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Here I was in the new airport, waiting in line for the check by the immigration officer, holding my passport with a O-class visum. At long last it was my turn, handed my passport to a sullen officer, opened on the page with the 120 Euro visum, accompanied wih the immigration slip, and told by me to the officer that I had a O-class visum. After checkup, and stamping the passport was handed to me sideways, closed, while I was standing in front of this officer.

Arrived in the hotel together with my Thai wife, I looked in the passport, and yes......I was admitted for 30 days instead of 90 days! Anybody had the same experience? Of course this faulty stamping would probably not have been rectified by this officer if I would have asked her if this was ok!. I live in Khon Kaen with my wife, I am on a pension, 55+, so I answer to all requirements, but I will have to go to Nong Khai for rectification. A time consuming and/or costly business, I presume. I guess the immigration offfice will not reimbourse me?

So everybody, check your stamps before you walk away!!!!!!

Here I was in the new airport, waiting in line for the check by the immigration officer, holding my passport with a O-class visum. At long last it was my turn, handed my passport to a sullen officer, opened on the page with the 120 Euro visum, accompanied wih the immigration slip, and told by me to the officer that I had a O-class visum. After checkup, and stamping the passport was handed to me sideways, closed, while I was standing in front of this officer.

Arrived in the hotel together with my Thai wife, I looked in the passport, and yes......I was admitted for 30 days instead of 90 days! Anybody had the same experience? Of course this faulty stamping would probably not have been rectified by this officer if I would have asked her if this was ok!. I live in Khon Kaen with my wife, I am on a pension, 55+, so I answer to all requirements, but I will have to go to Nong Khai for rectification. A time consuming and/or costly business, I presume. I guess the immigration offfice will not reimbourse me?

So everybody, check your stamps before you walk away!!!!!!

Bad luck!

As you said; always check your passport stamp as you walk away from the immigration official.

Usually, I present my passport open at my visa page and say in a clear and authoritative tone: "90 days."

I also write my visa number with 'O' on my landing card , highlighted with a yellow marker pen which I keep at all times in my breast pocket alongside a collection of cheap biro pens.


Have a supply of landing cards (TM cards) and complete them before even getting onto the plane (to) Thailand. It is hopeless, completing them on the plane, with no pen, no light, jutting elbows, whilst feeling tired, intoxicated, dehydrated, irritable, sedated, and disorientated etc.

You can get a pocket-full of landing cards at the new airport check-in desks, next to the baggage tags.

Here I was in the new airport, waiting in line for the check by the immigration officer, holding my passport with a O-class visum. At long last it was my turn, handed my passport to a sullen officer, opened on the page with the 120 Euro visum, accompanied wih the immigration slip, and told by me to the officer that I had a O-class visum. After checkup, and stamping the passport was handed to me sideways, closed, while I was standing in front of this officer.

Arrived in the hotel together with my Thai wife, I looked in the passport, and yes......I was admitted for 30 days instead of 90 days! Anybody had the same experience? Of course this faulty stamping would probably not have been rectified by this officer if I would have asked her if this was ok!. I live in Khon Kaen with my wife, I am on a pension, 55+, so I answer to all requirements, but I will have to go to Nong Khai for rectification. A time consuming and/or costly business, I presume. I guess the immigration offfice will not reimbourse me?

So everybody, check your stamps before you walk away!!!!!!

It seems like a mistake and perhaps the Officer misunderstood you when you said you had the O-class visum. I enter Thailand many times a year and before I hand my passport to the Officer I mentaly add on 3 Months from the days date to appear on my stamp, I read it upside down upon stamping. If it is wrong I will ask the Officer politely to correct it, they can do that on the spot. It is such a waste of time and money for you now, good luck and thanks for the warning, cheers.


You will need to visit your local immigration office as soon as possible and get the correction done.

Sorry I know that is quite a treck from Khon Kaen.


Hansnl, no need to go as far as Nong Khai unless you want to visit the Indo Chinese Market etc. Immigration has a temporary office in Udon Thani which is located at the AEK Udon Hospital. It is open on Monday and Friday each week and the staff, who work at Nong Khai the rest of the week, can provide the same "service" as their parent office. They should be open 25 Dec. Their tel no is 042 420242 if you want to check first. Good luck!


I agree goto AEK Monday or Friday. Had the same thing happen to a friend, it was rectified without hassle at Nong Khai even though the mistake was made at Don Muang.

  • 3 months later...

I had the same thing before but it was because I did not write down on my arrival card that i had a non im visa the officer told me. I was lucky to see it myself and the officer correct it for me.

So a extra thing to beware of make a note on the arrivel card that you have a non im visa


made a mistake in my last post .

you can fill in the visa nr on the arrivel card and not the kind of visa.

So if you don't fill in this visa nr like i did you get the 30 day on arrivel visa from 30 days.

if you do fill in the visa nr they will look in you passport for the non im visa and you get the 90 days

I had the same thing before but it was because I did not write down on my arrival card that i had a non im visa the officer told me. I was lucky to see it myself and the officer correct it for me.

So a extra thing to beware of make a note on the arrivel card that you have a non im visa


Had exactly the same thing.. My immigration guy had his cellphone ear bud in and was having a call.. I had stomped off plane and was front of queue.. He just sat there yaking whiole other queues process.. After a few minutes of yakking he realizes he better actually work but doesnt hang up but goes to process me while talking..

Despite having a 90 day entry stay written in and my non imm O he gives 30 days.. I check.. spot this and politely pull him up and he gets stroppy huffy.. makes a big scribble in my passport to fix..

One more professional experience..


Hope this question is appropriate here.

Are visa holders with multiple re-entry still finding that they will get a 90 day stamp if they come in a few days before the year visa period expires?

And does 'visum' mean 'visa' in another language?


visa or visum

There was a post a minute or two ago of an arrival on April 12 at Bangkok airport who received a full 30 days but from his previous posts he should have only received 4 days as first entry was October 16. But this does not really prove anything as officer could have missed it in checking so until we see other reports will have to hold off on any judgment.


Sorry, not talking about visa runs where the passport holder does not have any visa at all and is merely getting the 30-day visa exemption.

I'm talking about those with non-immigrant mulitple re-entry visas gettting a full 90 day stamp still when they come in a few days before the expiry of their one year, multiple re-entry issued visa. Or were you responding to someone else?

sorry for the confusion.

Have never heard the term 'visum.' Is it British lingo?


It helps to present your passport to the Immigration examiner open to the page with your visa.

If you do stockpile TM.6 Arrival/Departure cards, make sure you check the old one you complete before boarding against the one you're given in-flight. This form can be changed without prior notice.

Bless AirAsia for giving out the TM.6 on the ground before boarding international flights.


Had the other situation on the mind I guess as it is the only situation where you do not get the full stay. Yes you always receive the full 60 or 90 day stay on a visa entry even if the visa itself expires that day.

Believe the visum is from Holland and perhaps others in Europe.

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