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Dog lover turns dog hater as pitbull turns on his family

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I have had my dog 10 years and he has never bitten anybody. He would get quite worked up and growl a lot if I was ever play wrestling with my son though.

For the dog to react the way it did, I would suspect the argument with the daughter was not entirely of a verbal nature.

Is your dog a Pit Bull .... That breed should be banned ... just a good job it bit family and not some other unfortunate who just happened to be wandering by.

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Just now, JAS21 said:

Is your dog a Pit Bull .... That breed should be banned ... just a good job it bit family and not some other unfortunate who just happened to be wandering by.

Take a look at my Avatar. That is my dog. He is 30 kilos, so not a small dog, but the nicest temperament possible.

When I got him he was about 6 months old and essentially a Soi dog. I found out later a farang got him as a puppy, things went tits up with the girlfriend, he went home and the dog got kicked onto the street. He will still root about through the dustbins sometimes, but I take him out with me to eat regularly at restaurants and he is better behaved than some of the normal customers. Dogs learn things very quickly. If they are taught WELL, not to bite ANYONE early, they never will. Teach your dog to be aggressive and that is what you will get. It isn't the breed, it is the owner. Jack Russells bite and bark a lot, but they cause minimal damage. A Pit Bull will behave perfectly all his life, IF he has been trained and treated properly.

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19 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


The problem with that approach, i.e. ban everything that someone bad might use, is it doesn't work. Bad people will be, well, bad. And depriving all the other people who aren't bad of things is totally unfair.


But we could ban vehicles. That would stop those ISIS nutters using them. And knives. Yeah, ban everything!


Oh, and who decides what's and who's bad btw? You?

Attack dogs and assault rifles, no we don't need them in society.

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5 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

Shoot it and be done with it; horrible breed of dog that was bred to fight rather than be a family pet.

I believe the animal has proved ts worth as a family pet. I'd be delighted, if it was my family dog, to think EuroΒ was ready to put his body on the line to defend my daughter. He wasΒ able to discourage the aggressive attention of two men toward the 14-yr-old girl in quick time. Β His daughter has to Β travel oftenΒ Β in public and has one of the best provenΒ bodyguardsΒ Β already committed to her safety. Her father should read the news more regularly. He should also learn how to cherish a friend so loyal to his daughter. But no, he thanks his daughter's protector by "speying" the poor confused creature instead. The local pooyai (and Dad) lack basic common sense knowledge about how to care and provide properly for a wonderful, loyal companion. Spaying will do nothing to curb normal male dog behaviour. Dad and son would have done better withΒ some lessons from a dog handler to get the best from themselves and theΒ wonderful Euro. His most desirable protective traits should be passed on to future generations.

Save Euro's cojones, people. Β The breed (and people) Β deserveΒ this much regard at least.

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35 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Or illegal drugs. Let's ban them too. That'll work.


And religion. Yeah ban them all.

Ban illegal drugs? Β Lol

But seriously, breeds of dogs specifically bred as attack dogs are by nature extremely dangerous when they flip; and we've all heard the "but the dog was so loveable, I don't understand what happened" stories too many times as some kid is receiving reconstructive surgery on his face.Β It's not fair on the owners banning these monstrosities? No, it's not fair on normal folk and their kids who don't want to live in fear of the nutter next door with his attack dogs by not banning them.

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It really is specious to condemn a breed of dog with generalisations about "savagery", and the likelihood of "turning" on an owner. A bad dog is invariably a product of a bad owner/trainer/masterΒ - that is, the master has encouraged (through ignorance or stupidity) undesirable behaviours in the animal. Of course, some owners are cruel or malicious and treat their pets in a way that would garantee turning the mildest temperament into a fearful, confused and mistrusting animal. Β But to blame a dog breed is like blaming a gun for murder - someone has to aim and pull the trigger. I have no problems understanding and handling dogs, cats, reptiles, birds cattle and other frm stock etc. My downfall has been horses; they're like cats in many ways, but handicapped with a herd mentality. I've spoiled rather than trained then I found over years.

People need to be more honest with themselves and face up to their faults rather than blame their shortcomings on themselves rather than dumb animals.

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Just now, lemonjelly said:

Ban illegal drugs? Β Lol

But seriously, breeds of dogs specifically bred as attack dogs are by nature extremely dangerous when they flip; and we've all heard the "but the dog was so loveable, I don't understand what happened" stories as some kid is receiving reconstructive surgery on his face too many times. It's not fair on the owners banning these monstrosities? No, it's not fair on normal folk and their kids who don't want to live in fear of the nutter next door with his attack dogs by not banning them.


Dogs are not bread as "attack dogs". Some breeds were initially bred for violent spectator sports such as bull and bear baiting which have long been illegal. Some were bred to protect livestock and some property. But over the years dogs have become pets with working dogs making up a small proportion of today's dog population.


Law enforcement and military both use dogs for security protection. Certain breeds lend themselves to such training. But that doesn't mean all that breed are automatically like that.


Dogs are pack animals that require hierarchy, leadership and training. Like people, dogs and other animals have individual personalities.


Just because you don't apparently like dogs you see the solution as banning them. You want to punish the dogs for what are more often than not the irresponsible, stupid behavior of moronic half wit owners who shouldn't be allowed to be in charge of a gold fish let alone a large dog. Maybe ensuring potential dog owners undertook appropriate training and had appropriate resources might be a good way forward? And severely punishing those who cause other people and animals distress through their negligence too.Β 


I think motor bikes are dangerous, often ridden badly without concerns for the rider, passengers, other road users, their safety and the safety of others. I don't want my kids injured or worse due to some numbty on a motor bike riding badly. So should we ban all motor bikes, just the big fast ones, or should we actually introduce and enforce stringent tests, standards and laws?





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Dangerous domestic pet story: Back in the 60s/70s a friend prepared a surprise birthday gift for his wife. He'd spent months researching and arranging the import of a new trendy pet of the time, a hairless chihuahua. He believed it was the first of the breed brought to Australia. He'd gone to great lengths to ensure his wife knew nothing about it until he presented it to her at a birthday-party at home with friends. On the big night he'd hidden the spruced up and be-ribboned creature (they look pathetic to me, and I've even owned a French Bulldog) in a shoe box in the spare bedroom. Full-on drinks Β before a boozy dinner. Before the conversation wentΒ from yammering to mawkish, hubby crept into the spare bedroom for his love offering. On the bed, contentedly sprawled over the doona, was a grey and white long-haired Persian wearing a red leatherΒ collar and light harness, Β cherished pet of a guest. The cat lazily lifted and turned its head toward the doorway. Light spilling from the hall around his frame allowed hubby to follow the cat's head as it nosed again at a matted pile of tiny bones, ribbon tattersΒ and shreds of skin between its front paws. A little to one side rested the head of his beloved chihuahua.

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55 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Dogs are not bread as "attack dogs". Some breeds were initially bred for violent spectator sports such as bull and bear baiting which have long been illegal. Some were bred to protect livestock and some property. But over the years dogs have become pets with working dogs making up a small proportion of today's dog population.


Law enforcement and military both use dogs for security protection. Certain breeds lend themselves to such training. But that doesn't mean all that breed are automatically like that.


Dogs are pack animals that require hierarchy, leadership and training. Like people, dogs and other animals have individual personalities.


Just because you don't apparently like dogs you see the solution as banning them. You want to punish the dogs for what are more often than not the irresponsible, stupid behavior of moronic half wit owners who shouldn't be allowed to be in charge of a gold fish let alone a large dog. Maybe ensuring potential dog owners undertook appropriate training and had appropriate resources might be a good way forward? And severely punishing those who cause other people and animals distress through their negligence too.Β 


I think motor bikes are dangerous, often ridden badly without concerns for the rider, passengers, other road users, their safety and the safety of others. I don't want my kids injured or worse due to some numbty on a motor bike riding badly. So should we ban all motor bikes, just the big fast ones, or should we actually introduce and enforce stringent tests, standards and laws?





I like dogs, I grew up with a gun dog and have herded sheep with border collies on the hills. Maybe pit bulls can be a good pet, but there's too many "thug life" types with these animals on the streets that take pleasure in scaring/intimidating people. I'm sure there are responsible owners of pit bulls, but it's a breed where if something "goes wrong", the beast is too strong to control. It's too much of a risk.Β Ban them...It'sΒ just common sense really.Β 

Dogs have been bred and used for war since Egyptian times, don't kid yourself.

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9 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

As a fellow dog lover, I appreciate your 'comments'.:coffee1::whistling:

Millions of people keep dogs as pets, companions, work dogs and guard dogs. The tiny percentage that actually cause problems of this nature are the ones that make the news.

Some humans are actually dirtier than dogs and your comment ""dogs are not real pets" is amusing to say the least. Dogs, along with cats, are the most common pets in the world. People keep rats and mice, birds,fish, snakes, tortoises etc and they look after them in 99% of the cases.
There is a problem with stray dogs, that is common in poorer countries with lax animal control, but that is due to the irresponsibility of the human owners..Β 




"Stray dogs" do not have "human owners" - possibly HAD! The other problem here is people not wanting to offend Buddha!

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3 minutes ago, sambum said:

"Stray dogs" do not have "human owners" - possibly HAD! The other problem here is people not wanting to offend Buddha!

Sorry mate, but where I live, there are quite a few dogs that stray and IΒ know full well who their owners are. The next door neighbour's dogs strayed on to our land and killed my wife's chickens.

The other 'stray' dogs end up at the local Wat where a kind American cares for them. Of course, that is controversial too.

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1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

Sorry mate, but where I live, there are quite a few dogs that stray and IΒ know full well who their owners are. The next door neighbour's dogs strayed on to our land and killed my wife's chickens.

The other 'stray' dogs end up at the local Wat where a kind American cares for them. Of course, that is controversial too.

IMHO "dogs that stray" are a different kettle of fish to "stray dogs"!

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I have been chased by a pit bullΒ  and I managed to get to my vehicle and get my rifle and I shot the beast.

Β  I reported it to the police, who went to the scene and found it to be the same dog that had attacked someone

else the day before,Β  They thanked be for taking care of the problem. The dog was a family pet of a rich family in

the town where I lived and they told the police that they could not shoot the dog as it had not bit a child yet.

Β  I also was bit by a doberan and I would never own that breed of dog either.


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anyone seen the channel 3 news a hour ago,the pour dog had been smashed over the head previous and the wound had not been treated.so that could show some light on the father and daughters relationship.

as the dog has been taken to a compound and is recovering in a cage.well if you saw him being fed by a complete stranger there is the answer he had been ill treated by the father.its the daughter you have to feel sorry for as it looks like she has been warned not to make any comment.she's lost her best freind.

he will be rehomed and a good owner will have a good companion.

just a quick one how many murders have there been the past few weeks,the latest SON KILLS FATHER BECAUSE HIS SNACK WAS NOT READY.so there you are.

meatboy love me love my dog.

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14 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

Whatever, but a dog that can be so dangerous if it "falls in the wrong hands" should be banned anyway, I feel the same about assault rifles being sold in Walmart too.

Good point, I see your logic. With all the carnage on the roads we should ban cars as well. Why go to the trouble of educating the drivers when we can just ban the car and be done with it.

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54 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Good point, I see your logic. With all the carnage on the roads we should ban cars as well. Why go to the trouble of educating the drivers when we can just ban the car and be done with it.

I'd feel less worried about my kid's safety living in a street fullΒ of sensible and responsible car owners than I would living in a street full of sensible and responsible pit bull owners..... cars don't have a mind of their own...... pit bulls do, and that mind isn't renowned for being the most stable. You get it yet?





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1 hour ago, Fulwell53 said:

Everything is so darned perfect in the UK . Makes me wonder why anyone would choose to leave there and live in backward Thailand with all its horrid people , corruption and sub standard services.

Yes, and have to deal with the back-biting bitchiness of disaffected grumpy farangs too. Β 


Almost make me think about going back.Β 

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14 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

You want to punish the dogs for what are more often than not the irresponsible, stupid behavior of moronic half wit owners who shouldn't be allowed to be in charge of a gold fish let alone a large dog. Maybe ensuring potential dog owners undertook appropriate training and had appropriate resources might be a good way forward? And severely punishing those who cause other people and animals distress through their negligence too.Β 

Enforcing a requirement that owners must register at a local government office all dogs under their careΒ and responsibility would help.Fee should cover Β costs to support the L/G scheme, including employment of dog-catchers, vehicles etc The fee should. also include a general third party personal damage insurance component for each dog registered. Such fees toΒ cover costs of initial medical treatment of people injured by a dog not under control. Registered owners would be automatically responsible for ongoing medical costs and compensation arising from Β the actions of dogs under their rsponsibility. Β Dogs in public places (outside the boundary Β of property identified on their registration records) without supervision or off-leadΒ should be impounded at an appropriate local government authority security kennel for two weeks. Β The registered owner should be required to retrieve each animal and pay for its care (including vet treatments Β in the security facility, plus a fine to cover Admin and facility maintenance costs). Any unregistered animals Β impounded should be euthanised within a week of being impounded, but also be available for adoption (if suitable, disease-free, de-sexed etc) forΒ a fee paid by a prospective new owner.

Registered dogs impounded could be held for three weeks to ensure registered owners are informed and given time to retrieve their animal upon payment of prescribed penalty and necessary fees. Registered dogs enter the one-week program if still unclaimed after three weeks.

Whether in an urban or rural environment, too many dogs are permitted to stray,Β become feral and revert toΒ pack behaviours inappropriate - and dangerous - in communities where people expect to be able to walk freely and without threat from uncontrolled animals, either through attack, disease or poor public hygiene and Β environmental health controls. Would-be pet owners must learn to care for their pets for their whole lives. They must also be prepared toΒ respect their obligations and responsibilities to other people who shareΒ their neighbourhood..

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8 hours ago, the guest said:

Dogs are not pets, they are 'domesticated'Β animals. At some point, their instincts will be revived.

This, or some similar preposterous condemnation, has been imposed Β on all sorts of oppressed minorities, even aimed at human species/races, for generations. Rarely is the comment made with supporting evidence to differentiate a carefully researched fact from spurious opinion. Pompous populist rubbish. How did that last sentence from the Frankenstein novel (another great fiction) even make it to the grid? What does it mean?

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9 hours ago, Fulwell53 said:

Everything is so darned perfect in the UK . Makes me wonder why anyone would choose to leave there and live in backward Thailand with all its horrid people , corruption and sub standard services.

Was there really any need for that anti UK comment, and the sarcastic overtones of the rest of your post?

The poster was merely pointing out that this situation would not have happened in the UK, as all dogs are supposed to be kept under control at all times. You very rarely see people walking their dogs in the street unless it's on a lead, whereas here, you very rarely see an owner walking their dog full stop - Β they're just let loose to do their own "thing", the results of which are obvious to anyone who's been chased by a dog/pack of dogs.

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