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Cleaning Ladies inside the bathroom


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You need to travel more; Thailand is not the only place where attendants clean while you dirty. In some places an attendant will come up and massage your back while you're at the urinal.


Many years ago in Bangkok, I had both hands bandaged from a motorcycle accident; the nice lady attendant helped me use the toilet.


I think you need to open your horizons.

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46 minutes ago, Inepto Cracy said:

Last Tuesday, after living here for 11 years, was the first time I experienced an unusual sight. Standing at the urinal a very attractive "lady" ended up standing next to me and started to pee. Not unusual but it was the first time a "lady" boobs and all, stood up to use a man bit.

Katoey's in the mens room is unusual.

As for the cleaning ladies, not a problem, but make sure there are others in the toilet too.

If you are alone and she just screams, you could be falsly accused of molestation or rape.

I just dont take a chance here.Be aware of your suroundings.




Do you think the same when in an elevator alone with a woman?

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Absolutely nothing wrong with these ladies doing their job and maintaining a clean environment and hygiene. They are not interested in your 'junk' they are interested in doing their job efficiently and getting out of there fast before moving to the next place.


I mean wow, Western standards and all that. HK they briefly put a 'Cleaning in progress' sign up. We've actually got a young guy as a cleaner in the company and he's seen ladies get changed in the bathroom, putting on makeup etc just goes about his business and nobody notices him we thank him for keeping the ladies' loo clean and even apologise to him for the amount of mess.

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1 minute ago, smotherb said:

You need to travel more; Thailand is not the only place where attendants clean while you dirty. In some places an attendant will come up and massage your back while you're at the urinal.


Many years ago in Bangkok, I had both hands bandaged from a motorcycle accident; the nice lady attendant helped me use the toilet.


I think you need to open your horizons.

Lucky she had a pair of tweezers handy

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Its your first indication about sex in thailand. It is only a job the cleaner performs as thats whats she gains cash from.

Similary the Thai girl in the Massage with the add-ons.

Simalary Teluk married to the Farang driving the Honda.

Its a way to get cash some are instant and honest in the gogo show or blowjob bar.

 Some take a lifetime of deception to fulfill the cash dream.


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7 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

Not a big deal at all in fact i dont even notice them now. But the toilets are usualy spotless. As has been said not unusual in Asia. As for the thai women you have talked to i suspect they are just shy and dont want to engage in a toilet topic.


Plus, most mainstream Thai women have never been inside a male public toilet so how would they know if the cleaners are male or female? 

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It seems that in many cultures dealing with ones 'plumbing' needs is such a sensitive and embarrassing moment.  As if people with stature don't do such basic things.  Also it has to do with ones sex and OMG that is such a personal thing don't ya know.  


Yet we all know that each of us have to perform these events out of 'nature's call.'  IMO it is worse of human nature to act as if it doesn't exist........aka  smelly, dirty public toilets then seeing someone relieving themselves in a sanitary as fresh as can be spot.  Even in the military cleaning the latrines is considered worse than KP duty.  When I was in Paris in 1973 I walked into the men's room in the train station in Paris and there was a line-up of 2 tables with ladies receiving money in direct linear vision of all the guys at the urinal.  I was surprised and just leaned in further while urinating and smiled.  I haven't seen the stand-up urinal on a street as a previous poster supplied but have seen these fancy total service units on sidewalks that are automated with self wash down after each use.  Certainly much better than the public running from store to store or searching for a public one............or go in a bush or against a wall.  That is civilization at its best IMO.  


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8 hours ago, Crossy said:

Not unique to Thailand, much of Asia is the same. I've not been everywhere but Korea, Hong Kong same, same, not so sure about Singapore and Malaysia (it was a while back).


My first experience was in Korea back in the mid 90's. Yes it was a bit of a shock to find the cleaner mopping around your feet whilst taking a pee but not nearly as big as the shock of a guy giving you a neck rub in the same location (Philippines) not to mention the unisex lav in the Seoul Pub (not changed since 1995, I was there last year).


I always have a smile for the cleaners, they do a thankless task.




Neck rub?? I don't think I would take too kindly to that.

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6 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

A few years ago I paid a visit to a lavatory connected to a bar in Chiang Mai. I noticed a Thai man sitting on a stool as I walked in, an just thought  he was an attendant of some sort and paid him no heed. So I'm standing at the urinal and the guy sneaks up behind me an starts massaging my neck an shoulders, He actually cracked the bones in my neck, and I almost peed allover the floor. I honestly thought I was being mugged. I didn't give him a tip....

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If he was just by himself a sore face was in order there.

Edited by possum1931
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Many years ago in Bangkok, I had both hands bandaged from a motorcycle accident; the nice lady attendant helped me use the toilet.


That was the 75th motorbike accident that you'd had where you injured both hands, wasn't it? :)

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22 minutes ago, Dipterocarp said:

Japan and Korea the same. I no longer understand why defecation and urination has been sexualized anyway.

The recent trans people in a bathroom rubbish debate proves toilets should all be unisex.

So you want 14yo girls in toilets with 50yo men?



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27 minutes ago, Linden said:

Its your first indication about sex in thailand. It is only a job the cleaner performs as thats whats she gains cash from.

Similary the Thai girl in the Massage with the add-ons.

Simalary Teluk married to the Farang driving the Honda.

Its a way to get cash some are instant and honest in the gogo show or blowjob bar.

 Some take a lifetime of deception to fulfill the cash dream.


How can you possibly compare a cleaner to a gogo dancer. First indication about sex totally rubish you recon a cleaner is going to give you extras get a grip on reality. She has a cleaning job nothing else. Your senses are scewed perhaps youve been gullible enough to be fleeced.

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I like to keep my own personal space and so I don't like the cleaner in the toilet if it is a small room. If there are other urinals to use away from her I don't mind. I personally prefer the lady cleaning the toilet though to those pesky guys who hog the sinks and want money for handing you a towel to dry your hands.

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9 hours ago, MrNeilThai said:

This is the only place in the world I have visited where you go in the mens room and there are ladies right beside you cleaning the floor while you are using the urinal


Nope. The first time I experienced this phenomenon was in South Korea back in 2000. It definitely took some getting used to, but I'm pretty used to it now. It happens at my high school in Japan. 

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A few years back I got of the skytrain and had to sprint to the toilets in the Landmark before I shit myself. I was disappointed to see a cleaning lady leaning on the sink pretty much right outside the cubicle, I was sure what I was about to do would not be pleasent. 


Anyway I managed to hold it in until I heard the door open and close, then I allowed all hell to let loose. The noise and smell was something to behold. 


Anyway, when I had finished I opened the cubicle door to see it wasn't the cleaner leaving that I heard, but her friend coming in, I was left with two of them staring at me, nightmare. 

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On a coach trip through Bulgaria we stopped at public urinals in one of their cities.


A large long stone wall had 'womens' entrance at one end and 'mens' entrance at the other end.

Inside it was just a long line of holes in the floor with no dividers. Pointless having separate entrances.

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Phuket arrivals hall. You can take a leak and check for your luggage on the carousel at the same time, or at least you could a few years back.

Very convenient after a long flight.

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8 hours ago, Salerno said:

No big deal and certainly not all that unusual; first time I came across it was actually in Spain around '78. 

Same in Paris when I lived there in the early 1970s - unisex (often 2 separate entrances for Men & Women but you met in the middle & the women walked past behind you as you took a leak), plus the old hag who cleaned the place and sat there watching you & made sure you left a tip before you departed ("Vous oubliez quelque chose, m'sieur?")

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19 minutes ago, kingkenny said:

A few years back I got of the skytrain and had to sprint to the toilets in the Landmark before I shit myself. I was disappointed to see a cleaning lady leaning on the sink pretty much right outside the cubicle, I was sure what I was about to do would not be pleasent. 


Anyway I managed to hold it in until I heard the door open and close, then I allowed all hell to let loose. The noise and smell was something to behold. 


Anyway, when I had finished I opened the cubicle door to see it wasn't the cleaner leaving that I heard, but her friend coming in, I was left with two of them staring at me, nightmare. 

Under those circumstances a big grin and the old joke about the elephant being dead for a week (assuming you can say that in Thai). Thais do have a sense of humour if only we can loosen up, a little self confidence always works.

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