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Phuket tuk-tuk sex video goes viral


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Why should they be given a pass?  Because they are foreigners. No way... These 2 are a perfect example of  what is wrong with foreigners who think they can come to another country and do whatever they want. They know damn well if they did this in their own country they would be arrested and at the least charged with indecent exposure-a sex crime and a blot on their record forever.

While Thailand may have its faults- in almost 50 years of coming here I have never seen nor even heard of 2 Thais having sex in public. These foreigners deserve to be charged and possibly blacklisted under the morals provision of the Immigration law. I can guarantee that in the US if they did this and they were foreigners- they would be arrested and if convicted- deported as undesirables.

Frankly, I am sick and tired of foreigners coming to Thailand acting as if they have no sense and displaying their complete lack of civility. It is no wonder all Thais are beginning to think poorly of foreigners.

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

the father hanging his infant daughter, or the father trying to use a grenade to scare his son and killing himself, these are things that should upset people. a couple getting it on in public, no one is harmed. sex and nudity really are not worth getting upset about. there is so much in our world that is worth getting upset over.

Going by your logic, should the police overlook petty crimes such as stealing, mugging etc until all serious crimes such as murders and rapes are completely stopped? 

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I find the fake outrage amusing. To quote Irving Berlin, "Everybody's Doing It Now" .
Where do all of the Thai babies come from? Are they all miracles of immaculate conception?
Yeah, personally I would have waited until I got to our room, but the outrage is ridiculous and over the top, IMO. 
How does anyone plan to prevent such happenings?
If you can identify and locate the individuals, then levy a hefty fine for indecent exposure, or whatever, and have done with it.


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18 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

When thais think of farang in thailand they think of sex......that explains it--why be surprised


Its why we are ALL here according to thais....:wai:

That's what Thais (not all of course but the average thais) would think farang women are easy, see, they even do it in public and on a song thiaw. So it's ok to molest them. Well, farang send out the wrong message to them

Too bad, can't argue about this can you?

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I don't see Thai men impregnating their girlfriends or wives in the back of Tuk Tuks which are open for the public to view or even engaging in sex on public beaches.  Sex is for the privacy of one's quarters/home. When someone does this in public it shows a complete lack of any self control or proper decorum and an arrogant attitude of me first and the hell with everyone else.

It is just another example of foreigners behaving badly -and Thais rightly being upset that they or their children have to witness such things simply to accommodate the tourist industry.


How many times have I read on this board about Westerners claiming Thais don't treat them with respect; look down upon them and are suspicious of them. It's because of the continuing actions of  Westerners doing just what these 2 were doing; or getting in fights or passing out on the street and on and on. I've seen dogs with better manners than some of the Westerners that I have encountered in Thailand.

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3 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

When thais think of farang in thailand they think of sex......that explains it--why be surprised


Its why we are ALL here according to thais....:wai:

Not sure anyone would want to see dirty fat lecherous old men sweating and grunting for 30 seconds with some female less than half their age.

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4 minutes ago, Fulwell53 said:

Not sure anyone would want to see dirty fat lecherous old men sweating and grunting for 30 seconds with some female less than half their age.

A dirty, skinny lecherous young man sweating and grunting for 45 seconds with a female about the same age, is better for you? 

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One would hope  all the people  who  expressed  their  indignation  on  the FB  page   about  the   original  clip  have  also been  hammering  out  similar  protests  against the increasing incidence   of reports of  child rape, murder, abuse at schools   and  other  mindless violence  between the  sexes  just this  year  so far.  All  far more  obscene or offensive  acts.

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

Poor buggers could not afford a room.:cheesy::post-4641-1156693976:

In Phuket a 20 minute ride in a Tuktuk is much more expensive than a ordinary room....so youre "logic" is a bit off...

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53 minutes ago, saakura said:

Going by your logic, should the police overlook petty crimes such as stealing, mugging etc until all serious crimes such as murders and rapes are completely stopped? 

we are talking about some public nudity for Christs sake. police shouldn't waste any time on it. they should concentrate their time on all other real crimes including stealing, mugging murders and rapes. do you posses any logic or was that just a single stupid comment?

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3 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Just add alcohol, stir gently. 


One cold night in Japan, GF and I couldn't get a room in our normal place.  In heated desperation, we tried a house of ill repute but ironically, they wouldn't agree to rent us a room for a while.  So I shagged her on the hood of the owner' car in the covered car port.   That was fun.  Another one followed me through a break in the fence of a school.  3 or 4 in the morning, the doors were locked so we got down right there on the steps.  Fun times.  But a taxi... I'm not sure I would try that. 

Major Tom to ground control. Love hotels everywhere in Japan. From your post it's either a troll or you have serious problems. Either way you should seek professional help. 

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Sex in a tuk-tuk...oh great Caesars ghost...oh the Baht value will drop for sure [actually it might go up, ha!] oh calamity!

Climate change, the World at one minute to midnight, Red Bull Boy on the run, Sex trafficking and someone is complaining of seeing amorous goings on in a tuk-tuk. I wish more people were doing that instead killing each other on the road, or beating each other up in road rage or etc etc etc. Geeeeez 

Edited by TKDfella
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16 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Major Tom to ground control. Love hotels everywhere in Japan. From your post it's either a troll or you have serious problems. Either way you should seek professional help. 

You are Major Tom?  In outer space? 


Not a troll post.  True story x 2.  Like I said, our usual love hotel was booked up.  Do you need professional help with reading?


It was a great time in Japan then though.  Aged 18-21, the country shifting from Elvis and 50s era fad into the 60s..... all those JN women were up for it, exploring their sexual freedom and perversions.    :wub:

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I think it is forgotten, or people are not aware that traditional Thai morality with regard to public nudity among Thai women, at least in the Northwest,  changed radically in the late 19th century.   But Thailand is not homogeneous with regard to this, and nudity generally was not common even among married couples.  To use a western analogy, in general, Thai culture seems to have had (and still does among a large segment of the population) very middle-class Victorian attitudes with regard to sex.  This also explains the institution of prostitution that has existed throughout the country for a very long time, and along with a staunchly defended double standard; Thai men can do what they want, but for women to even publically admit to enjoying sex is a taboo subject.  


Thai society is also chained to the systemic conflict regarding nudity and sex because Thais are not permitted by norms and the law to engage in a public discourse about it.  Finally, after the Vietnam War, the indigenous prostitution industry was commercialized and became a major contributor to the Thai economy.  Sex became public.  The couple with the low impulse control in the Songthow simply represents an extension of what already exists.



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