' as well.

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A few years back in Phetchabun, it was the dancing light pole on the ring road. and there was the lady murdered by husband and stuffed in the wardrobe after she won the lottery. We all went to find numbers on the wardrobe.

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