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Trump struggles to win over moderate Republicans on healthcare overhaul


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'Oracle Of Omaha': Republican Health Care Bill 'A Huge Tax Cut For Guys Like Me'

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett fielded questions at the annual shareholders meeting for his company Berkshire Hathaway. He offered thoughts and insights on everything from Republicans voting to repeal Obamacare, to the Wells Fargo scandal, to how artificial intelligence and technology might reshape America.



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2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump voters lament deportation of their neighbor

A Sunday “60 Minutes” report detailed the story of Roberto Beristain, an immigrant deported to Mexico after being in the U.S. for nearly 20 years.



The message from Trump that none of his supporters appear to have heard at his rally's.




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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Don't know what all the hysteria is about.

This thread has become yet another anti Trump whinefest, so I'm not going to be on here any more, but my silence does not mean I agree with anything said by the opposition.


Willful ignorance grandly displayed.

And silence because there is no defense for the con-man. :thumbsup:







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The 'breathtaking hypocrisy' and 'horrors' of Trumpcare, spelled out in a New York Times editorial


"The New York Times editorial board is not on board with Trumpcare, to say the least."


"In a Friday editorial, they savaged the bill itself and the way Republicans got it through the House, pointing to the “breathtaking hypocrisy” of Republicans having “falsely accused Democrats of rushing the Affordable Care Act through Congress” before themselves passing Trumpcare without hearings or a CBO analysis."


"They aren’t bragging that the bill would reduce tax revenue by $880 billion over 10 years, according to the C.B.O. A vast majority of those tax cuts would go to wealthy Americans."



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A real debate and real election about single payer may be coming. Thanks to trump. 




Republicans are accidentally paving the way for single-payer health care



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A bunch of House Republicans admitted they didn't read the GOP healthcare bill


"On March 7, the day after the original version of the American Health Care Act was unveiled, House Speaker Paul Ryan told Americans where they could read the bill."


"I encourage all Americans to read this bill online at readthebill.gop," Ryan said.


"By Friday, the day after the legislation sailed through the House, it became apparent many of Ryan's colleagues didn't heed his advice."





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