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Queen's most senior aides 'call ALL royal staff into emergency meeting at Buckingham Palace'


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11 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I would have thought the military types here would have organised a robust defence to protect our Royals from slurs?


I think the Duke of Edinburgh has been a terrific consort and a raconteur to boot.


I was looking forward to him eviscerating Trump without a thought ?

They will be missed and very fondly remembered after they have gone. Charles is a very different kettle of fish and William and Harry largely unknown quantities.

They don't get much coverage in Thailand although they did come here once: wasn't it Barnharn who made the ultimate faux pas by calling her "Queen Elizabeth Taylor"?

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They will be missed and very fondly remembered after they have gone. Charles is a very different kettle of fish and William and Harry largely unknown quantities.
They don't get much coverage in Thailand although they did come here once: wasn't it Barnharn who made the ultimate faux pas by calling her "Queen Elizabeth Taylor"?

Oh, I think that certainly The Queen and her two grandsons are quite widely know about here...
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13 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

I'm betting Charles is going to take over.

Much as I hate to say it, I hope not. The expense of changing everything just for a few years before he dies isn't worth it. If sanity prevails the crown will pass to William. At the most, Charles is crowned and abdicates soon after.

I feel for Charles- waited his whole life to be king and will be too old when his chance comes, but sometimes life really sucks.

William will be a good king- popular, good looking and his wife is excellent eye candy. Can't fail to be a successful monarch.

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4 hours ago, Prbkk said:

They will be missed and very fondly remembered after they have gone. Charles is a very different kettle of fish and William and Harry largely unknown quantities.

They don't get much coverage in Thailand although they did come here once: wasn't it Barnharn who made the ultimate faux pas by calling her "Queen Elizabeth Taylor"?

LOL. I doubt Phillip will be missed. He was always putting his foot in it, and was a terrible parent and grandparent. He sent Charles to that horrid Scottish school where Charles's life was made a misery and his response to Diana's death was to send the boys out killing animals.

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8 hours ago, JAG said:

Very true, If The Queen were to become incapacitated by age or infirmity then even if no longer able to act as such she would remain as Queen. Prince Charles would act as Regent, becoming King only after her death.

There may be an appetite for Prince William to become King, especially amongst some sections of the tabloid press, but the UK is a hereditary monarchy, and the succession doesn't skip a generation simply because the younger prince has a gorgeous wife. It simply doesn't work like that.

True, but Charles could abdicate. He may not do so before she dies because he doesn't want to upset her, but if he has any sense he won't ascend the throne. Should he do so, I fear that he would find out just how unpopular he really is.

I wrote before that if he abdicated William would take over, but that may be incorrect. It might be that Randy Andy would get the big chair, and if he had enough sense, Ann or Edward. Whatever, unless William gets it, I think the British royal establishment is in for a right royal roasting.

Of course, parliament could write a law putting William in.

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8 hours ago, Grouse said:

I would have thought the military types here would have organised a robust defence to protect our Royals from slurs?


I think the Duke of Edinburgh has been a terrific consort and a raconteur to boot.


I was looking forward to him eviscerating Trump without a thought ?

We have freedom in places like Australia and are allowed to express opinions on our royal family without fear of being incarcerated for life.  The British royals are more laid back and not so sensitive and can understand.

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I am just glad to see that Prince Phillip is still alive at95  and the Queen is still alive and in good  health.

  They are really a neat couple and I salute them on their long lives, and for providing stability to England for

so long.  Long  Live  The Queen.


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12 hours ago, Grouse said:

I would have thought the military types here would have organised a robust defence to protect our Royals from slurs?

Can't see any slurs. Can you? Maybe i missed one somewhere!

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5 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I am just glad to see that Prince Phillip is still alive at95  and the Queen is still alive and in good  health.

  They are really a neat couple and I salute them on their long lives, and for providing stability to England for

so long.  Long  Live  The Queen.


What is stable about the UK ?

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  I think that England is as stable as the USA and is in less debt.  Brexit  is  just  started  and  it  is about time!

    I hope that France  gets some new blood in its leadership  and the future is rosy for all.

Pip Pip.

Good Luck England.  Good Luck Europe.


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12 hours ago, Grouse said:

I would have thought the military types here would have organised a robust defence to protect our Royals from slurs?


I think the Duke of Edinburgh has been a terrific consort and a raconteur to boot.


I was looking forward to him eviscerating Trump without a thought ?

I think that a lot of military types are too busy trying to get housing after being made redundant or are looking for medical treatment

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2 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:




  I think that England is as stable as the USA and is in less debt.  Brexit  is  just  started  and  it  is about time!

    I hope that France  gets some new blood in its leadership  and the future is rosy for all.

Pip Pip.

Good Luck England.  Good Luck Europe.


Brexit hasn't started yet, the official talks haven't even started, the downward slope will come in about two years when the OMG moment kicks in. The USA isn't stable,neither is the UK, they are both divided nations,the USA because they have a barely literate president and the UK because of brexit.

Edited by soalbundy
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7 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

What is stable about the UK ?

A functioning parliamentary democracy for over a century?


Rather more than one can say about one or two other major countries in or adjacent to the continent of Europe isn't it Mein Herr?

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11 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:




  I think that England is as stable as the USA and is in less debt.  Brexit  is  just  started  and  it  is about time!

    I hope that France  gets some new blood in its leadership  and the future is rosy for all.

Pip Pip.

Good Luck England.  Good Luck Europe.


So only england? What ever happened to UK? Did it sort of go away when nobody was looking.

Lower case used where I think it fits.

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3 minutes ago, JAG said:

A functioning parliamentary democracy for over a century?


Rather more than one can say about one or two other major countries in or adjacent to the continent of Europe isn't it Mein Herr?

Don't look at what was, look at what is. Magna Carta won't help the homeless or help you when you are stabbed on the street or pay your debt on your credit card that you use just to survive,still at least foodbanks are still allowed for which the nurses working for the NHS are grateful.

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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Don't look at what was, look at what is. Magna Carta won't help the homeless or help you when you are stabbed on the street or pay your debt on your credit card that you use just to survive,still at least foodbanks are still allowed for which the nurses working for the NHS are grateful.

I: You have a very colourful and imaginative idea of what the United Kingdom is  like.


2: You obviously have not a clue about Magna Carta, or the important place it holds in founding the British Legal System, or by association those of a significant number of other countries both within and outside the Commonwealth.


3: Even if you are right (you're not), many might hold the view that it might just be a price worth paying to allow the British People the freedom to decide their future, rather than doing what the German Chancellor tells them.

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39 minutes ago, Kabula said:

He would have had a better life if he retired 50 years ago and moved to Thailand!

Golly, can you imagine "Phil the Greeks" response if he were to be told that he would have to report to immigration police every 90 days!



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Good for him. He has done well for the Uk supporting the queen for so many years.

I hope the queen will decide to retire soon as well, so they can enjoy some time together. Instead of working until they drop.


I somehow think her strong feeling for duty may prevent that though.

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14 minutes ago, Slain said:

I hope the queen will decide to retire soon as well, so they can enjoy some time together.

I am in agreement. Let them spend some quality time together to reflect on their deeds; especially those in Canada!! 

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Talk about a lot of fuss about nothing!


I'm ashamed to admit that I kept checking BBC news to see what on earth was so important that senior (not all as originally reported...) royal staff were called to Buck House.....  Only to eventually find out that it was prince Phillip giving up official duties :saai:.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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3 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Don't look at what was, look at what is. Magna Carta won't help the homeless or help you when you are stabbed on the street or pay your debt on your credit card that you use just to survive,still at least foodbanks are still allowed for which the nurses working for the NHS are grateful.

What a load of <deleted>, 99% of Homeless people in The Uk are homeless becasue they want to be.there is no excuse to be homeless in the Uk. I come from a rough area of Britain in the Midlands , Mostly indigenous people. Very few Stabbings, the stabbings you're talking about are mostly from people who have been allowed to enter Our country by the unElected EU,  Most Stabbings are in london , Not many indigenous people there now. I Have never been in debt like a lot of other people,, dont use credit cards, All this caused by Banks who the public had no choice but to bail out. I live within my means. Food banks are used  becasue some people like free food. Not all are starving by along way, As for Nurses, Mostly they come from Asia,  Go look at the hoops and visa fees they have to pay to get in the UK , Unlike the people who have been told they have a right to enter Britain from an Unelected body in Europe. If there were not as many free loaders from Europe getting free money from Us the British tax payer , we would be able to look after our own people better.

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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Talk about a lot of fuss about nothing!


I'm ashamed to admit that I kept checking BBC news to see what on earth was so important that senior (not all as originally reported...) royal staff were called to Buck House.....  Only to eventually find out that it was prince Phillip giving up official duties :saai:.

Yeah! The Mirror sensationalized the story and got everyone worked up. I think the palace were caught unawares and hence the "everyone is OK" release. before the anti climax was dropped on us.

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4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

What is stable about the UK ?

Britain has immense problems, not the least of which is it is broke, has huge racial problems, PC is out of control and the leaders still think Britain is great. However, none of them can be linked to the Royals, given they have zero real power.

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